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↬ Jiro Eugene. Furehaki ↫


Level 7
Jiro Furehaki Owusu
◈ " My Death is your only remedy. "

"I am.. Jiro. Nice to meet yo- Ah.. my full name? J-Jiro Furehaki.. ehm, I hope I wont cause you too much problems. If you were to see me in trouble or so.. Just call me Eugene, It's my middle name.. so dont worry-"

〃 Jiro would be somewhere around 5'6ft with a mole under his lips. He could be seen missing his right index finger and his body covered in burnmarks. Heavy eyebags could be seen on him.〃
Continuing . . .

Name :

Middle name :

Biological Surname :

Gender :
Biological male.

Romantic Preference :

Height :
5'6ft / 167 cm

Weight :

Jiro is not a romantic person, but he holds corny lines very important.

☼ It's his little cliche.

"I suppose you're sort of like a cosmos then.. Already a dream, being dreamed.."
- Jiros favourite quote to his now deceased lover.
Jiro would choose his power to interact the dead while seeing them.
His love language is words of affirmation.
Fixing mechanical things is his weakest ability.
His favourite color is orange.
He always wanted a pet snail.
He dislikes cats.
Jiro isnt a fan of the ocean.
❝ Fuck dude- you got a free lolli from Hilo Sharma WITHOUT ME? blocked, deleted, removed. ❞
- Jiros words to Benedetta and Takahashi as they tease him after getting free lollis.

Overview of Jiro:
At first place, he'd be seen as if he was pretty slender. Once you touch him or get a view of his body in general, he'd have some muscles and an alright physique.
His skin color is a mix of his original paleness and from being slightly tanned. His original eye colour would be gravel gray, buuuuut.. he has a habit of taking on different eye contacts on a daily basis. His hair would be messy and fluffy, an usual mix for Jiro. Not giving a care in the world how his hair looks like, he'd let it grow out until it reached his neck eventually with his bangs shortened.

➣ Religious Beliefs :
Atheist, but he believes in karma and reincardination.

Date of Birth :
9/20 - Virgo

Place of Birth :
Finland - Raised in Italy.

Nationality :
Finnish, Japanese.
75% Finnish | 25% Japanese.

➣ Favourite song :
◈ Canzoni preferite.
◈ fan behavior by isaac dunbar.


He would wear a few piercings, along with mint always stuffed in his pocket. The smell of mint reminding him about his old favourite nurse who helped him through many parental struggles. His hair a bit too overgrown on the back of his head.
He would be missing his right index finger.
⥼ A few visible 'freckles'? or holes on his upper body, old scars of torture.
⥼ Stitches and bruises would be present on his body.
⥼ Old second degree burns would stay on his body

An old scar on the back of his leg that goes up to his knee to his ankle.
He would be missing his tongue.

Jiros current personality
Jiro has turned very shy, he stutters often due to his nervous system being damaged. Events or actions that he normally would act goofy on or handle well has turned into a living nightmare to him, Unable to stop feeling anxious over the sudden emotions that flow over him.. He would just run away or stay distant. As well as being unable to see the world in a bright light he always used to see, An overwhelming amount of sadness is constantly plauging him due to his lovers sudden death. Now dealing with multiple things, he will be forcing on a smile or try to keep his once goofy demanor in action. Most of all, he hates seeing his family be saddened over his change.

Current hobbies
He only ever plays video games or paint on empty canvases to ease his mind up, as well as spending alot of time just sleeping or staring at some scenery he'd randomly come across. Reminiscent of his passion of baking and playing violin, he'd just stare at it solemnly.


╭──╯ . . . . . ╰──╮

"in all honesty.. I almost wish I could go back, to when.. everyone hadnt left me yet. I havent seen them in so long, yet I can't bring myself to contact them again. Ever since that lightning strike.. I couldn't remember very well, nor could I see the scenery the same. I have been mostly walking around, sleeping in a hospital or just painting on a giant canvas.. The same girl I see everyday in my dreams."

I can't say alot about myself.. All i know at this point, is that everything hurts."

➣ Fears
Jiro dont have any memories of why he suddenly got scared of Needles, perhaps it's a battle wound of something much worse.
Reality became harsh on him, as Jiro was meek he couldnt handle seeing everyone get hurt as he was powerless and shunned to do anything. Seeking comfort, he refused to acknowledge their pain. Still frightened, he finds it hard to comfort anyone.
Generally, he's just not a fan of bugs to begin with.
being ignorant of reality, he was struck while on the lighthouse. Leaving him with horrible scars and mentality problems. Exceedingly making his daily life harder to be able to do anything.
⥷ ღ

➣ illnesses / conditions.
Jiro has often outbursts of anger, unable to control them.. He can become very rude or in a brawl onga bonga man mode. [Character Developement]
Jiro got this condition around a very young age, having had extreme troubles with it.. He was often hospitalized [Origin], Old rashes has disappeared by now. - Jiros symptons have improved to where he was finally able to gain muscles - but he still remains a bit weak. [Character developement]
The male never used to be one to fall for heavy anxieties, until he eventually started to experience way horrible experiences at Karakura then good ones.
Thunderclap Headaches⊰
Often, he is hiding whenever this comes up. The drawback of the lightning strike continously taughting him. [Consequence]
⥷ ღ



Ichiro Furehaki = Brother
Biwamaru Vinnman =Brother
Tahomaru Vinnman Hamilton = Brother

the Vinnman family:

Michael Vinnman = father
Noinokata Sakamoto Vinnman = Unknown
Tahomaru Vinnman Hamilton = Sibling
Biwamaru Vinnman = Sibling [X]

Furehaki family:

Michael Vinnman = father
Toshiko Furehaki = mom
Jiro Furehaki Owusu = Sibling

Ichiro Furehaki = Sibling


Jiro Furehaki, a normal guy with a wealthy origin. He'd fare from Italy, where he was raised by his family and friends.

It all started in Finland when Jiro was first born, his body was weaker then his brother Ichiros body.

The reason to this was because his mother had drank alot after she had birthed Ichiro, Having been dealing with stress placed on her from Michael Vinnman, Jiros father. Due to Michaels obsession of perfecting a child, Jiro quickly became neglected by everyone. Even though they had maids around the house and a great business to back them up, It was all out of Jiros reach.

Toshiko, his mother was nagging about Finlands cold everyday for the years they lived in Finland with his cousins. So their father would often take them out for vacations in distant lands across the global lands.

Eventually meeting multiple new people as they went, He'd gain a few childhood friends such as Vetteman F Jureil, Junpei Moriko and Kiana Karoo.

Unfortunately, due to his weak body condition he was always in the hospital, despite being in other countries. When Michael had finally given in to Toshikos begging to move to a warmer place, Jiros stays in hospitals had finally been settled. Practically living in the hospitals, he would meet Benedetta Rossi, a girl engaged to his brother Ichiro. This would be the start of his rebellious nature, eventually starting to sneak out or changing his appearance.

Reiging over the territory became Ichiros and Jiros favourite thing, pranking the children everyday and beating them in games. It was a friendly childhood, but it never lasted long for Jiro, his body collapsing everyday due to the heavy burden of moving around.

His favourite nurse started to give him training session to help him build muscules slowly so he could atleast make it on the day before fainting at the evening, Teaching him how to take care of himself and others. This led to his medical knowledge being better then others.

The start of his hell and new happinesses.. Biwamaru Vinnman would appear one day before Jiro. Spending a week with him while learning the things necessary beforehand, getting to hear Biwamarus stories, life advices, how to properly act in a argument... Biwamaru and Ichiro was similar, both having the quality of a leader.



Jiros first and most loved childhood friend, that he most vividly remembers having disappeared ; Junpei
Recorded memory #36
"Jiro.. what do you think about others?"
"yeah! Do you have anyone you love?"
"o-of course i do? Just.. -I will tell you about them.."

[In the devoided place,
Jiro sat besides Junpei, who held a cheesy smile as always. The moment was cold, yet tranquil. As Jiro spoke out softly of his stories to the dream version of the dead best friend.. He explained everything thoroughly. Though he knew none of this was real, all he ever wanted was Junpei to stay.]
✧ ˚ · .

Tahomaru 'Yuhn' Vinnman Hamilton - [Alive]
College B

"Taho is a very kind person, I can almost say right away.. He's someone I cherish, My best brother. I wish you met him more."

Sakuya Vásquez - [Alive]
College B

"Sakuya used to be Tahos fiance, She's very kind as well. Extremely strong, If she met you, she would probably tease you."

Ubur 'H' Nguey. K - [Alive]
College B

"e-egh.. stay away from this guy.."

Willow Hiragi - [Alive]
College B

"Willow is the coolest person I know, also someone i look up to."

Biwamaru "Hiro" Vinnman - [Dead]
Grade 12

". . . I dont know what to say about Biwamaru. He's just.. I wish we had more time."

Maeko Vásquez - [Dead]
Grade 12

"I miss her so much.. I wish I could have held her one last time. If you meet her, tell her i will join her someday.."

Kura Lazzari - [Alive]
Grade 12

"She should walk around with blankets, it might help with the cold.. I feel worrisome for her sometimes."

Hirano 'Kido Hideaki' Takahiro Accardi Moretti Acton - [Alive]
College B

"Kido, I have always felt like we have this bond. He's a real strong person, Kind of like a brother to me!"

Ichiro Mateo Furehaki - [Alive]
College M

"He left.. I wonder why? Stupid brother.. I prefer Taho much over you! blehhhh"

Etsuko Hozumi Misono - [Alive]
Grade 12

"Creeps have a thing for her.. I always feel concerned whenever there's a new guy around her. It took alot of effort to.. permanently, get rid of one.. for her last time. You understand me.. right?"

Benedetta "Edette" Rossi Ivanovski - [Alive]
College B

"I miss her. Though she was real weird- Even weirder when she was younger.. haha, you should have been with us too.."

Seta Yoichi - [Alive]

"Coolest guy I know! I wish I could give him something nice everytime I visited.. Maybe a bento.. what do you think?"

Mr Slurf - [

"So soft.. M-Maybe I should get some plushies too.. so that Mr Slurf isnt too lonely- Ah! Seta should know which Mr Slurf wants as a friend right?"

Takahashi Yamamoto Moriko - [Alive]
College B

"Horrible.. Just.. I dont know. I dont hold any remorse to him- but.. when i heard everything he did to me, I felt disgusted."

Vetteman Frankie Jureil - [???]
Grade 12

"I wonder where he went.. I heard he was in jail, after being part with Takahashi.. They didnt seem to be in a relationship either.. Why not? If he loved him- why isnt.. Taka with him? It's a weird question.. isnt it friend?"

Butch Peter Frankie - [Alive]
Grade 12

"Taho told me, me and Butch used to be close. I dont understand. I dont feel anything positive towards him at all."

Toby Aiken - [Alive]
Grade 12

"Toby is cool, probably one of the people i enjoy hanging out with alot. I know you would love him, Junpei.. "

Aidan Misono - [Dead]
Grade 12

". . . You know what he did to me. I feel regretful."

Hachiro Fujimoto - [Alive]
College B

"He lied- and to have called him my best friend.. He's not a good person, but.. he's kind. Sometimes."

Geneivene "Jila" Onasis - [Alive]
Grade 12

"She's pretty- but also sassy. I feel happy near her sometimes.Good friend, right?"

Nyoko The Fox - [Dead]

"Why do I have his collar? and.. I feel sad when I hear the name Nyoko, Do you know anything.. Junpei?"

Morimoto "Mori" Takahara - [Alive?]
College B

"A good guy.. Havent seen him around at all lately.. I wonder what happened?"

Lili Hozumi - [Alive]
Grade 12

"She.. is like Geneviere right? T-Though.. the teasing.. e-ehm.. we dont talk about her.."

Donatello Rossi - [Alive]
Grade 12

"Can barely remember him.. Though! His face is stuck inside my head, he was really handsome right?"

Ashura S. Sanbuono - [Dead]
Grade 12

"I remember him.. somewhat. I hope I meet him soon."

Mulle Vinnman - [Alive]

"E-Eh.. This is Tahomarus bird and- it absolutely hates me. I didnt do anything! I swear?!"

Levi Bouwman - [Dead]
Grade 12

"I remember him vividly, despite losing most of my memories, this guy. I remember him so clearly. The way he cried for help- the way he begged.. I still remember how satisfied I was. dont.. get me wrong, I'm not that heartless.. But, perhaps for people like him.. I just like seeing them in pain. You understand me, right Junpei?"

Clayton Bouwman - [Alive]
Grade 12

". . . w-who.. ehm.. Somewhat.. I remember, Taho holding my hand.. and- some clay.. guy, threathening us.. A bit unclear."

Junpei Moriko - [Dead]
Grade 12

"mh.. About you- Junpei.. Where did you go? Even if this is just a dream.. please.. Let me find you again.."
End of Recorded Memory #36

Art credits goes to Picrew!
Thank you Ennord for the screenshots <3
Last edited:


Level 11
dark stuff
black and white clothing
You always do stupid shit though, Just dont die before me! :P
imma die before you 100%

theydontflirt they argue about who is prettier. >:[
imaginary arson
I wanna commit arson

This would be the start of his rebellious nature,
benny is a bad influence


Level 108
Community Team
Lore Team
Seta Yoichi - [Alive]

"Coolest guy I know! I wish I could give him something nice everytime I visited.. Maybe a bento.. what do you think?"

Mr Slurf - [

"So soft.. M-Maybe I should get some plushies too.. so that Mr Slurf isnt too lonely- Ah! Seta should know which Mr Slurf wants as a friend right?"

me :)

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