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Kentaro Kawasaki | BIOGRAPHY |


Level 2

Kentaro Kawasaki



Kentaro Kawasaki




Date of Birth:
January 2nd, 2003

Philophobia - The fear of falling in love.

Kentaro's first love meant the world to him, he thought that he could be the most happiest man alive on earth, and everytime Kentaro would be near his first love, any problems he had, always seemed to vanish. Kentaro felt at ease with this person, always telling Kentaro that she would never leave him for anyone else, or that she'll always love him, telling him how he meant the world to her. But promises never last and good things are meant to come to an end eventually, The love she had for Kentaro turned out to be painstakingly false as she did not love Kentaro as much as Kentaro loved her. Ending up with her leaving Kentaro due to her not having the same love she had the first time she met Kentaro and about how unhappy she really was with Kentaro. This left Kentaro heartbroken, to the point he was unable to eat, sleep properly, or enjoy life for a very long time, always constantly blaming himself how she ended up leaving him and how he's unlovable. He's always thinking how he will ever be good enough for anyone else, and that they will eventually end up leaving him too. He ended up getting traumatized. Everytime he listened to the songs they both once used to listen together he gets immense anxiety, usually ended by him breaking down into tears. Any form of entertainment they both once had together, Kentaro had to abandon them to make sure he won't feel the pain. To make sure he'll never fall in love again, he tries to close out anyone who tries to get close to Kentaro. But he wishes to feel that special warmth again, the feeling of being loved and he does sometimes get those feelings, but he tries his best to shut down the feeling, because Kentaro knows that at the end, the pain will eventually outweigh any love that came before it, no matter what.



Kentaro stands at an amazing 7,0ft, with a medium to a strong build, weighing at around 195 pounds. Kentaro sports black hair that's stylized as a middle part, highlighting his light, pained looking brown eyes and his white pale skin making his eye bags very noticeable. As if he hasn't slept in days, its mostly due because he doesn't sleep as often as he should, making his face seem very washed out. As if the color is almost heading towards a grayish-tone. you could tell something keeps him up at night if you stare deep into his eyes long enough. Kentaro always seem to have a face that show's little-to-no interest, but he does care and will show interest if you do talk to him. He always spray a perfume that smelled like Vanilla in the morning, and its very noticeable if you walk near him. His closet mostly ranges to a variety of flannels, crew-necks, hoodies. Bruises can sometimes be seen on his hands, forearms and legs due to skateboarding injuries he endures, though he doesn't bother to bandage them.

Kentaro is calm, laid-back looking guy who always seems to be tired either by the way he talks or the way he acts but he can be seen being cheerful or goofy sometimes, though this would mostly shine with those that Kentaro considers as really good friends. Kentaro will try to steer away from any trouble that comes his way, as he just wants to live a peaceful life. He may seem menacing due to his height and his facial features he sports, but he's actually a caring and friendly kid. he does care deeply for other's well-being and always tries his best to help out his friends as much as he can. Despite Kentaro's seemingly antisocial ways, he is sociable, even if he may not seem like it, He just rather not be the one who engages in a conversation first, and eventually he'll start to look slightly cheered up after being engaged in one.


Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Kentaro has a serious problem of giving Self-love. Most of time he tends to put others above him. but he's slowly trying to fix it.
and because of what happened to him, he is barely able to sleep at night, all of the thoughts of his first lover always come flowing right back in at night, disallowing him the ability to fall asleep due to the pain.

Kentaro loves music, his biggest inspirations are music artists like Joji, Yot Club, and so on. He got inspired to start practicing the guitar, a ukulele and other instruments along the way, though it was also to help him get rid of the horrible thoughts that would draw themselves at night. So to avoid the thoughts, he played the guitar mostly at night. He also tries to sing here and there while he plays.

Kentaro Practicing The Ukulele

Kentaro used to enjoy basketball, but overtime, he shifted towards skateboarding, and enjoys the hobby with his heart.

(Brother) Seiji Kawasaki

Born in January 2nd, 2003. Kentaro Kawasaki is a transfer student from Tokyo. Kentaro sports many athletic attributes thanks to his genetics he got from his parents, his father being a retired basketball player and coach and his mother a retired pro volleyball player. Kentaro was introduced to both basketball and volleyball, at a very young age. By the time Kentaro was in Middle School, he was already enrolled into a basketball team for his middle school due to his height being at a whopping 5'11ft which is way above an average height of a middle school student, and thanks to his long arms, Kentaro would make a good contribution and an crucial asset for the basketball team. As Kentaro's father heard that he has been enrolled into a basketball team, he made it his personal goal to ensure Kentaro to get the necessary training and exercises. after that, most of Kentaro's days after school always ended up in training in the gym with his father, telling him the steps for the exercises Kentaro was getting involved with, and after a routine of those exercises Kentaro and his father usually end the day with a 1 on 1 of a game of basketball, constantly telling Kentaro to improve his passing, shooting and his layups. Always telling him to use what he trained and constantly try going for dunking the ball. Which uses a lot of muscle in his arms and back. Throughout Kentaro's Middle school years, he dedicated all of his time to basketball and his basketball team ensuring to make his team win the tournaments that was given out through each year, and training with his father after school everyday. and by the end of his middle school term, he was known for being an astonishing basketball player, not only of his play making but also of his athletic and abnormal build this middle school student sported, standing at an amazing 6'4ft by the start of summer. As summer rolled in Kentaro realizes before heading into high school, he knows how serious the high school team will be and is nothing compared to the middle school, and thinks that he isn't ready to take on the high school team, so he ensured to get all of the necessary training he needs from his father, and started training hard every single day until he was transferred to Karakura's school. As the time of year came by when summer has officially ended and school has opened its doors again, Kentaro returned to school, with people staring and gossiping at how tall not only for a student but for a Japanese teen, standing at an astonishing 7,0ft tall man and is now trying to make into the bobcat's basketball team, hoping his dream will come true. But this all came to a halt when Kentaro met his first love, and eventually led him to what he is right now. After months of dating his first love, eventually ending in a breakup. Kentaro was left in such a depressive state, where he had no interest in any hobbies, activities or even his love for basketball. And instead, what once was a beloved sport for him, ended up quitting the sport and only wants to just move on from his past. Hoping to recover and get rid of the pain he has.

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Level 211
I love the layout of this, and I love this character, i must find him and become his friend

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