Level 3

What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
I like to say I am highly active with a 8.5/10, being quite active throughout long periods of time. I sometimes need a short break yet I have been playing consistently & plan to spend a lot of time on the server.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes I completely understand & I wont allow it to become a concern or get to that point.
School Employee Role you are applying for?:
In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The role of a school receptionist is to serve and be the first point of contact for students providing assistance to those whenever they require it. They are responsible for greeting and directing individuals, answering phone calls, and using the intercom to call students to specific locations when needed. Additionally, they may be tasked with managing school supplies, handling incoming and outgoing mail, and ensuring the overall smooth operation of the front office. Overall they hold an important responsibility within the complete operation of the school while doing multiple tasks at once.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
When I first joined the server I started with family rp. Joining multiple families & creating some too. Having situations meeting family members & engaging in relationships. Marrying into certain families & helping out family members. I have played both female characters & male characters. I also have played each of these characters dating both women & men. Due to this, I was able to experience all sorts of RomanceRP & other FamilyRP situations. Some families I joined & had good experiences with are the following ones: Katayama, Ketsueki. & Jaager. Due to this, I joined some gangs like Sang-Je & Kaminari Doboro which was run by a close friend who is in this group. In these gangs, I experienced such things as extensive amounts of CombatRP & DelinquentRP. Consisting mainly of weapons such as Metal Bats & Pipe Wrenches with the lucky chance of P2l with More Detail and Better Weapons which we got Custom for the groups. Mainly I would help with initiations with this I would also help out newer members of the groups teaching them the basic rules of CombatRP & how to detail rp with P2l. I would later on in my career mainly do P2L with fellow friends. There were strict rules on how to conduct yourself & how to fight properly and fairly. After leaving the gang Sang-Je. I would eventually experience Street Racing under Kaminari which was very interesting to the idea of Custom vehicles and timing each turn. I would watch cars fly down the streets of Karakura & I enjoyed how racing was organized and set up with mini-events. Under the Kaminari banner, I would mainly focus on DetailRP to help fix cars during & after the races. I would install new diffusers, exhausts, widebody kits & more car details. I would also help give specifics about the specs of vehicles & horsepower. Which is the kind of DetailRP I do to this day. I have done quite a bit of business rp to create a financial blanket for myself making quite a pretty penny. I have also conducted handling of important goods (illegal weapons) generated profit for a small business while creating much equity & profit.
Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
After spending long periods of time in street racing & gangrp I would like to broaden my view of the server. See what opportunities I can obtain to switch up my style of roleplay & encounter new situations I never thought possible. Although I love street racing & enjoyed gangrp along close pals for lengthy periods of time. The enjoyment obtained from it is minimal at best therefore I would like to explore & try my hand at being a Receptionist. I have had a friend be a Receptionist in the past & it has intrigued me for quite awhile now. Being able to be part of the school employee faction will offer me a new and unique opportunity to interact with new people & to also develop my character's backstory,personality & other quirks. I will be able to have my own spin on the position if provided with it creating something that I see as engaging with in depth roleplay. I enjoy the ability to diversify my views & interactions with people like teachers & parents. Developing new communication & problem solving skills while having fun all at the same time. My decision to acquire such a position has personally bring me a new sense of excitement which I long ago lost. The enjoyment to my RP experience & looking to the future to make intricate lore. While enjoying that experience with new people in a new creative atmosphere.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
2 accounts on the SCHOOLRP websites
Middonaito Resazu | Unverified Gang Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
My current role is a humble high school student.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/
During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Takahashi would walk towards his desk, seeming to have just rolled out of bed. He would be holding a cup of coffee. Trying his best to stay awake he would sit down at his desk before making a stack of papers his pillow. Before he could dose off he would hear footsteps come up to his desk he would ask if they needed assistance. The student would simply just curse him out for the fun of it Takashashi would lean back in his chair letting out a sigh of exhaustion. His face would seem slightly disgusted yet worried the disappointment could be told just by a glance. He would proceed to speak in a refined tone yet harsh & demanding. He would issue a warning that such disorderly & rude conduct shall not be tolerated towards any staff members. He would continue making it clear that if the student keeps breaching the regulations & keeps going with his misconduct. He shall quickly give the student dentition or a referral to upper leadership to deal with his actions. Ensuring the message is straight forwards & clear so they can witness themselves the results of their conduct.
You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
As the students would go at it the individual Takahashi would hear the commotion from a distance. He would simply pick up his coffee taking a quick swig of it realizing he does not have the time for this. He would proceed to let out a heavy sigh, seeming extremely disappointed before rushing over to the scene. He would proceed to break up the fight & confront the students on the misconduct they have been doing. His stern voice & no nonsense attitude would be unmistakable in his actions. He would quickly make each student sit far apart from each other before listening to both sides of the story. He made the decision that both are in the wrong & handed out 2 dentition slips. It might be someone's fault yet such commission is a waste of time. While both of the students' behaviors will not be accepted by anyone nor tolerated. He would tell them to go to the nurses office just in case any heavy wounds might have been dealt. He would walk them to the nurse before taking his leave.
Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
As a responsible & dedicated employee of the school Takahashi would be sitting at his desk, going over some paperwork that still had to be done. He would proceed to get up to take a small break & proceeded to grab his phone. He would slowly make his way to the lounge before spotting something near the entrance. He would see a teacher attempting to blackmail a student he would make sure he overheard correctly before realizing the severity of the situation. As Takahashi understands the significance of documenting this event plus removing the student from the hazard. He would proceed to record the event & gathering evidence. He would go behind the teacher taping their shoulder before telling them to leave. He would exchange names with the student asking for his assistance at a later date. He carefully checks the area for CCTV footage to provide additional evidence to support his allegations. After thoroughly documenting the evidence & gathering all he can he proceeds to bring this evidence to the Dean. Also bringing the student to testify about these accusations also by taking these actions. Takahashi ensures that the necessary steps are taken to address the situation and prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future for the betterment of the staff & student body.
When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
When in the break room Takahashi's true personality comes out he has a unique personality. Which is often mistaken for laziness; he is often sleeping or giving out little fun facts. However he is happy to talk about intellectual topics & has a way to make people happy with his clumsiness. Takahashi takes pleasure in spending money & is a good natured individual. Who believes in following the rules yet having fun.
Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
/me The individual Takahashi would be lost in concentration attempting to finish his stack of papers on time. He would furiously write down everything filling out all the boxes to complete the assignment before lifting his pen up & leaning back in his chair. He would let out a heavy sigh before whispering under his breath finally. He would proceed to grab the papers & shuffle them in his hands before starting to organize files to put into his desk drawer. Takahashi would proceed to lean forward once again & would carefully sift through each document. Sorting them into alphabetical order he would seem to be disappointed before just continuing his work.
/me Takahashi would proceed to stand up grabbing his steaming cup of coffee & newspaper before waving goodbye to his fellow co-workers in the break room. He would proceed to take some steps towards the door then grabbing his small briefcase before gently resting his palm on the doorknob. Twisting it then pushing the door open he would proceed to close the door gently behind him as he made his way to his post. He would walk past a couple students greeting them good morning & asking a few about their studies. He would proceed to sit down at his desk placing his coffee right next to him. He would grab the newspaper shoving it under the desk & grabbing papers from the draws in the desk. He would proceed to put the briefcase on the table taking out a quill pin. He would quickly grab the ink opening it before dipping his pen & getting to work.
/me Takahashi would take his briefcase & would make his way towards the front office. He would proceed to hum while closing his eyes for a second. He would open his eyes slowly before turning towards the nurses office to hand over some papers to a few students. He would take a heavy breath before speaking “These are the documents you requested yes” he would seem relaxed before letting out a small friendly smile.

In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)
Full Name (First & Last only):
Hideyoshi Takahashi
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Mr Takahashi
Preferred Name:
Age (Minimum is 25):
Academic Degree:
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Known Languages:
Takahashi has lived in Karakura for what is at least known. Takahashi's original name was Aleksandr Karamazov. He was born in Vladivostok, Russia. His parents were Viktor Nikolayevich Karamazov & Lyudmila Karamazov. Takahashi's mother was fully Japanese. She would talk about the wonderful country of Japan all the time. His father was a high-ranking man in the Russian Navy. Viktor met a woman in port while doing errands which eventually became Takahashi's mother. They eventually had a kid after getting married this kid they would name Aleksander. Aleksander would grow up in Vladivostok he looked Japanese due to his mother & was made fun of for it. So, Aleksander would practice speaking Russian with his father from a young age. Eventually by the age of 14 he spoke decent Russian . It was hard for a foreigner living in a tough city like Vladivostok, so he eventually started getting into fights. He met 2 boys while fighting, eventually gaining their trust & joining their little group. These friends were 2 boys named Dimitri & Mikhail. His new friends would help get rid of that silly Japanese accent so slowly he got more accepted to the community. He was able to understand more things in school & got a private tutor. This tutor would help more than anyone due to his father's absences due to the navy. This tutor would teach him about Russian culture & the fine arts. A small passion for learning culminated during these teachings. He eventually started speaking only Russian, forgetting his Japanese in the process. By the age of 16 he had a solid grasp of the language by meeting with people & having parties. He still got taught small parts of the language by his tutor since he didn't understand slang. Slowly but surely, he started to have a complete understanding of the language. By 17 he was basically Russian, forgetting Japanese & fully embracing customs. Like converting from Buddhist to Catholic Orthodox. This reinforced his teachings by reading the bible in Russian & attending readings. On Aleksandr's 18th Birthday his father passed away from a miscommunication in a naval exercise. Due to his father's high standing in the navy, he had plenty of wealth. So Alexsandr & his mother would move back to her homeland Karakura Japan. They took a ship from Vladivostok to Karakaru. He would find it hard to speak Japanese. Even though he lived in Russia all his life he still looked Japanese. So, his mother gave him a new name as a symbol of a new future. Takahashi would be his name.
Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
While in Karakura Takahashi would find it hard to adapt to the new environment & people around him. He quickly got into crime scenes where he would waste months trying to fit into these new friends he had made. He would keep committing crimes until he was assigned to hurting an old man who moved recently. He would proceed to break into the house by breaking the front door down. Who stood before him was his old tutor from all those years ago he would ask what he was doing here. Before the tutor in fear would attempt to run away. Takahashi would hunt him down before pinning him down in a local back alley. A short scuffle would happen until Takahashi’s mask would come off. The tutor seemed disappointed yet would mutter some words to his old student. That it was best to go to school & get a proper education instead of planning to waste your life rotting in a cell in a city like this. Takahashi would stop for a second before getting off his tutor asking him to get out of this town. The tutor would proceed to run away leaving Takahashi stunned their standing up. He would pick up his mask planning to head home yet the words the tutor said about getting an education chewed at him. He would proceed to go to school more often & try to distance himself away from the people he used to hang with. While at school he would have a conversation with a receptionist asking what was the point of his job. He would slowly start coming up to this receptionist more & more making a friendship. So with every single interaction he became more fascinated with this career. He would eventually pursue this as a career planning to be a receptionist at the same job.
Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
Takahashi would shrug his shoulders before taking a light breath then speaking in a low tone “Well what can I say?” he would proceed to chuckle a bit before playing with his thumbs “I believe I'm overall a good applicant for such a position. I have studied both communications & Psychology in the past. I think im qualified enough to help students with any needs & im quite proficient in office software and equipment” He would proceed to lean forward a bit before taking a heavy breath & speaking once more “When you need someone to deal with files & organizing important things im your guy nothing else I can say. I'm a great problem solver & I would be overjoyed to be able to show off my capabilities.” He would lean back in his seat crossing his leg over the other.
Additional notes about your application:
Feel free to contact me if anything is missing or needs elaboration.
Do you have any questions?:
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