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Zoki's Police application.


Level 20
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In Game Name): Itz_James

Previous bans: None that I know of at the moment, and none recent.

Describe your activity on the server: I am very active I usually get on at 11 AM CDT - 2 PM CDT. Then I play till 1 AM CDT. But sense school is coming up, I might only be able to play or 6-7 hours? that's if I don't have any thing to do that day.

Do you have Discord? Yes, FluffyBunnyRubRub#6449

Do you have a microphone? I don't at the moment.

List your current and past applications: [Denied] [Denied] [Denied] [Accepted] [Accepted] [Accepted]

What is your motivation for applying?: Well, I have always wanted to help out around the city and help stop crime and bring down gangs and weapon and drug production. Ever sense I was small kid I have been fascinated with the work of police. Police work is also not easy and pretty challenging, I believe everyone needs a challenge in life in order to learn new things. Personally I love challenges, It makes life more interesting.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? Yes I do, I have watched a few videos and read articles that have explained some of the laws and basic conduct of Japan.

What are the Police ranks?
Commissioner , Captain , Lieutenant , Head Lieutenant , Vice-Head Lieutenant , Sergeant , Corporal , Patrol-Officer , Cadet , Head-Investigator , Investigator , Investigator [trainee] , Head of Special Operations/Commander , Operator , Recruit.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
Well, police work is not easy. You have to be physically fit and in shape in order to catch criminals. If you were at a crime scene and you were talking to someone whom was involved in the crime and they ran off you will have to be pretty fast and you would have to have very good stamina in order to run long distances because criminals would do anything to get away. Police work is also very dangerous, Police are around dangerous weapons and people all of the time. Police also will put their life on the line in order to save other citizens from dangerous people. If you are wanting to become an officer and you aren't willing to put your life on the line in order to save other citizens, then there is no point in becoming an officer because becoming an officer means that you will protect and serve your city. The police also have to be alert of their surroundings at all times. You want to make sure that nobody dangerous will jump out at you and stab you or tackle you to the ground. You also want to look out for other officers when they are searching or talking to a suspect, you don't want the other officer to get hurt by another citizen so it is also good to be aware of your surroundings and others surroundings as well. You also have to be very patient in order to become an officer. You need patients because if you are speaking with a citizen or suspect and they're being difficult you would want to spend as much time with them to get the most information. If you weren't patent and pushy then the citizen or suspect would get uneasy and become more difficult and we wont want that for the officer or the citizen.

Why are Police important to SchoolRP? The police are important to SRP because they help protect the city and everyone in it. They also help get drugs, weapons, and other illegal items off the streets. If we didn't have police then gangs would take over the city in an instant, and if that were to happen then they can seriously injure or kill other people. But If we had police then they could lower gang numbers and lower murder rates. If police weren't around in the city there would be drugs, weapons and other dangerous items all around the city, and they will just keep producing more and more because there are no police to stop or slow down the production rates. A benefit of having police is that they keep the city safe for all of the citizens, They also try to keep everyone and anyone out of danger, They will even put their life on the line to save someone. If you ever got attacked or mugged and you go to the police all they need a simple description or just CCTV footage and they can take that criminal down. And those drugs, they kill. If the police didn't take the drugs off the streets people would be killing themselves with overdose, because those things are very addicting and you can't get enough of them once you try drugs you get hooked on it, its like eating unhealthy it gets addicting. Its the same with drugs they're very addicting. The police are pretty powerful. They can take down big gangs that are reeking havoc on the city.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time? Yes, I understand that I can be demoted for any reason at any time.

In-Character (IC) Section

Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Zoki Shoji is a 25 year old male from Thailand. He stands at a Hight of 5 feet 11 inches. Zoki has brown hair and grey eyes. Zoki also has two earrings pierced on his ears. Zoki would also be wearing a suit and tie accompanied with a "Patek Royal Oak". Zoki is also a very active man, he likes to get outside and get his daily exercise in.

What he's like on the and off the job? When Zoki is on the job he would stay focused and be on his best behavior. Zoki would be very serious on job making sure not to screw around. Zoki would treat everyone who he is talking to with respect. When Zoki is off of the job he acts the same. He would treat everyone he meets with respect. Zoki would also be very serious around his co-workers and would act maturely around them.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future? Zoki cares a lot about his co-workers. He treats them like they're his brothers and sisters. Zoki looks up to his co-workers trying to learn new stuff from them and how to improve to become a better law enforcement officer. Zoki plans to work hard with very good effort. He plans to work as a law enforcement officer full time until he retires.

BACKSTORY Zoki Shoji was born and raised in Nonthaburi Thailand, he moved to Japan when he was 10 years old and has been living there ever sense. Zoki has made tons of friends in the time he has been living in Japan. When Zoki got to japan he enrolled into the Karakura Highschool and has been there till he graduated. A year after Zoki graduated high school he went to Karakura college and studied Law enforcement. Two years later Zoki had graduated college and now thinks about his career path. Zoki is very interested in police business, he loves watching police T.V shows and has always wanted to become a police officer. Zoki lives in a house by himself looking for jobs in law enforcement. Zoki loves to explore around the city walking around In the parks, trying out new restaurants and also likes to talk to other people trying to make new friends along the way. Zoki is a very active man, he mostly hangs around outside going on mile long walks and on the weekends he goes running for a few miles. Zoki cares about his body he eats healthy foods everyday and drinks a lot of water. Zoki is still carrying on with his daily routine and keeps up his good habits and loses his bad ones, now Zoki is now still in pursuit in becoming a law enforcement officer and keeps up gaining muscle speed and better stamina everyday.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:
Zoki, James, Shoji.
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr. Shoji.
Given Name(s): Zoki.
Preferred Name: Zoki.
Age: 25.
Gender: Male.
Religious Denomination: Christian.
Marital Status: Single.
Nationality: Thai.
Current Location: Karakura Japan.

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
Working Experience: 3 years.

Academic Degree: Criminal Justice.

Year of Graduation: 2016
Major(s): Justice, Policy and Leadership.
Minor(s): Police Studies.

Native Languages: Thai.
Other Languages: Korean, Japanese.
Last edited:


Level 185
News Lead
After a vote with all officers, it has been decided that you aren't to join the force. You applying and the hard-work you put into your application is appreciated non the less.

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