players online



Level 15



- Grade 12 Role
- Fox role
- Grade 12 role

What is your discord username?


Describe your activity on the server

I am very active on the SchoolRP server, ranging on average between 4-8+ hours on weekdays, and 5-10+ hours on weekends. Most of this time is spent Roleplaying or Hanging around casually when things are slow. I typically log on around 10:30-11am and throughout the day, going on and off SRP to either Roleplay, grind attributes, do my HEXATICA Art Commissions, or playing other games, though I am primarily free to get on SchoolRP if needed.

What is your time zone?
Australian Western Standard Time | WA (GMT+8)

List your current and past applications:


List your current roles on the server:

[GRADE-12] - Lua-Shuan Ye.

[GRADE-12] - Miu-Hua 'MIUMIU' Han.
[GRADE-12] - Saeran T. Han

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:

Back in 2019, I off-handedly joined SRP in caution as I was looking for a new roleplay server to indulge in, considering that discord was having a rough patch with roleplay servers, and the Minecraft roleplay community was still a niche community. On the 23rd of Dec 2019, I discovered SRP, opening up an entirely new system of roleplay to me. I played for an hour that day, unsure if I was willing to go through with learning everything in the server because it was nothing like I had known before. It was new and complicated and I wasn't ready. However, SRP was mentioned to me on the 14th April 2020, and I once again tried to get into SRP, only this time with success. I played upon hours on hours every day after school, and on some days I would play for hours before the school day. SchoolRP as much as I have my complaints, brought me an entirely new experience, including an entirely new method of roleplay and I absolutely loved to learn the ins and outs of the server's roleplay system, whilst also getting to know the people within the server, their quirks and mishaps.

Throughout my experience with roleplay, I happened to experience the many different types of rp just through the eyes of my grade 12 character.

Unfortunately, when I had truly started getting into SRP, I was almost immediately invited into GangRP without any prior knowledge or being taught anything about it, however I eventually picked it up on my own through observing the others, reading through the SRP rules and gradually growing more confident in my abilities in combat, crime and GangRP itself. I understand that being apart of this type of Rp warped my mindset and I became more and more egotistical, though I eventually did quit in due time. Although I do not regret joining as it did give me the experience, I am not going back anytime soon.
A type of roleplay I actually am fond about. Roleplay based on exploring the more intimate parts of your character, exploring the reasonings for their actions, the explanations for their personality, exploring what makes your character the person that they are. Through being in multiple families all throughout SRP, I've had good and bad situations respectively, though most were luckily positive. Through these families my characters have grown as people, and grown to love their families, friends and other relationships. My characters have also gone through times of roleplaying out training, roleplaying out lore-based instances, and developing themselves accordingly to reach their goals.
Whether it be platonic or romantic, relationships can be what makes or breaks your character. The relationships your characters share, much like FamilyRP can help your characters grow and change as time progresses. Whether it be healthy relationships, toxic relationships, or something like a relationship with no real spark, they all come together to develop your character into becoming better or worse depending on the way that they take these situations. Every person they meet, every enemy they face and every lover they cherish, they grow from one way or another. Same goes for the other side. Your characters may be incredibly influential to another person or other people as a whole, but it really does depend on the way that you play them. And I had learnt over the years how to grow my characters in a way that they leave a lasting impression on those who they come across. Something that oocly, we can have hour-long discussions about because of that impact.
Although I have characters that are neither in any sports teams or in the Cheerleading squads, they have spent significant time around these teams and I have spent the time to learn the games involved with the teams. Whether it be basketball, Volleyball, football, etc. (I do not like baseball). My characters have spent a significant time as of recent attending Tryouts, practices, or general games with these teams, even becoming more involved with the characters within these teams, building relationships and learning more and more off of them. I even intend to try out for one of the teams in due time. Though one thing that is very often noted of the sports teams are how constant drama seems to show up within the teams, especially football and cheerleading. Seeing the dramas unfold within the scene are definitely a sight to see and honestly are extremely entertaining to witness.
In early February, I managed to purchase the Animal whitelist for a fox. Ever since, I have been involved with a plethora of different scenarios as my two different fox characters, Sun-He Han and 'FORD MUSTANG RTR'. Whether it be from general animal interactions within one another and building familial relationships with the humans and other animals of Karakura... To having my character permanently have a Bluetooth speaker connected to him with duct tape while it blasts Teriyaki Boyz Tokyo drift on repeat.. Either way, Although being an animal isn't exactly the most notable experience, it's still a pleasing experience. Providing some calmness after handling some extreme drama in some of these roleplays.
There are many other types of RP that you can experience in and out of SRP, however these three in particular have left the most lasting impression on me and were the primary growth on my experience as a Roleplayer. Throughout the years, my RP has grown exponentially because of these many different experiences, and through that, I've been wanting to discover more and more experiences and other types of RP, Through being apart of the EMS faction, I'll not only be able to provide my support to the other players, but learn how to roleplay as a medical professional in the SRP setting rather than Novella writing setting.


What is your motivation for applying?

1 | Something that is an unfortunate reality to many of the players in srp is the fact that a great portion of players seem to be online at an unfortunate time, the consequence being the fact that when they do log on, there are very little to no EMS workers online. I happen to be one of those people, who tend to be on at very unfortunate times of the day, given that I am Australian, (However, my playtime is flexible and for periods of time, I waver in terms of when I log on to SRP and when I log off). Through the fact that I have such flexible hours, I'll be able to provide the EMS service to players who would usually not be able to receive such.
2 | The character that I intend to play in EMS is a very medically-driven character. I have previously applied to become a Health-Sciences teacher, only to find out that the classes she could provide are not apart of the available High-School roster, nor are there any spots left in the College Professor's roster for another Science-based lecturer. So I will be bringing her back to her roots in Medical sciences by bringing the character in as a Doctor for the Karakura Medical Department. As this is a medical role, I do not intend to remove her from the role, so through this application, I will be genuinely interested in becoming a part of the medical team rather than finding a scapegoat to the Adult role.
3 | As previously mentioned, I had previously applied to become a Health-Sciences teacher. I did this originally with the intent to teach the students and faculty of Karakura Highschool / College FIRST AID and CPR practices. Though, as a doctor, I could also possibly provide the same service as a medical professional itself where it can be properly displayed with the correct environment and equipment. (Screenshot provided)
4 | Alongside the previous motivations, there is also the motivation of finding and growing relationships between other adult-aged characters to build a sense of familial or platonic affection between my character and the other members of the EMS team. This is a Roleplay server, so I would assume that wanting to build relationships and grow friendships between other EMS members or possibly other Government or Emergency Care characters would be preferable.

Which role are you applying for?


What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?

Throughout 2020-2023 went to college studying psychology for those three years, I have since graduated with a diploma in Juvenile Psychology. Whilst in my years of studying, I was tasked as well as my other classmates to spend time in the local hospital assisting medical professionals and studying the various patients that consented to such. During my studies, I have come to understand the workings of a professional medical environment.
One of the most important parts of working in a hospital is to be able to rely on your fellow medical professionals and building trust within your own capabilities and the capabilities of those working alongside you. Realistically, the hospital environment is overwhelming and stressful, however being able to hold this trust in others whilst also being able to provide for yourself is great and may better improve the general environment

Typically, when someone thinks of the hospital or even just a doctor's office, they of course think of DOCTORS and GENERAL PRACTITIONERS (GP). These medical professionals are in charge of prioritizing your physical wellbeing and keeping you as healthy as they can. Whether it be handling a patient's medical details and providing them with useful information regarding their medical issues, or treating physical injuries such as sprains or breaking of bones. Although those two are the most common reason a patient will typically seek our a Doctor / GP, they can also provide treatment for illnesses, allergic reactions, medical equipment to aid certain physical disabilities or perhaps provide emergency procedures to patients in need. Anything that a patient's body could physically need will 90% of the time be handled by Doctors / GP's.
Doctors / GP's may also provide medical practices such as teaching FIRST AID and CPR knowledge to whoever asks and can provide FIRST AID kits to patrons who pay for them.​

Much like Doctors, a SURGEON's top priority is your health. However unlike doctors, Surgeons are capable on actually performing surgery and other operations on patients in need. Being medically trained to handle such jobs. Surgeons are incredible lifesavers, tasked to handle some of the riskiest jobs you could possibly do in the medical field, if not the riskiest. Though through this risk, They change lives and even save them. Surgeons are also capable of surgically applying hearing aids to the deaf or really applying any medical equipment that requires a procedure.

PHARMACIST on the other hand focus more on handling medicines/vaccines and other medical grade drug-related stuff. They're typically their own role, but in SRP it seems like anyone within EMS can handle the Pharmacy on the first floor of the hospital as long as the patron brings in their prescription, or that it's an over-the-counter drug.​

PSYCHOLOGISTS and THE******S are typically seen as separate jobs outside of SRP, however within the eyes of SRP, they serve the same purpose. Providing mental health care as the rest of the EMS are not capable of handling such. This will often be through mental assessments, Therapy, Psychological ****ysis, housing unstable patients and handling prescriptions for their patients. Typically, The Psychologists / Psychiatrists handle the Psychological ****ysis. They are the ones that would usually be consulted in a diagnosis. Whereas a the****** is typically assigned to provide well- therapy, really. They're given a set of goals by the patient, they are given the specific qualifications and funding and will work through a plan to reach the set goal for the patient. Whether it be as simple as overcoming social anxiety, to lessening the effective trauma from serious events.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?

I fully acknowledge that at any time, I could be demoted under the circumstances of my inadequacy whether it be last of activity, my own behavior or the unfortunate events that could lead to my demotion whether it be icly or oocly. I will not take demotion as a personal attack and will instead work towards regaining the promotion. However I do not plan on doing anything that would result in demotion.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
I declare that I will be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role and will spend as much time as I can providing for the community as a Hospital staff.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

I acknowledge and understand that I am expected if not required to attend Hospital training and I will attend as many as I possibly can.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?

I will not take anything OOCLY when dealing with training and situations. It is not only against the rules, but irrational.

(Sketch of Soo-Yunn Han and her best friend, Koizumi Saiky)


Character’s Full Name:

"I am Han Soo-Yunn of the Han family. Current Matriarch."

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:

Cisgender Female | SHE/THEY
"I identify as a woman, thank you for asking. You may refer to me by feminine or androgynous pronouns."

Character’s Age (if accepted):

42 Y.O | 10th OCT
"I am forty two years of age. Of course, I do know I appear younger, how sweet of you. Ah, And my date of birth is the 10th of October."

Character’s Academic Background

Graduated Grade 12 - Highschool Diploma
Majors - Psychology, Medicine, Education
Minors - Culinary Arts , Nursing

Character’s Nationality:

Korean - Japanese - French mix | Mother - Korean French. Father - Japanese Korean.
"A strange mix, yes I am aware."

Character’s Marital Status:

Recently divorced (Divorced from Jun-Yi Huang)
"Good riddance.."

Character’s Religious Denomination:

"My family and I all practice Shinto. I recently discovered through my darling daughter that the shrine has remained. What a pleasure."

Character’s Spoken Languages:

Korean / French / Italian


On OCT 10th, 1982, the twins Tae-Minjae and Soo-Yunn Han were born. Out of the two twins, Soo-Yunn was actually quite small, a runt even, in comparison to her brother, Tae. This was of course considered a mystery to the Han family, even beginning a small controversy within the close relatives as to why for once there was a female smaller than the male. This controversy was then disproven, as Soo-Yunn began to significantly grow in comparison to her brother, as expected of the female Hans'. The Han family themselves raised her in a very secluded estate in South Korea. As she was never allowed outside of the estate, Soo-Yunn knew little to nothing of their location, what town they were in, nor that there was an entire city just a mere hour away from the estate. Raised as the next Matriarch of the Han clan, Soo-Yunn grew up under strict rule and extreme education, often finding herself studying for days straight just to have the approval of the higher ranking family members including her mother. However her brother, being a male did not receive this treatment and was instead trained in physical combat and socialization, being allowed outside of the estate to attend private gatherings between the different high-class families, building a name for himself as he grew. Something she couldn't have even dreamed to do.
That was until the day of October 10th, her 13th birthday where without question, she was sent to Karakura..

Arriving in such a crime-filled town at such a young age with little to no experience in the outside world, Soo-Yunn through perception of others and experience picked up the behaviors of the other students. Quickly adapting to her new environment to fit in amongst her peers, building relationships, joining a gang she remained in for years.. She was just another character in this messed up story of a town. However, Soo-Yunn throughout this time discovered a passion she never truly could have imagined gaining..
One of the many things she was taught back in the Han estate, was the act of medical training. becoming extremely knowledgeable on the topic of not only treating wounds, but inflicting them in the process.. Though there was one tactic she loved most. Poison. Something about the way the human body reacted to poison captivated her. That, and venom. The way her own body reacted to these possibly lethal toxins entering her own body was so captivating to her.. Soon enough, Soo-Yunn began creating dishes upon dishes infiltrated with many toxic fluids or edibles for her victims to digest. One by one, they all began to drop like flies, and the more they did, the more twisted her mind became, trying to find more sickening ways to destroy the human body from the inside out. The life of crime within Karakura had corrupted her mind..
However, there was something that distracted her from such disturbing thoughts. A certain someone.
A man by the name of "Ichigo Masanori" (Now, Ichigo Tokugawa).
Soo-Yunn fell heavily for this man. So much so that she pretty much completely eliminated killing from her life just to be with him in their estranged love between a biology-loving man and a woman who was in love with how the human body and mind functioned. Throughout their relationship, her once sadistic tendencies calmed into morbid curiosity. Instead, she began to study the Human Health Sciences. Quickly becoming captivated by the ins and outs of just how intricate the human body was and how it reacted. And the more her knowledge grew through her studies, so did her love for the man, Ichigo Tokugawa. Soon becoming engaged and the two began trying for offspring with the unfortunate fertility issues she presented. Although the complications were heart-breaking, they continued, not only with their attempts, but with their love for one another as fiancés.. Until on one cold, rainy night, she disappeared without a trace.

One day, a young Han appeared.. Though it was not her.. In fact, it was the miracle she birthed. The result of dedication and trial and error. Saeran Han appeared in Karakura. And much like his mother, was sent without explanation.. However, he brought a picture along with him. A picture provided to him by Soo-Yunn herself. A photograph of Ichigo Tokugawa himself. Soon after arriving, Saeran quickly found the man in the photograph and introduced himself as Soo-Yunn's son to the man. Without hesitation, even in the belief of Saeran not being his own son, given the consequences of their failed attempts, Ichigo Tokugawa took Saeran in as his own. However, upon weeks, even months of living as family, the similarities between the two became abundantly clear..

Alongside Tokugawa, Saeran entered the hospital, requesting a DNA test one night. Only to return home with the positive results. Saeran truly was Ichigo's son. He and Soo-Yunn had succeeded.. However she was still gone.. Soon enough, Ichigo came into contact with his ex - fiancé with the news, where she merely replied by telling him the truth. Saeran really was their child. And she had sent Saeran to find Ichigo so he could provide a true fatherly figure in his life, as Soo-Yunn's arranged husband was nowhere near close to being a father figure to her child.
A month after the truth was revealed, Soo-Yunn officially ended her marriage with her arranged partner.. Also leaving her job in the medical field all the way in South Korea...

Soon after relieving herself of her medical role in South Korea, Soo-Yunn has since stayed in the city of Tokyo and often visits her daughter over in Kyoto. However, she now currently works as a business deals manager for the Han family. That, and she has been applying to various jobs in Karakura in order to provide a stable income. However, it seems she is only interested in jobs surrounding teaching or the medical field.. Such as the Karakura Health Department Doctor role she is currently applying to.

And she has returned home.. In Karakura, Japan.
Welcome home, Lady Han.



What is your character’s medical
specialty? Why did they choose this focus?

Soo-Yunn has always had a strange, twisted interest in how the body works. How it functions, how it operates and what could be used to taint it and make it crumble. Whether it be her fascination in various types of poisons or the studies she had conducted on the works of Medicine and how they effect the body as well. It was only a given that Soo-Yunn would eventually find herself becoming interested in the medical field itself. She'd already become accustomed to being the one always patching the other members up after their injuries and prying into the EMS workers for more and more information almost obsessively. However, during her medical studies, Soo-Yunn found herself becoming incredibly skilled in the precision of Surgical procedures and mending the wounds of the broken. Hence as to why she originally stayed a doctor for so long. For a small period, she did shift into becoming a psychologist, however applied for the Karakura Health Department as a doctor as she once was.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?

Asan Hospital | Seoul - South Korea.
Seoul National University Hospital | Seoul - South Korea.

Tokyo Medical University Hospital | Tokyo Japan

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?

- 24 - 30 Y.O - Practicing Paramedic / Doctor | SEOUL, KOREA | HANDLING FAMILY DEALS, PROTECTION
- 30 - 38 Y.O - Head of Medical Department | SEOUL, KOREA | HANDLING FAMILY DEALS, PROTECTION
- 30 - 38 Y.O - Practicing Psychiatrist | TOKYO, JAPAN | STUDYING TEACHING IN COLLEGE
- 39 -42 Y.O - Psychiatrist / Training medical students | TOKYO, JAPAN

Has your character completed any additional schooling?

Soo-Yunn has attended schooling for A Culinary degree and has a certificate in Cuisine

image_2024-04-04_021737128.pngSECTION 3: CHARACTER KNOWLEDGE
Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

"Hm? You wish to admire me. How charming.. Do as you must."
A pinnacle of beauty, though so dark. Soo-Yunn was a rather striking woman in both appearance and gaze.
The woman towered over most, at a staggering 7'5ft tall with an elegant, curvy figure, her porcelain skin in contrast to the woman's raven black hair, painted with thin red streaks all throughout her waist-long hair, styled in one of her many elegant yet alluring styles. Despite the woman's warm, tender smile, her eyes struck fear within most. Sharp, almost foxlike eyes with beautiful crimson gems, shaded with those thick, pointed eyelashes. Soo-Yunn's face was painted with beautiful Kitsune markings using a deep crimson paint, much like her own eyes, made from the Manjushage her family grows, hand-crafted into the paints. This woman nearly resembled a fox, much like the spirits of Karakura. However, she was indeed human.

In addition to her abnormal height stature, Soo-Yunn dawned a curvier, bustier figure with clear muscle, specifically more towards her legs. She had long, lean arms, painted almost entirely in a beautiful mural tattoo that stretched along from each wrist, along her back and chest, even up along her neck and sides. All a mural of the spirit Tamamo No Mae, a kitsune spirit. However, these tattoos were primarily covered through her choice of thick, gothic clothing and casual gothic makeup with piercings to accessorize. In contrast to her more lean upper-body structure, Soo-Yunn's lower body was incredibly muscular and covered nearly entirely in scars and tattoos as well, though the tattoos were mixed, primarily being either foxes or snakes.

She truly was the pinnacle of dark beauty. A goth queen. (slay).


Soo-Yunn experiences a rather uncommon neurodivergent condition by the name of BPD or better known as borderline personality disorder. she tends to fluctuate through moods, on a whim, whether it is known to herself or not. She also experiences random spikes of rage, self doubt, obsessive tendencies or falling into a shut-out state where she will distance herself mentally and physically from the world and resorts to a distanced, colder personality. In this state, Soo-Yunn shows of more sadistic tendencies, such as acting harshly towards peers, limiting her speech in general, heading off to more secluded areas by herself to hide from everyone and worst of all.. Giving into her caffeine addiction and chugging coffee like its her last day on earth.

Though despite this obvious hinder to her social life, the woman seems to show a rather unique type of personality whenever her mind is clear for the moment and level-headed. Soo-Yunn had been raised to be elegant and sophisticated via her family’s teachings. However she exhibits behaviors of a rebelling teen despite her age of 43. This of course means her sadistic teasing to her peers, whether it is or isn't playful. She tends to be a bit flirtatious in this state, offering a playful yet calm personality.

She often shows distaste in those she sees below herself, whilst also showing empathy. almost as if she pities the ones she truly sees as lesser. This leads to her ****iness and sass, often using her typically attractive appearance and demeaning stature to take control of whatever situation she seems fit and possibly even claiming and taking control of a “lesser being” such as her second-hand woman, 'Hex' Mumu Kokushibo who honestly doesn't seem to mind it at all. This behavior however is not displayed to children. Instead Soo-Yunn will view children as pure beings. Treating them as if they are her own children, spoiling them and providing a warm smile.

Soo-Yunn's need to take control also connects to her obscure possessiveness to very certain items or people. This possessiveness can be shown through verbal or physical intimidation or in worser cases, possible stalking or obsessive information searches she can find. The current worst case of this being her protection over her children. Although she has reluctantly allowed her son, Saeran T. Han, and recently adopted step-daughter, Miu-Hua Han into Karakura, Soo-Yunn absolutely refuses to allow Saeran's twin sister, Eun-Yi T. Han into Karakura. Instead enrolling her into a private school, center of Kyoto.

Although listed above, Soo-Yunn seems to show a softer side along with her older age. It may be a rare occurrence, however, Soo-Yunn can display a motherly attentiveness to certain living beings such as old friends and family such as Sky Volante.-Hanazono, Ichigo Tokugawa, Kosei T. Koji, her twin-brother Tae-min and her step-brother, Hephaestus Tennessine of the Tennessine family, and the maidens of Shinsei Monastery. All of those listed including a few more, will always be treated with nothing but respect and a motherly care.

How does your character act on and off duty?

On duty, Soo-Yunn has been trained through her other hospital experiences on how to handle patients well, though doesn't seem to exactly get along too fondly with her co-workers from time to time. It is clear that she does somewhat care about her co-workers, however something about the way she treats them is very distanced and cold, even if she wears a deceptively sweet smile and a 'reassuring' smile.
However, Whilst off duty, Soo-Yunn seems to loosen up somewhat, often spending time to herself, though happily interacting with whoever approaches, although reluctant. However, she can quickly become bored or restless in conversations and will instead return back to minding her own business. (And spending her time adoring her little boyfriend, Kosei.)

Does your character function better on their own or with others?

She does in a professional sense, however struggles in a more intimate matter. It is clear that the woman is jaded and experienced, though is somewhat open to receiving criticism and of course giving her own.

What plans does your character have for the future?

Soo-Yunn's plans are simple. Build a foundation within Karakura for her family to thrive. Provide life-saving support and lessons to the people of Karakura, provide for her own family and build towards a better future for the cursed town.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?

Unfortunately, a common misconception within characters icly is that she's a cold, emotionless sadist of a woman who finds pleasure in seducing people into doing her bidding. However, in reality, she's just aware of her beauty and uses it to tease. She has no desire to manipulate people into doing her bidding at all.



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Level 258
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following reasons:

- Due to the vast amount of applicants that try their best to get into the faction, we often have to deny good applicants because there are others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to server reputation or due to the detail that was put into their application.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 6pancake - via discord, and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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