players online

Denied zephvern || Joyoung || Shop Application


Level 0

What is your minecraft username?


Do you have Discord?

How old are you?

What is your time zone?

Describe your activity on the server:
Regularly active, mainly on weekends and holidays off from college, but even on college days I am still quite active in the evenings.

Have you ever been banned?

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?

Link(s) to any other applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server?


What shop are you applying for?

Why do you want to become a shopkeeper?
Due to being on the server so frequently, I thought that it would be a good idea to start a shop to not only to get a little bit more money which I could put towards an available apartment but to also help my friends out with anything they may need on the server such as food, house, etc.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?
I plan to not only sell Gifts & Accessories but to also have a café available if anyone wishes to sit and have a coffee or dessert. I also plan to sell objects like toys and phones so that newcomers to the server can have access to one and not wait until an available shop is open as I do plan to be open very regularly compared to other shops I’ve seen on the server in the district.

What will you sell in your shop?
A range of items like:
  • Hair Accessories
  • Glasses
  • Jewelry
  • Backpacks
  • Umbrellas
  • Phones
  • Plushies
  • Toys
  • Masks
  • Coffee
  • Baked Treats
  • Tea

How many employees do you plan to have?
I plan to have between 10 to 15 employees so that we can be open regularly and that we don’t have the same people (bar myself) in the shop on the tills regularly, which will be around 2 to 3 in the main shop then 1 more in the café.


Will you have a discord?

Yes, this is so that employees and management can communicate to work out who is available and when will be most suitable for the shop to be opened on top of getting item ideas from the public as well as other suggestions.


Level 128
Shop Lead

Thank you for applying for the role of Shopkeeper! Your application is too short compared to other applicants. You are welcome to reapply in the future.

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