players online



Level 15
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

- Grade 12 Role
- Fox role
- Grade 12 role

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes I do. However, it is not a great quality microphone [$90 Webcam Mic].

What is your time zone?:
Australian Western Standard Time | WA (GMT+8)

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I wholeheartedly understand that the cause of demotion can be the result of inactivity, yes. By joining this faction, it is my job to be as active as I can as this role, hosting classes, attending detentions, patrolling the school and handling icly matters within the school.

Describe your activity on the server:
I am very active on the SchoolRP server, ranging on average between 4-8 hours on weekdays, and 5-10 hours on weekends. Most of this time is spent Roleplaying or Hanging around casually when things are slow. I typically log on around 2-3pm in the afternoon, going on and off SRP to either Roleplay, grind attributes, do my HEXATICA Art Commissions, or playing other games, though I am primarily free to get on SchoolRP if needed.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):



What subject are you applying to teach?:
I will be teaching Physical and Mental Health related lessons. Teaching the students how their bodies work and function, the proper care for theirs and others bodies, whilst also providing psychological teaching, broadening their knowledge on mental issues.
Half of my classes will be about their physical wellness, informing them on the human body's needs, functions and proper care. Students will be taught medical awareness, the proper nutrients for their bodies, the physical limitations of the human body, and providing answers to questions about how the human body functions.
The other half of my classes will be about their Mental wellness. Some classes taught will be about how the human mind naturally reacts to stress, excitement, sadness, etc. They will also be provided with guidance on how to handle mental crisis situations. Students will also be provided with broadened knowledge on mental disabilities that are commonly mistaken and given misinformation on, and will be given proper information on how to handle and care for them.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
There are two major reasons for become a teacher, specifically a Health Science teacher.

1 | There has been an ongoing issue in SRP where players/characters have little to no knowledge on FIRST AID or any medical support and tend to completely overflow the EMS entirely, expecting them to just fix everything, causing them OOCLY pressure and their characters ICLY stress with how horrible some injuries tend to be when patients come in. Now, through my classes as a Health Science teacher, I could possibly lighten the load for EMS workers and possibly save a lot of ICLY lives through providing medical training (ex. Without my classes, students will turn up to EMS bleeding everywhere with either broken bones or perhaps even missing limbs and may be on a countdown in some cases. With my ICLY medical training, these students could possibly be saved by their friends through basic first aid; Gauzing, cleaning up wounds, adding makeshift stilts or even resuscitating them.).

2 | Much like the first major reason, another issue I've had to see all throughout the years I have played, a lot of players/characters bare little to no knowledge of real mental illness, nor the proper care of mental illnesses. Through my teaching, I could perhaps provide real information about some very real and possibly harmful mental illnesses. (I oocly went to college studying psychology for three years, I have since graduated with a diploma in Juvenile Psychology). If I can provide real information to some commonly misinterpreted mental illnesses or disabilities such as the AUTISM SPECTRUM, BIPOLAR, BPD, DID, etc. Perhaps, I could teach players how to properly play these characters or perhaps let them know that their interpretation of one disability, may actually be another that they haven't yet considered as a diagnosis for their character(s).

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
Yes, I understand. Though I do absolutely plan to go further up the ranks by becoming a very active and influential teacher.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
I do understand. Once I am accepted, I would like to be notified of the best time to commence training and I'll make absolutely sure that I am able to attend.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
COMMAND - /class start [room number] [class size] | (Credits to Clexxs for showing me this)
Using the command above, Teachers are able to not only start a class with the specifications of the room, but also the number of students allowed within the class before it is filled. Once this command is used, a message will be automatically sent into the Karakura Academics server, logging the teacher, what class, the room, and how many students attended the class. From what I have seen, it may also log the duration of the class. Logging classes are important as they provide solid automated proof of the classes hosted, their ratings etc. And the faction leads can appropriately distribute pay for the teachers who have reached quota for the month.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
The classes could possibly save lives, therefore the attention of the students are of absolute priority. Whilst class is being taught, disruptions are heavily punished as it may stunt the lesson, or distract the students within. Depending on the extremities of the
disruption, such as yelling, teasing, asking unnecessary questions or generally being annoying, the students will be punished accordingly. Some may be called up to be used an example in front of their peers, some may be officially warned, and if push comes to shove, some may receive immediate detention and will be removed from the class. Do not disturb this class.

You are neither better nor worse than your peers. In classes, you are to treat others the way you're to be treated. With respect. Talking down, singling out, targeting or harassing a student in any way will result in similar punishment to the previous rule. No student is more special than the other besides councilors, however they serve a role that a normal student cannot. No matter a person's Religion, Identity, past actions etc. You will not treat them in any other way within my class besides as another student. If you have any drama with them, keep it outside of the class. However, if you believe that a student could be of danger to yourself or the rest of the class, contact the teacher.
The Teacher will always be treated with higher respect. You are in their class, you will listen, you will respect.

In this class, you, along with your peers are expected to put in the effort. Every student is required to put in the hard work they are given unless specifically told by the teacher that they can choose whether or not to take part in the activities. Some activities such as Medical-based classes will be mandatory as it will teach the student possibly life-saving lessons. Other class activities such as games or trivia lessons may be optional when it comes to the student's participation, however they will not be rewarded.

Reward Tokens will be handed out to the individual students that participate throughout the class. Some may receive extra if they perform exceptionally in class, such as handing in great work or displaying their attentiveness through certain activities.


What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
Proficient Roleplayer
Back in 2019, I off-handedly joined SRP in caution as I was looking for a new roleplay server to indulge in, considering that discord was having a rough patch with roleplay servers, and the Minecraft roleplay community was still a niche community. On the 23rd of Dec 2019, I discovered SRP, opening up an entirely new system of roleplay to me. I played for an hour that day, unsure if I was willing to go through with learning everything in the server because it was nothing like I had known before. It was new and complicated and I wasn't ready. However, SRP was mentioned to me on the 14th April 2020, and I once again tried to get into SRP, only this time with success. I played upon hours on hours every day after school, and on some days I would play for hours before the school day. SchoolRP as much as I have my complaints, brought me an entirely new experience, including an entirely new method of roleplay and I absolutely loved to learn the ins and outs of the server's roleplay system, whilst also getting to know the people within the server, their quirks and mishaps.

Throughout my experience with roleplay, I happened to experience the many different types of rp just through the eyes of my grade 12 character.

Unfortunately, when I had truly started getting into SRP, I was almost immediately invited into GangRP without any prior knowledge or being taught anything about it, however I eventually picked it up on my own through observing the others, reading through the SRP rules and gradually growing more confident in my abilities in combat, crime and GangRP itself. I understand that being apart of this type of Rp warped my mindset and I became more and more egotistical, though I eventually did quit in due time. Although I do not regret joining as it did give me the experience, I am not going back anytime soon.
A type of roleplay I actually am fond about. Roleplay based on exploring the more intimate parts of your character, exploring the reasonings for their actions, the explanations for their personality, exploring what makes your character the person that they are. Through being in multiple families all throughout SRP, I've had good and bad situations respectively, though most were luckily positive. Through these families my characters have grown as people, and grown to love their families, friends and other relationships. My characters have also gone through times of roleplaying out training, roleplaying out lore-based instances, and developing themselves accordingly to reach their goals.
Whether it be platonic or romantic, relationships can be what makes or breaks your character. The relationships your characters share, much like FamilyRP can help your characters grow and change as time progresses. Whether it be healthy relationships, toxic relationships, or something like a relationship with no real spark, they all come together to develop your character into becoming better or worse depending on the way that they take these situations. Every person they meet, every enemy they face and every lover they cherish, they grow from one way or another. Same goes for the other side. Your characters may be incredibly influential to another person or other people as a whole, but it really does depend on the way that you play them. And I had learnt over the years how to grow my characters in a way that they leave a lasting impression on those who they come across. Something that oocly, we can have hour-long discussions about because of that impact.
There are many other types of RP that you can experience in and out of SRP, however these three in particular have left the most lasting impression on me and were the primary growth on my experience as a Roleplayer. Throughout the years, my RP has grown exponentially because of these many different experiences, and through that, I've been wanting to discover more and more experiences and other types of RP, now being Academic Roleplay, where I can learn and experience playing as a teacher

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description: For every Department, Whether it be the General Academics such as English or math, or more physical Departments such as P.E or P.A, each Department has a highest Ranking teacher. This teacher will Receive the HD role, with the ability to approve school trips if a faction lead is not available. And can be approached by students or other faculty to handle issues typically a faction lead would deal with if they aren't available. These teachers receive the most pay of all the ranks, though will be required to fill out a much higher quota.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: The highest rank before reaching head of Department. These teachers receive ¥400,000 or higher for reaching their quota and possibly exceeding by doing the extra classes. These teachers are more likely to be accepted for Field trips by SLT or HD's.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: Teachers will receive this role once teacher training has concluded. These teachers can be trusted to handle classes on their own without supervision of higher ranking teachers or the HD. These teachers will receive the pay of ¥350,000 or more for reaching their quota and possibly exceeding by doing the extra classes.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: Teachers that have just been accepted to work at Karakura Academics. These teachers cannot host any classes of their own, but will commence their Teacher Training, being trained by the higher ranking teachers through shadowing their classes and learning through them. By the end of the month, if their training has concluded successfully, they will be promoted to NQT with the ability to host their own classes.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers are one of the most crucial members of society in and out of SRP. Aside from parents, the teaching role is the most important role for a child's growth. Providing the education they need to go out into the world. Teachers are so commonly overlooked however despite holding such a crucial role in this world. The pay provided to teachers and the way teachers are so notoriously treated is saddening, with just how cruel life can be towards societies biggest contributors. These people spend hours out of their day, being severely underpaid to raise children through thorough education, providing them knowledge on various topics, providing them with life skills and practically raising them in areas that a parent cannot.
In SRP, teachers tend to be overwhelmed in and out of their classrooms, constantly taking on the authorities roles in not only teaching students, but protecting them, providing them with whatever they need (if possible), whilst also enduring the abuse and stress they bring. Yet still, they all continue to show up to school, host lessons and provide students with the necessary lessons that they need in order to succeed. Each and every teacher, including those in higher education such as professors have their own lives which could be potentially bring them more stress, yet they still continue on, providing a positive role model to the students. Though out of school hours, these teachers will spend nearly hours OOCLY researching topics, making assignments, grading assignments (Graded classes will be posted to the #highschol-bulletin channel within the Karakura Academics server). Otherwise, when off-duty, teachers will spend their time relaxing from such a stressful environment. Taking up hobbies to destress or spending time with their families. As a server primarily based around a Highschool / college, teaching is absolutely necessary.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Without teachers, what would be the point of having it be a School Roleplay? Teachers build the foundation of the RP server as well as the other faculty such as Professors, SLT and even general school faculty. Without teachers, the students of Karakura would have no reason to show up to school, nor would there be a solid basis to the server, and everyone would just be running around without any sort of idea on what to do. Having a school environment brings together a community, rather than having them just figure it out and separate such as if it were a CityRP instead.
Teachers hosting classes brings an engaging activity for the students to partake in and keep them engaged with the server's RP. Without them, the students would really just have nothing to do besides wander around and socialize in a confined space for a few hours.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
This School works on the MOSCOW system. A system technique made to manage business and Education in and out of SRP.
" must-have, should-have, could-have, and won't-have, or will not have right now."
Through this system, planning out classes, Assignments or even just lectures are made significantly easier than just going on the fly, figuring out what you want to do on the spot. Having to handle a few dozen students at a time with such little time (40-45min), teachers will be required to be able to handle an entirely planned lesson with these students, especially Science-based teachers who will need to take extra precautions for safety reasons. Through this system, lesson planning will go from a mess of trying to cram every little detail into one class, and instead will eliminate topics that aren't actually important to the current class, will prioritize what is actually important whilst keeping it perfectly structured and engaging for the students to handle.

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?:

"Hm? You wish to admire me. How charming.. Do as you must."
A pinnacle of beauty, though so dark. Soo-Yunn was a rather striking woman in both appearance and gaze.
The woman towered over most, at a staggering 7'5ft tall with an elegant, curvy figure, her porcelain skin in contrast to the woman's raven black hair, painted with thin red streaks all throughout her waist-long hair, styled in one of her many elegant yet alluring styles. Despite the woman's warm, tender smile, her eyes struck fear within most. Sharp, almost foxlike eyes with beautiful crimson gems, shaded with those thick, pointed eyelashes. Soo-Yunn's face was painted with beautiful Kitsune markings using a deep crimson paint, much like her own eyes, made from the Manjushage her family grows, hand-crafted into the paints. This woman nearly resembled a fox, much like the spirits of Karakura. However, she was indeed human.

In addition to her abnormal height stature, Soo-Yunn dawned a curvier, bustier figure with clear muscle, specifically more towards her legs. She had long, lean arms, painted almost entirely in a beautiful mural tattoo that stretched along from each wrist, along her back and chest, even up along her neck and sides. All a mural of the spirit Tamamo No Mae, a kitsune spirit. However, these tattoos were primarily covered through her choice of thick, gothic clothing and casual gothic makeup with piercings to accessorize. In contrast to her more lean upper-body structure, Soo-Yunn's lower body was incredibly muscular and covered nearly entirely in scars and tattoos as well, though the tattoos were mixed, primarily being either foxes or snakes.

She truly was the pinnacle of dark beauty. A goth queen. (slay).

Her behavior quite matches her physical appeal, asserting herself as an elegant figure of authority, showing undivided respect to those around herself without losing composure unless absolutely pushed over the edge. Her cold, sharp gaze translated through her deceptively calm, almost motherly voice whilst she speaks. SOO-YUNN'S JAP VOICE
Soo-Yunn tends to show more sociopathic tendencies such as manipulation of her peers, careless flirting and alluring her peers into a false sense of security with her. Despite this, she does share a warmer, more tender personality where she treats a select few as her truthful, more vulnerable self. These people primarily being those in her family or those she sees as close within the family.

Soo-Yunn truly is a mixed bag. There is no truthful way of telling whether she actually cares for another person.. Or merely wishes to lure them into her captivating trap. She knows her ability to captivate, she is fully aware of her power of influence, and she will use it if she deems it necessary. It is up to the other person to decipher whether they're being manipulated or not.. This woman is not only dangerous in her appearance or physical ability, but her intelligence.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
Soo-Yunn's outlook on the students of Karakura is being pitiful and weak. She knows through growing up as a teenager in Karakura that they only know violence, yet no self preservation. It is her job to provide that preservation for them through teaching them proper care, medical advice and teaching FIRST-AID.
On the other hand, she shares a general respect for the teachers. She knows their pain, their struggles and their hardships. Soo-Yunn is less likely to go out of her way to psychologically entrap another teacher or faculty member, understanding that they already go through enough and respecting their limits. Besides, her ex-fiancé, Ichigo Tokugawa is a teacher. There's no way she would go out of her way to harm him.

What are their plans for the future?
Soo-Yunn's plans are simple. Build a foundation within Karakura for her family to thrive. Provide life-saving lessons to the students of Karakura, provide for her own family and build towards a better future for the cursed town.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
A nuisance, how annoying. Approaching the delinquents with a calm yet warm and inviting smile, Soo-Yunn would politely remind them that their disruptive
behavior is not allowed on school grounds. Though.. Something would be off about how she approached them.. Something about her expression seemed hollow and intense. That warm smile soon became a scowl as her polite demeaner became a stern tone, bluntly reminding the group that she will not tolerate their behavior on school grounds and to refrain from using profanities on school grounds. Though, mostly out of morbid curiosity, she'll ask the delinquents about the topic they're being so crude about and give her insights. However if they refuse to explain, she'll continue to sternly warn them of the consequences of their behavior.

If the delinquents refuse to comply to her reminder, she will take out her beautifully simple stack of unwritten detention slips, along with the pen she has stored along her dress collar, beckoning them to continue if they wish to spend an hour in detention after school. Which she will then remind them that they could receive the worst punishment of them all out of pettiness.. THE MATH PUNISHMENT..

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
If there is anything this woman is known for, is that she does not like to be disrupted or ignored, and she will make it known. If nobody in the class is listening, Soo-Yunn will not hesitate to slam her fist into the table, clearing her throat and demanding that the class returns their attention to her lesson. From then on, Soo will continue to teach the class in that sweet, motherly tone of hers, acting as if she didn't nearly break a table in half just for their attention. In a less extreme situation, where the class is concluded of an assignment that they are currently working on and she needs their attention for a moment, Soo-Yunn will simply clear her throat and speak in a calm, stern matter to her class, reminding them of whatever she needs to be made known.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Finally.. An escape from the Zoo they call a student body. Once she enters the teacher's lounge, Soo-Yunn's demeanor immediately changes to that of a relaxed, warm being with a kind smile to her peers. Unlike the animal-like students outside, she can find refuge with the other teachers within the school. How peaceful. If there are any other faculty inside, she may strike up a conversation and offer to help them with their duties for the day if she has the free-time to do so. If not, she will instead discuss with the faculty about other school-related topics or possibly more in-depth topics such as an interest in more personal matters such as family and hobbies.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

&#7F1434Resting her hands to her thighs, Soo-Yunn took a subtle bow towards the students, commencing the class. &f"Good morning to you all. As most of you know this is a &ohealth sciences&7 class. I am Ms. Han. You may request my assistance on Health science related topics at any point, just raise your hand and I will see to it that your questions are answered. Now, I will quickly take attendance, and we can then continue with the class. Feel free to discuss with your peers as I do so."

/me &fSays "Good morning to you all my dears. It is nice to see you all! Now-" &#7F1434Soo-Yunn bowed her head to the students with a sweet smile before then casually walking towards the training dummy whilst keeping a calm and composed exposure &f"Have any of you experienced a medical emergency where first aid is absolutely necessary to ensure yours or another person's survival?" &#7F1434Suddenly, the woman gripped the dummy by it's neck with her left hand, before her right absolutely tore through the plastic of the skin and the polypropylene of it's fake organs within, using merely her bare strength and her sharp claw-like nails. After a moment, she tore her hand out from the dummy's body and stepped away from it, releasing the neck as she did. &f"Well, now you have. You have just one minute to tell me the best way to provide first aid to this now dying man. Once that minute is up without a valid answer, you have will all failed. &oGo." &#7F1434Soo-Yunn continued to smile so innocently whilst displaying the gruesome wound the plastic dummy had sustained, awaiting her students' answers.

/me &#7F1434Clearing her throat, Soo-Yunn began to speak sternly towards the class, in-sighting their attention. &f"It is clear that the majority of you do not know the fundamentals of preserving your or your friends lives in a state of crisis. Whether it be a health issue, an attack, or anything of the sort. I am here to help you with this. For years, I have worked in urgent care, and therefore have the experience and the certifications to provide you with knowledge that may save others or even your own life." &#7F1434After stating the clear facts, Soo-Yunn took a seat on her desk, crossing one leg over the other as she glared down at the students. &f"Any questions?"

/me &#7F1434Once the lesson concluded, Soo-Yunn let out a pleased sigh at the results before then bowing politely in front of the class. &f"It seems a few of you are capable of joining the medical field in due time. Lets just hope that for my next class, I have a batch of students such as yourself. Now, please make your way to the door so I can let you all out. Class is dismissed." &#7F1434She outreached her hand towards the door with a respectful nod towards the students. &f"The next time that I am hosting classes, I'll announce the topic over the speakers so you can all be better prepared for that topic. Remember to study, remember to practice. &oDo not disappoint me."

On OCT 10th, 1982, the twins Tae-Minjae and Soo-Yunn Han were born. Out of the two twins, Soo-Yunn was actually quite small, a runt even, in comparison to her brother, Tae. This was of course considered a mystery to the Han family, even beginning a small controversy within the close relatives as to why for once there was a female smaller than the male. This controversy was then disproven, as Soo-Yunn began to significantly grow in comparison to her brother, as expected of the female Hans'. The Han family themselves raised her in a very secluded estate in South Korea. As she was never allowed outside of the estate, Soo-Yunn knew little to nothing of their location, what town they were in, nor that there was an entire city just a mere hour away from the estate. Raised as the next Matriarch of the Han clan, Soo-Yunn grew up under strict rule and extreme education, often finding herself studying for days straight just to have the approval of the higher ranking family members including her mother. However her brother, being a male did not receive this treatment and was instead trained in physical combat and socialization, being allowed outside of the estate to attend private gatherings between the different high-class families, building a name for himself as he grew. Something she couldn't have even dreamed to do.
That was until the day of October 10th, her 13th birthday where without question, she was sent to Karakura..
Arriving in such a crime-filled town at such a young age with little to no experience in the outside world, Soo-Yunn through perception of others and experience picked up the behaviors of the other students. Quickly adapting to her new environment to fit in amongst her peers, building relationships, joining a gang she remained in for years.. She was just another character in this messed up story of a town. However, Soo-Yunn throughout this time discovered a passion she never truly could have imagined gaining..
One of the many things she was taught back in the Han estate, was the act of medical training. becoming extremely knowledgeable on the topic of not only treating wounds, but inflicting them in the process.. Though there was one tactic she loved most. Poison. Something about the way the human body reacted to poison captivated her. That, and venom. The way her own body reacted to these possibly lethal toxins entering her own body was so captivating to her.. Soon enough, Soo-Yunn began creating dishes upon dishes infiltrated with many toxic fluids or edibles for her victims to digest. One by one, they all began to drop like flies, and the more they did, the more twisted her mind became, trying to find more sickening ways to destroy the human body from the inside out. The life of crime within Karakura had corrupted her mind..

However, there was something that distracted her from such disturbing thoughts. A certain someone.
A man by the name of "Ichigo Masanori" (Now, Ichigo Tokugawa).
Soo-Yunn fell heavily for this man. So much so that she pretty much completely eliminated killing from her life just to be with him in their estranged love between a biology-loving man and a woman who was in love with how the human body and mind functioned. Throughout their relationship, her once sadistic tendencies calmed into morbid curiosity. Instead, she began to study the Human Health Sciences. Quickly becoming captivated by the ins and outs of just how intricate the human body was and how it reacted. And the more her knowledge grew through her studies, so did her love for the man, Ichigo Tokugawa. Soon becoming engaged and the two began trying for offspring with the unfortunate fertility issues she presented. Although the complications were heart-breaking, they continued, not only with their attempts, but with their love for one another as fiancés.. Until on one cold, rainy night, she disappeared without a trace.

One day, a young Han appeared.. Though it was not her.. In fact, it was the miracle she birthed. The result of dedication and trial and error. Saeran Han appeared in Karakura. And much like his mother, was sent without explanation.. However, he brought a picture along with him. A picture provided to him by Soo-Yunn herself. A photograph of Ichigo Tokugawa himself. Soon after arriving, Saeran quickly found the man in the photograph and introduced himself as Soo-Yunn's son to the man. Without hesitation, even in the belief of Saeran not being his own son, given the consequences of their failed attempts, Ichigo Tokugawa took Saeran in as his own. However, upon weeks, even months of living as family, the similarities between the two became abundantly clear..

Alongside Tokugawa, Saeran entered the hospital, requesting a DNA test one night. Only to return home with the positive results. Saeran truly was Ichigo's son. He and Soo-Yunn had succeeded.. However she was still gone.. Soon enough, Ichigo came into contact with his ex - fiancé with the news, where she merely replied by telling him the truth. Saeran really was their child. And she had sent Saeran to find Ichigo so he could provide a true fatherly figure in his life, as Soo-Yunn's arranged husband was nowhere near close to being a father figure to her child.
A month after the truth was revealed, Soo-Yunn officially ended her marriage with her arranged partner.. Also leaving her job in the medical field all the way in South Korea...

And she has returned home.. In Karakura, Japan.
Welcome home, Lady Han.

(Backstory has been simplified significantly for not only my sanity, but yours.)

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Soo-Yunn Han.
"I am Han Soo-Yunn of the Han family. Current Matriarch."

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
"You may refer to me as "Miss" as I am of a recent divorce."

Given Name(s):
Soo-Yunn | Soo. | DOMINEER
"Formally, you may refer to me as Soo-Yunn. However, you may also refer to me as Soo if you wish."

Preferred Name:
"In a work environment, you may refer to me as my given name."

Age (Minimum is 25):
42 Y.O | 10th OCT
"I am forty two years of age. Of course, I do know I appear younger, how sweet of you. Ah, And my date of birth is the 10th of October."

Cisgender Female | SHE/THEY
"I identify as a woman, thank you for asking. You may refer to me by feminine or androgynous pronouns."

Religious Denomination:
"My family and I all practice Shintoism. From what I remember, there's a darling little Monastery in Karakura. Has it remained?"

Marital Status:
Recently divorced (Divorced from Jun-Yi Huang)
"Good riddance.."

Korean - Japanese - French mix | Mother - Korean French. Father - Japanese Korean.
"A strange mix, yes I am aware."

Current Location:

Tokyo - Japan | Working in family business and continuing to study the medical field.
"Until I find work in Karakura, I shall remain in Tokyo. The patients at the hospital I currently work are are quite an odd, but charming bunch."

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

- 24 - 30 Y.O - Practicing Paramedic / Doctor | SEOUL, KOREA | HANDLING FAMILY DEALS, PROTECTION
- 30 - 38 Y.O - Head of Medical Department | SEOUL, KOREA | HANDLING FAMILY DEALS, PROTECTION
- 30 - 38 Y.O - Practicing Psychiatrist | TOKYO, JAPAN | STUDYING TEACHING IN COLLEGE

- 39 -42 Y.O - Psychiatrist / Training medical students | TOKYO, JAPAN

Academic Degree:

Year of Graduation:


Psychology, Medicine, Education

Culinary Arts , Nursing

Native Languages:


Other Languages:
Japanese (applying) | French (applying)

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:

I plan to host at least 5 classes after Quota has been reached. My classes will all be spread out throughout each month rather than all raced through within the first week of each month. I will also be applying for the Korean language and the French language once this application has been posted.

Additional notes about your application:
I was blasting Metallica and Sleep token the entire time that I was writing this. Also, when I am accepted, I would like to specifically request there be a "training dummy" somewhere in my classroom.

Do you have any questions?:
Do you like waffles or pancakes?
Last edited:


Level 111
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying! However, after careful consideration, I have decided to deny your application

  • Your subject is not one that is taught by teachers, so I sadly had to deny this application

Please feel free to reapply! Any questions regarding your application, please DM me on discord.

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