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喫茶去 | Kissako Karakura | Shop Application


Level 10

喫茶去 | Kissako Karakura, Tea and Coffee Café

Previous applications: - Korean Application (Accepted) - College Application (Accepted) - Tourette’s Syndrome Application (Accepted) - JSL Application (Accepted)

Previous warns/kicks/bans:
Fortunately, N/A!

Shop wanted:
I would like to open a traditionally based Japanese tea and coffee café named “Kissako Karakura” after the Zen phrase “Kissako”, meaning “Have some tea”. Zen is an important inspiration for Kissako and these relaxing and traditional themes are reflected in numerous parts of the shop.

Kissako Karakura does not need a large space to be built in, and might even work better in a smaller plot, such as Unowned Shop #3. I plan Kissako to feel friendly, warm, and familiar, and having a medium to small shop plot size might help reflect the local aesthetics Kissako Karakura aspires to bring.

With this said, I am open for Kissako opening in any location in the shopping district that is free!

NOTE: Because the current map is being nerfed soon, I am always comfortable changing “Kissako Karakura” to just “Kissako”, or “Kissako [new town name]” upon being accepted or when the map switches! :)

Why do you want to own a shop?:
I have been a devoted player of School Role Play for over a year and a half and feel like I am more than ready to take on a new and exciting project that I am completely passionate for. To be frank, it’s been a bit of a dream to one day be a shop owner. The Shopping District has always been a place I frequented. Outside of SRP, I am a business woman at heart, so it only feels right I express my passions in SRP and bring something unique to the server!

Over the time I’ve spent on School Role Play, I’ve become well aware of the rules and have grown a deep love for roleplay, business, and leadership. I’ve noticed that not many shops feature Japanese themes or culture, and currently as it stands, there are no cafés or Japanese food shops. A traditional Japanese tea and coffee shop would help bloom roleplay opportunities on the server where customers can meet, spend time together, and explore different cultural drinks and treats.

What qualifies you to own a shop?:
Over the summer of 2020, I applied and went on to be a builder for School Role Play’s sister server Fantasy Role Play. Keeping schedules and working with a team of people on Minecraft was a daily responsibility for me and a skill I developed and grew to enjoy dearly. I feel I have a lot of experience working with staff and players and delivering on personal promises. Now, I feel it’s time to transfer my business and leadership passions to School Role Play and help foster a unique and trustworthy shop that will become a regular and welcomed face in the Shopping District.

How active do you plan to be?:
I am lucky to have a schedule that doubles my free time compared to other players attending school, allowing an abundance of daily activity on SRP, and of course, to open shop! I’ve been a daily player of SRP for some time, and will not be changing anytime soon. I plan to open and stick to opening Kissako more than the required 12 times a month, and rather achieve daily openings. I am dedicated to this project and completely ready to absorb myself into Kissako Karakura. This is no empty promise or bluff- I frequent the server every day, so there is more than enough time in my schedule to open Kissako’s doors at least once a day, nearly every day.

What do you plan to do with the shop?:
Local tea and coffee shops are a common find in cities all across Japan. I plan to help bring more Japanese culture into the Shopping District with Kissako Karakura’s traditional theme and menu.

The Theme:
Kissako Karakura plans to be built with a Japanese interior and exterior, utilizing a mix of dark and medium wood palettes to replicate a more traditional design. I would like the bar to be designed as a focal seating area to reflect how a customer might watch their tea maker or barista brew, pour, and serve their order at the counter. The seating areas beyond the bar would be spaced into more intimate seating for larger companies of people without packing the shop with tables and preserving a homey theme throughout Kissako.

Bar & Theme Reference:

Wood tones and worn details from love brings a local and familiar feel.

(Uniform credit: NiallHoranRP)

Example Ad Announcements:
“Has it been a long day at work? Have no stress! Your new, local tea and coffee shop Kissako Karakura is opening with your favorite drinks and treats! Relax with a cup of Matcha and explore Karakura’s newest tea flavors here, located at [Location] in the Shopping District.”
(First few opening ads)

“Has it been a long day at work? Have no stress! Your local tea and coffee shop Kissako Karakura is opening with a fresh new stock of tea leaves and beans. Relax with a cup of Matcha and explore Karakura’s elaborate tea and coffee flavors, located at [Location] in the Shopping District.”
(Normal opening ad)

The Menu:
Besides food items already available to shops such as:
  • Checkerboard Cookie
  • Dango Stick
  • Americano
  • Iced Coffee
  • Water Bottle

I also plan to purchase new and original Japanese drinks and treats customs to sell and attract customers!
The first two customs planned to be ordered if accepted immediately are:

  • Matcha Green Tea
  • And Wakoucha Red/Black Tea

These two customs will be ordered first so Kissako can get it’s feet off the ground and open A.S.A.P. But, and please note; I am willing to drop a second and at the very least equally large drop of money on customs within an OOC month of Kissako Karakura's first opening around the Holidays, and from there adding onto the menu in similar bursts.
Some later traditional food custom ideas include:

  • Mocha Coffee
  • Espresso Cup (With art!)
  • Sencha Green Tea
  • Fruit Jelly Dessert
  • Wagashi Treat

Functionality & Opening Hours:
Besides bringing Japanese tea and coffee culture into the Shopping District, Kissako Karakura also holds a different functionality that I feel is just as important. Kissako will serve a greater purpose by aiming to open up just after IC school dismissal when students and teachers are looking for somewhere to go.

Many players sit around spawn and hope to hook onto roleplay during IC afternoon and night, and it’s my goal to help solve these stagnant periods of time. Opening Kissako Karakura during these afternoon hours provides players with opportunities to change up the scenery and have something to do. I feel it is important for shops to involve the player base and encourage activity. One of my biggest goals is to support online players with something to do and an active shop to look forward to. Cafés are a place for casual enjoyment, and after a long IC day of school, I want to give my customers the opportunity of roleplay and pleasure - with a cup of home-brewed Matcha Green Tea!

Kissako Karakura will always be honored to host events, such as Birthday Parties or holiday get-togethers. I plan my shop to be welcoming for players to organize private gatherings with Kissako. Kissako has the stock to host and cater casual events, and I do not plan to charge a large fee for players to book a private date. While I do not have an initial fee in mind quite yet, I imagine it won't exceed 100,000 yen for one night event at Kissako Karakura.

Besides the standard hosting of parties, Kissako Karakura also has plans to hold an Espresso Art Competition. Along with the advertisement stating Kissako's opening, customers will be encouraged to join a competition that joints DetailRP with rolling for a chance to win 50% off all items sold in Kissako for the entire month. In order to win the special discount, customers will be instructed to DetailRP recreating special cream art in a cup of Kissako's espresso within two emotes, and roll out of 100 to receive a base score. Judges will deliberate each participant's set of emotes and grant either 10, 25, or 40 additional points onto their roll's original score. The customer who scores the highest over all will win the 50% off discount, and a small prize of one free item of their choice from Kissako's selection.

Additionally, Kissako can also host special server-wide events. With staff permission and help, Kissako Karakura can build extra seating and booths just outside of it's store front and host a gathering for SRP to come experience a fair of Karakura's finest Japanese foods. The other eatery shops of the Shopping District would be encouraged to build a booth and sell their Japanese cuisine. In addition to a wide selection of food for the server to enjoy, Karakura's Shrine Maidens would also be asked to build and tend their own special booth, presenting a small Shinto shrine, and to sell their items found in their shop on the mountain. The Shrine Maidens deserve a lot more love from the server, and especially deserve to be apart of traditionally themed events. For entertainment, players can compete in a ramen-eating contest and roll to achieve the fastest eating speed in return of a special prize, such as a free Onamori or a small cash prize. I don't plan to stop here with entertainment- I have several other ideas cooking (like another competition involving the Highschool or College sports teams to host), but I would love to hear from other staff and players about their ideas for Kissako's fair.

A discord for Kissako Karakura will be made and designed for both customers and workers to interact, find more information, and get updates. There, I plan to meet and grow connections with applicants and workers so Kissako’s staff grows from a group of coworkers to a family. Kissako Karakura is meant to be local and homey, so it only feels right the workplace is just as welcoming!

How will your shop be unique?:
Kissako Karakura fills in the Shopping District’s empty gap for cafés and Japanese niche food shops. Kissako aims to bring cultural Japanese foods to the lips of Karakura, all while maintaining a local and cozy environment! I plan to fill the stock with unique and custom drinks and treats that can only be enjoyed and purchased at the café, and I plan to build an environment where anyone can come inside and enjoy something sweet, fruity, coffee-bitter, or something in between. Many players on SRP enjoy Japanese culture and are knowledgeable of different teas and sweets. Kissako Karakura would attract many players into an immersive space that takes after real-world shops and experience some of the traditionally popular and practiced foods in Japan.

In addition to Kissako's theme and menu, Kissako will also strive to involve it's customers in activities and events. It is important on SRP for shops to host special events to boost player activity and keep their customers hooked. Kissako aims to go above and beyond the average shop and host at least one event every month, and if staff approves, even hosting a special server event.

Seasonal Teas, Coffees, and Treats:
Practicing some familiar marketing traditions, I plan to purchase a custom or customs that can only be purchased when the drink or treat is in season. For example, there are Japanese teas that are commonly enjoyed during the summer time, and offering to customers something that is only seasonal can help bring excitement to the shop and keep Kissako’s menu evolving and growing.

How many employees are you planning to have?:
Besides myself and a manager, I plan to bring onboard between 10-15 workers. I understand some workers may be unavailable to log on, or time zones might conflict with openings, so I want to make sure there will always be some cushioning for myself and my staff. Here is Kissako Karakura's starting staff:

Owner - [1/1]

The owner role, as it implies, is the role for myself and the highest authority. I will oversee all workers, send in orders for restocks, organize events, and work on the main floor alongside my staff.

Manager - [1/1]

The Manager will help oversee the workers, and will help with management duties such as counting stock, keeping track of workers and customers, and closing. The manager will also aid in hiring new staff members and managing Kissako Karakura's discord.

Worker - [3/15]

Workers will be placed at the beginning of their shift either behind the main bar or on the main floor. Depending on the size of the shop’s space, I’d like to have anywhere between 4-6 workers on duty to divide between the two positions needed during a shift. Workers will pass customers their menu and serve orders, as well as any other job I might need before, during, and after shift, such as stock count.
I've assembled a small team of five players, including myself, to create a foundation of staff. If accepted, I'd love to hire the rest of the open positions before first opening through a small application and hire brand new faces to represent and work for Kissako Karakura.

Kissako Karakura will not be hiring any security, at least for now-! Having someone stand at the side of the door and watching customers enjoying themselves doesn’t quite fit Kissako's local and warm theme.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to apply! Please note that if there are any issues within my application, I am open for feedback and meeting compromises and conditions.

Last edited:


Level 192
Thank you for your patience!
  • Great application and idea!
  • If you have discord DM me MikeShotZ#0960 to get things set up

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