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Event Suggestions and such…


Level 87
IGN: HighlightedTwin
DATE: 3/18/22

Now I don’t know/remember if this has been suggested or even tried yet but I think I would like to see more events/lore etc. to be surrounded by urban legends and on the run serial killers.

Before I explain, let’s talk about the serial killers part. This is technically already a “thing” with regular gangrpers but the difference as to how they work would be better. For them, they are always leaving behind clues/messages in order to find them, they are killing specified targets for an actual reason, and they have more of a developed backstory to their character and their reasons. And similar to urban legends, they’re given cool names related to their killings. What’s even more interesting is the fact nobody actually knows who they are. They could be your next door neighbor, your childhood friend, or your grandma sitting in then retirement home. These kinds of people would be embedded into the lore and given special events for cops to get involved, especially for detectives. This would give the citizens something to fear when they walk around at night by themselves (hopefully) and make gangrp just a tad more interesting as maybe lots of people can take note of how to gangrp and the many possibilities and creative ideas for how they act upon it, and make their characters more unique lore-wise.

With urban legends, it sort of the same thing. But with bringing back the haunted forest a bit (sometimes). This would be event specific. Every month or two, there’s a new urban legend.

Example: “When you feed a dog candy at 2am, the dog takes you to candy land.”

It doesn’t have to be realistic and it can be seen as a silly prank among each other but sometimes it can be real and things do happen. So in reality there’s a gamble for the players to find out if the “urban legend” is actually true or not. So children, if you’re bored running around spawn with nothing to do just like your friends, head to the abandon shop, bring your ouijia board, and see if the ghost of Takamaki will grant you fortunes for years to come or will curse you until your final days are near.

These are all mostly event/lore heavy but I think it would be cool to have a lot of. Sososo yeah :]


Level 110

usually i wouldn't be fond of some crazy serial killer event but i do like the idea of characters having to be fearful of their surroundings at ANY moment.....for example, a character that automatically has kill permissions on everyone no matter where they go.......

as for urban legends & the like, lore team is actively working on folklore & event team has event zones. it's worth checking out if you liked the ghost experience & want some other silly & interesting experiences that are 1. unique to each player who schedules a zone 2. delve into karakura's lore through an event-like roleplay experience 3. get to broaden a story created by the zone managers with YOUR involvement. it's pretty sweet

this reply isn't exactly me accepting or denying it but event team always appreciates event ideas. we may even contact you to get involved with the planning process IF you do suggest events!!!! ;-)


Level 87
Thread starter

usually i wouldn't be fond of some crazy serial killer event but i do like the idea of characters having to be fearful of their surroundings at ANY moment.....for example, a character that automatically has kill permissions on everyone no matter where they go.......

as for urban legends & the like, lore team is actively working on folklore & event team has event zones. it's worth checking out if you liked the ghost experience & want some other silly & interesting experiences that are 1. unique to each player who schedules a zone 2. delve into karakura's lore through an event-like roleplay experience 3. get to broaden a story created by the zone managers with YOUR involvement. it's pretty sweet

this reply isn't exactly me accepting or denying it but event team always appreciates event ideas. we may even contact you to get involved with the planning process IF you do suggest events!!!! ;-)
Will do :]


Level 97
-1 Ion wanna have to walk around on my professor account guarded by peeps cause someone has constant kps on me


Level 87
Thread starter
-1 Ion wanna have to walk around on my professor account guarded by peeps cause someone has constant kps on me
That was suggested by heb. I suggested it as event specific meaning those they target are okay with their characters being picked off for event purposes.


Level 211
Ouuuu +1.

I watch a lot of true crime cases and I'm very interested whenever it comes to serial killers


Level 194

I love the idea! It could be set up as a bunch of characters get killed in lore leading to the killer coming into Karakura and could have some twisted faith like killing off gangs or just solely killing people - it should be made so that the members involved fully agree to loosing the character they have and/or getting some sort or long-lasting harm from the outcome. It could bring forth ideas like getting a stronger police force or involving Japan's Public Security Intelligence Agency - something like this has many outcomes and benefits for different side events.


Level 17
i am a huuge lover of both the paranormal & anything horror related. both of these would be so exciting & interesting to see!


Level 68
The only reason I am up-voting this suggestion is because I enjoy the events that do not exclude overall roleplay. I enjoy the events that practically carry on in the background and still allow pathway for your own character development, and your daily way of life.

- Having a killer run around in the background of your life is frightening and adds atmosphere in Karakura. Having the decision to be more careful or less considerate dependent on the situation is always quality.

- Urban Legends create more of a hidden lore throughout the city and/or any given place. It's been dotted all over Japan ranging from the following; Oni, Kuchisake-Onna, even the Kitsune. I feel as if a made up Urban Legend which was deemed fitting to Karakura would add aspect and more lore to the town.


Level 343
HS Sports Lead

as for urban legends & the like, lore team is actively working on folklore & event team has event zones. it's worth checking out if you liked the ghost experience & want some other silly & interesting experiences that are 1. unique to each player who schedules a zone 2. delve into karakura's lore through an event-like roleplay experience 3. get to broaden a story created by the zone managers with YOUR involvement. it's pretty sweet

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