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Your characters!


Level 166
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I was just sitting at work and gave it some thought, How did everyone come up with their characters? Its nice to always see the origin of these amazing characters!

Elizabeth - When I first made her, it was from a old roleplay medieval server and Elizabeth was just Eli and a man. I later genderbent him to a story/book/thing that I have been coming up with and writing for a long while! Back in 2015 I believe.. man.. that sounds bad. BUT When she was a he; He was a Werepire, it was gifted down from their father(Werewolf/Vampire mix, yes come at me, I was/still am this edgy) who was able to control Ice magic once his brother(Anthony, who also is on SRP) gave up his soul, which result gave Eli the ice magic. There is a whole long backstory about that and I would love to share it since it's always in my head!

Anthony - Same with above, these two characters were always twins. Anthony was never played until I came to SRP, but was mentioned and had a backstory to himself. He was just a simple werewolf with their mothers ice magic. When he passed at a young age, his soul stayed on the living world, following his brother around and making sure he went on living without his twin. Until he gave up his soul to help his brother get past a foe who stumped him.

Banjo - I didnt really have a backstory for Banjo or anything. I got the bird whitelist and didnt know what name to give him. I thought about a bird stealing the government/school faculty shoelaces. Then banjo was a funny name since its a funny looking instrument. BOOM Banjo.

I do have other characters, but currently that are being unused until I get paid from work to buy another alt account. But! Let me hear how you came up with your characters! Hope you all have a good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night!


Level 174
Sophia - I'd watched a true crime series and a girl in it had a really cool backstory and how she came out of it. It was my idk inspiration for my character.

Kritanta - I got the inspiration for this character when I began gangrping. She was going to be a gangRP char but I decided that it was part of her backstory of joining a gang and came to Karakura for redemption.

Homura - idk just wanted a really childish char.

Taite - this was the character I created start my first character wear put in jail. She was my old gangRP char and I wanted to have her as a kinda outcast.

Shizuka - I wanted to mute RP, bam gave her a name that means silent, made her mute, done.

Isla - I wanted to have a char who like started as a really good student, but then lost her way, and I did. She was in student council stuff happened she's now in tobaku.

Chouka - she's basically the sociopath character I always wanted to RP as.

Elijah - wanted a murder geek to vibe with.

Hadleigh - is the book obsessed child and it's basically me.

Antonio - I wanted to dress up as a baggett called Antonio.

Sylvia - wanted to be twins with lMorke.

Celeste - idk she just is a thing.


Level 194
Honestly, they just come to me impulsively. I think of a really cool idea (Like my character 'Monika' for example) and just want to bring that character to life, so I use my creativity to narrow down my idea into a character. Most of the time it goes off the rails and turns into something different, but that's how you create a good character. I do have some inspirations though.

Celeste - I needed a character to roleplay as and came up with Celeste. Over time I built her off of other characters and slowly morphed her into the very unsure story line she has today.

'Monika' Ji-Jae - okay so at one point I was overly obsessed with crime and just wanted a character who would be all bad ass. I tried to make her nice but it all went down hill and she became an arsonist, the best story I have. (Fun fact I free-styled her backstory in the form of a story to tell someone and thats her life now!!)

Kyouya, Oscar, Lekio, Ilaria, and Celina - these are all my Filler characters. I made these characters for families and for fun, but they turned out to be successful characters that I experiment with and test out to see different sides of the community.

Emer - she's just cool okay

My two FRP characters I will never remember the names of - I had random inspirations for them and it sparked some ideas therefore making these characters, its not the coolest but they are awesome.


Level 271
annie- first char, I jsut searched up a random names and this is what did I get (Annie Hano was the first rpname)
myeong- I got an alt, wanted the most cursed one. a random name of course I wanted to call her myung but then I saw someone with the name myung so I changed it to myeong. bro got a lot of problems
xiaolu (lulu) yu- Marvin (aka Xiang Yu) wanted me to create a Yu char. he wanted me to give her a chinese name, kinda obvious why but I DIDN'T LIKE IT SO it ended up her nickanme is lulu and her full name is that. I made this char because I wanted to apply for a shopkeeper
delfina- epic amazing cute anime girl delfina corsetti aka belle delphine aka best-girl. got my fourth account, applied for a councillor. Frankphobia's char and her R SUPPOSED to be twins. Mainly this is my only normal char I can to rp without any sickness or mentally making her go brrr
seika- npc. they asked me to get a Kusakabe char so I did. Left ems and now Seika is still npc


Level 11
Don't mind if I jump in ;)

Clarissa - I had like 10 friends pressure me into playing SRP since I was practically the only one in the group who wasn't... so I made her, my first ever character. One of the friends I mentioned wanted my character to become her twin, so that's what we did; that's also what ended up determining her personality and backstory. I ended up wanting to create another one since all those friends left to play other games. I simply didn't want to play as her anymore.

Kaemi (better known as Aya) - It's me. It WAS me. She was the result of no longer wanting to play as Clarissa. I made her half-french so that I could add in at least a little bit of accuracy into her demeanor, but oh god was it a pleasure to roleplay as her. She was my only character for the entirety of the time that I played until I quit, and I must say that making her return as a teacher was not very easy. I would play as her in college if it hadn't been two years since her creation.

Kyi - She's the character I made upon returning to SRP after a 1 1/2 year long break. I'll have to say: I'm the fondest of her backstory out of all of them. Since it was a spur of the moment thing, I ended up hitting a ton of walls when it came to her development. This means that I lost enthusiasm, and that I wanted to have a side character for the sake of fun.

Sawada - The living embodiment of my anger issues. Her personality is such that I've invested unreal amounts of time detailing her backstory & personality, and that I can also roleplay her character almost perfectly. I intend to keep roleplaying as her until she either dies or I quit again.
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Level 278
Tobias - I wanted a little character, someone loveable but not all that annoying. Most of the reasons i wanted to make him are private including the reason behind why he’s a little

Theo - I wanted a russian char, i had my russian lang for a long time but no char for it so o go with, so theres Theo!!

Thomas - Thomas was my 2nd choice for a preferred name, and he had several skins before i finally picked one i liked, he was my first character, and i love the time that i had with him


Level 278
Honestly, they just come to me impulsively. I think of a really cool idea (Like my character 'Monika' for example) and just want to bring that character to life, so I use my creativity to narrow down my idea into a character. Most of the time it goes off the rails and turns into something different, but that's how you create a good character. I do have some inspirations though.

Celeste - I needed a character to roleplay as and came up with Celeste. Over time I built her off of other characters and slowly morphed her into the very unsure story line she has today.

'Monika' Ji-Jae - okay so at one point I was overly obsessed with crime and just wanted a character who would be all bad ass. I tried to make her nice but it all went down hill and she became an arsonist, the best story I have. (Fun fact I free-styled her backstory in the form of a story to tell someone and thats her life now!!)

Kyouya, Oscar, Lekio, Ilaria, and Celina - these are all my Filler characters. I made these characters for families and for fun, but they turned out to be successful characters that I experiment with and test out to see different sides of the community.

Emer - she's just cool okay

My two FRP characters I will never remember the names of - I had random inspirations for them and it sparked some ideas therefore making these characters, its not the coolest but they are awesome.
This is relatable, like, i look at stuff and im just like. CHARACTER MUST MAKE ONE BASED OFF THIS OBJECT.


Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
The Big Three Mains

Ivy 'Winter' Celestiasume Mawji
Named Ivy because her father thought she was a nuisance, her mother called her to winter after the season she was born in and her usual cold outwards expression, Ivy goes by Winter as her mother was the only loving figure in her life at the time, anyone who was not close to her that called her Ivy has died due to... unspecified circumstances.

The first reasonable character I had on SchoolRP, A gangRP character, originally the sister of @Aidanator14 ghost leader character, good old days with my ridiculously detailed actions using two bladed fans as a weapon. Leader of the Celestial family, which @FreeEXP_ coaxed me into creating somehow, and protector of half its secrets and mysterious shit that has happened between the Jaibatsumes and Celestials.

Murdered her twin sister for dishonouring her family name and her father for the abuse he put her and her unannounced half-sisters/brothers at the time through.

(A lot of people don't know that I did use to gangRP as well but here you go.)

Mee-young Jaibatsume Mawji
The name means "Beautiful" and "Refined", I'm not even joking, that's how far I thought ahead with recreation.

I wanted a fresh start from gangRP, I thought up the name "Madeline" later changed to Mee-young to fit her Korean descent. I took everything that I did right with Winter and applied it in a fresh new way with this character, eventually, after a while, she became my main character, experiencing the most out of all my characters on SchoolRP with the most lore.

This bitch has so much fucking lore attached to her name, I am actually in the midst of unironically writing a book about her upbringing in the Jaibatsume family.

You can read up on some of it here, head down to the Pre-Arc section of the page: (listed in the directory)

Yumi Jaibatsume
The name meant "Moon" given for her role in the family, the moon that watches over them all.

My Shopkeeper account and the Mother of the 6 Jaibatsume children (Mee-young, Hana, Eden, Ena, Beatrice, Wick). Makes the best cinnamon rolls.

I needed an adult character and the Jaibatsumes needed a present adult figure.


Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead
Oh lord, I'll just list the main three I use.

Annabell Sturm: Sturm was created at 10pm at night in 2018, after my character was killed. I decided then I wanted to create my first female KPD character.
It was at a time where GangRP has a massive intake, so she didn't have much personality. But after 2 months of having her I noticed I formed a connection and started creating random lore for her. Most of her lore is just jokes and random shit I came up with.

Kazuo DeLuca: Kaz wasn't actually a character I made myself. He started off as a child from a family and I was given rules on how to play him. Within those limits I started to create his personality as a young 13 year old and really wanted to roleplay being a 13 year old realistically. In the end edgy stuff happened (as usual) and the family was disbursed and I continued to play with the character on my own terms.

Hana Yagi: SchoolRP at the time (and still somewhat) had a lack of Japanese characters. I wasn't any better, so I just chose to make a new and fresh character. I didn't have any references, but my friend and I began planning out the two characters and Japanese culture. Karakura is very westernized, so I wanted to create a character without much knowledge or insight into that. So, she started off as the nerdy councillor with quite the lack of style and a strict demenour to follow the rules. Also she didn't swear cause I wanted to challenge myself.


Level 26
My first character as only some may know was Joshua Felix (Joshua F. Nishimura, later on). This character was based off of a character I had created for a book me and a friend were writting IRL and his name was... you guessed it. Joshua Felix. His personality over all was very close to what mine is oocly, and it was kinda like... a start off character.

When he died, I figured I had to create another character. But instead I had an idea, to switch it up a bit.

"What if I seperate various parts of my personalities into diferent characters?" (Like Alter-Egos) - and that's where it all started.

From here I created 3 characters:
- Ezzelin
- François (Frank)
- Miyashiro (originally named Isaak)


I created him with the intention of being my main character. Someone who would be easy to roleplay with on a daily basis and that I wouldn't get tired off that easily. First came the idea of making him Italian (since it's pretty much my favorite country OOCly) and then I went to an online Italian name generator and searched for names. Ezzelin came up - and since I really like uncommon name's, I took it. The other name's I chose just because they sounded good along with it - Santarossa (at the time Santarossa wasn't a family yet) and Corsetti.
As I said before, with his personality I had the intention of making something easy to roleplay - without any mental diseases, or any serious health problems. Just someone cool to look up to! So his personality is overall "a better version of myself". Someone who doesn't complain about everything or gets mad about the littlest things. Someone who... doesn't like fights and likes to be a nice person to everyone despite what he might feel inside. And then I just went along with it.
Later on, I talked to HATOLA about creating a character that would be his sister, and I agreed to it. Hopefully they'll be twins in the near future when I get the chance to do Ezzelin's PHD.


François on the other hand, is the complete opposite. He would be considered... the "worst version of myself" or what I would probably be like if I was badly influenced or had a bad past. He is supposed to represent mainly anger, depression, sadness but also a lot of flirtiness. His nationality is French because I also like the country a lot and has had a lot of band influences in the past, which make him into the kind of depressed alcoholic and addicted to cigarettes that he is today.


Miyashiro meanwhile is my "reserved" side. So shyness... but overall very sweet. Originally he had a very traumatic story that caused all of this shyness but as of more recently, when I remade him, I decided I make that shyness be a bit more soft and less traumatic. He used to stutter a lot in his talk but it was overall a bit weird to roleplay as, and so I reworked him.
Initially his nationality was Russian just because I wanted something diferent, but as of the more recent "rework" his nationality was changed to Japanese since I wanted to do more FamilyRP and eventually join some families.

Other Characters

Later came other characters like for example:
- Nakama Sango Eitoku (my Librarian character)
- Lupin Milou Fleury

Nakama is basically... a female version of Ezzelin I guess you could say.
I had never roleplayed a female character before and it was... quite the experience. It was a lot of fun but I don't really feel comfortable roleplaying female characters... so I kinda stopped roleplaying as her. Maybe one day I will bring her back.

And finally Lupin, my most recent character. I had to make him french since at the time I was stuck with it on the same account as François, but honestly loved his name so much that I might keep him as he is. The name Lupin came from a TV show that I am still to watch, but the name was suggested by my mother since she watched it. The second name Milou came from TinTin and Fleury I found in a name generator.
This character is still under development but the main idea with him is to do a more updated and cooler version of Joshua, my first character.


Level 130
Kim O'Sullivan :

...oh boy, so Kim's origins can be traced back... 8 years ago?? I got into doctor who at about 6th grade, and created a character based off of it (fun fact, Kim was originally a dude). Thing with doctor who is that timelords sort of regenerate, so at some point the character ended up regenerating into a redhead with grey eyes. She ended up kinda sticking so I started using her a lot in other roleplays until I got to SRP. I planned on using her on SRP with the name Kailiya, (which was her name beforehand) but ended up changing it last minute to Kim for some fcking reason.... Jesus Christ Kim is technically 8 years old....

Gemma Bell:

Gemma Bell was originally a Splatoon character, for a roleplay I did on discord innn... 2018? She was an inkling engineer and a fucking dick, so I think she hasn't changed all that much.


Emiko used to be a bird woman before SRP named Abigail, i changed her name to for her Japanese style a little more @-@. She's always had green hair lol. I have no idea when I created her but iirc she's older than Gemma.

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