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Yumi's Journalist App.

IGN (In Game Name): SAOEugeo

Previous bans: roleplaying Being a famous person. I think that it

Describe your activity on the server: I really don't do much I just hangout with my friends that's about it

Do you have Discord? Yes my discord is, 麻痺(Numb)#1189

Do you have a microphone? Yes

List your current and past applications: I only did a German Application still waiting for that to be accepted or denied.

What is your motivation for applying?: My friend motivated me to become one and I have love and passion for the server I even brought a new PC to be able to play on the server because my old laptop was always crashing when I went on the server I just love playing on this server.
What knowledge do you have of journalist Work?:I used to be in the newspaper club for my school irl I quit because I got home school program 2 years ago.

Why are Reporters important to SchoolRP?It is Important for the students to know whats going on in the world of SRP, Not only that students love to hear news about the school and whats going on around the school, and without a reliable news source it would be a lot harder for new players and old to roleplay. I also found it easier to adapt to this server with thanks to the news team and YouTube videos on the server.


BACKSTORY: Yumi was born on 9/11 a dark day to say the least his father left him when he was just 3 years old so his mother had to take care of Yumi and his Brother and His sister Yumi's Mother was German and his father was Japanese So he only knew a little bit of Japanese until he had lessons from his uncle, and His mother would teach him German. But by the time Yumi was 11 He perfected German and Japanese , by the time he was 14 his mother died in a tragic car accident so he had to move in with his dad with is brother and his sister. by the time Yumi was 16 he taught his brother and sister how to speak German, and the rest of his story unfolds as he grows older.

Full Name: Yumi Yamamoto

Grade: 12 Grade

Given Name(s): Yu

Preferred Name: Yumi



Native Languages: Japanese

Other Languages: German

Nationality: Japanese/German

Current Location: Japan

Phone Number:509998921


Level 185
News Lead
Your application isn't horrible, just two other applicants have showed much more detail and effort & dedication to the role.

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