Level 5

IGN (In-Game Name): zpqr
Previous bans:
I have had a few warnings and one temp ban for 9 mins on my account and I have learned from my mistakes and will be sure I will never get warned or temp banned on this account ever again!
Describe your activity on the server:
I am very active if I do say so myself. I am on whenever I get home from school and stay on until around 12 pm (CDT). The only days you might see me less active is on Monday's and Wednesday's due to me having a dance class for 2 hours and getting home pretty late, but besides that, I assure you I will be very active as much as I can!
Do you have Discord?:
I indeed do! my discord is andrea#9483
Do you have a microphone?:
Yes, I do. If there are calls I am needed to participate in, I will do so whenever possible.
List your current and past applications:
both were accepted!
What is your motivation for applying?:
I want to do something more than just being a normal citizen. I have been on this server since 2017 and have had the ranks of grade 12 and college student. I believe I would like to experience something more than just being a student of the high school and college. I hope to help the citizens and make great friends from my job as well. I believe this would be a great experience for me doing something different after a few years! It's not even just about the amount of money for me to earn I look into this I look for the great roleplay experience I can get from this job!
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?:
Yes! I have recently looked at all the laws and basic conducts of Japan. I have made sure to memorize them as well so I do not make a mistake. I will roleplay according to the requirements!
What are the Police ranks?:
some of the police ranks I know of currently in my head include;
police officer, police captain, police investigator, police cadet, police corporal, a police lieutenant, and last but not least police commissioner!
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?:
I can summarize what I have seen the police do from my perspective as a high school student.
The police should help ensure safety for every citizen of Karakura. They carry out a responsibility that is much greater than most normal jobs. They make sure students attend school and if not they must pay the fine and if they fail to pay it could lead to more consequences. Also able to fine those who don't follow the much more simple laws such as J walking, littering, and as I said before students who don't attend school or even if they have illegal weapons on school property. Also dealing with gangs is very known as a police officer to deal with, even with murders and emergency calls.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?:
The police play a very important role on the server. For example, they help keep Karakura in shape. Protecting the citizens from the everyday danger that could occur in any second. They also help control the gangs that are very known in schoolrp for police officers to deal with. Back in 2017, there was no such thing as a police officer so it was much easier to kill someone without you getting in trouble. Now that the police force was created it makes it more realistic and makes consequences for people who decide to go against the law. This is why police are very important to schoolrp, it helps the city be in order instead of chaos like it was before without laws, and control.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?:
Yes, I know loud and clear that if I get accepted anything I say or do can get me instantly fired. I will make sure to pay attention to anything I do wrong!

Tell us about your character, how she looks, what makes her unique?:
My character, Andrea has a very unique personality and appearance.
Andrea has always been a very strict person for all her life as her parents were very strict on her so she developed her character personality from a quite young age. She is very confident in her appearance and has a big mouth, and isn't afraid to fire back an insult at anyone. She stands around 5'7 and weighing about 121 lbs accompanied with a slim figure. She is very fit but still has her feminine features presented If you look at her closely. Her face is shaped nicely rounded and her skin is pale like a porcelain doll which made her light blue ocean eyes stand out even more of her facial features. She would have beautiful dark black hair that was extremely long where you could braid it endlessly. You would see Andrea either wearing her police uniform as required usually or on special occasions she would wear a beautiful dark blue dress which she wore with super high heels making her, even more, taller than she is already for her age. Making Andrea seem quote on quote ''scary'' when she truly isn't unless she needs to be.
What she's like on the and off the job?:
Andrea takes her job very seriously unlike other people do. She puts in her best effort every single task she is given no matter if its small or big. She does not like to play around during her duty and does not like people who slack off. She keeps a very close eye on people she passes to see If they seem suspicious or even breaking a law. To summarize it all Andrea is very strict during her shift compared to how she is like off her job. You get to see more of Andrea's personality you don't usually see at work. She is most laid back on things and is quite loving once you fully get to know her. So overall she is a very mood switched type of person during her job time and off time but don't make that an excuse not to know her you just need to get to know her well enough to see her true self through the strong shield she calls her heart.
Outlook on her co-workers? Plans for the future?:
Andrea does indeed lookout and admires her co-workers even if she doesn't see as she would at all. She makes sure to take on note what they do wrong and good so she may learn from it as well to maybe better herself. She also wants to hopefully make a strong bond with all her co-workers and create new friendships. Her main goal is to be successful in her job and help others in need. As for the future she sees herself to retire from her police job not even soon but she does have future plans just doesn't quite know them yet!
Andrea Daniela Rodríguez was born on May 29, 1994, in a small town called San Sebastián located in Madrid, Spain. As a kid, her parents as said before were extremely strict and did not put up with bratty kids. She was an only child so growing up she never really had anyone to look up to besides her older cousin named Valentina. Her cousin was everything Andrea wanted to be when she grew up tall, pretty, strict, and a police officer. Yes, indeed Andrea's cousin was a police officer for San Sebastián's police department and this is mainly the reason why Andrea even wanted to become one in the first place. Valentina played a big like sister role to Andrea and when Valentina was on shift would let Andrea into her office and look at the records and weapons they used in the police station of course when she was older. Andrea then became interested in criminal justice and went to her cousin for help, and Valentina gratefully helped her training her how to use a proper gun and how to handle a certain type of situation that she dealt with in her job. As she reached high school she decided to take her love for criminal justice to the next level and asked her cousin to train her as they would do to a new officer. At first, it was very tough since she was a very young age to be learning this but she soon got the hang of it. When She graduated highschool her cousin had died in a horrible raid that had taken place of the police station she worked at. This devasted Andrea dearly that she wouldn't come out of her room for weeks destroyed her only friend was now long gone. Then after the tragedy happened Andrea decided she would finally fulfill her dream as being a police officer for Valentina. Later on, as she graduated from college with her bachelor's degree in criminal justice and moved to Karakura, Japan to start fresh and new and get a job as a local police officer for the city.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Andrea Daniela Rodríguez
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): Drea
Preferred Name: Andrea
Age: currently 25 years old
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Spanish
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 3 years
Working Experience: Andrea hasn't gotten to work as a police officer since she just finished studying and training for it so right now her work experience is nothing.
Academic Degree: Criminal Justice
Year of Graduation: 2013
Major(s): Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice
Minor(s): Psychology, Pre-law
Native Languages: Spanish
Other Languages: Japanese, English
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