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Zinthinity's Lawyer Application (Daisuke Sang)


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
Out of Character | Basic information
What is your in-game name?:


Do you have discord? (If so, what is your username):

Do you have a microphone?
Yes, I have a Microphone and a webcam!

List your time-zone and country:
Time-zone is GMT/BST and I am from Wales in the UK.

How active are you on the server?:
I play for around 5-7 hours each day, very rarely taking days off, although I gauge the time well with work and other social activities.

Do you have any previous bans? (If so, link your appeals): N/A
Link any past applications below:
- Italian Language Application (ACCEPTED)
- ability to learn a third language(ACCEPTED)
- Chinese language application (ACCEPTED)
- JSL Language application(ACCEPTED)
- JSL Language application(DENIED)

Out of Character | Morals & ideas
What position are you applying for?:

I am applying for the position of Lawyer.

What is your motivation for applying?
I have several motivations on why I'd love to apply for this position, mainly as I notice the law system in Karakura is incredibly active. With the immense amount of gang activity in Karakura, I believe I have the knowledge of previous OOCly laws, alongside the laws ICly. I'd like to make myself more present in the community, being able to help others who have opened cases against other individuals, being allowed to represent both sides of the law- and I have a serious dedication to fixing problems, so whatever I tend to put my mind to I give it 100% and I will carry this across through into all other activities, researching how I could help clients ICly, giving myself a more sense of involvement, and also becoming a member of the smaller City community.

Are you aware that you cannot discriminate against others in character or deny service due to race, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, etc?:
I fully understand that discrimination in any factor is disallowed, and the same with my personality face to face with others in regular day-to-day life, I would never bring any sort of judgment or pre-dispositions against anyone into any sort of factor. I'd never do anything of the sort, I pride myself on my openness and willingness to make friends and acquaintances with people of all backgrounds.

What qualities prove you suitable for this role?: I believe I have several qualities that prove me suitable for this role, to list just a few:
. I believe I am incredibly fair, with any judgment I make, I prefer to allow all the information possible to be heard, then be able to come to a formed conclusion, not just throwing myself at a conclusion straight from the get-go. I dislike only hearing one side to a story, adopting a calm and collected approach, and coming to a decision only at the end.
. I also believe I am very friendly, I always have a friendly presence when interacting with everyone, am always open to conversation, and offering to include others in whatever I'm doing as opposed to shutting them out.
. In addition, I believe that I am very respectful, this ties into the kindness aspect- but I always show respect to every single person, in the first instance, I will always give people my respect, not forcing them to earn it.
. I believe that I always give 100% to any activity I put myself in, whether it be work, leisure, or even into personal relationships, I am always fully committed, and offer my responsibilities as being my utmost priority.
. I also have several qualifications in computer science, graphic design, mathematics, and English amongst many others, but these stand out as I have a mainly focused mindset, as to whenever a problem is put in front of me, I'll do everything in my power to get said issue resolved in the fastest, and the fairest manner possible.

Are you aware of the rules each person must follow?:
I am incredibly familiar with the rules each person must follow, whether it be on the actual SchoolRP server, or any of its associated Discord servers, prioritizing listening to staff, and their judgment. Whilst also maintaining a good sense of community between each player's peers, showing no hate or bad intentions towards each other, offering a friendly, respectable environment for all.

Are you familiar with the laws of Karakura?:
There are lots of laws in Karakura, and I have consistently read over them, and have always mainly been interested in the side of Consequential crimes as I believe these would be the most relevant in Karakura, To give some examples of Consequential crimes most relevant to Karakura would be, Possession of Illegal weaponry - which is where an individual would possess an illegal weapon on their person either openly carrying it, or carrying it concealed on themselves. Another example of a relevant Consequential Crime for Karakura would be Tier 2 Assault, where another individual is seriously harmed although not killed. Both of these are incredibly severe- and result in a fine, warning, or arrest. This being said, I am fully aware of all the laws in Karakura these are just the ones that stand out.

Do you have a good understanding of this position?:
I do believe I have a very good understanding of what this position entails, I have always been interested in law throughout my entire childhood, and as I’ve grown into adulthood, I’ve maintained this interest however have not furthered it with a career aspect but I have researched it in a great deal. A Lawyer's responsibilities, are to represent a client, whether it be on defense or prosecution collecting all the facts of the situation, before seeing how they could best support my argument, showing this either in a case, or representing someone in an interrogation, advising them on when to speak and what to say to the questioning officer.

Summarize what your position does:
To summarize- the position of a lawyer is to represent someone in the court of law, pleading their side of the case to a judge, this could either be representing the prosecution, attempting to get a supposed criminal convicted of their crimes, attempting to enforce a fair punishment for the deed done, or representing the defense, where I’d be pleading the accused’s case- showing why they should either be proved innocent- or why if they are guilty the sentence should be lenient, and fair as to the crime committed.

In Character | Questionnaire
Pretend that it is as if your character is filling this out, not yourself

Full Name:
Daisuke Sang

Preferred name & Title:
My Preferred Name is Daisuke or Mr. Sang.

Current age? (25+):
My current age is 27 years old.

Past job experiences?:
Previous jobs, I have previously worked alongside my twin sister Ena Sang, growing up we always had a sibling rivalry, she was always involved in the more nitty-gritty things, whereas I always found myself dealing with the logistics of her actions, whether it be helping out local businesses in trouble, sorting out financial agreements, writing up texts for meetings and announcements for her many, many endeavours... I have also worked privately as more of a freelance legal advisor/ financial advisor, working more recently whilst going through legal training, I have have made many friends throughout Karakura, one being a Miss Kaori Tsu, a local teacher in the area who moved over from china, also having met the Kurabu family, working closely with them in the legal setup with opening up a new library.

How would you describe yourself?:
I’d describe myself as calm, collected, and very respectful. I will always treat others with respect, preferring not to involve myself in any conflicts, rather solve them through the proper methods, unlike my sister who always prefers to tackle things head-on! I love talking to people. I'll hold a conversation with anyone, whether it be about the weather or what they’re doing this afternoon. I’ve always had a way with the public, settling arguments by talking things out, organizing clan affairs, such as the handling of money, and organizing legal representations.

What plans do you have for the town?:
I have several plans for the town of Karakura, Mainly outlining how to represent the legal system of Karakura more in-depth, giving the public more knowledge by making us known in the community that we can help! We want the public to come to us if they need anything, to get their problems sorted through the proper means and not go straight to gangs, which seems what the majority of people do nowadays... More so to the point, I’d like to slightly alter the mindset of the Karakura community, showing that law can be enforced without the need for violence, and we can fix the majority of problems through proper court proceedings, and talking things out instead of all this unnecessary violence! I would also like to add that representing the lawyers of Karakura has always been a dream of mine, to spread awareness that they do exist and are here to help! And hopefully through good deeds and hard work we can work to achieve this.

What jobs will you execute with this position?
The jobs I mainly expect to be handling as a lawyer for Karakura, would be handling criminal court cases, either representing the city, going to prosecute criminals for their wrongdoings, or representing the Defendants, whether or not they would be innocent, but attempting to have the outcome of the court proceedings come out in the favour of whichever side I am on. I also expect to be handling the legal logistics of some of the towns’ work, sorting and organizing legal documents, and potentially proofreading other important documents before being passed on. In addition to all of this, I’d be helping my sister Ena Sang in her legal representations, alongside her colleagues and friends if need be, she has always been there for me, and I fully intend to do the same for her.

Do you practice any sort of religion?:
I do not represent any specific religion, Although it was heavily present throughout my childhood- so I’ve never found myself denying the fact of religion, quite the contrary I find myself accepting the beliefs of all the different religions.
How did you get into politics?: The biggest thing that got me into politics, was our own Bao Koji, I’ve seen the Governor many times, greeting the public first hand showing that he was not just merely a name, but he had put a face to the name, showing that the politicians of Karakura did have a face, many in fact, and Bao is one of the greats, he has massively inspired me to step away slightly from handling things in the background, and pushing myself further into helping the public in an official capacity, working with the judicial system, showing the public that we’re here to help and represent their voice! The voice of justice!

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list your crimes:
I have not been convicted of any crimes, as previously mentioned I find myself straying away from committing any crimes myself, merely just either trying to get those who committed them convicted or let free, depending on which side I’m representing.

Nationality & Born location:
I was born in Osaka, Japan, with my twin sister Ena Sang.

Fluent languages: (Underline your native):
The languages that I speak are: Japanese, Chinese, JSL & Italian
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