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A Familiar Face


Level 5
Japan. The cool wind blowing through the cherry blossoms and trees, the sign of spring and the departure of winter. The sun poking through the clouds on Karakura, home to many, and second home to some. The hustle and bustle of the streets, cars whizzing by as adults went to work, students running to make the bell at the high school and college, barely making it past that gate many fondly remember. The city went about its life, winter turning to spring, spring turning to summer.

Canada. The cold wasteland of winter dwindled throughout the cities, spring starting its turmoil, fighting to break through the snowy barrier of the land. The crunch of snow under thawing snow, slush, and ice made its way through the streets as students and adults found their way to their day. Slowly, spring struggled and broke through as the snow melted away, bringing life to the once dreary white land. Spring overtaking the winter, summer coming into life quickly; the final bells of schools rang out. Summer was coming.

For many Canadians, summer was the dawn of escape, the time to leave the land and visit and vacation elsewhere. They rushed to airports, the bustle of everyone catching their flights to many destinations.

One face, a familiar face, boarded their plane to Japan.

The quiet of the plane ride filled their ears as they glimpsed out the window, a good amount later Japan found its way to their window. A smile crossed her face, soon landing down in Japan for the summer in Karakura.

She fixed her glasses as she collected her belongings, looking around before heading off to her summer trip back to her second home.

Piper took her first step of the trip onto the ground of Karakura, her second home, a familiar sight.


Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team


Level 194
Man I aint a writer, this was an excuse to procrastinate doing assignments for my courses, and a fun way to announce my return to the server lol
Idk what ur on about! From what I just read, your skills are incredible and welcome back

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