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ZekeEnvy's Reporter Application


Level 3
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:

I do indeed have a microphone that I speak into.
My Discord is CricketEnvy

List your timezone and country:

I am in the PST time zone.

Describe your activity:

I’ve been playing SRP since 2022. Since joining, I've been on quite frequently! A lot of the time it was for FamilyRP or Gang/CrimeRP with friends. Of course, I take the occasional break to hang out with friends who don’t play SRP or with Family.
Family BBQ's​
Free time!​
Free time!​
Free time!​

If there are any changes in my schedule, I will be sure to let you know ahead of time!

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

Shrine Application
Tutor Application
What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:

My motivation to apply for the Reporter Factions comes with the hopes to explore new Roleplay other than just GangRP and CrimeRP, as that’s what I usually do. So in a way, I would be expanding my knowledge of Roleplay, but also take this opportunity to make new friends, meet new people whether that be ICLY or OOCLY!
Overall, I think it would be a lot of fun and I would have a blast in this faction.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:

I have- quite a lot of experience in writing! When it comes to GangRP/CrimeRP, most of my actions are at least three appends long with as much detail as I can or am allowed to do. A lot of the time, I wrote the events, the activity or training announcements/Offers when it came to writing and/or lore.
When it came to creating character’s, I would write as much as I could to give as much detail or knowledge of said character that I could, especially when it came down to the backstory of said character.

I was also pretty good at writing stories between friends and I when Discord RP was a new and big thing. My friends and I would send long messages that would contain detail, scenery, sounds and whatever we could add to give a good view of what was happening. The same would go for just writing little stories here and there by myself for lore ideas or character ideas.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:

I am aware and abide to follow the set of rules that were provided to me.

Why should we accept you over others?:

I wouldn’t say I’m better than any other applicants who apply for this faction, as I would be lying. But what I can offer is 100% effort to do my best in this faction and meet quota. Give all my effort to take part of the job I am applying for whether that be Icly or oocly. I have fun writing and would love to show that while writing for not only for Gangs, but to show to others, and to use that writing for something new!
I would say that I would be on more than others, which I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. But with my schedule usually consisting of me being online quite a lot, I can be on if something is needed or someone needs help! Which gives me the opportunity to show that I am serious about dedicating my time to the reporter faction. With the occasional breaks to spend time with friends, family or take a mental break here and there.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)

I understand that I have to stay neutral with my reports.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:

Oh absolutely. I trust that I will be able to stay active and complete my monthly quota.

Summarize what you imagine work as a reporter is:

How I imagine working as a Reporter would be- exciting in some way, but also there will be times to take my job seriously. Sure, interviewing people, writing reports and having to most likely run around to find people, meet up or take pictures might be a little stressful at times. But I like interacting with people ICLY and taking photos is usually one of my go to things to do. Catching a moment in time is quite an experience.
But exploring Karakura in order to learn more of not only the town itself, but the story it holds and the stories the townspeople hold seems like a fun thing to do. Learning and expanding my knowledge has always been something I tend to enjoy doing.
Plus, knowing that I may be working with people that may be willing to teach me and help me out, and possibly even having fun icly or oocly with those people makes it seem like it may even be a blast!

IC (In-Character) Information:

Full Name:

Zyon Yamaoko

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)

"I go by Mister, thank you."

Current Age (25+):

I am 29 years of age!

Past job/work experience:

“I have been unemployed up until this application, which I hope I get into. I have applied for the Monastery, but I was evidently denied.”


Major Degree in Creative Writing
Minor Degree in English
Major Degree in Journalism

Nationality and born location:

"I am of the Russian and Korean ethnicity."

Phone Number:


How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:


Zyon Yamaoka, a 29 y/o male who had decently long hair. His hair trailed down to his shoulders you would notice the blue outline in his hair which trailed down the length that was trailed down to shoulder length and back in the front of his biceps. It was very visible in the sunlight, but under a dim light, it was very hard to tell he had another color in his hair. Zyon had a few tattoos along his right arm which symbolized a black rose wrapping around it. His eyes were a clear ocean color which would remind you of blue cotton candy, though they were quite dull. Was it from his past? Most likely.

'The Climb.'
(His backstory)

Zyon was born into a family, that family is called 'Yamaoka'. Yamaoka is a very strict and expectant bloodline who really just expects your best, even if you can't give it. How they operate is highly confidential, mainly to cover their butts on how they ran their experiments and tactics. There was never a lab or anything like that. By experiment, I mean to test your physical abilities, mindset, knowledge, and limits, which were usually pushed if not to their acceptance. There wasn't any violence towards failure, but there were punishments that ranged from starvation, being invisible to the rest, and simply just being ignored and neglected. What they wished for each kid was to be knowledgeable and mentally strong that way they could survive in their future residence and area of living. If you look at it from a different point of view, it seemed as if it was to help them, though to them It was pure torture. They put each kid in martial arts mixed with self-defense classes who were certified professionals, making sure they could fend for themselves once they got out there in the world. Zyon was probably the smartest and most appropriate out of the rest of the kids in the family, his manners were top tier and his self-defense was immaculate.

The Yamaoka family were popular in Russia for their wealth and intelligence. Yamaoka originated in Russia, and once Zyon turned 18 he took the chance to move to a new location, that location being Karakura. He had heard many things about this city, mainly that it was extremely dangerous and filled with criminals and horrid crimes. It wasn't a city that was supposed to make you feel.. 'Safe'. Despite what the government, and even the Karakura Police Department state, no one is really safe and Zyon knew that. The news covered almost every incident that revolved around murders, stabbings, shootings, robberies, and even explosions/vandalism. Zyon wasn't quite worried, since he usually kept to himself and didn't revolve himself around others. Once he arrived, his first action was to find a place to stay. He wandered around the city, looking like a lost puppy in such a populated area. Zyon looked around, but couldn't exactly find out where he wished to go, or even. . Where to go, but then a lady would approach him. She seemed rather mature, and up in age. She was kind enough to bow to him before asking him a few questions, mainly if he knew where he was and if he was lost- The type of questions you'd ask a drunk. after a small explanation of his current situation, she quickly understood and then showed him around, at least to a couple of the apartment complexes.

They talked during their walk and exploration about their lives, pasts even. He didn't have much to say though, since he wasn't really a social guy. It seemed that the lady was starting a family of her own, and didn't even think twice of inviting Zyon into it. The family name was, Rekishi. The lady went by the name of 'Naja Rekishi-Hanazono', which she greeted a few minutes before the request/question. I'm sure not even she knew what she was asking, and of course, Zyon was warry, seeing as he did just move there- And just met her. He asked that she wait for his response, at least till he was comfortable in the city- and with her, which she understood.

Zyon would consider for a few weeks. He had obtained Miss Naja's contact information the same day she gave him that offer, but now, he has decided to contact her about the offer. He'd call her number, and an excited voice was heard through the phone before he then began to speak. His acceptance to her offer brought her joy, though she maintained a composed tone. She requested him to meet her at a location, which would be her apartment where she'd officially greet him as her son. He no longer had to worry about raising up to his parent's standards and he finally felt. . Free. Free to himself and his own dreams.

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:

“My main interest in hoping to write about will be of the past of Karakura and events that take place. Much like the rebuilding of the Shrine, New stores are being opened. Or the past of families, buildings, abandoned buildings and other factions.”

“To go out of my comfort zone? Hmm, I’ve always been the social type of person, so I will have no issues with interacting. But maybe dealing with heights, climbing or going to possible dangerous areas in order to learn or catch a photo.”

What are your expectations for the job?:

“I really have no expectations in this job. I just hope that while working in the reporter faction, I can continue to learn and study. Learn of the past and the secrets that this town holds. Of course, by what I hear, The Reporter’s can be a little- what’s the word? Quirky? Goofy? From time to time, I look forward to the fun days, but just as much as my schooling and studying, I will still be sure to take my job seriously as well.”

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:

“Thankfully no. I have friends and a partner that keeps me out of trouble. Along with my mother who makes sure to keep my nose clean.”

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):

“My native language would be Russian. But I mainly speak Japanese.”


You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

“New Benches for Karakura?; A Karakura News Report.

Aches and Sores?

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

[!] A soft click could be heard as the recording started to play. A soft rustle of papers before the clearing of a throat. [!]

Mr. Zyon;

“Thank you for joining me today, Miss- Eleni Huxley. I’ll just be asking you a few questions! I won’t keep you long.”

Mrs. Huxley;
“No worries, Sugar, take your time. I’m happy to help.”

Mr. Zyon would clear his throat once again;
“You may remember when I called you, that I asked if I could interview you on the
Local benches. What is your take on them?”

Mrs. Huxley;
“The Benches? Hmm, they’re nice for breaks. Especially after a long day of teaching.
Or for days my husband and I wish to just sit and spend time together.”

Mr. Zyon;
“I see. Good for just hanging out and chatting. Would you say that they’re-
A bit rough?”

Mrs. Huxley would laugh softly;
“Well, yes. After sitting in them for some time, they do tend to be a pain to sit in. Especially after sitting in a school chair for so many hours and being greeted by another painful chair.”

Mr. Zyon would scribble a few notes down;
“Right. I get where you’re coming from. Those kinds of wooden chairs haven’t been my favorite either. Would you say, during Autumn and winter, they’re cold?”

Mrs. Huxley would Hum;
“Most definitely. I tend to wear dresses most of the time. So there’s not much for warmth. And that cold feeling quickly goes through the material. So usually, I tend to put my purse down first if I sit on a bench or my husband lets me sit on his coat.”

Mr. Zyon;
“Many people say they would rather sit in their cars, why don’t you?”

Mrs. Huxley;
“It’s not safe to leave your car running. Plus, It’s a waste of gas to just- sit there in a warm and heated car.”

“That makes sense! SO then, why not just walk home?”

Mrs. Huxley;
“Have you seen me hun? I’m getting old, walking that long, and that far can be tiring! Especially since I’ve put on a bit of weight.”

Mr. Zyon;
“So, you would agree that the benches are still needed then, yes?”

Mrs. Huxley;
“Yes! Even if they are cold and painful. They’re good for breaks.”

Mr. Zyon;
“I see, and you said you usually sit on your purse or your husband’s coat, yes? Just for comfortability?”

Mrs. Huxley would nod;
“Yes, I usually carry soft items in my purse, so sitting on my purse usually helps. Mostly so then I don’t have to take my husband’s coat, so he can stay warm.”

Mr. Zyon;
“So, would you, Mrs. Huxley, agree that maybe the benches call for an upgrade?”

Mrs. Huxley;
“Depends! What kind of upgrade are you thinking of, hun?”

Mr. Zyon;
“I’m talking about cushions! Wouldn’t that be nicer to sit on? Maybe even- warmer?”

Mrs. Huxley;
“Now that- I wouldn’t be opposed to it! Would most definitely be nicer to sit on and relax on. Much like porch benches.”

Mr. Zyon;
“What if I told you that we’re thinking of starting a petition to get said upgrade, to make a change? Would you be willing to sign?”

Mrs. Huxley;
“Of course!”

Mr. Zyon;
“Amazing! Thank you for your time, Mrs. Huxley.”

[!] The recording would click to an End. [!]

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