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Zentarō Saiky - サイキー善太郎 | The Lost Soul


Level 46
Name: Zentarō Saiky | サイキー善太郎 IMG_4606.jpg
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height / Weight: 6,2 / 170lbs
birthplace: karakura, Japan
Nationality: Japanese
Languages: Jin, German and Japanese
Nicknames: Zen, Taro-Tea, Zee, Taro
Title: Imperial
Occupation: Doctor
Saiky Branch: Teikoku, House of Imperials


Zentarō Saiky appears to be a very athletic and slim male, weighing about 170 pounds and standing at the tall height of 6 feet and 2 inches. His height is usually the first thing that draws people's attention, as he tends to surround himself with friends and family members who typically stand no taller than 6 feet. The next noticeable feature is his dirty-blonde hair, which falls in a messy yet charming style that complements his sea-blue eyes. His skin is incredibly pale, nearly white as snow, and almost flawless, free of wrinkles and imperfections, as if he hasn't experienced a stressful day in his life.

If you catch Zentarō wearing shorter-sleeved shirts, you'd notice the many tattoos that stain his skin, telling stories of his past. The most noticeable ones are the names 'Tori' and 'Ren' on his right arm.

Zentarō enjoys being the center of attention and goes above and beyond with his appearance, commonly dressing in elegant attire consisting of suits and kimonos. If you were close to Zentarō, you'd often catch a lingering scent of coconuts around him.


IMG_4617.jpg Many people have described Zentarō saiky as a harsh, arrogant and egotistical man, and for a while, he truly was. For some time, Zentarō’s ruthlessness characterized him, he believed that no one he cared about deserved even the slightest bit of compassion. However, Zentaro has changed since the events of ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇. Never again will he show the cruelty that once defined him. Zentarō is now a far more private character.. These days, you'll rarely catch the Imperial outside of his estate.

Strength: ★★★★☆
Intelligence: ★★★★☆
Charisma: ★★★☆☆
Loyalty: ★★★★★

"I don't even recognize you anymore" - Ren Saiky
Tori Saiky | “You mean the world to me, you are the one who has understood me the most. I love you.. and I’m sorry”

Ren Saiky | “There are not enough words to express how much you mean to me. I swear, I'll be better for you.”

Katsuhito Saiky | “I have gone above and beyond to win your approval, yet you’ve always been so cruel. I truly believe you are heartless.”

Daiki Saiky | “You were once someone I looked up to, but these days I can't even look you in the eyes without feeling overwhelmed with shame.”

Kaede Saiky | “. . .”

Tsuneo Shishigumi | “I’ve never felt such a strong connection with someone so quickly. I see a future with you”

Naomi Inoue | “Naomi, you have the kindest soul; never let anyone change who you are. You provided me with a sense of belonging.”
Yong-Sun Seong | “My support system, my friend, and my former trainer.. You are going to be great.”


Made By Rios.
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