Level 3
[ Yuaan H. Saito ]

"If the truth shall kill them, let them die."
Basic Information
First Name:
Elegant Hour Glass
Skin Color:
Pale Milky Skin
Eye Color:
Icey Blue
Hair Style:
Long Flowy, With Two Buns
Hair Color:
Dyed Silver
Modest Casual
- A large sleeve tattoo;

- A spine tattoo;

- Two large stab wounds on her lower front stomach
"It is an honor to have my mother's last drawing, to be permanently implemented on my body"
Date of Birth:
November 26th, 2001
Place of Birth:
Busan, Korea
Sexual Orientation:
Religious Beliefs:
General Appearance
The Korean female standing before you at 5'6, weighing in at 124lbs, would smell of Polar Ice. Her pale skin would be iridescent in the sun, her hair would be shiny and soft to the touch, and her eyes be the color of extremely blue, melting ice cubes. How her facial expressions would be warm and kind, her presence would make you feel uneasy to be around her.
A gentle young lady who would take you by surprise when given the chance, just trying to follow in the footsteps of her mother.
Diseases/Illness/Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder)
Manic Disorder
"I tend to compare my current self with the best I have been, which is when I have been mildly manic."
A Choker Around Her Neck
A Purse or Some Form of Bag
Successfully Running Her Own Small Company
"If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original."
Mother: Buna | 부나 [Korean, 45] Was a sweet, powerful businesswoman. Now roaming the lands of South Korea in spirit. [Dead]
"There is nothing like a concrete life plan to weigh you down. because if you always have an eye on some future goal, you stop paying attention to the job at hand, miss opportunities that might arise, and stay fixedly on one path, even when a better, newer course might have opened up."
Father: Dae-Seong | 대성 [Korean, 48] Verbal blunt man, who showed little to no weakness except toward his female family members as he would be a good advice-giver to all, but mostly the ladies of the family. [Alive]
"Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are."
Brother: Jae-Seong | 재성 [Korean, 28] A silly goofball who would be next in line for our parents' company, Although he didn't want it, he was already a successful businessman as is. [Alive]
"I'm a funny guy. I want people to laugh. I laugh at myself, I make fun of myself. But at the end of the day, everything that I say has a message in it."
Sister: Luna | 루나 [Korean, 16] Luna would have changed her name to Yua, as she was jealous I was mom's favorite until she passed on. Luna is more of a hardass, like father's cold side, but has her nice sisterly/daughterly moments with everyone. She's just going through her changes, she will get over it like the rest of us have. [Alive]
"it is amazing what a woman can do if she ignores what men tell her she can't."
A mother and a father, their 2 kids, and Yuuan. Yuaan H. Saito, is the middle child of 3 siblings being 20 years of age. She would already be the owner of a rather small company she would call The Inquiry.

The Inquiry use to just be some fantasy dream of Yuaan's as she was growing up. Writing in her journals about all of the ideas she would have for this whole business she would be directing, as she would be helping others with what they needed. When Yuaan turned age 4, she found her love for writing. With her wandering mind, it was hard to keep every thought of hers down, so she would take a journal with her everywhere, never letting it go under any circumstances. This would also grow her love for drawing, as she would walk around with her book, taking in all of the sites, she would simply sit to construct random objects until they looked similar to the ones she would be looking at. Once Yuaans younger sister, Luna A. Saito was born she would try teaching her all she knew about the world. Little did Yuaan know, this would only drive Luna's hatred for her, causing her to do several dangerous attempts to get rid of Yuaan. Mother would see Luna's behaviors and soon begin to despise her and only focus on Yuaan, to groom her for the big company. But, their father had other plans for the company. As Jae-Seong, their brother came of age, their father, Dae-Seong, would pass a higher ranking position onto Jae. Around age 11, Yuaan would come to know of her mother's terminally ill condition. Cancer. The unforgivable cell multiplier that never rested. Ruining hundreds of thousands of families, wanting to watch them crash and burn apart. Not our family, no. This only made my mother work harder, preparing everything for when she would pass. Writing several notes to each and every member of the company to say a personal Thank You for all of their dedication and devotion to her and their work. It wasn't long before mother passed. Stripping her from this world, Luna began to fill her hatred bucket to the spilling edge, and begin launching it toward Yuaan in small ambushing moments. When Yuaan had come to the age of 18, she had been taken advantage of at a party while under the influence, and it turned out she would be pregnant, not only3 weeks after the event took place. Yuaan was not in any position to be having a baby, scared, and motherless. She had to turn to her father. Yuaan would sit him down one day, explaining everything that would have happened. To her surprise, her father was more comforting than a terrifying giant. Seems that the mother's passing had broken down a few barriers. However, in later terms, Luna found out through a conversation between Yuaan and Jae-Seong. Soon taking out her rage like always, she would end up stabbing Yuaan in the lower stomach dragging it across as she would pull the knife out, only to stab her for the second time. Luna wasn't going to let Yuaan have anything happy in her life. No matter what it took . . Eventually Yuaan turned 20 years of age and moved out safely. Where she had gone to Karakura, Japan, to pursue a business career in college-level academics, and started the business she had only dreamt about as a kid. She would still be pursuing writing, taking up more of a poetry level of writing now, so she could organize her thoughts in a more professional way she could understand.

"If the truth shall kill them, let them die."
Basic Information
First Name:
Elegant Hour Glass
Skin Color:
Pale Milky Skin
Eye Color:
Icey Blue
Hair Style:
Long Flowy, With Two Buns
Hair Color:
Dyed Silver
Modest Casual
- A large sleeve tattoo;

- A spine tattoo;

- Two large stab wounds on her lower front stomach
"It is an honor to have my mother's last drawing, to be permanently implemented on my body"
Date of Birth:
November 26th, 2001
Place of Birth:
Busan, Korea
Sexual Orientation:
Religious Beliefs:
General Appearance
The Korean female standing before you at 5'6, weighing in at 124lbs, would smell of Polar Ice. Her pale skin would be iridescent in the sun, her hair would be shiny and soft to the touch, and her eyes be the color of extremely blue, melting ice cubes. How her facial expressions would be warm and kind, her presence would make you feel uneasy to be around her.
A gentle young lady who would take you by surprise when given the chance, just trying to follow in the footsteps of her mother.
Diseases/Illness/Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder)
Manic Disorder
"I tend to compare my current self with the best I have been, which is when I have been mildly manic."
A Choker Around Her Neck
A Purse or Some Form of Bag
Successfully Running Her Own Small Company
"If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original."
Mother: Buna | 부나 [Korean, 45] Was a sweet, powerful businesswoman. Now roaming the lands of South Korea in spirit. [Dead]
"There is nothing like a concrete life plan to weigh you down. because if you always have an eye on some future goal, you stop paying attention to the job at hand, miss opportunities that might arise, and stay fixedly on one path, even when a better, newer course might have opened up."
Father: Dae-Seong | 대성 [Korean, 48] Verbal blunt man, who showed little to no weakness except toward his female family members as he would be a good advice-giver to all, but mostly the ladies of the family. [Alive]
"Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are."
Brother: Jae-Seong | 재성 [Korean, 28] A silly goofball who would be next in line for our parents' company, Although he didn't want it, he was already a successful businessman as is. [Alive]
"I'm a funny guy. I want people to laugh. I laugh at myself, I make fun of myself. But at the end of the day, everything that I say has a message in it."
Sister: Luna | 루나 [Korean, 16] Luna would have changed her name to Yua, as she was jealous I was mom's favorite until she passed on. Luna is more of a hardass, like father's cold side, but has her nice sisterly/daughterly moments with everyone. She's just going through her changes, she will get over it like the rest of us have. [Alive]
"it is amazing what a woman can do if she ignores what men tell her she can't."
A mother and a father, their 2 kids, and Yuuan. Yuaan H. Saito, is the middle child of 3 siblings being 20 years of age. She would already be the owner of a rather small company she would call The Inquiry.

The Inquiry use to just be some fantasy dream of Yuaan's as she was growing up. Writing in her journals about all of the ideas she would have for this whole business she would be directing, as she would be helping others with what they needed. When Yuaan turned age 4, she found her love for writing. With her wandering mind, it was hard to keep every thought of hers down, so she would take a journal with her everywhere, never letting it go under any circumstances. This would also grow her love for drawing, as she would walk around with her book, taking in all of the sites, she would simply sit to construct random objects until they looked similar to the ones she would be looking at. Once Yuaans younger sister, Luna A. Saito was born she would try teaching her all she knew about the world. Little did Yuaan know, this would only drive Luna's hatred for her, causing her to do several dangerous attempts to get rid of Yuaan. Mother would see Luna's behaviors and soon begin to despise her and only focus on Yuaan, to groom her for the big company. But, their father had other plans for the company. As Jae-Seong, their brother came of age, their father, Dae-Seong, would pass a higher ranking position onto Jae. Around age 11, Yuaan would come to know of her mother's terminally ill condition. Cancer. The unforgivable cell multiplier that never rested. Ruining hundreds of thousands of families, wanting to watch them crash and burn apart. Not our family, no. This only made my mother work harder, preparing everything for when she would pass. Writing several notes to each and every member of the company to say a personal Thank You for all of their dedication and devotion to her and their work. It wasn't long before mother passed. Stripping her from this world, Luna began to fill her hatred bucket to the spilling edge, and begin launching it toward Yuaan in small ambushing moments. When Yuaan had come to the age of 18, she had been taken advantage of at a party while under the influence, and it turned out she would be pregnant, not only3 weeks after the event took place. Yuaan was not in any position to be having a baby, scared, and motherless. She had to turn to her father. Yuaan would sit him down one day, explaining everything that would have happened. To her surprise, her father was more comforting than a terrifying giant. Seems that the mother's passing had broken down a few barriers. However, in later terms, Luna found out through a conversation between Yuaan and Jae-Seong. Soon taking out her rage like always, she would end up stabbing Yuaan in the lower stomach dragging it across as she would pull the knife out, only to stab her for the second time. Luna wasn't going to let Yuaan have anything happy in her life. No matter what it took . . Eventually Yuaan turned 20 years of age and moved out safely. Where she had gone to Karakura, Japan, to pursue a business career in college-level academics, and started the business she had only dreamt about as a kid. She would still be pursuing writing, taking up more of a poetry level of writing now, so she could organize her thoughts in a more professional way she could understand.