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ZekeEnvy's KPD Application


Level 4

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Discord name & Tag:

CricketEnvy (zekeenvy)

Which timezone are you in?

I am in the PST time zone

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Priest Application
Tutor Application
Reporter Application

Describe your activity on the server:

I’ve been playing SRP since 2022. Since joining, I've been on quite frequently! A lot of the time it was for FamilyRP or Gang/CrimeRP with friends. Of course, I take the occasional break to hang out with friends who don’t play SRP or with Family, or my partner.
If there are any changes within my schedule, I usually make sure to let people know when I will be available and the next time I am online.

Family BBQ
Free day
Free Day
Work Day
Work Day
Free Day

What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation for applying comes from a few reasons. I believe the main reason would be though, is wanting to experience a new Roleplay. I’m usually known for Gang/CrimeRP, which sure can be a bunch of fun. But I’ve done it for a couple of years, and after a while, the same routine becomes- well, A routine. There’s not much to it and I would like a change of things. Plus, KPD has caught my eye from time to time as a faction to join. With learning about it ICLY and having people be willing to teach and talk to me about what it’s like to be in the faction ICLY and OOCLY has raised my curiosities and my motivation to apply. Plus with the support of a few friends, I want to try something new and be a part of something new. I wouldn’t say- a new community, but a new group. Take this opportunity to experience a new form of Roleplay and possibly make new friends.
Plus, with my activity of being on SRP as a server, I believe that being a part of the KPD faction would give me a bit more motivation to be on and continue the fun experience I usually have on SRP with friends and the experience of making new friends and learning something new.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

I have quite a lot, as having a friend who was raised in a Law Enforcement family and having a friend who is also studying Law, I have come to know a lot!

Body Cameras;
Even though some people may not wear them, it is a mandatory and a must to wear, especially as time comes and goes, A body Camera is needed for proof and in order to show what happens while on shift. Not only does an officer wear a body camera, but there’s always a camera in the Car as well to catch moments in the car between the working officer, the person who has been arrested/detained or the victim of an incident. This tends to help in the situation of ‘Actions against words’.

BulletProof Vest;
Working as someone in Law Enforcement is a dangerous job, as you never know what you are against. You never know what is around the corner. This vest is usually blending in with their uniform and protects the officer from knives, guns, explosives and other weapons. But it is important to remember to not always rely on your vest.

Duty Belt;
This is the belt that rests around the officer’s waist. It makes their equipment easily accessible. As in a taser, flashlight, stun gun, or gun. (SRP doesn’t have guns.)

An officer’s flashlight is a must, as officer’s can be working during night, or called to a dark building or the sewers. These flashlights are also very heavy duty, which makes a great self-defense weapon if the officer is unable to grab their taser in time or radio in order to call for backup.

The handcuffs rest on the duty belt at all times. That way they are easy to access for the officer to quickly detain someone. These keep the person’s wrists held and detained. They keep them most of the time behind a person’s back in order for the person to not be able to escape and makes it harder to run. But this also makes it harder for a person to fight. Lowering the risk of harm.

Communication is HIGHLY important while working in this line of duty. As the radio is not only to get updates, but it can be your life line. If you ever find yourself in danger, calling for backup is a need in order to not only keep a citizen safe, but yourself and a higher chance of catching the person.

Taser Gun;
A taser is used to stun someone. And in the academy, you must take a taser training where you, as the intern, get tasered. This shows the officer how it feels to be tased and not to abuse their power. The taser reaches about 15 feet and latches to the person, even through layers of clothes and sends about 50,000 volts of electricity.


Maintaining order and Public safety;

As you work as an officer, you hold the duty of keeping order and the laws that have been given in line. You make sure people follow and abide by these laws and anyone who breaks a law, your job is to detain or arrest, given how bad and given if you have proof. By doing this, you keep the people safe against criminals and those who would harm citizens.

File Reports;
As you work in the law enforcement faction, it is often their job to document every action and every report that they get. No matter what it is. To a cat stuck in a tree, to a murder or a prison escape.

Front Desk;
Most of the time, a working officer has to work at the front desk. Helping those with simple questions, bail, knowledge about arrests, detainments or a report that was made about a family/friend. For SRP, the only time you should really go to the front desk is if you have a report, to bail someone, going to visit or in dire need of help.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

The police are important to SRP as it adds to the experience of having fun, and reality in a way. We have the school, which only makes sense for a School Roleplay server, then we have the Government as in Lawyers, and judges. The EMS, our doctors and nurses, and psychiatrists. So it only makes sense to have the Police. But the Police are also important because even on a server, they maintain the peace and safety of the people of Karakura. They obtain and uphold the law and make sure others do. They keep Gangs and Criminals at bay and honestly, it adds to the fun of it all!

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

Yes, I fully acknowledge that if there’s training while I am online that I need to attend, and a punishment will be given if I don’t.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:

“My name is Zenpachi Fuuyumi.”

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

“I am at the current age of 28.”

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

“I go by He, him, and Mister.”

<| Appearance |>

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:



Master in Criminal Law, Law Enforcement Certificate and Major in Criminology.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

“I know Korean, and German.”

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Zenpachi is a young man of mixed Korean/Japanese Ethnicity. Out of his other two siblings, despite them being triplets, Zen is the tallest by standing at 6’2”. He has pale ivory skin that has a slight tan due to him constantly being outside. His eyes are a soft baby blue, which goes great with his dyed hair, which is mostly Snow White with a few streaks of blue.
Zen has a sleeve of tattoos on his right arm that leads to his right pectoral, stopping there. Though given his tall and somewhat scary demeanor, Zen is actually rather friendly and understanding, but he’s sure to let people know his boundaries and doesn’t let people walk on him or his family.
When people and his family call him a family man, they mean it. Family always comes first to Zen. Their health will always matter before his own, which usually gets him scolded.

Zen can usually be seen wearing a dark brown leather jacket and soft green biker pants, and combat boots with a white undershirt beneath his jacket. He wears a ring given to him by his mother and a necklace around his neck with a small lotus flower, given to him by Alaida.
Most of the time, he’s always wearing formal/professional wear to show his seriousness and his pride of who he is and how far he’s come.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

While in a professional/casual situation, Zenpachi looks rather- intimidating. As he stands with a straightened posture and doesn’t really show emotion. Sure, he may joke around with a coworker if they joke around first. But most of the time, he stays silent unless he is spoken to first. Of course, he will be as helpful as he can be and give information he can give if it helps a citizen, but if he’s on duty, his mind is set on focusing and making sure his job is done right at all times.
There may be a little wedge room for mistakes and errors, but he’s not exactly comfortable with letting that happen as that can be a risk and put himself or others at risk.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

Zenpachi has no problem with his coworkers or the idea of Teamwork. As that’s what keeps the faction up and running and what keeps the city of Karakura safe. While working, yes, Zen will maintain a professional stature, but when it’s allowed and when they have free time; he will hang out and joke around with his fellow coworkers. He would never hesitate if he was called upon for help or if he needed to ever call for help, as it would lower the risk of losing a life in the field.
If he was working off duty, he would be sure to never distract the working officers, but as for the ones that were off duty and he saw them in public, of course, he would say hi and show his colours of how he is when not wearing a uniform. But he makes it very clear even if he’s off duty and they need an extra set of hands, that they can call on him, no matter the time of day.

What's your character's backstory?

Being born alongside his two siblings in Daejeon, Korea. Starting the story of the Fuuyumi triplets. A chaotic trio that believed more in the good of the world rather than the bad at such a young age as most kids. Seeing the world through rose coloured glasses was always the way a child’s life started.
Unlike his other two siblings, Zenpachi was more of the quiet and calm one. His mind focused on the world and on his family. Even at such a young age, he always made sure his siblings were safe and put their health before his. The same with his parents.

Zenpachi at a young age was interested in the laws of the world. The jobs of officers, EMS workers, the government as a whole, meanwhile, his siblings were still focused on being young and small, and more focused on being a little troublesome. These troublesome actions always led to Zen having to pull his siblings out of the dog house. And sometimes, he would take the blame for them.
With his siblings, he would usually ask to play a game of cops and robbers, doctor and patients, or heroes. As he saw cops, doctors, nurses and lawyers as heroes of the world, keeping the world safe and his family safe as well. Even during school, he would ask his friends to play along, and Zen would of course take turns, playing as a cop, or a robber, or the patient or the doctor. The fun was never ending.

And it only seemed to increase when he met Alaida. A shy and quiet girl who wished to take part in the games, but due to her being quiet, no one really wanted to play with her. No one even dared to try. Except, for Zen and his siblings. They saw the quiet girl and dragged her into their tiny elementary friend group. And together, they explored imagination and the world of creation.
As the four grew up to go to middle school, they were inseparable. Always sticking together. But of course, no one wants to play cops and robbers, or doctors and patients in middle school. Which was a new change for the triplets, but this only opened new doors.
As Zenpachi’s siblings studied in arts, history of literacy . Zen started his studies in law, and Alaida kept him company while she studied religion.

Most people would tell Zen that these were just dreams, and he should just stick with the role of a mechanic or working in a factory as most people did. But he continued on. With the support and motivation from his family. Until the fateful day- The Fuuyumi family decided to spend the day together for the carnival in town. A large festival-like scene and lights filled the dark sky. But little did they know of the dangers lurking around every corner. While Zenpachi and his siblings went on a ride, the mother was attacked by a couple of gang members, leaving the father to try and help. But all was lost when their mother was murdered in cold blood. Leaving the Fuuyumi family devastated by their loss.
About two years later, as the triplets came into their Freshman year, Alaida had told them that her family was moving to Karakura in hopes to keep their family safe, which led Mr. Fuuyumi to do the same in order to keep his kids safe.

And once moving to Karakura Japan, Zenpachi focused more on his studies with a goal to become a cop in the future to keep his family and friends safe. Even when his siblings tried to get him out of his head and try to spend time with each other- that time was spent shortly and he was back in the books. Even Alaida tried getting him to take a break. But his main quote was “and risk another loss, I think I’m okay…” it was never about revenge or avenging his mother. He knew there was nothing he could do to bring her back. But if he could just fulfill that childhood dream of helping keep others safe, alive and keep families together, that is what he wanted.
He studied, asked the KPD officers questions now and then to learn how they do things and what things did. Their morals and learning about the crime rates made him realize that this was where he was meant to be.

But during this time, little did he know he was losing his childhood friend as well. With barely any time to spend with her, she lost herself in studies of Shintoism and at the shrine, continuing the path her parents set down for her to be a maiden. But Zenpachi always made sure to leave her a message and made sure to also spend time with his father and two siblings, making sure to never break the bond that they had as family.
It wasn’t until after graduating High School, he went to college. Taking an internship at KPD to learn and continue his studies, but after a long talk with his father, Zen did his best to balance out time with his family and friends. So on his days off, he would hang out, eat dinner and play games with his siblings and chat with his dad.
But he also slowly started to form his bond back with his childhood friend, Alaida, who had grown from her shy and quiet self, to a rather playful and teasing girl.

He would never admit it, but he was slowly growing feelings for the girl who had supported him alongside his siblings to continue to chase his dream of being an officer.
During his internship, Zenpachi learned the basics, the morals, the codes, and the duties an officer has, and took pride in learning before finally applying and going to the academy to further his plans and his destination to his goal. With his father and siblings cheering him on and knowing his mother was cheering him as well, Zenpachi continued to strive and finally found himself.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

No, you may not. As It is an illegal weapon, and if it is seen, KPD have every right to search you.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

Wooden Canes, Bandages, Paracetamol, Cough Syrup and Multivitamins.
Each do not require a prescription as these don’t have to be refilled nor re-prescribed once finished. Hey usually only have to be used for such a certain period of time unlike other medications that the hospital can give!

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

If I were to see one of my coworkers abusing an inmate, I would quickly try to break it apart and diffuse the situation. There should be no reason for this kind of harm and it goes against the morals and the code. Even if the inmate may be a terrible person, it is not our right to place hands on the people and it is not our place to judge. This will be reported and brought up to higher ups.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

Quickly step in and call in backup just in case if the situation gets out of hand. I would do my best to detain the person assaulting my co-worker and make sure they are in the back of the police car or if need be, wish I never hope so, tranquilized depending how bad the situation is. Once detained, my attention would turn to my co-worker and I would assess any wounds or injuries. If they are minor, as in small bruising or a little scuffed, call in the report. If it’s a major wound, call the hospital and let them know I’m bringing in an officer to be looked over and assessed to see how bad the injuries really are and file the report right away with evidence and proof.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

It would be a shame if that were to happen, but a report would be made and as it’s being made, I would add in as much proof and evidence I have in hopes it would be enough. My trust of course, would be broken as that’s someone who took an oath to protect and serve Karakura and would rather watch the world burn. When the time came for the case in the town hall, I would stand up at the trial and be sure to show the evidence at front and testify against the corrupted cop. Whatever this takes in order to continue to keep this city and the people safe.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

In all honesty, I would laugh. Depending on what the bribe is for and make sure to get evidence on my body camera (Replay mod or screenshots), and be sure to make a report after gaining this evidence, I would let them off with a verbal warning first, but if they continue, I would charge them with bribery and detain for questioning and their arrest.

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