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Denied zacksoshawtious | [Kansai] Shop Application


Level 17

What is your Minecraft username?:
The account that I am applying for is zacksoshawtious.
Other accounts that I am known for; ZackTimeKiller and TemplarKing69.

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):
I have recently turned 20 years old.

What is your time zone?:
GMT+8 (Philippines)

Describe your activity on the server:
During this month and within the foreseeable future, I’ve been on SRP for a hefty amount of time, sometimes averaging 4-10 hours a day depending on the time of week. And being in the middle of summer, I’d be able to put in a lot of my time and effort into the faction with consistent and constant contribution and activity. Although, there are times that my activity within the game can dwindle due to miscellaneous activities that still pertain to the community such as; skin making, and art commissions as a side service within the community in exchange for in-game currency or irl money.

However, I do not let that get in the way of any important events held within the game. And prioritize any important activity held within the faction unless otherwise. In regards to my history within the server, I have been playing since late January roughly 6-7 months ago, and since then I have been engaging myself with in-game activities to keep me occupied and active such as clubs, gangs (I recently left 2-3 months ago), and other recent factions that are listed under the application lists.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I am aware and acknowledge that my lack of performance as well as contribution can greatly affect my relations to the faction as a member of the shopkeeper faction and will be deemed demoted when I do not meet any set requirements.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Faction Application(s)

Character Authorization Application(s)
Height Authorization (6’9); ACCEPTED
All Language Applications; (ALL ACCEPTED)

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
ZackTimeKiller; KPD [Patrol Officer] | College [Bachelor].
zacksoshawtious [Adult] | [12th Grade].
Templarking69 [12th Grade], [Bird].

Shop Information

What shop are you applying for?:
One of the two available gift shops, Kansai! However, upon acceptance; I’d like to re-brand and change the name entirely to ‘Hephaestus’. To many, Hephaestus is widely known as the Greek God of blacksmiths, of craftsmanship, and so forth. To me, Hephaestus is a God of creativity and invention, - a great memo for the store, as we focus on extending our minds and challenging our creative thinking. However, the primary reason for the name is a reference from one of my many favorite podcasts that I keep close to my heart, ‘Wolf 359’, the space station called ‘Hephaestus’, was the primary station used within the series. And with the shop’s space/sci-fi theme, I believe it fits well like a glove! Additionally, I acknowledge that many will not get the store’s reference, however, the name Hephaestus is quite personal to me, and I’d love for it to be the name that represents my shop.

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
Upon getting situated within SRP, I was always curious about the role of shopkeeper, it has always piqued my interests especially in regards to how they function and contribute to the server. They are responsible for selling in-character cosmetics, and interactive items that can improve one’s gameplay or personal enjoyment for roleplay immersion. And as someone that loves giving everyone an opportunity to shine, I strive to be a shopkeeper that is flexible and capable of providing others' needs and be taken into consideration not just for the customers, but for my employee’s as well. Finding ways to make activity much more fun in my own methods!

Personally, I’d love brainstorming especially when it relates to promoting a business! And I’ve thoroughly enjoyed trying to think of something unique for the concept of my store, which I will use as my main drive of motivation, to better challenge my imaginative mindset and to further improve my store in the long run. I want to mainly and mentally challenge my limits, especially when I am led to believe that I lack practicality when it comes to my creativity, which I’ve been trying to thoroughly improve, and with business concepts, it has quite helped me establish between realism and idealism. Combining and balancing the two to the best of my abilities

And, as a shopkeeper, I can put my creativity to use and be able to properly display what I can offer, through events or to improve my store’s flow of business! It brings me great enthusiasm to think of something I’ve created come to life and be able to function. While also being able to gain large profit from what I can do, it gives me a lot of funding to have the opportunity to invest and possibly expand on my ideas further. Moreover, as someone that is currently studying business in real life, I can utilize what I know and put it to the test by applying my knowledge as a shopkeeper within SRP by expanding on my current business ideas in the possible near future once accepted.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
“Reach for the stars and shine brighter than before!”
In Hephaestus we strive for a safe and entertaining environment while providing accessories, cosmetics, and toys within our store. With our theme centered around space & science fiction across all media. Everyone within our staff team are required to wear costumes and be accustomed to the characters they have to portray, to further give off the immersion of the characters and further make every time spent within the store worth a smile. With the available budget in the future, we plan to expand our items to further emphasize our store's theme as an exclusive item that will be strictly provided by Hephaestus, of course! And, our source of entertainment will be through hired actors or what I'd like to call them, mascots! As they will be focusing on channeling the character they are portraying and further give a mini-story immersion through customer-employee interaction! And if they understand the character further, they are free to completely do flash events through improvisation between each other within or in front of our store! To create more consumer attraction and to have an overall fun experience. Customers are free to join into the act, if they best feel comfortable as long as they are being respectful with the performance and not disrespecting the mascots in any form!

And I aim to encourage an interactive and communicative space with the community held within our store that includes our customers and our employees. Being open to ideas and listening to feedback as we try our best to improve! We like to lend a hear for any concerns and the imagination of others while also giving proper credit where appropriate. We like to encourage people to engage in creative activities that will be provided through our events and help people be confident in one's self by lending a positive insight of their most redeemable character or trait! Hephaestus is here to try and offer equal opportunities for everyone where possible, and I'd like to make it a better place where people can sit back and enjoy!

For the exterior; I aim for a more luxurious feel with darker colors for the exterior and perhaps a mix of lighter colors for the accents, such as beige portrayed in one of the images below.

For the interior; (Don’t mind my silly little edit). I plan it to have a pitch-black ceiling to give it a more night sky vibe decorated in blocks that will represent different kinds of planets! Including and hopefully a small decor of a spaceship. As well as a vibrant floor in hopes of a foreign and planetary feel with an elevated platform in the center for the mascots to stand on freely, if they ever choose to have a mini-play.

What will you sell in your shop?:
Hephaestus will provide a mixture between accessories and toys outside or within the store’s aesthetics to have a more in-depth variety! Although, if I ever considered getting a customized item for the shop, it would mainly be space themed as the shop’s exclusive items, or sci-fi inspired coming from a wide variety of media from movies to games, etc. And here’s an idea of what they could be! However, these can be subjected to change in the future depending on demand as I plan to have open-suggestions for customers to freely recommend and see what they like most.

How many employees do you plan to have?:

[1/1] The Proprietor/Shop Owner (ZackTimeKiller)
This role not only holds ownership but leadership upon the store. I will lead my employees through proper guidance and cooperation from both parties, taking responsibilities and concerns pertaining and relating to the store as a whole. And ensure that the store comes to a success, by creating a full system to run on so that everything is kept afloat, and having a final say in things, however, as the shop owner, I will keep an open mind for any proposals/suggestions that could benefit the store and my employees while also accommodating towards customer enjoyment. Ensuring not just a functional place, but a comforting and safe environment for everyone involved.

[0/3] Managers
Three Managers are required to help the owner oversee the three departments; cashiers, security, and mascots. Including the store and assisting in supervising employees, ensuring everything and everyone is working accordingly, and that the store is operating neatly without any qualms or arising problems especially in a situation when me, the owner, is unable to attend to my own duties as the shop owner for urgent reasons. They also assist in training the employees, give them run downs, and ensure that they’re well-equipped for the job. Additionally, they are the voice of the Hephaestus; they help tackle customer and employee concerns, and complaints, and speak for the employees as a whole representing each department they are assigned to.

[0/10] Cashiers
The most important employees that keep the flow and movement of the store. Their duties are on the front-desk, responsible for taking on orders from customers and having access to the shop panel to log the orders that were recently purchased. They are the center cog that will help the store run, and are required to keep an upbeat personality through every greeting. And they have the option to do a little bit of roleplay for added immersion of the store’s space theme.

[0/5] Security
They ensure that customers are abiding by the shop’s rules and the assurance of everyone’s well-being/safety! They assist in protecting the mascots as well, making sure there is zero violence or inappropriate behavior held within and surrounding the premise of Hephaestus. I feel that this is important, especially, when violence is considered a common occurrence within Karakura. Even with KPD taking care of these concerns, security exists to ensure the situation is regulated, and simmered down, if it ever persists or goes extremely wrong, KPD will be involved, and the security will stall the situation further until authorized personnel arrives.

[0/5] Mascots
Mascots are the main entertainers of the store combined as models that will use the store’s items as props to further promote our catalog - think of them as interactive models as you may! They make sure everyone is happy and well-complimented! Assuring that their day is great with every positive remark given. As well as, employee-customer interactions; being given the opportunity to cosplay and roleplay as their assigned character, and are free to take pictures or perform mini-events between other mascots held within the store - that are either scripted or completely improvised by themselves! Mascots are heavily trusted performers and must follow simple instructions to keep the flow of the store, as well as gather customer attention. They are required to wear costumes from varying franchises related to sci-fi which includes Star Wars, Guardians of the Galaxy, Honaki Star Rail, Warframe, Mass Effect, Halo, Stark Trek and so forth. Our theme can also expand to other franchises/series as well! Depending on what’s trendy or the holiday, but strictly on rare occasions as that is not the main theme of the store.


You don’t quite see managers wearing uniforms! And I thought it’d be fun to include them into the theme. However, the variance of the uniform only applies to one manager each. They cannot wear the same variance as they must portray the duo. Although, in the near future, if the managers see it as appropriate and willing, the outfits can be changed to other variants relating to said character that was worn in the same or different series.

Two colored varieties are provided, giving the cashier an option to choose between white or black as to not be limited to one, or to avoid situations such as having one outfit blend to the character’s skin color and so on! Giving an additional option that applies for both genders.And through persistent activity, they can upgrade their uniforms by adding ponchos, capes, or minor modifications, while not straying away from the overall outfit. Which can hopefully help motivate the employee with their activity.

The uniform for security comes in one variety, although through persistent activity, performance and achievements they may add minor modifications to the armor shown below. Although, at best, I’d like to avoid having drastic changes to still be identified as security by customers! Additionally, helmets are considered an option that they choose to wear or not, and the costume DOES NOT provide any combat benefits (IT IS PURELY FOR AESTHETICS) and will be thoroughly emphasized throughout the security team. And to differentiate security workers with another, they will have a specific color, pattern or marking imprinted onto their helmets provided with a list that is shared amongst employees to know who is who alongside an arm band to know that they are legitimate workers of the store. As well as a verbal passcode that will change every month for security purposes.

Provided with the same store armband the security team wears as well as a verbal passcode that will change every month. Mascots do not have a set or strict attire! Their costumes change every month or so! Alternating franchise to franchise, their costume and theme intend to vary. And most of the deciding factor of what they will wear will be led upon a suggestion list that will be selectively picked by me & managers, and be voted upon by the community through the Hephaestus server. Although, for comfortability, we will also discuss modifications with the mascots to see if they want to make a few changes to their costume to best fit their character!

Does your shop have a unique system for it to function and run? As well as events?:
Yes, there will be a point system that applies to all employees that can help motivate them to get on and garner consistent activity, by gaining the required points, and achieve a variety of rewards available within my power and that can be provided from Hephaestus’s catalog. This can go from a free item, to uniform upgrades, additional worker discount and so forth.

Regarding activity concerning cashiers, as previously listed there is quite a big number for the roster, 10 people is quite a lot and for each opening there will only be 3-4 spots for the front counter. Which is not a lot to accommodate even 50% of the cashier team, so to fix this problem, I plan to have a sub-position, it is nothing major, but it is to temporarily take on the role of a mascot’s sidekick, or a species that relates to the costume’s theme. They will not be doing anything big, as that will take away the Mascot’s role, however, they can interact with customers as well, give their opinion on what will look best on them and promote the items further by wearing or utilizing these items while standing by each aisle. They can also follow the mascots around if they wish to do so. The sub-positions exist to promote more activity, and to give more opportunity to those that really and truly want to participate in an opening but are unable to due to front counters being immediately filled! And, this is also a good way to wait around the store for another front counter spot to potentially open up.

Within Hephaestus, we aim to interact and communicate with our community and customers both within ICLY and OOCLY. Garnering their feedback with utmost care and respect, taking their words earnestly. We will promote polls, have channels for open suggestions, and so on! Customer feedback means a lot, and we aim to improve by also listening to the employees within the store as well! And even have mini-events within our server for people to openly brainstorm more ideas for the store and be rewarded for their efforts!

To further promote the store’s reputation and boost the consumer audience; for every month I plan to publicly announce a goal within Hephaestus’ server. Each goal differs, it can be from reaching a certain amount of sales, server count, group activity, etc. Once the goal has been reached, we are to host an exclusive event! That can range from a wholesale with a 20-30% discount on all prices! Or a cosplaying event with the mascots, with the winners achieving prizes that are within my power. Or mini-games that will challenge both customers and employees! It can drastically differ in each upcoming month.

In terms of mini-events, or flash events held within the store, that is entirely up to the mascots. These events will be improvised or pre-planned beforehand, although there can be a script involved as well! But, these events are meant to be short and the brief interaction between characters will be somewhat meaningful. A good example would be an interpretation of the lightsaber fight between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, but with a more witty exchange between the two characters, to be able to garner laughs from the crowd. Adaptations aren’t entirely supposed to be by the script! Most of the lines can be changed to however they deemed fit mostly for the purpose of entertainment and a fun exchange to experience! The mascots can also choose to get a customer involved as well if they ever choose to. Mostly for a complete immersive experience that can be hard to forget! And for good cooperation, the customer can get a surprise prize!

Planned events are heavily scripted, and will be performed as an introduction for major events before the store’s opening! This will mostly either be a dramatic play or a dance between the two, and will be performed by the majority of the staff team within Hephaestus with the mascots being the main lead of the performance. And these plays are expected to be at least 10-15 minutes short to mostly have more room for our event!

What will the special events be like?:
There's special events and non-special events, non-special events are the ones that are conducted and improvised by the mascots which occur more often compared to the special events. Special events are the ones that have been mentioned before, an exclusive store event that will be meticulously more planned and perhaps lengthy! With more beneficial prizes in the end. These events are often hosted by managers or the shop owner which require the involvement of other store personnel that are not just mascots!

As the name suggests; the security team will heavily be involved that will be led by Darth Vader aka a Manager in disguise preferably. And they will be assigned to look for certain people within their lists to take on as a 'prisoner of the empire'. These people will be a random person on the crowd, or one of the employees. And it's their job to held them captive, the rest of the employees will lead a rebellion, trying their best to protect the person that is within their list. - The customers will be given an option to join sides, the Empire or the Rebellion. Will they choose to protect this person? Or help the Empire put them behind bars? Everyone will be equipped with toys to further increase the immersion, and people are allowed to go on a grand chase however limited to the area of the store. They are not allowed to go any further away from the building to avoid disturbing other public spaces.

As the name implies, the people will be put into a trivia! Mostly about science fiction not just Star Wars! People that participate will get a chance to win a plethora of prizes that are available within the store catalog. Although, we will make most of these questions fair and not go too in-depth in regards to lore, unless the community demands it to be progressively harder in the future!

As mentioned before, every month the mascots will have their outfit themes changed to different franchises! During the first day of our opening of the new month, we encourage other people to follow up with the theme as well and cosplay as their favorite character! To those that stick to the theme and come to the store wearing their costumes will be given a 20% discount on all items! And can get a chance to be featured in our catalog magazines for any new items in store.

Grand events are major events that will be hosted after reaching our store's goal! I plan to have a play depending on the mascot's costume theme that month! And it will mostly be heavily planned but kept in a rather short span of time of 10-15 minutes, so nothing excessively long! These events can be inspired by our favorite scenes that have been on display on-screen! Although, we don't plan to entirely go off the source, as we intend to adapt it with our own twists and style. But, we ensure to take care of the characters, and not stray away from their most notable traits! After performing the play, the employees can simply act and interact with the customers as if they're continuing on with the story involving the audience even if the play is over. This job will mostly be upheld by mascots though, as some employees may be busy attending to their duties and tasks.

Although, these events are merely samples of what you'd expect from our store; I plan to improve and get better ideas whenever possible in the foreseeable future!

What are the store’s rules and regulations?:
I take rules seriously, and I personally strive for a better and safe environment for everyone, which will require a number of rules and regulations that must be abided in order to achieve this.

All Store Personnel Rules and Regulations;
Rules and Regulations that must be followed by the store’s employees. It is important for the employees to act a certain way when on duty in order to upkeep a good reputation for the store, and they are the start of what makes a safe and fun environment strive.

Maturity & Professionalism; as an employee of Hephaestus you are to act with a sufficient level of maturity that is deemed appropriate, and approach your duties with professionalism. With the number of employees expected to be 16+, you are not allowed to be immature and childish when on duty, please reserve that outside of work.

Be Discreet & Non-toxic; this especially applies to mascots, depending on the character they are playing this will not be an excuse to be toxic and their use of profanity will be put into a minimum, and cannot be directed to anyone. Moreover, even if the character is this or that, they are not allowed to be inappropriate or act a certain way that can lead to discomfort from surrounding individuals. Their characters will not be used as an excuse, and they will personally be held accountable for their behavior.

Do Not Abuse Your Power; this also applies to me as the shop owner as well. As employees, they have a lot of access in private and personnel-only spaces. This does not mean they should let any non-worker in or out, especially without my permission/knowledge. And, they are not allowed to spread confidential information that is only spread amongst employees or use it as a bargaining tool in some circumstances. Classified information means classified information.

Activity and Diligence; you must maintain a sufficient amount of activity displayed within the store with utmost diligence. All activity will be logged, and thoroughly checked each and every month. If you fail to attend at least two to three openings with a lack of inactivity log, you will be questioned and possibly removed.

Abide by the Karakura Law and Do Not Abuse the Shop’s Stocks; the employees have easy access to our stocks and if they ever steal, resell (outside of the shop/for self profit) or freely distribute our items, they will be reported to the KPD with evidence from the CCTV or through the shop panel logs, etc. And will have the law possibly involved until properly compensated for the damages. Any items used for props must be immediately returned to their proper chests after shifts.

Consumer Rules and Regulations;;
It is important to have rules that customers are required to abide by, to keep everyone content and happy within the vicinity of the store, and not just a one sided hellscape - as I mentioned before, I aspire to have this store be a safe place for everyone. But, not to fret, these aren’t very difficult as long as you have common sense and human decency!

And for those that had persistently broken and disrespected our rules will be automatically put into our blacklist without question. And depending on how severe their behavior was, if provided or possible, their description/name/face will be spread across to other shopkeepers, warning of their behavior that was displayed in our store so that they are aware/cautious of these individuals.

Be Respectful; this includes everyone from the store’s staff, customers alike and the building itself. Jokes are fine, however there’s a line to be crossed and if the opposing party is uncomfortable, we will take action. We do not condone any disrespect or harassment of any kind and will be escorted out of the premises immediately, and be kept in our blacklisted indefinitely, Moreover, any damages done to the vicinity of the store building will hopefully be charged equal to the amount that was destroyed.

Abide by the Karakura Law and avoid committing or resorting to criminal acts; any form of law breaking within the vicinity will be immediately reported to the KPD provided with evidence from the store’s CCTV. We do not condone crimes, especially theft, those that steal from the store by snatching other people’s items from the front line will be asked to return said items, or pay for said items equal to the amount stolen. Persistent refusal will possibly get the law involved until equally compensated. Additionally, they will be blacklisted from Hephaestus and their identities spread amongst other shopkeepers.

No stalling & cutting in the line; when falling in line, you are not allowed to stall, cut or be afk while awaiting your turn to order at the front counter. If you are seen purposefully stalling and cutting the line for other people’s inconvenience you will be warned, and if persistence/resistance is shown,you will be immediately escorted out of the store without question.

Masks are not allowed; as much as we’d like people to cosplay alongside the mascot’s theme of the month, they are not allowed to wear masks for the sake of everyone’s safety - we simply cannot risk any form of disaster that may occur. If they proceed to wear the mask after a plethora of warnings, they will not be served, and will be immediately escorted out of the vicinity if they refuse to abide by the consumer rules and regulations.

Be modest & discreet; this applies to everyone, although there is nothing wrong with wearing anything that shows a lot of skin! But, there comes a line that can be crossed, and it can quickly lead to discomfort towards everyone within the vicinity. So appropriate wear is required. But, outfits such as skirts, crop tops, etc are fine! Anything that is the lack thereof or deemed inappropriate in any way, is not tolerated and will quickly be escorted outside by the security.


Asker Samir Lemaître

(Art Drawn by me! In-game pictures taken by my super cool, super awesome friend; pvchiekisq)

Asker Samir Lemaître takes on a mystique character, completely unpredictable to the average person outside of his social circle. Like a true social chameleon, he has an ever-changing demeanor and persona; adapting to the crowd and community around him, Asker does not fail to try and appease the public perception, mostly taking on the nice-and-easy-going facade. Valuing his reputation and ideals rather than his own character and needs, a great opportunist with creativity as his primary weapon, his most redeeming tool aside from his daring and persuasive character. His entire mind-set and personality is a stark contrast to what Hephaestus promotes, boosting the irony behind the curtains. Although he chose to claim ‘to care’ for others' mental needs, no one really knows if he speaks the truth or if this is just for the sole purpose of further promoting his own ‘business’.

A 41 year-old man, Asker Samir Lemaître, of Egyptian-French descent, is always adorned in formal expensive attire, commonly in velvet black fabrics embellished in matted gold. He stood tall, towering most at 6’2” with a very slender physique possessing little to none muscle definition and acute features; having defined cheekbones paired with his long bicolored hair framing his face that greatly emphasized his sharp jawline. Heterochromia eyes, a dark jaded green on the right that is a contrast to his bright turquoise left. A noticeably heavy accent consistently carries through his speech paired with odd ‘slangs’ from time to time.

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