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zackchew | KPD Application


Level 2
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):

Main - ashfan123
ALT (applying) - zackchew

Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
I have no other faction applications.

Describe your activity on the server:
I’m a very active player on SRP due to having a load of free time until I finally go back to work which necessarily won’t change too much with my activity on the server, which consists of being online for only a few hours to entire days with short breaks in between. With joining back sometime in 2023, I’ve had the opportunity to experience various forms of roleplay, some I’ve been involved with longer than others due to probably not finding much interest in such, or overall just getting bored of it after a while. A few months into joining the server as a whole, I’ve spent a solid few months with GangRP, back when the power plant was a danger zone. It was a very short-lived experience however after losing interest in that circle. After a while, I found myself being involved with aspects of FamilyRP, which I was in and out of due to the families I’ve been involved in going inactive, or me just wanting something new. I eventually became a family head in an older family due to the lead becoming inactive, and in that timeframe led to the next experiences in RP I’ve had. With getting a custom car near the end of 2023, I’ve had the idea of involving myself in RP circling around cars, where I found myself getting into street racing, where I’ve spent mostly all my time, eventually joining a gang heavily circling around street racing and of course soaring through the ranks in that. Unfortunately, that gang ended up dying so I searched for new experiences, which led me to where I am now in 2024, heavily involved with JockRP, eventually having the idea to apply to two shops to work at, as well as getting into both shops which requires relatively consistent activity.

What is your motivation for applying?:
At first, I never really saw myself applying for KPD until now. But, with my extensive period spent on SRP, and mainly involving myself in aspects of CrimeRP, consistently involving myself in that back-to-back eventually got boring and stale, almost like a chore to even involve myself in after a while. My motivation for applying comes from a couple of factors, starting with my main reason is just purely looking to involve myself in new things. Like with the KPD riot which resulted in the old building crumbling and becoming the building we have currently, back then I was in the opposing group against the KPD. With events heavily involving KPD, and of course the general player base such as that, I’ve always wondered what it was like from the perspective of a KPD officer, which relates to another thing that boosted my motivation for applying, which was being involved in the street racing circle of SRP, seeing myself always on the other end of the hook, either getting arrested for street racing, or detained under the suspicion of street racing, or questioning. Eventually, that led me to find interest in the faction altogether, but I’ve either missed prior application announcements, or just never had a proper character situated within the timeframe of making an application, and when said application would be checked.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
My knowledge of police work is fairly limited, apart from a few things I’ve learned and been told from friends within KPD, certain bail amounts and sentences from having a character sentenced for numerous things, mostly street racing obviously, a charge that is a felon, as well as numerous other things such as ranks, which can be seen in the emergency discord.

There are two divisions in the discord that both do different things, one is moreso roleplay focused (Detective Division) whilst the other is actively going out, responding to calls, patrolling, etc (Main Division).

The Main Division ranks, from the roster and in order from highest to lowest are as follows: Commissioner, Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, Corporal, Patrol Officer, and lastly, Cadet.
Whilst, the Detective Division ranks in order from highest to lowest are: Det. Superintendent, Det. Chief Inspector, Det. Inspector, Det. Sergeant, and finally Det. Constable.

Moving on to my last bit of knowledge, is the equipment both accessible to the entire police force, as well as some that’re limited to specific ranks, which are as follows:

BatonAll OfficersA close-range metal weapon that’s used to seize a criminal, can be used for own safety and defense, or offensively, depending on the situation
BreathalyzerAll OfficersCommonly used on underaged individuals if alcohol intake is present.
CrowbarCorporalsUsed as a breaching tool for entry into an apartment, or to force open a locked container.
Gas MaskAll OfficersA plastic full-face covering used to protect an officer from different gasses, or pepper spray.
HandcuffsAll OfficersSelf Explanatory, used to restrict hand movements in certain situations, or used to take a criminal into lockup.
Pepper SprayAll OfficersA nonlethal solution designed to temporarily incapacitate an attacker by causing severe irritation to the eyes and skin.
RadioAll OfficersA water-proof device used by law enforcement for long-distance communication.
Riot ShieldAll OfficersUsed by officers for their own protection against an attacker, and restricts movement depending on how it’s used.
Stun BlasterAll OfficersAnother nonlethal, but ranged solution to dealing with an attacker for only a minute, used commonly in chases or if someone has violent tendencies.
Tranquilizer GunSergeants and Det. Inspectors.The third, and last nonlethal solution to dealing with an attacker, rendering the target unconscious for two minutes, with the ability to be used on both animals, and humans depending on the situation.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to SRP for many reasons, keeping the average Karakura citizen safe and sound. With Karakura notoriously known for having a shockingly high crime rate, the police just serve as a consequence for those who get caught committing a crime with varying sentences and bail amounts based on the charges one person may receive in response to doing whatever crime. If there weren’t any police in SRP, Karakura would probably be like one of The Purge movies, minus the 24 hour timer you get to commit crime without any consequence, and more-so just getting to commit crime whenever you’d like, and the KPD serves as the front line for keeping law and order in place.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I am aware that I’d be punished accordingly if training is held whilst I’m active.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:

Ignazio Luciani
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Male - He/Him pronouns.

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
Bachelor’s degree in Criminology

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Italian (Still need to apply)

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Ignazio stood at a height of 6’2 and a weight of 182 pounds. A frequent gym-goer by day, a heavy sleeper by night. With the hours spent at the gym, Ignazio became accustomed to wearing more light, short-sleeved shirts, usually accompanied by sweatpants. He always would push forward past his potential each day to the best of his ability, striving to do better in all things related to working out, whether if it was cardio, purely building muscle, or bodyweight training. Going to the gym would be one of his favorite pastimes, all clearly shown by the work given on his arms, legs, and figure alltogether. Complimenting his arms came along his eyes, which told a story on their own with congenital heterochromia. Despite being mismatched, his right eye being an ocean blue, and the other being an olive-moss mixture of green, there was something surely captivating about the Italian. His hair was a jet-black, hanging over his shoulders just like curtains at a theater, flowing down to his backside just like a waterfall. It seemed lustrous and nurtured, styled and taken care of with perfection. Not only did the distinct eye colors, the build of his figure and his soft black locks compliment Ignazio as a whole, his skin was a sight to behold. With a regular tan complexion, it was complimented with a golden undertone, glistening a sun-kissed appearance which would speak for him in the hours Ignazio spent in the Italian summers along the Italian Riviera.


How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

Depending on the situation, and the seriousness behind it, Ignazio has the tendency to act one of two ways. In a casual situation, he has the tendency to be rather laid-back and immature for his age, poking fun at certain things revolving around the situation and seems to be very extroverted. However, in terms of a professional situation, the difference is recognizable. Instead of being fairly immature, it’s almost like you’re looking at a different person entirely. He’s calm and collected, more formal and sometimes stern depending on the situation and context behind it.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
With his extroverted personality, Ignazio is fond and always looks forward to working with whoever, potentially making a bond and potential newfound friendships along the way of completing whatever he might be tasked to do. In his eyes, co-workers are people you can most definitely rely on, and in many cases, Ignazio believes that a person you can rely on is important to have. With his history of playing football throughout his childhood, teamwork is something he looks upon, especially if the team in question is well-coordinated and the communication is clear, preferably concise and on topic in order to get the job done.

What's your character's backstory?

0 - 11 (1999-2010)

Ignazio was born on February 29th, 1999, in a notable hospital in Genoa, Italy. Outside, the people of Genoa littered the streets, singing songs, chanting different things, and overall celebrating the day. But inside the hospital, things were far from exciting and all celebrating, despite the birth of a child being known as something to be celebrated. Ignazio’s father, Alessandro was frequently absent, and in this case which wasn’t so foreign, he was absent for his own son’s birth, paving a path of sorrow in Ignazio’s future. Elena, Ignazio’s mother had nothing but pure hatred, which progressively became worse, to the extent where Elena would offer Ignazio up for adoption immediately due to the overwhelming thoughts of not wanting to raise a child alone. But, thanks to the hospital staff that helped Ignazio pop into existence, her mind soon changed.

Fast forward a couple of years, Ignazio’s eleventh birthday came along, and just like any other person, an event such as this should be something to be celebrated, full of happiness and excitement. But unfortunately, just like his birth, it was the complete opposite. Alessandro, was still nowhere present in Ignazio’s life, not even for this milestone in life that he reached, let alone even a letter by mail. Nothing. Despite not being a surprise, Elena didn’t take it well, and she ended up lashing out on poor Ignazio with back to back verbal outbursts. Later that night, Ignazio had the bold move to run away from home, which he eventually did the second his mother drifted off to sleep.

11 - 16 (2010-2015)

After some time, and some shock to Ignazio, missing posters with his name, basic information and a poorly drawn photo of him became more and more of a frequent sight, which led him to stay off the streets in the daylight, and to roam them throughout the night, doing whatever just to make ends meet for at least a meal on his stomach. But, one night would turn Ignazio’s life around for the better, slowly but surely at least. One turn led Ignazio to run into someone he didn’t necessarily know, but that they knew him. Unbeknownst to him, this would be his uncle, Vittorio. Unlike his parents, Vittorio lived a much better life, being the owner of an abundance of car manufacturing plants leading him to be financially well.

Vittorio would then take Ignazio under his wing, teaching him all sorts of things that Ignazio’s own mother and father could never. Even going as far as to provide for him, with a place to rest, a consistent meal on his stomach, and most of all something Ignazio hadn’t experienced throughout his entire life up until now, affection and care from someone. Eventually Vittorio would enroll Ignazio into school, to pursue an education to potentially follow in his uncle’s footsteps, of becoming an entrepreneur in the car business. But, Ignazio clearly had other plans. Each time Ignazio left for school, afterwards for a few hours before heading home, he always visited a local library within walking distance nearby. Not many books piqued his interest, but a fair few stood out to him, all related to law, which he took the time to read each book individually, eventually indulging in studying whatever he could related to law and justice.

Shockingly at 16, Ignazio eventually stopped going to school, and instead decided to say his goodbyes to his childhood home, and beloved country of Italy. With some money his uncle had supplied him with, he bought a boat and sailed off into the sunset, leaving everything he once knew behind.

16 - 21 (2015-2020)

With an extensive period living off of the water by boat, occasionally docking at new places to get food, or whatever he needed to continue his journey to who knows where with the limited money he had left, Ignazio ended up in Oita, Japan, away from his family in hopes of forgetting the horrid life he had, which became a bit better all thanks to his beloved uncle. Ignazio took a year or two to learn the language, and overall explore the newfound place which was awfully foreign to him before finding himself in the comfort of a new friend group, with a struggle to still pass the only thing that prevented him from holding a proper conversation with his friends, the language barrier. One of the friends, who referred to himself as Riku, luckily knew both the Japanese and Italian languages very well, decided to be a translator for Ignazio. This discovery led Ignazio to pursue a further study of law in Oita University, as well as learning the Japanese language in his freetime.

With his focus on law, Ignazio ended up getting a side job just to pay for many things, his own place to rest his head, a small one bed, one bath apartment, food on the table, and most importantly his expensive tuition, and entrance fee which came out to be a whopping ¥817,000 all together. Once Ignazio found out, in response he decided to make a few sacrifices, limiting the amount of food he bought, some days he ate, some days he didn’t all just to be able to afford an education.

21 - Current Day (25)

Ignazio eventually, with assistance from Riku, learned all things about the Japanese language and as a result, spoke the language fluently. With this, his enrollment in Oita University came to an end, leaving with a bachelor’s degree in Criminology. With a successful education, despite the lack thereof in his childhood, it was time for Ignazio to pursue something further, and with that he said his goodbyes to what he viewed as his second family, his friend group and packed up his things, sailing away from the second place he knew, Oita. Now, Ignazio has arrived in Karakura, Japan. Where, despite his past experiences, and his unforgiving childhood years up until now, things were definitely improved. Ignazio looks up to the Karakura Police Department, and aspires to be one day amongst their ranks. Living on his own, Ignazio simply just kept to himself, and was fine with it, but hopes to be one day, a part of the law enforcement as not only a breakthrough to making new friends amongst his potential future co-workers, but to be pursuing his dream.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

“No, you cannot legally own a pocket knife in Karakura. If caught holding one, let alone using one it’s an easy way to get possession with an illegal weapon charge, which is also a free felony on your record with a free 3 month stay in prison, on top of a hefty bail of ¥150,000.”

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Paracetamol: Typically used as a painkiller for headaches.
Melatonin: Used by those who have difficulty sleeping.
Glasses: Medical devices typically and most commonly worn by those with bad eyesight.
Iron supplement: Used to treat iron deficiency or anemia. Usually used by those high at risk of iron deficiency.
Unbranded Bandages: Used as a protective layer to prevent dirt and bacteria from entering an open wound, as well as being the key thing that brings bleeding to a halt.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

“If I stumbled upon my co-workers physically abusing an inmate, at first I would check for any nearby higher-up personnel, if none are available I’d ensure my bodycam would be actively recording, as it should be at all times in my eyes because you never know. Then, I’d unholster my taser, leaving it to my side, verbally demanding the dispute to come to a halt, with both my co-workers and the victim in full view. If things went south, I’d radio in, asking for assistance to resolve the dispute at hand, and then eventually go in with caution, eyeing up both the inmate and my co-workers to see if either side would reach for some sort of weapon, whether if its an inmate getting one of the police-mandated batons into his possession, or one of the officers reaching for another weapon, in the worst case more lethal than average police equipment, such as a knife. I’d immediately raise my taser, immobilizing them. Afterwards, I’d radio in an update, explaining that the dispute had been resolved, but medical services were needed for the assaulted inmate.”

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

“Seeing a fellow co-worker being assaulted, my first instinct would be to radio in for assistance from any officer in the imminent area that’s capable of arriving at the scene as quickly as possible. Whilst remaining at a distance, I would include as much information about the assailant possible. For instance, if they didn’t have a mask on at the time, I would include facial details, eye color, hair color, anything visible to me at that moment in case the assailant decided to flee from the area at the sight of more officers arriving. I’d also include in the information of if the assailant was armed with a lethal weapon or not, before finally acting in an effort to defend my co-worker. To defend my coworker, after the information I delivered via radio to the other officers, if the assailant was unarmed, I’d immediately unholster my taser, firing it at them to immobilize them, before reaching for cuffs, sending them to lockup. Afterwards, I’d examine my co-worker for any signs of harm, which not only will be charged on the assailants record, but to depict whether they may need emergency transport or not. If said assailant was armed however, with a bat for example. I’d yell at them from afar, telling them to stop. If they refused to listen, I’d approach cautiously, with my baton in hand, attempting to knock the assailant out, if that didn’t seem viable, I would instead use my taser to disable them from range. Once dealt with, I would examine my co-worker again for any form of injuries, and depict whether or not the said co-worker would need medical services.”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

“At first, I would keep a low profile, not trying to make the fact that I know they’re corrupt obvious. Before making any claims, or reports to a higher-up official. I’d leave my body cam on whenever out on a scene with the corrupt co-worker, potentially incase of if they decide to assist a criminal on the scene. If no evidence came up of their corrupt antics out on the field via bodycam, I would instead resort to gathering reputable evidence from possible sources, whether that be potential witnesses, other co-workers that might know a thing about the corrupt co-worker assisting a criminal organization, or hopefully, if possible getting my hands on the co-workers phone, looking through any source of texts that might just show what the co-worker was up to. Afterwards, I’d ensure my gathered evidence was good enough, just in case of them not being a corrupted individual whatsoever, and then I’d report it to a higher-up official, anyone available at the time as I feel waiting any longer would give the corrupt co-worker a load of time to assist a criminal organization further. Finally, leaving it up to the higher-up official I reported to to deliver the consequence, unless requested to do so myself.”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

“I’d deny the bribe, as it would risk myself losing my beloved job amongst the ranks of the police force, but it also is a finable offense, which would result in me ordering the individual to pay the required amount of yen. If either the individual was too poor to pay the fine, or if they refused. I would arrest them, and have them instead serve their fine as a sentence.”

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