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ZekeEnvy's Physical Education Teacher Application


Level 4
About Me

What's your Minecraft Username?:


What's your Discord username?:

CricketEnvy (zekeenvy)

What's your Time Zone?:

I am in the PST time zone

Provide any link(s) to previous applications:
KPD Application
Reporter Application
Monastery Priest Application
Tutor Application

Language Apps;
Russian Application
Korean Application

What are your current roles on the server?:

I have a few Grade-12 slots, a Duck, and a Raccoon.

Why are Teachers so important to SchoolRP?:

Well, SRP is short for School RolePlay. Which it surrounds the School and the environment it has to offer. The teachers bring that experience and environment to life. They play the role of teacher and they actually plan and teach real lessons that can be taught in actual schools and/or colleges. One thing I’ve noticed in OOC or even in LOOC, is people saying that the things that they learn in SRP classes, are things that their schools didn’t even bother to teach! And I think that’s quite amazing. That even in a block game, people continue to learn things that they’ve never learned. But it also allows those who play as teacher’s, to share the subjects that they loved learning or facts that they learned and are continuing to learn.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you may lose your role?:

I am fully aware that if I am inactive for a certain amount of time, or fail to do any sort of quota, I will be removed for other participants to get their respected chance.

Do you agree to undergo teacher training if your application is successful?:

I am fully educated and understand that I am required to make the effort at being present during training.

In-Character Section

What's your character's full name?:

"Hello, My name is Zenpachi Fuyuumi."

What is your character's nationality?:

"My origin is Korean! But I can also speak Russian, given my most recent visit to Russia."

What is your preferred subject to teach?:

"Physical Education"

Backstory & Character Description;
Describe your character:
Zenpachi Fuyuumi, A well mannered and young Korean male. His skin tone is a sun kissed Ivory due to him being outside so much. His eyes are a soft baby blue that seem to catch attention when he gives a gentle smile. His hair reaches his shoulders, but from time to time, you can catch him putting it half up to keep his neck cool. His hair is white with streaks of white through them, hinting that blue just may be his favorite colour.
Fuyuumi is not an only child, in fact, he’s a triplet, and the oldest one at that. Since he can remember, he’s always been the protective one and the family boy. Meaning he’s always put family first. He’s a kind and understanding guy, curious and very playful. But when working, he can be serious and strict. But he’s sure to let people know that he’s not trying to sound rude, it’s just him being professional.

When teaching, he is patient and makes sure that his students always understand what is going on. He makes sure that no one is lost in a game or a lesson. Of course, he’ll goof off every now and then to make sure that everyone is relaxed and feel comfortable in his classroom, letting them know it’s a safe place for them to be themselves at all times, that there’s no reason to hide their personality.

After school, he’s still pretty goofy and sweet. But he’s a bit more guarded. He likes to call himself a family man and will spend time with his siblings or his friends, taking this time to relax and also take this time to plan lessons for future classes, never making it a dull day in his classroom.

>-Era 1. The beginning of the Ocean Triplets! -<
Being born alongside his two siblings in Daejeon, Korea. Starting the story of the Fuyuumi triplets, which resemble the ocean. A chaotic trio that believed more in the good of the world rather than the bad at such a young age as most kids. Seeing the world through rose coloured glasses was always the way a child’s life started.

Unlike his other two siblings, Zenpachi was more of the quiet and calm one. His mind focused on the world and on his family. Even at such a young age, he always made sure his siblings were safe and put their health before his. The same with his parents.

Zenpachi at a young age was interested in the laws of the world. The jobs of officers, EMS workers, the government as a whole, meanwhile, his siblings were still focused on being young and small, and more focused on being a little troublesome. These troublesome actions always led to Zen having to pull his siblings out of the dog house. And sometimes, he would take the blame for them.

With his siblings, he would usually ask to play a game of cops and robbers, doctor and patients, or heroes. As he saw cops, doctors, nurses and lawyers as heroes of the world, keeping the world safe and his family safe as well. Even during school, he would ask his friends to play along, and Zen would of course take turns, playing as a cop, or a robber, or the patient or the doctor. The fun was never ending.

>- Era 2. The Tide and his new companion! -<
And it only seemed to increase when he met Alaida. A shy and quiet girl who wished to take part in the games, but due to her being quiet, no one really wanted to play with her. No one even dared to try. Except, for Zen and his siblings. They saw the quiet girl and dragged her into their tiny elementary friend group. And together, they explored imagination and the world of creation.

As the four grew up to go to middle school, they were inseparable. Always sticking together. But of course, no one wants to play cops and robbers, or doctors and patients in middle school. Which was a new change for the triplets, but this only opened new doors.

As Zenpachi’s siblings studied in arts, history of literacy . Zen started his studies in law, and Alaida kept him company while she studied religion.

Most people would tell Zen that these were just dreams, and he should just stick with the role of a mechanic or working in a factory as most people did. But he continued on. With the support and motivation from his family.
>-Era 3. The Horrific Scene and new life -<
Until the fateful day- The Fuyuumi family decided to spend the day together for the carnival in town. A large festival-like scene and lights filled the dark sky. But little did they know of the dangers lurking around every corner. While Zenpachi and his siblings were on a ride, the mother was attacked and stabbed by a group of gang members, leaving the father to try and help shield the children from the sight, holding back his own tears as the mother instructed him to keep them safe. But all was lost when their mother was murdered in cold blood, Zen seeing the situation through the fathers fingers. Leaving the Fuyuumi family devastated by their loss.

About two years later, as the triplets came into their Freshman year, Alaida had told them that her family was moving to Karakura in hopes to keep their family safe, which led Mr. Fuyuumi to do the same in order to keep his kids safe.

And once moving to Karakura Japan, Zenpachi focused more on his studies with a goal to become a cop in the future to keep his family and friends safe. Even when his siblings tried to get him out of his head and try to spend time with each other- that time was spent shortly and he was back in the books. Even Alaida tried getting him to take a break. But his main quote was “and risk another loss, I think I’m okay…” it was never about revenge or avenging his mother. He knew there was nothing he could do to bring her back. But if he could just fulfill that childhood dream of helping keep others safe, alive and keep families together, that is what he wanted. He studied, asked the KPD officers questions now and then to learn how they do things and what things did. Their morals and learning about the crime rates made him realize that this was where he was meant to be.

But during this time, little did he know he was losing his childhood friend as well. With barely any time to spend with her, she lost herself in studies of Shintoism and at the shrine, continuing the path her parents set down for her to be a maiden. But Zenpachi always made sure to leave her a message and made sure to also spend time with his father and two siblings, making sure to never break the bond that they had as family.

>-Era 4. His continued obsession for profession -<
It wasn’t until after graduating High School, he went to college. Taking an internship at KPD to learn and continue his studies, but after a long talk with his father, Zen did his best to balance out time with his family and friends. So on his days off, he would hang out, eat dinner and play games with his siblings and chat with his dad. But he also slowly started to form his bond back with his childhood friend, Alaida, who had grown from her shy and quiet self, to a rather playful and teasing girl.

He would never admit it, but he was slowly growing feelings for the girl who had supported him alongside his siblings to continue to chase his dream of being an officer. During his internship, Zenpachi learned the basics, the morals, the codes, and the duties an officer has, and took pride in learning before finally applying and going to the academy to further his plans and his destination to his goal. With his father and siblings cheering him on and knowing his mother was cheering him as well, Zenpachi continued to strive and finally found himself.

>-Era 5. The sad realization, and new path -<
But alas, his dreams were cut short. In the end, he found himself in realization that it was not his time to serve the city yet. When he applied, he didn't think. He found himself enraged with revenge and anger, his only goal being revenge for his mother. When he was denied the opportunity, he began thinking of what else he could possibly do to help himself, and his siblings when he then heard that the school had been in need of teachers. Zen, who was relatively fit had taken the time to look at the school's roster, and noticed the dire need of PE teachers. He made an immediate call to his friend, Alaida in hopes of an answer, given their time apart. The phone rang for a while before a voice began speaking on the other end. He spoke with enthusiasm and admiration when he spoke the words "I was denied from joining the Police force, but I have looked into something else." A long pause was left in between words, occasional 'mhms' and 'okays' were given from her, before he finished his sentence. "I am going to attempt at being a PE teacher, till applications come back around for the Police force. I know how worried you were about it, so now you have time to really soak it in."

Alaida let out a sigh of relief, though hearing he still planned to go for it, even after denial shocked her, though she supported him. She encouraged his hopes for becoming a teacher, and thats all he needed. He immediately began researching the topics needed for the position he wished to claim, and then started his application. He needed this job if he was going to support his twin sisters, and knew it. He would do anything for those two.

What is your character's outlook on students and co-workers?:

Much like his siblings, He has a sense to protect those kids. But of course, the duty to educate and teach. He knows they are young, just as was once and they can make silly and dumb decisions. But he also knows that they will learn from those decisions. He makes it clear that he only wants the best and lead them down the right path that he can possibly give them as a teacher, and gives them goals and reasons to strive to be a good person here in Karakura.

He’s professional, but he likes to joke around and share a laugh with his co-workers. He’s also one to lend a hand if ever needed, if a few kids get a little rambunctious or if they need help, possibly lesson planning. Or if a teacher is doing a health lesson and needs some advice! During school, he makes sure to keep a professional look and keep his job life and personal life separate, but after school, he doesn’t mind chatting and sharing stories if a co-worker were to spot him in town.

What is your character's motivation for teaching?:

Zen's motivation to teach comes from his dreams of providing and taking care of his family. His siblings and his dad are the last of his kin and he wants to make sure they have a life without the worry of not being able to get things. But it's also to bring opportunities to the kids he teaches of good paths in their lives in order to strive towards to keep their noses out of trouble. He wishes to make a safe place for everyone and make sure no one feels the need to hide their true colours.

He wants to give the students of Karakura High, a chance at a good childhood and good years in high school and a chance to go to College in order to reach their dreams.

Roleplay Scenarios

A student in class is struggling to understand the content, what would your character do?:

Zen would be teaching a lesson on Physical and Mental Health. As he wrote examples and definitions on the chalkboard, he would turn to make sure everyone was catching up on their notes. But his blue gaze would catch a student who held their head in a tense and stressed manner. He would watch as the other students were writing and took this time to walk over to the student. "Hey, you doing okay?" He would listen as the student voiced their confusion and he would nod in uderstanding. "That's okay, I can re-explain it, don't worry." He would reassure the student before straightening up, a smile on his face. "Is anyone confused on the topic?" He would ask loud enough and watch as a couple other students raised their hands and he nodded, walking back up to the board. "Let me know what confuses you and I will explain it in an easier way and a better way to understand!"

A student is continuously being disruptive in class, talking out of turn, and making jokes with classmates. What would your character do?:

Zen would be teaching a lesson before hearing a loud laugh. He would turn to see who it was and he gave a gentle smile. "Mister (Name), would you mind focusing on the lesson? I'm sure you and your friends can tell jokes after class." He would ask nicely before turning back to the chalkboard, thinking the situation was diffused. But he was wrong. With being interrupted, the student talking over others or still being disruptive, Mr. Fuyuumi would sigh and his voice would turn stern. "(Name), this is your second warning. Please, raise you hand before speaking and save the laughter for something else, you're being disruptive for those who are learning. The next time I have to warn you, I will write you up for detention." Giving the student one last chance, in hopes things would calm down.

Provide at least 2 interactive class ideas related to your preferred subject:

First Class Idea; 'Example of Physical practice'
/itl As the students began piling into the classroom, there seemed to be a poster on the wall which seemed to be represented towards the Cheerleading team. The teacher seemed to be focused on trying to tape it onto the chalkboard before the bell then rang.

/me jumped a bit, being startled by the bell and also realizing that the students were already in the classroom. He turned his entire body towards them, bowing his head- Practically asking for forgiveness before starting his lesson. &f"Ah- Hello class. .--

Sorry about that, I was just preparing our lesson for the day! So, the cheer team are having a routine practice on the roof soon and I took it upon myself to ask one of the. . Many Dean, if I could use it as a lesson! Now, I don't think you can–

participate, but I wish to use this opportunity to really inspire some of you to look into teams in the school! There are many of them, like Baseball, Volleyball, and Basketball. Of course the Cheer team too, but that's what we'll be covering today!" [+]

/it He would then catch his breath after that long yap session. He regained his composure as he then looked around to all of the students to gather their expressions. Some were- Not that happy about it, but some seemed to be excited. . That's something!--

&f"Anyways. . Let's get going class, they won't be there forever!”


Second Class Idea; 'Health Nausea Education'
/me would be spinning in his chair, his feet placing on the floor to stop himself as he saw the students enter his class. Jesus- Was he dizzy. What a coincidence. He wouldn't say anything for a bit, clearly trying to gain his composure before he spoke.--

&f"Hello class- We're gonna be learning about health, and the casualties of being Dizzy! You can get nauseous from a few things such as feeling lightheaded, feeling off-balance or unsteady, woozy or heavy headed, or the feeling of your world spinning–

around you. You can get it from motion sickness by spinning, or with a low blood sugar. Its a very simple human body issue that can be abrupt in many ways in your everyday life, and its pretty hard to avoid purposefully." &uHe turned to the board which [+]

/it had a graph of the many scenarios that could cause the nauseous factor in the human mind/body. He turned his attention back to the class, using a stick he found yesterday at the pond to point at the graph. &f"As you can see, there are many–

possibilities and instances where you could occasionally get this sickening feeling."

Have you read and understand the Teacher Application Guidance thread?

Yes, I have.
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