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Yuki Takeshima (AR-15) Backstory


Level 16
Hatred is only beaten by love or death - Yuki Takeshima

Basic Information

First Name: Yuki








Skin Color:

Eye Color:

Hair Style:

Hair Color:


Place of Birth:



Sexual Orientation:

Religious Beliefs:

Political Beliefs:

General Appearance


Yuki Takeshima is a Japanese woman with a height of around 5'1" anda weight of 110 pounds. She appears short and petite for the average female with long luscious black hair standing out around others sometimes shining in the daylight with dark blue eyes signifying ancestry from europe. Yuki Stands out around her peers because of her eyes as well as multiple scars on her face showing that she gets into risky situations at times.

Character Voice:
She talks in a street Japanese accent because she grew up in a rough neighborhood in japan she uses slang at times sometimes that was created from deliquent gangs in the area.

[Clothes, Phone, Money, School Supplies,Fishing rod, Personal Journal]

Fishing, Watching movies, running, swimming, Snow ball fighting, Hiking

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
PTSD, Smoker

Gang Affiliation

Side Hustles
Fisherwoman, Auctioneer, Delinquent

Writer for Stitch Haven

[Mom] Hoshina J. Takeshima [Alive] -
Holding up a teaching job as well as commiting to the difficulty of running classes earns you my respect. You are such a respectable teacher and mother just no promises that i will stay out of trouble.

[Sibling] Michael Takeshima [Alive] -

[Sibling] Tyler R. Takeshima [Alive]

[Sibling] ?? -

[Dating] David Harringson [Alive] -
Oh my gosh you are the love of my life so hot and im very clingy for your attention. I never knew you would be my first kiss I'm starting to love this relationship always will

[Friend] Dahlia K. Lacrosse [Alive] -
I been super shy around others Its great that i get to have a new experience with a new friend. Cheers. . .

[Friend] Hana Y. Yamada [Alive] -
Such a sweet and good looking girl it wasn't as akward to meet you as Dahlia and David was. I'm glad we could make the friendship work.

[Friend] Arthur Galanos [Alive] -
We can make our friendship work right.

[Friend] Ziggy Satowa [Alive] -
Good to meet you

[Friend] Miyuna "Yuna" Y. Yamada [Alive] -
Such a nice child i prey nothing bad happens.

[Friend] Riku Hirayama [Alive]

[Friend] Aura Kushiguro [Alive]

[Friend] Neko Kurosawa [Alive]

[Friend] Elena Tribioni [Alive]

[Friend] Zachary Brown [Alive]

[Acquaintance] Kehlani Cortez [Alive] -
very nice at first glance but you never asked to be my friend just walked up to me and called me pretty.

[Acquaintance] Accer R.F. Watcher [Alive]

[Acquaintance] Jieun 'Frog' J Osiris [Alive]

[Acquaintance] ??


[Enemy] Aegis Fushiguro [Alive] - (Same char as Randolf)
Remember the quote stop throwing shit. Yeah right dick head.

[Enemy] Igarashi Kohaku [Alive] -
I will find you and the one that wrote whore on my face.

[Enemy] Benis Milankovic. [Alive or Dead]
Stay away from me i have a boyfriend don't call me fucking cutie with your ugly punk ass.

[Enemy] Walluh Kosovo

[Enemy] Artin Demai

[Enemy] Kesef Shkodran

Yukis Journal

A drawing of a city, a school,and bullies, was on the page [Page 1 - 2]

My Name Is Yuki Takeshima and my life started in Osaka Japan gosh where do I start. I wasn't always who I was I used to be adored given a beautiful name and cared fore I had parents who wanted the best for me I learned Spanish Korean English and of course Japanese I learned a lot of stuff but then everything changed.

I got my first taste of violence in elementary school I was a Kid Tired of being bullied left out and alone. when two class mates pushed me I fought back and I threw punches and kicks until they were unconscious blood could be visible on the floor I got introuble and suspended for 3 days My parents punished me harshly.

A drawing of a vape and a deliquent gang was on the page [Page 2-3]
Middle School is where things really changed for my life i got exposed to vapes cigarretes gang violence and cliques my first crime I commited was Illegal services which Is a felony. I liked the power it given me but then my original Biological parents basically abandoned me and at the time i was learning how to survive a rougher neighborhood in Osaka it wasnt that hard It was only known for theft and minor crimes. I was adopted by the Takeshima family and moved to Karakura

But when I moved to Karakura at 14 I tried to stay out of trouble even focusing on school but old habits die extremely hard its really extordinary. I got bullied by jocks at first and I fought back and then my grades were decreasing. I eventually joined a gang called sinnerous I wanted to make money to afford weapons and gear I wanted to be prepared for anything. Then I met the first person I met in karakura in a weird manner Blacked out and drunk but thats when my life somewhat changed for the better.

A drawing of a heart and david was on the page as well as strangers helping each other [ Page 3-4]
I met David and he was kind to me. He even cared for me when I was endangered by the people I was getting into altercations In. He made me feel less alone. I made bad choices in life I fought people robbed people and helped extremely dangerous people get jobs done. My gang affiliation didnt make my life any easier I failed exams skipped classes and even getting hospitalized after fights. I even started having nightmares about losing the gang war Sinnerous was In.

I tried to be nice to others Helping strangers giving money to those who needed it and stayed to care about the people I cared about. It was like a cycle I couldnt escape. Rivals debts or the promise of power got me hooked. David my lover was a good person we hang out at the lighthouse go on dates and share moments of peace but even he couldnt protect me. I helped the gang I am in kidnap someone leading to a messy gang brawl. I tried my best to stay afloat but I was knocked unconscious.

A drawing of a mic was on the page [page 4-6]
I was trying to get into a debate club I wish the greatest future in me to eventually get out of the gang life. It seems impossible right now I need time. Being a elite soldier for sinnerous is dangerous and if i keep doing it I'm gonna get killed in a pointless gang war. The gang lead lost his god damn mind but I gotta stick with him for now or else it means death to me or everybody I love I can't question him for his kidnapping or the blood shed he caused and the danger within the gang. I joined so I could survive not do the killing myself. The one we kidnapped was a fine chick though.
But I sense that something more dangerous will happen within the gang. I wonder if he likes Massacres more than pay days.

Shitty class after shitty class I kept getting the urge to skip instead of go to class but I need to graduate. I hadn't been assigned homework in days Its like credits were existant for only a few days in the teachers eyes. I did a ton of homework I supprizingly got into the debate club though i still run with a dangerous gang I still need to get out of this dangerous cycle of life.

A drawing of a school and a bar was on the page [Page 7-8]
What a nice time I had to go to multiple classes I did not like only to work hard fishing for rent and fuck I did pay the rent money of 50k yen It was not easy for me as I been impoverished for awhile now with no money and stuck in a cycle of violence and deliquency at a chance of salvation. I hanged around some friends Riku, Michi, and a Unknown aquaintance at my apartment we were drinking crazy amounts until we got bored and decided we should go outside. I agreed but at the chance of getting fined I hope it was worth it.

I attended school It wasn't really fun but I hanged around my boyfriend for a bit I didnt really get any educational benefits like credits at all but I remember about the party invitation I recieved about a week ago. I looked at it and memorized it and when the time came I burned it. I headed to the party as I looked around All I really did was play darts and drink a galaxy mocktail it was cheap around 10k. But in the end I left because nobody was doing anything.

A angry face and a agressive person with a scythe was on the page [Page 9-10]
I helped someone in the gang with some spiritual occult bullshit. Things hasn't been going well for me and with the gang. I got threatened with my life over a damn thing i did at the party but at least nothing happened. I swear to god I want to stab that higher up over it but I can't do anything about it.

I attended another gang training after attempting to sell alcohol It went well but I lost a 1v2. I usually would of won that but I tried many times to get up It didnt go well for me. I fucking hated the pain afterwards but I was stuck in silence not to embarass myself. After the training I ruined someones camp site throwing fish all over the place and girl it seemed extremely dumb.

A drawing of a brief case and a blossom tree was on the page [Page 10-11]
I got a Job at Stitch haven Its one of the best and only Jobs I have. I don't make much but girly I really love my boyfriend after fishing and heading to school I meet my loving boyfriend david while writing for someone due to the order. I kissed david and I even attended his friends wedding and afterwards. We got drunk at our apartment and kissed each other before heading over to the light house before I decided to head to the town hall but first

I headed to plaza I gave the order to the person that wanted it. It was a good day afterwards I headed to town hall to see if me and David could get married but nobody was there. fterwards I headed to a nice and beautiful zen garden it had pink blooming trees some old japanese styled buildings It was such a beautiful site as I hanged around my boyfriend I thought today was a good day.

a drawing of a fishing pond a fight and a female fishing was on the page with a heart [Page-11-12]
I saw someone with the alias named IRI in sinnerous getting bullied at the pond after going fishing I ran up at him and started a fist fight then after i lost I came back with a bat masked up. He took my mask so I decided to stab him with my own knife in hopes of taking the bat back but I lost the fight.

After that day I went fishing for long periods of time catching tons of game and reached 459k I couldn't do It without david. David the love of my life took me to the valentines dance I danced with him for a bit then he kind of left so I left the dance as well so i can do more fishing.

A drawing of police officers and aggressive gang members was on the page as well as A drawing of Yuki and David Holding hands [Page 12-13]

Damn I wish I was Joking The gang decided to take over the warehouse but alas it didnt start off that well. People were bothering the gang and even the kpd showed up forcing the gang to flee. We almost been in multiple fights which was deadly for the gang risking going unconscious and losing all the stuff they had. Well I gotta help take this turf over. For Sinnerous!

I hanged around my friend rina as i hanged around rina we became united over our now hatred for zachary after the goat incident and became good friends. Zachary is a sick freak and dozens of people agree. I went to fish then i waited for hours in my apartment waiting for my boyfriend he showed up and I hanged around him for a bit united by our love and care for one another.

A Drawing of a American flag [Page-14-15]
I just wonder how I act so American despite being japanese maybe I was influenced by americans. I don't know really. Afterwards I guarded the turf for hours before the training started I was just petting a cat lovingly then we started the training with a fight then a free for all brawl I managed to get my hand stabbed hence why theres some blood on this page but just keep in mind its my own blood. There was blood on the page of the journal.

But hey I got good news that I got into the cooking club so I got into a verified club inside school which is my first step to a successful place inside karakura town eventually I'll have my own job. I needed to join the cooking club so i can get good at cooking

Drawing of a angry police officer and 3 men in suits [page 15-16]
Gosh I wish I didnt go through this. I found this random scammer at my front door asking for rent money when they aren't even land lords such dumb idiots. I told them I don't owe shit to them and they threatened my life i knocked out 2 of them and all of them ran

Eventually they came back asking for a peace treaty. What am I a fucking country. I said no theres no peace treaty with rivalries that I have later david was at the town hall fighting them and I joined in the fight until kpd showed up I picked up david and took off running. After we escaped I encountered the 3 men again and was knocked unconscious and my leg was broken only to be saved by the same officer that tried to arrest me but he didnt know I was the suspect so I was set free and headed to school

I attended some of my mothers classes out of support but damn the school had a fire drill It was alright but we had multiple free periods after that I still attended class. After school I ran around with the gang but I decided to leave after awhile since no fight happened. I did tell people to jump them who were potentially gang members so I can get my shit back but its gonna take time.

A Drawing of a aggressive gang in white attire [Page 17-18]

This group of people I fucking hate. I want these people to get out of my way and the gangs way of claiming the turf. They keep getting involved in conflicts and brawls I'm starting to go crazy. We tried many times to counter them but we were always outnumbered Its like they attack when most of the gang is gone like the weak cowards they are.

I will try everything to defend this turf with my life and get it back no matter what cost and get these losers out of the fucking turf sinnerous rightly claims.

Drawing of fire and blossom trees burning [Page 19-20]

My broken leg healed on march 1st I had a broken leg for awhile I hadn't wrote much in awhile but we got in a dangerous brawl before then knocking out many of the white attired gang freaks and stabbing many of them. it took place in the rightful turf of Sinnerous

But We won after many hours and it was worth it in the end. Just kidding no it wasnt because they didn't learn their fucking lesson. I sense a heavy gang war underway and its gonna be more deadly than potentially the other gang war we had and in the spring time the criminal underworld is gonna go crazy potentially my friends, family, or even my boyfriend isn't safe.



Chapter 1 Quote
Love beats delinquency

Chapter 1 Welcome to the Streets

Yuki Takeshima was born in Osaka a rough town in Japan known for its crime. She was in the hospital as her parents gave her the name Yui Takeshima a beautiful name as she looked them in the eyes with a smile. The parents walked out of the hospital knowing that they had a new daughter to take care of and she was not a easy cookie to take care of as a whole During her infancy Yui Takishima was learning multiple languages including spanish, korean, Japanese, As well as english too. She learned them online and on flash cards making it easier to understand.

After she grew up a few years later she attended elementary school she wasn't really around criminals yet and she was a loving student that was yet to change in the future. She was getting good grades starting off school for the first time as she was getting all A's her parents were caring too because of that but that was soon to change. Yui Takeshima was growing older by the minute.

Yuki Takeshima got in a fight in elementary school as she was fighting 2 students over a argument because Yuki Takeshima was getting bullied she threw punches and kicks and bruised other students in the process as she was fighting the 2 students to gain control of the situation. School staff ran up on her and tried to apprehend her for the fight as she ran away from the school staff.

The 2 kids laid unconscious as intercom called Yuki To head to the principals office she got Introuble for her actions and was suspended for 3 days. Her parents whipped her with a belt as she cried for mercy because of her actions and also she was grounded for the first time at the age of 10 because of that situation. Yuki was grounded for a month after the fight once she headed back to school she was kind of infamous.

She started middle school or Secondary school In Japan at the age of 12 going to school in Osaka when she was first exposed to vapes and Ciggarretes as she took a blunt and smoked it a bit. She kind of liked it but she didnt continue it afterwards cause she did not get addicted immedeantly.

She got involved in cliques around the school as she fought her way through the top through violence. She got in ton of school fights through out middle school getting involved in deliquent gangs and cliques. She Got involved in selling alcohol and theft as well at a young age. Her first crime in middle school she commited was a alcohol dealing and she commited crimes through out middle school becoming a deliquent around Osaka. Yuki got in fights and was suspended frequently during middle school

She continued in that school until about 14 when she was brought up to upper secondary school as she started to get popular she moved to Karakura with her family then she saw a gang wearing pink. Is that sinnerous. . . . She wanted to get involved but most gangs in karakura was looking for 16 year olds or older to Join gangs. She focused on grades first commiting to school. She was bullied by Jocks a lot as she was classified as a nerd. She got in school fights in Karakura High school and got away with it.

She was getting bullied around karakura and was fighting back against her opressor. Her Grades flunked and she started to get involved in gangs such as sinnerous Yuki was fishing now in the gang of sinnerous as she was gathering fish to sell to the fishermen when she came across the idea. What if she could sell alcohol for money to get the weapons fake id and other items. So She went to her apartment to pay her rent and grab her alcohol to sell some shit around town.

AR-15 was looking to get some money she was walking around town and plaza asking people until she came across 1 man. AR-15 Asked "Yo Gang wanna buy a alcohol bottle for 8400 yen 750 ml alcohol bottle" And AR-15 recieved money getting a sale in wondering around the town in the night waiting for the next sale. She also walked to the fishing pond and fished for hours on end gaining money for her own weapons in the future. Yuki needed money to get into the criminal underworld.

Yuki Was looking around after fishing until she realized someone was in the dirt. David Harrison is a drunk on the ground and Yuki looked kind of concerned. as Yuki escorted David to her own apartment. She decided to give some more alcohol to him to make him feel better as she listened more to his words while drunk Yuki looked more saddened at his words as he fell onto the ground. Yuki asked about his well being finding out he might black out. After David woke up he threw up in the restroom as Yuki still looked in concern. After David recovered they extanged phone numbers and became friends.

She became friends with multiple people until she came across her first enemies and rivalries. AR-15 got in a fight with multiple people masked up and in blackout but one of their attires stand out from the crowd allowing to identify one. AR-15 Had the upperhand in the fight until the gang showed up she was trying her hardest to mug the bat and balistic from the one who decided to run up solo but people were contacted. The gang quickly knocked her out begining the first hunt for her rivals but she needed weapons and equipment first to get back at them as well as a proper mask. She had just the plan. She wanted to bring sinnerous members to get revenge.

Chapter 2 Quote
If you wrong me I will come back to make your life a living hell.

Chapter 2 The Streets is mine.
Yuki Cried as she opened the door for david and david cared for her while she was in emotional distress at the sitution she got herself in earlier. She was jumped and was hit with a metal bat 2 times causing a severe headace and bleeing as she was crying David wiped her tears with a tissue and calmed her down as Yuki hugged David she did skip school but afterwards she was fishing and she was fishing for money so she can order new clothes new weapons new shit until she got a text message of David saying he was drunk.

Yuki Headed across town and brought David into her apartment. She was talking with him until David poured his feelings for her saying he wants a relationship and Yuki Gladly accepted afterwards making out extanging kisses and hugs before she got off the couch and headed towards the door with David to meet her mom and Yuki found her mom in the middle of plaza and she was nice and caring as always and she quoted "I don't want to see your faces in detention i want you to stay out of trouble" Yuki and David said "We will" but there was no true promises eventually she will get in trouble because of her involvement with a deliquent gang

She went to a shitty class but
Later that day she got into a fight with Randolf she doesnt know his name but the both began to be rivals and enemies out for blood. She saw Randolf around school as he waited for the time to act then she jumped him solo Punching his face multiple times and preventing him from fleeing knocking him out in the process. She then took the money mugging him of 5k. After that day she went fishing to make some money and she made new friends and stuff until the next day when she was trying to be nice to make new friends nothing much really happened that day.

Ar-15 was hanging around her boyfriend as she walked around pier riding rides and having fun with her romantic partner thats when she got tired of the pier she headed towards the movie theatre which was not in business so they left afterwards they headed towards the arcade to play some packman AR-15 got angry at the game as she masked up and pulled out a bat looking angry as her boyfriend was begging to stop she whacked the gaming machine 3 times destroying it with the palm of her hands moving the bat swiftly as her boyfriend decided to go back to the apartment to cool off.
David and Yuki was making out like crazy on a couch extanging kisses and romantical interactions as they were expressing her love for each other and romance between each other. She was kissing him playing with his hair and she after went to sleep for a couple hours

Afterwards she went to buy a fake id then afterwards she went fishing and it didnt go so well as
Yuki was fishing and having a good day trying to get money she encountered a issue 2 people showed up to jump her as she was supprized by that cause that hadn't happened in over a day as she fought back she managed to throw punches knocking one of them out before the other guy pulled out a katana and stabbed Yuki. She tried to crawl away to get to safety before being brought to the hospital. She faces recovery for her injuries

After she got out of recovery she hanged around her apartment for a couple days she wandered outside for a bit before heading back to her own apartment meeting her loving boyfriend David. They were so excited to see each other as they extanged hugs gifts and kisses but she found out Dahlia and her boy friend was responsible for jumping Yukis boyfriend david. Which made Yuki furious. She decided to do nothing about it as there was bigger fish to fry in the future.
Yuki was wondering around the back alleys of the dangerous suburbs of Karakura as she looked at a dumpster as she paced towards it she pulled out a metal bat whacking it a few times. She was thrilled at the destruction she caused on the dumpster leaving the dumpster absolutely destroyed by the metal bat. Leaving her mark she ran off before police could be alerted signifying her dominance in the area and that Yuki was here to stay.

But while she did that there was bigger fish to fry and more enemies coming her way
Yuki was heading to fish near the pond until Yukiss rival showed up with another dude insulting her verbally and even insulting the sinnerous gang attire Yuki had enough of the insults after awhile and started a fight with Aegis earlier doing good she was kicked down and sweepted by aegis but afterwards she rolled behind him got up and kicked him out of range then after she kicked him out of range a masked dude tried to get involved hindering she was outnumbered so she decided it was best to just run rather than fight and find out what to do another day.

But the issue from that was that that prompted men to go look after her at a chance of knocking yuki out and she was on the run until multiple masked people closed in on her with bats and whacking the shit out of her she layed knocked unconscious on the floor. Some random jocks picked her up and brought her to the hospital where she woke up on a stretcher and eyed the doctor. She looked in pain as she was on the bed and she got up after a series of questions from the doctor and bought some pain killers from the pain she had on her head from the baseball bat injury. She knew she had to strike back or this will keep happening and as a member of sinnerous she waited to gather around people to Jump him another day.

Yuki was tired all day the next day doing homework and basically getting her work done and afterwards Yuki hanged around her boyfriend for a bit until a anonymous number called her and wanted someone stabbed and Yuki accepted and decided to help the sinnerous member and she pulled up masked with a bat and assisted the stabbing of The nurse Valhalo. They got him stabbed and they both ran out of the apartment leaving a bleeding out nurse in the apartment. Police were called and likely investigated it though the 2 was masked so they got away.
There was a exam the next day and she was not prepared she tried her best on the exams to try and graduate and she failed the exam she was upset that she didn't get to graduate so she started to attend more classes to get education credits to graduate.

She fished for money She hanged around her boy friend and even met his friend while smoking her ciggarrete She even went to school afterwards Yuki was walking around the city when she spotted her friend Elena. They had been just acquaintances at this point living similar lifestyles except that Elena doesn't really start fights. Yuki chatted on the side of the road before luring Elena in to her apartment and she decided to sell alcohol to Elena which she accepted the deal for 14k for the bottle.

Yuki was originially hanging out with her boyfriends and other friends until afterwards she started to make out with her boyfriend before she recieved a text from a gang member with the alias ohen saying she needed someone knocked out and Yuki cut of the hang out with her boyfriend early before heading towards the location of where Ohen and her rival Loileal Kakos-Volkonksy she ran over there and ran at her with a bat hitting her twice knocking her out as Yuki ran off before she could be seen by any would be snitches or heroes.

Afterwards she quickly headed back to her apartment and cleaned up everything while her boyfriend was trying to talk to him and she sat down and explained that she didnt want to talk about it and yuki requested we should get ice cream to forget about it then afterwards they headed home she went to sleep and she watched tv with him before going on a date and then falling asleep again. She was having a nightmare based on a losing gang war and she woke up to her boyfriend realizing she was sleep talking.

Yuki hanged around the fishing area noticing 2 unfortunate souls with a lack of money. Later that day she gave 50k to both of them just throwing 100k at strangers because she felt bad. She became good friends with one of them named Aura afterwards she attended a shitty science class but afterwards she met up with yuna and her friends and hanged out with her for a bit until she had to go.

The next day Yuki hanged around her boyfriend David and had some fun with him she made out even hanged around him at the lighthouse until she had to go from him too. Yuki texted on ikigai texting to some people because she was bored at the time but thats about it.

She attended training 30 minutes late and got threatened by some higher ups in the gang afterwards she bought a pocket knife for herself cheaper than the bmd. A couple days later she noticed her boyfriend energetic as hell with the thrill of drugs in his blood. Yuki wasn't satisfied because she was threatened with a knife a couple days ago.

She hanged around with her boyfriend at her apartment as they made love with each other then she went to school there was nothing interesting there but after school there was a gang brawl between sinnerous and immeretu. The brawl was very viscious and leaded to her being knocked unconscious afterwards she was hospitalized before going on a date with David to la casa nostra. She then headed home drunk with him as they had fun together until she blacked out drunk she felt terrible afterwards as yuki hit her head on one of the desks and vomitted. She hanged with her boyfriend a little while longer at school the next day and when she got home and got late she cut off the hang out,

She fished doing her job until she came across her boyfriend after her line of work they hanged out at the light house for a bit before heading to school. Yuki apparently went to her moms class with David and afterschool they hanged out going places they love deer. Most of the days she spent were hanging out with her boyfriend.


Chapter 3 Quote:
Love is beautiful but aligns a world of hatred behind you

Chapter 3 Love in fire

Yuki met a girl named Rina and tried to join the debate club maybe it would work out she met
Hoshina it cant be that bad but once she headed to class she saw a bunch of crazy jocks crashing out in class then suddenly the period ends and the next period she was in a physics class which she didn't like she got out and went home and did homework and fished for a bit Yuki was walking around town pacing around with no victims or nothing to do but to meet quota she was looking around to do something then she saw a trash can near the bowling alley Yuki took the opertunity smashing the trash can with a metal bat then running off with hopefully no witnesses.

Yuki met up with some friends including Riku and Keita as they headed to club umbra but suddenly they took out all of the alcohol out of the menu so they headed to Yukis apartment where they got drunk as fuck and called in a Friend called Michi who arrived and also got drunk with the pair they were having the time of their lifes until they got a little bored and wanted to go outside. But then Yuki showed off her legal weapons and gas mask to her friends.

She recieved a letter in the mail
Hello there, loyal Sinnerous member. You have been invited to attend a formal party at Club Umbra.This is a reward for your good behavoir. take this treat as a win for our recent encounters. The date is Saturday, February 8, 2025 12:00 PM Should you attend, show up masked, in formal attire, and you will be on your best behavior for the clubs owner and members. Alcohol is paid for, so if you're broke, bring your own. Burn this letter after you've memorized it. She headed over towards the event at the time of the party and she hanged around drank and even played darts but she got bored so she left

Afterwards there was spirit bullshit going on with a few gang members so she headed over to spray grounds to meet a occult member they sucked ass because they needed a spirit to defend themselves and thats why yuki was angry about it. She ran off with some of the gang members she is aquantiance with until she was threatened with a scythe about the party and how she miss behaved.

She was heavily intimidated as she ran off hanging around david for a bit having the time of her life again afterwards Yuki was running around town asking people to buy her alcohol Yuki asked multiple people but all of them said no Yuki looked sad with her alcohol bottles. But at least Yuki tried to do something for the gang and to benefit herself but it didn't happen.

Afterwards she went fishing to get some money she was catching a plentiful amount of game today supprizingly. It was a saturday and thats the perfect time to grind some cash and get that mola in so yuki continued to grind make some money and hopefully get her brother Michael Takeshima out.afterwards she went to a gang training practicing fighting dodging hits and even teaching the new gang members something but she was not really a higher up she got in a 1v2 with someone during the training as a spar she was winning at first dodging many hits but then she was suddenly knocked out after a long time.

after the training As She noticed the absence of life she looked at the tents with caution making sure there was no human beings then she threw around fish around the place making the tents stink then she allined the fish next to the camp fire making it look like Yuki as she ran off into the distance laughing. Yuki got a new Job at stitch haven a tailoring business as a writer as she was happy for herself she was still fishing at the time as Yuki started to create a menu online for her prices and stuff online as Yuki then started to head to school and hang around david as she was writing her first order to a male named Shirari.

Afterwards Yuki and david attended a wedding of a friend. She was kind of bored out of her mind but she was still keeping her thoughts in her head to not affend a entire church. Afterwards Yuki and David headed to the apartment they live in to drink and they kissed cuddled and had fun before heading to the light house for the view Yuki then headed to the town hall with david to see if the 2 could get married but there was nobody there so they headed to a cute spot with blossom trees pink and beautiful. There was old styled japanese homes surrounding the area as the 2 had fun afterwards they went fishing untill she noticed a sinnerous member was getting bullied

The person that was getting bullied happened to be a Sinnerous member with the alias Iri
as Yuki Watched her get thrown in the water as Yuki Jumped in and tried to knock him out she was knocked unconscious but then Yuki this time jumped in with a metal bat Trying to knock out Jasper And Jasper took the metal bat Yuki pulled out a knife and stabbed jasper afterwards the metal bat and the mask was mugged after getting knocked out again a new rivalry has start with no return. Yuki Was saved by IRI as she was brought to her house before school time then

After that day Yuki went fishing for long periods of time catching tons of game and reached 459k Yuki with the love of her life took Yuki to the valentines Yuki danced with him for a bit then he kind of left so Yuki left the dance as well so Yuki can do more fishing.

Yuki Decided to bail out zachary brown in extange for him leaving sinnerous quietly he relunctently agreed after a few days and Yuki Joined back into sinnerous as a member and started doing activities again for the gang.

The criminal underworld said that if sinnerous didn't claim a turf they would lose their status as a pretty good gang which caused a lot of trouble and everyone in the gang decided to take over the ware house quickly so they can become one of the best gangs in karakura. The kpd chased out every single gang member from the turf forcing Yuki To run to avoid gang affiliation charges after Yuki also tried fighting multiple times with the gang members. But alas it was not a winning fight.

She went to school and talked to rina multiple times obviously becoming good friends and their hatred for Zachary united them together. After school she went fishing and fishing and yuki went to hang around her boyfriend for a bit then she headed back to turf to keep guarding the turf of sinnerous from potential dangerous gangs.

She did so for hours before the training and Yuki didn't perform well and while she was fighting in the training her hand got stabbed and yuki whimpered in pain wiping the blood on her clothes as she exited the training afterwards before trying to ring david alas he did not answer. A few minutes later she discovered she made it into the cooking club she was extremely happy and ready to do something for herself to improve her reputation among students.

3 men walked up the door preferably unattractive scammers as Yuki was kissing and hugging David Harrinson as they knocked on the door they told Yuki
"Hey your rent is due for 12k" Yuki told them "I don't owe you anything." The scammers said "I own this place" Yuki said "no you don't if you owned this place you would know the rent is 50k" and Yuki said as well

"Your presence is not preferred here" It slowly escalated into a 1v2 as Yuki called David for help it became a brawl noticing that Yuki got into a fight with them Yuki tried to knock out both of them of the men took her bat as they tossed it to the man out of range Eventually they all fell to the ground unconscious as the man who had the bat escaped. One of them woke up and ran away leaving only one of the men Yuki broke his leg with 2 whacks to the leg leaving the man with a broken leg outside her apartment All of them were capable despite their newbie appearance they seemed capable of dangerous things

Hours later David was looking for the guy and told Yuki to go to town hall as she arrived she saw david fight slamming his bat into peoples heads as yuki watched for a bit before getting masked up and trying to get revenge on the person who stole her bat. Yuki fought hard in a 2v1 throwing punches until kpd shows up yelling "WALL NOW" As Yuki grabbed David and ran as fast as she could avoiding tranqulizers and tasers eventually getting further from the police and minutes later

Yuki escaped the police Yuki encountered 3 dudes from earlier Yuki broke one of their legs like hours ago Yuki got in a 1v3 as Yuki decided it was best to mug her bat back now it was the chance to gain it back and get revenge on the people who took her bat as Yuki fought back Yuki was hit in the head multiple times while Yuki tried to dodge after a few punches from her rivals Yuki layed knocked out losing the fight then Kesef pulled out a bat and broke her damn legs as kpd started to respond to the situation.
Yuki was brought to the hospital by the kpd and Yuki was treated for her injuries

At the hospital she was asked questions about their identities and she decided to not press charges as
Yuki then headed to school and somehow there was a school fire and she attended multiple of her moms classes to show support and at the end of the day she ranned with the gang for a bit before getting away and unmasking thus leaving her alone with barely any friends active this time of day. She did tell a friend about these people and kept trying to get them jumped to get her stuff back.

David and Yuki were somewhat partners in crime to a extent and lovers at the same time when it came to some situations that could be deadly and yuki was there to fight for david at any dangerous time.
Yuki was mugged in a brawl and other gang members tried taking the turf Defending the turf from unknown gangs and in a span of a few days she lost her stuff she got knocked unconscious multiple times while being on the outnumbered side. Yuki and the gang needed a plan to counter the Kanto rip off.

It was a long and dark night as Sinnerous layed eyes on that turf again. All the other gang members devastated and most of their loot taken. Well now they were rearmed ready to take on the rival gang Shintou-Kai that decided to claim something of sinnerous. It was dishonorable of them to hide in the corners every time but alas we got our revenge. We gathered up every single member of sinnerous and the other gangs who were allied to each other that decided to fight back against the gang of Shintou-Kai

We planned so hard and finally it was time. The Sinnerous and its allies decided it was time to storm the warehouse. As they got in members of the gang yelled multiple times "GET OUT OF THE TURF" AR-15 and the others said "GET OUT OF THE TURF OR YOU WILL CRAWL OUT OF THE TURF INSTEAD." The gang decided it was enough as someone in our side got knocked out as multiple gang members attempted to pull down the Shintou-Kai Member were knocked out. Sinnerous and Rag was stabbing other Shinto members with nagis, katanas, And knocking out others with metal bats it felt endless for the members. Multiple casualties on both sides happened.

Multiple hours passed by and they were soon kicked out of the turf for the first time as sinnerous and Rag decided to position themselves on the top to make sure each other was on a good position when they came back. The Shinto gang thought they won but alas they didn't. They came back and they soon was knocked out one by one and eventually kicked out of the turf. The Sinnerous and rag members position themselves towards a camera before a selfi was took and posted on ikigai as they soon left to celebrate their victory over the rival gang once more

Afterwards The gang in white stormed in turf after the brawl claiming as theirs after their loss in the gang brawl and war over the turf the ware house as they tried to fight back and win it was a losing battle as we was chased out of the turf

Chapter 4 Quote
Everything is beautiful the birds are chirping everyone is enjoying the weather until all hell goes lose in the criminal underworld.

Chapter 4 Beauty and the Joy of Spring

Its March the 1st its finally time the snow is melting the birds are chirping and everything is going well. Yukis broken leg is healed up fully as she was attending karakura high school until she met some students Nick Akito and Aki Kidizou

They talked pretty nicely and started to become aquaintances and potentially soon friends they greeted her said nice things and Yuki talked about her family then she soon extanged a number towards Nick Akito and the other Kid Aki Kidizou.

The beauty of spring is coming and its coming quick but all hell will go loose soon potentially even another gang brawl with the Shintou-Kai a hostile gang It hadn't happened yet but they had serious beef with sinnerous

Even the trees were turning green and leaves were growing once again in the nice sunny air of a March Friday at school as school was almost out. Her grades were spectacular she couldnt ask for more really Yuki was on top of the world at the moment but that could change

Aki sent a text message "This is aki nick doesn't have a phone!" As she looked at the text message she sent a response "Nice to meet you aki." As she continued texting. That day she fished long hours into the night for the sake of entertainment and gaining money the favorite way she loves. Yuki loves fishing very much.

She went to school and attended multiple classes until the end of the day where she met her enemy Yuto basically being a bully as she bullied him back she got a detention and her mom Hoshina grounded her. Afterwards she headed towards the turf to defend it for a bit as Royal Kaiju made deals with sinnerous.

Yuki Left for awhile hanging around home, relaxing and sleeping as she was tired afterwards. She had a spar with seo best of 3 as she fought for money basically gambling she won 1 match and Seo won 2 and Yuki gave Seo money.

Aftewards a girl went inside turf and Was tresspassing in sinnerouses rightful property as she hugged her then kicked her out aggressively as she warned her many times. Afterwards she hanged aroung seo at the speakeasy and then all hell broke loose a fight broke out someone lost their mask and got knocked unconscious seo knocked the dude unconscios both traded the bats and smashed the victims leg as Yuki ran off the Kpd caught Yuki after tasing her next thing she knew she was in a jail cell

Ending 1

I somehow ended up in this fucking jail cell what did i do. Hang around losers who cant even pay rent without commiting a felony. I got snitched on by the locals after being unmasked randomly. I wish I wasn't unmasked if i wasn't i wouldnt be in this fucking problem and I could of got away.

Now at last I'm in here for a couple months inside Jail a first time experience my mom probably abandoned me but I don't know yet. what I do know Is I'm going home soon.

Chapter 1 Part 2 Freedom



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