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FEEDBACK | Kill Permissions Re-Evaluation


Level 110
Thread starter
I've read your replies to other people and understand what you want but I dont know hows it going to be in action

in theory, its gonna be alr and more roleplay focused SRP but what if it goes wrong in the action, thats the main part I'm concerned. Plus, this is a pretty big change on GangRP side of the server, it'll take a very long time for most people to get used to it, some people still arent used to some stupid stuff (my opinion) recently added

These are super valid concerns!! Thank you for mentioning them. I have to agree & I understand where the fear of it not going well comes from. Rest assured, we can revert or rework systems if they don't work out. If the backlash is too bad, then we fix it — that's how we'll better the server. The only two slight disagreements from this thread so far that bring up something that hasn't received a rebuttal was T3OTO's suggestion of other consequences existing when a person has major assault permissions inflicted on them (something else that affects the player other than their character losing a limb) and Hirathex's suggestion of more specific scenarios regarding unconsented kill permissions.

I'm really open to people building on this suggestion & I'm glad with my decision in making a feedback post to hear out the community. Every addition we've ever made on the server has received backlash, but people always work their way around or into it or just settle down with the changes. It'll all be okay, I guess. . .we're just roleplaying on Minecraft. Backlash won't be the end of the world and it will inevitably reap its benefits.


Level 183
What the hell man -1
KPs is hard to gain whoever did said action should understand the risk of the action they're doing wtf man. .
Just takes off risk because someone couldn't be responsible for their own actions- will make it very chaotic I'll start
doing everything because in the end of the day I won't lose my char

Please if you implement this disallow cops ability from killing us too because it sounds exactly the same thing. . They remove my character's existence and yes I did CrimeRP or dip or pull a weapon but hey I don't want to be responsible for that like other GangRPers aren't responsible for holding out a weapon on me /:
@Ruin mention bcz I like u

And I apologize if I said something repetitive there's lots of talk can't read through it


Level 35
cloud & sun have already said a lot of what i want to weee

tentative... +1?! with some concern

i don't have the brainpower to fully go through this but i think like you addressed and sun said this would force gangrpers to completely change their playstyles. unfortunately do not know if this would be for the better or for worse until it IS implemented even if it does create more fleshed out characters and development (heart eyes), but this is a really massive change either way so it's probably going to initiate with all hands on deck for kpd, kc factions & staff themselves needing to enforce this

i think rather than doing this all at once, the staff team should figure out a way to ease into it a bit better as the drastic change would probably take a toll on everyone and go one way or another very rapidly..if slower change isn't possible then i'd say then it's important to keep an eye on kpd as this is implemented in case there are certain other areas that may need clear debuffing should this suggestion go through, although you're probably going to do that knowing you and your hebwig prowess. not sure what could be done to 'ease' the blow of such a huge change but it was huge enough that my jaw dropped to the floor and i had to scoop it back up like a basketball

lore team will have a fun time pulling the reasons for karakura's sudden drop in deaths out of ass either way! maybe malachi moralez really moved the people.

all in all, cool to adjust slightly to other RP communities & i've been a strong hater of forced character death for a while.

but while we're emphasizing on RP, very unrelated i have a challenge for certain players, staff and community team members unexempt: roleplay more than just by picking fights and picking up girls

forgive my awful writing skills i'm sure Sophia will see my response and make fun of something in it due to the writing
haven't done that in months, can you please leave me be


Level 35

While this will remove a lot of fun from Gangrp, I will have to say it's a good idea. It will give players new to Gangrp or recently introduced players, in general, a better chance with Gang/Combat RP and will leave people out who might've been tricked in perms.
I also believe it's better for people who are attached to a character and don't wanna lose their, character to one fatal mistake. Yet I believe a system like this will be a little scuffed so here are some of my ideas.

  • For people involved in gang RP, I believe this should be settled a little differently. As an example, people who gang RP actively should be able to use perms like this if they gained them but only on other people from another gang. Aka what I'm trying to say is that this that the current system should still be used if you're in a current running gang BUT if there are players outside of Gang/Combat RP these perms should limited.

  • Verified gangs should have the right to use kill perms either way.

  • Perms should of course still stay within gang wars all the time.

  • You should have perms on Police officers either way or another.

  • If you gain perms for a person a certain amount of times because they keep causing trouble I believe perms should pass on. (Example player A keeps causing trouble for player B, normally player B would have kill perms now YET player A has denied the permission for his character to be killed more than three times now. I believe at moments like that player B would have the total right to kill the character of player A)

Again these are my current personal opinions on all this and what would be a little better in my opinion, I might update this again in a bit.


Level 88
+ 1

I say this because imagine losing your character that you built up for so long. Now yes your character deserves it for whatever it had done. But still this is something you built up for a decent time. I rather not lose a character from dying in a server called SCHOOLrp. Anywho thats all I don't even play anymore


Level 183
+ 1

I say this because imagine losing your character that you built up for so long. Now yes your character deserves it for whatever it had done. But still this is something you built up for a decent time. I rather not lose a character from dying in a server called SCHOOLrp. Anywho thats all I don't even play anymore
Read this v
Just takes off risk because someone couldn't be responsible for their own actions-


Level 183

While this will remove a lot of fun from Gangrp, I will have to say it's a good idea. It will give players new to Gangrp or recently introduced players, in general, a better chance with Gang/Combat RP and will leave people out who might've been tricked in perms.
I also believe it's better for people who are attached to a character and don't wanna lose their, character to one fatal mistake. Yet I believe a system like this will be a little scuffed so here are some of my ideas.

  • For people involved in gang RP, I believe this should be settled a little differently. As an example, people who gang RP actively should be able to use perms like this if they gained them but only on other people from another gang. Aka what I'm trying to say is that this that the current system should still be used if you're in a current running gang BUT if there are players outside of Gang/Combat RP these perms should limited.

  • Verified gangs should have the right to use kill perms either way.

  • Perms should of course still stay within gang wars all the time.

  • You should have perms on Police officers either way or another.

  • If you gain perms for a person a certain amount of times because they keep causing trouble I believe perms should pass on. (Example player A keeps causing trouble for player B, normally player B would have kill perms now YET player A has denied the permission for his character to be killed more than three times now. I believe at moments like that player B would have the total right to kill the character of player A)

Again these are my current personal opinions on all this and what would be a little better in my opinion, I might update this again in a bit.

Sorry for the double posting but. .

What you're suggesting makes it way more complicated, confusing, and I imagine it increases arguments heavily


Level 1

Doing this cold turkey could result in lot of people quittin' or something since gangrping and "killing" has been a big part of srp for quite a while. But maybe adjusting the rules a bit so you would have to have a IC Motive to kill someone and not kill jus cus


Level 110
Thread starter
What the hell man -1
KPs is hard to gain whoever did said action should understand the risk of the action they're doing wtf man. .
Just takes off risk because someone couldn't be responsible for their own actions- will make it very chaotic I'll start
doing everything because in the end of the day I won't lose my char

Please if you implement this disallow cops ability from killing us too because it sounds exactly the same thing. . They remove my character's existence and yes I did CrimeRP or dip or pull a weapon but hey I don't want to be responsible for that like other GangRPers aren't responsible for holding out a weapon on me /:
@Ruin mention bcz I like u

And I apologize if I said something repetitive there's lots of talk can't read through it

Forced / permanent character death is extremely frowned upon in other roleplay communities and we shouldn't encourage it more like we are. Crime faction is overbalancing the other factions a lot already; and, this will help regulate it while also providing it with several benefits (you can refer to some of my replies in this thread / my original post for what these benefits are). Overall, it's worth noting that there are many more benefits than setbacks.

Placing police officers as the main risk factor will force you to think more about what you do as a criminal in-character. Again, take Ironside Koji for an example, as he is one of the most well-known characters within GangRP and has been for the past few years. Prosthettics mentioned in my DMs about thirty minutes ago that he never had any run-ins with arrests. . .and that's because he played it smart. He played it smart; and, in turn, his character got a legendary reputation. You have to applaud that & realize that following suit by putting more thought into your crimes will ultimately bring about pros rather than cons.

One thing I've always slightly detested about permissions is that it is severely limiting (and I've made it clear in one of my replies that I don't like limiting creativity). I have to change the way my character behaves because if she acts the way that she would realistically respond to in a roleplay situation, she would die. I don't want my character to die, like many other people, and therefore I have to shift the way my character behaves to befit this standard. We remove this roadblock by adding OOC consent for kill permissions. Refer to my other replies and the original thread (as aforementioned) for more elaboration. Thank you for giving your input, too! I understand how it can be a bit jarring to read my wild suggestion; but, ultimately, look at it from a different perspective and you might just see what it'll help within the community and GangRP wholly.

i think rather than doing this all at once, the staff team should figure out a way to ease into it a bit better as the drastic change would probably take a toll on everyone and go one way or another very rapidly..if slower change isn't possible then i'd say then it's important to keep an eye on kpd as this is implemented in case there are certain other areas that may need clear debuffing should this suggestion go through, although you're probably going to do that knowing you and your hebwig prowess. not sure what could be done to 'ease' the blow of such a huge change but it was huge enough that my jaw dropped to the floor and i had to scoop it back up like a basketball

This is a great suggestion but also difficult to execute. Like when I've edited rules in the past, we can introduce another timed message in-game that informs people to look at the updated rules. We can also show them a message when they log on and make an announcement in the Discords. . .we can remind people in OOC, too. There are a lot of ways to work people into it, albeit we forsake doing it slowly. If you have any ideas on how we can slowly implement this, PM me over conversations and we can talk it out. I thank you for your comments on the Hebwig Prowess(TM) and I know that the Sophia Prowess(TM) also has amazing ideas to bring to the table. Your input is so, so appreciated!!!


Doing this cold turkey could result in lot of people quittin' or something since gangrping and "killing" has been a big part of srp for quite a while. But maybe adjusting the rules a bit so you would have to have a IC Motive to kill someone and not kill jus cus

Read the thread, if you have not. It might make you re-think the whole concept of people quitting GangRP and how that might benefit things. That sounds absolutely crazy to say (especially as the crime faction lead), but trust me. . .just read what I said and it'll make sense. And if it doesn't, PM me over conversations and I will elaborate. I promise that I am suggesting this with the intention of looking out for GangRP & the server itself. . .I'm not trying to raise hell on anybody. Thank you for your input & I hope you understand!!


Level 109
i dont really gangrp so im not gonna go like crazy with this reply

but i think this would be a cool thing to try n encourage more detailed gangrp!?!? If that makes sense as a concept because i feel like I MEAN FROM WHAT IVE SEEN ATLEAST its just a lot of one word actions n stuff.... not detailed like. gory detailed.. because thats against the rules (I know that) but like, just not the one word actions n stuff!!

idk if my thought made sense but basically i like this +1
i think i would be much more... willing to try gangrp or like be involved in it at all bc i get way too emotionally attached to my characters


Level 183
Placing police officers as the main risk factor will force you to think more about what you do as a criminal in-character. Again, take Ironside Koji for an example, as he is one of the most well-known characters within GangRP and has been for the past few years. Prosthettics mentioned in my DMs about thirty minutes ago that he never had any run-ins with arrests. . .and that's because he played it smart. He played it smart; and, in turn, his character got a legendary reputation. You have to applaud that & realize that following suit by putting more thought into your crimes will ultimately bring about pros rather than cons.

What kind of smart GangRPing? I don't wish to come off disrespectful at all, but all he did was either lore-related and planned or he hired someone to do the job for him, gang wars where KPD barely can involve if they can't at all, etc stuff like that- Plus he had this big reputation and alot of people to back him up for say some other regular GangRPer that isn't a staff that doesn't have bad nor good reputation just solo'ing or in a small gang then what kind of smart are they supposed to do? Most people we go against are most of the time in public, most of the time metagame or stall. . He couldn't face that as a staff member either how can som1 stall or metagame when he's staff and knows exactly everything occurring in the situation. . And people to instantly assault who calls KPD- I don't see smart here tbh

One thing I've always slightly detested about permissions is that it is severely limiting (and I've made it clear in one of my replies that I don't like limiting creativity). I have to change the way my character behaves because if she acts the way that she would realistically respond to in a roleplay situation, she would die. I don't want my character to die, like many other people, and therefore I have to shift the way my character behaves to befit this standard. We remove this roadblock by adding OOC consent for kill permissions. Refer to my other replies and the original thread (as aforementioned) for more elaboration. Thank you for giving your input, too! I understand how it can be a bit jarring to read my wild suggestion; but, ultimately, look at it from a different perspective and you might just see what it'll help within the community and GangRP wholly.

Doesn't that mean you're scared from the risk? Which is how it's supposed to be. . Yes, your character could get killed, so she fears the chances and acts obedient. . In another case, go ahead and do whatever KPs thing but like mentioned you took the risk so take the responsibility of what happens to you next. . If you were smart enough, you would handle it smoothly, I guess since you wanted to mention smart- personally I know the risk yet do what I want to do yet I manage to survive and stab who comes after me back. . Part of GangRP- I don't want u doing something with full confidence after all because you can't die anymore unless YOU CONSENT to it


Level 86
Community Team
Lore Team

While this will remove a lot of fun from Gangrp, I will have to say it's a good idea. It will give players new to Gangrp or recently introduced players, in general, a better chance with Gang/Combat RP and will leave people out who might've been tricked in perms.
I also believe it's better for people who are attached to a character and don't wanna lose their, character to one fatal mistake. Yet I believe a system like this will be a little scuffed so here are some of my ideas.

  • For people involved in gang RP, I believe this should be settled a little differently. As an example, people who gang RP actively should be able to use perms like this if they gained them but only on other people from another gang. Aka what I'm trying to say is that this that the current system should still be used if you're in a current running gang BUT if there are players outside of Gang/Combat RP these perms should limited.

  • Verified gangs should have the right to use kill perms either way.

  • Perms should of course still stay within gang wars all the time.

  • You should have perms on Police officers either way or another.

  • If you gain perms for a person a certain amount of times because they keep causing trouble I believe perms should pass on. (Example player A keeps causing trouble for player B, normally player B would have kill perms now YET player A has denied the permission for his character to be killed more than three times now. I believe at moments like that player B would have the total right to kill the character of player A)

Again these are my current personal opinions on all this and what would be a little better in my opinion, I might update this again in a bit.
As a cop I feel like just killing cops because they do their job is still a little terrible, I've always wished there was more motive behind it. Police characters are still characters, and they get development too. Many of them fall in love and make friends and stuff.. however, they shouldn't be completely exempt either


Level 35
As a cop I feel like just killing cops because they do their job is still a little terrible, I've always wished there was more motive behind it. Police characters are still characters, and they get development too. Many of them fall in love and make friends and stuff.. however, they shouldn't be completely exempt either
AAA I can agree but at the same time not but now that you bring it up to me again I can certainly agree with you at another point but yet another time my head is spinning completely on this. But I get where you're coming from and certainly I can agree more with you than myself now. (Might'Ve also just been my stupid self who hasn't slept and is now up at 5:40 am)


Level 183
As a cop I feel like just killing cops because they do their job is still a little terrible, I've always wished there was more motive behind it. Police characters are still characters, and they get development too. Many of them fall in love and make friends and stuff.. however, they shouldn't be completely exempt either
A cop can die IRL just for being a cop. . A soldier can die IRL just for being a soldier. . Your character joined a faction involving GangRP- so yet again they're taking risks. . Plus, don't u got a tazer and maybe a gun when u get promoted if u don't have one already? We risk more GangRPing than u risk coming after us and in most cases KPD get stabbed they get saved


Level 110
Thread starter
What kind of smart GangRPing? I don't wish to come off disrespectful at all, but all he did was either lore-related and planned or he hired someone to do the job for him, gang wars where KPD barely can involve if they can't at all, etc stuff like that- Plus he had this big reputation and alot of people to back him up for say some other regular GangRPer that isn't a staff that doesn't have bad nor good reputation just solo'ing or in a small gang then what kind of smart are they supposed to do? Most people we go against are most of the time in public, most of the time metagame or stall. . He couldn't face that as a staff member either how can som1 stall or metagame when he's staff and knows exactly everything occurring in the situation. . And people to instantly assault who calls KPD- I don't see smart here tbh

Doesn't that mean you're scared from the risk? Which is how it's supposed to be. . Yes, your character could get killed, so she fears the chances and acts obedient. . In another case, go ahead and do whatever KPs thing but like mentioned you took the risk so take the responsibility of what happens to you next. . If you were smart enough, you would handle it smoothly, I guess since you wanted to mention smart- personally I know the risk yet do what I want to do yet I manage to survive and stab who comes after me back. . Part of GangRP- I don't want u doing something with full confidence after all because you can't die anymore unless YOU CONSENT to it

I think you're undermining Prosthettics in that sense. He wasn't staff for at least half of the time that he had his character and, again, there is no issue with planned events or literally hiring other people to do the job for him. This isn't meant to be an "I love Prosthettics!" post but just an example of how someone was able to work around the risks. Hiring other people to do the job is an example of avoiding the risks; but I wouldn't go and say that him being staff is the ultimate reason why his character has the reputation he does. He's just an example, once more. Just because he was a staff member doesn't mean he was the only one who knew GangRP rules. . .if you read the rules & involve yourself in the crime faction enough, you will have just as much knowledge.

Being scared from the risk is the point, yep. Saying that, however, is overlooking the benefits that come with making kill permissions required to be consented upon. Sure, it eliminates the part of the risk, but it also eliminates a lot of the issues that GangRP has been facing (refer to my replies and the original post itself for elaboration on those issues and how it'll help); so, why not? If it helps, we should consider it and push forward it. Obviously, people can evade the risks currently within GangRP and they have (again, using Prosthettics as a specific example), but this entire thing is not about risks. Try to look at it from a broader perspective and gather how many benefits it would bring rather than cons. I hope this explains a lot of what I'm trying to say & gives a resolution to your concerns.

As a cop I feel like just killing cops because they do their job is still a little terrible, I've always wished there was more motive behind it. Police characters are still characters, and they get development too. Many of them fall in love and make friends and stuff.. however, they shouldn't be completely exempt either

I agree! That's why arrests don't lead to kill permissions. A person only has unconsented kill permissions on a police officer if that police officer attempts to kill that criminal (using a gun). The KPD are super cool.

A cop can die IRL just for being a cop. . A soldier can die IRL just for being a soldier. . Your character joined a faction involving GangRP- so yet again they're taking risks. . Plus, don't u got a tazer and maybe a gun when u get promoted if u don't have one already? We risk more GangRPing than u risk coming after us and in most cases KPD get stabbed they get saved

This is exactly why we're introducing OOC consent for kill permissions! Forced / permanent character death is frowned upon in other roleplay communities. Understand that this situation is one of the exemptions from "applying all real life principles to the roleplay world" — we shouldn't. A cop being a cop and a soldier being a soldier would be an IC motive (if we had soldiers, you know); but, consent has to take place for the kill to occur. That's the whole idea for this suggestion. I hope this helps!

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