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Zachary Brown Biography


Level 16
Zachary Brown - I outta be ashamed. 2025-02-16_00.59.04.png

Basic Information

First Name:


Lil Pistol





Muscular build

Skin Color:

Eye Color:

Hair Color:

Casual Baggy Clothes

Place of Birth:
New Orleans, Lousianna, United States

United States of America

African American

Sexual Orientation:

General Appearance:
Zachary Brown a 6'2" Black male you could notice the scent of coffee from him. He weights 180lb with a muscular build often going to the gym. He has multiple scars on his face signifying he is hardened and gets into trouble likely life risking scenarios. His eyes are black and his peircing gaze is noticable as well as his black wavey hair.

Character Voice:
A southern accent sometimes even mispronounces japanese words but he knows enough Japanese to communicate

[Weapons,Money,Fishing Rod,School Supplies,Vapes,Ciggaretes,Alcohol]

Fishing,Gaming,Watching Tv,Running,Working out,Fighting

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Smoking Addiction, Alcohol Dealer.



[Dating] ??

[Friend] ??

[Friend] ??

[Friend] ???

[Friend] ???

[Friend] ???

[Friend] ???

[Friend] ???

[Friend] ???


[Aquantiance] ???

[Aquantiance] ???

[Aquantiance] ???

[Aquantiance] ???

[Aquantiance] ???

[Aquantiance] ???

[Aquantiance] ???

[Aquantiance] ???


[Enemy] ???

[Enemy] ???

[Enemy] ???

[Enemy] ???

[Enemy] ???

Gang Affiliation:


Side Hustles
Entrepenuer,Body Guard, Fishing,Auction

Zacharies Journal

I was born in New Orleans and I admit. I'm a psychopath. Gosh that sounded evil lets rewind a bit to the beginning. I was born in New Orleans and I had a shitty life my dad was a gang member my mom got shot and worst of all. My family didn't come in with a lot of money. That was until one day everything changed for me. My dad was getting in quick money and continued doing his dirty work while I started school with better clothing. It was amazing for me.

I started elementary school the sweet faces of other people was nice and going to school for the first time was nice. I got bullied a shit ton and I grew up ugly and I started to fight around that age and not take insults and by the end of elementary school. I was known as a crash out with a shitty ass hair cut. I didn't really get into vapes or alcohol until I started middle school. I grew up in a crime ridden neighborhood almost every friend I had was in a gang. I turned 14 going on 15 until my dad got shot and killed. This time a orphan left out alone waiting for adoption. I was adopted into the Brown Family and I moved to Karakura to spread the influence of the Brown family as a peaceful family to be in.

I turned 16 that year waiting for the time to come the time to Join a gang but I hadn't done it yet I been training in combat in my free time to prepare to join a gang and I'm looking for one for protection as I don't wanna end up like my father now I'm suck at this shitty high school in Japan called Karakura High school and for the first time in my life I started to get my first friends life was good and I started to get on my feet in Karakura City to make sure I can be on my feet when the time comes when I get a shit ton of enemies in a quest for validation in the criminal underworld.

But then everything Change. I started to attend high school for about 2 days and I saw this fucking dumb ass goat as the goat broke my ribs I stabbed it multiple times as the police were called I was brought in and arrested. I probably won't be able to write for awhile.

I left the gang of sinnerous to pursue business deals i wasn't really known in it yet so that prevents my chance of getting killed. I started my own Business Maid co a protection and service business where goods are sold and celeberties are protected. I want my business to be verified by the government for flexing rights.

I lost all my friends after the goat stabbing event. They didn't know i was fighting for my life after the goat attacked me. I struggled for survival and now I'm called disgusting. Man I outa be ashamed even though it broke my ribs. Maybe I was wrong and messed up.


Chapter Quote

I will be a fool. I will die a fool.

Chapter 1 - Fire on the Streets

Zachary was born in new orleans lousianna united states to his mom and father Zachary started to learn english at a young age as he started to be taught english through flash cards and the internet. Zachary was growing up in a relatively poor family in a dangerous neighborhood during his infancy Zacharies father being a gang member and his mom shot dead.

As Zachary attended elementary school His father was arrested so Zachary was put into foster care at the age of 6 growing up in a nicer neighborhood at the time until his father was bailed out

He began to learn how to read and write as he started to write stuff in a personal journal hence starting a life long journal. Zachary didn't really have a lot of friends and he was bullied frequently thats why he got into fights in school and got suspended 4 times and expelled once in new orleans

As he entered middle school he was introduced to vapes ciggaretes and alcohol as he started to sell them for money. At times he was caught and desperately escaped. Zachary started to make some money in the bank at like 14-15 years old as he started to make money he made more enemies. When his father was shot dead he moved to karakura for a better life.

Zachary at the age of 16 made new friends claimed ownership of a pocket knife and even got settled. But .. Zachary decided it was a great idea to fight the goat after the goat broke his ribs. Zachary stabbed the goat as the locals reported him to the police He tried to escape but he had no luck he was caught by the police and pat down before getting arrested for resisting arrest, Illegal weapons, and animal cruelty

Zachary made a recovery in prison with his injuries he was brought to the Jail by the police as Zachary was processed into the Jail as Zachary flashed before the lack of future he had in his eyes he had nothing to lose.

He started to behave in prison hopefully with a chance of getting out early but no luck hes gonna have to serve that 8 months luckily he had a friend named Yuki Takeshima to help bail him out of prison for 400k.

As he waited for 3 days he waited and waited for the right time to get out of this hell hole he went from being bullied by students to gang members how will he get out of this.

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