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A reboot of the language system.


Level 231
DATE: 30/7/22
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Let's reboot the language system!

Let me just state the terms here and now.

  • Replace the SRP language plugin with the FRP language plugin
  • Remove the ability to apply for a language on the forums
  • Remove all currently inactive languages -- limit the languages to a good dozen or two (14 languages is plenty.)

Effects of this?

  1. We get a better language plugin
  2. Less Forum spam
  3. When you use languages ICly, there's a better chance it'll actually be useful! There are so many usage inactive languages for what?

Instead of languages being given out via forums, each player should be able to undergo the process ICly and only ICly. It would be done the exact same way it is done in FantasyRP except language books would be sold in the Karakura Library (giving a functional purpose to it with use of a NPC.) the "Common" language would be Japanese however other languages such as English, Chinese, French and whatever other pre-existing languages as well as joke languages like Klingon would be teachable

This is NOT complicated at all (as the pluugin already exists and is owned by us.) in which I think would be the only reasonable explanation for a possible denial. SRP should all take place In-character as one of the main advertisements in SRP is that "It is all handled by the player base" It is ridiculous that we are this far behind FRP standards of Plugin integration and still use an archaic forum-application system for simple things like Languages.


Level 34
Neutral, it's a cool idea but will probably take time to implement. Besides, I believe most languages are used one way or another, so imo none of them should be removed completely.


Level 271
-1 /+1
Removing a lot of langs will remoge the ability from people to develop their char/have their char from some place and their lore; there's no reason to do that.

Except that, I dont know how FRP's plugin is working BUT its cool.


Level 231
Thread starter
-1 /+1
Removing a lot of langs will remoge the ability from people to develop their char/have their char from some place and their lore; there's no reason to do that.

Except that, I dont know how FRP's plugin is working BUT its cool.
If your the only person who knows a language then there is no point having it other then to be special and have a fancy thing nobody else can have. They can be held as a character skill but should be relegated from being in the actual plugin


Level 231
Thread starter
Neutral, it's a cool idea but will probably take time to implement. Besides, I believe most languages are used one way or another, so imo none of them should be removed completely.
You'd only need to change the visual layout of the plugin to make it fit SchoolRP's aesthetic and then add the 14 or so languages as racial languages (what frp refers to them as)

And then add a npc that sells the 14 languages for high prices for a limited time for say a few months -- then let the SRP playerbase build their own language books (as by then a lot of players would have 200%) to sell on the public market ICly.

It would take maybe a few hours of altering text -- the plugin itself is already in the game.


Level 23

Whilst i understand this completely, you'd be removing languages that are used by niche groups for role play. Take mine and alicephobic characters. We share 1 language that only a handful of SRP have, by taking it away you'd be removing part of the characters development. There would have to be a line of which languages stay, and if it means removing niche languages I'm sorry but -1.


Level 174
Personally I think this would limit a lot of RP's. For example one of my characters (Catrin Predri) is a Welsh character, now not many people on the server have Welsh characters, so few have Welsh as a language. My character has a small family, all Welsh, all speak welsh, but since Welsh is a rather inactive language on the server, I would have to completely re-do the fact that my character is Welsh and the family is Welsh as we wouldn't be able to use the language anymore, making it no sense. Yes I completely see your point, it is pointless for us to have inactive languages, but for those who already have characters, family's and more created speaking more of a rather inactive language, it would mean that entire form of how they roleplay together is ruined.


Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
It's a cool idea in concept, however the system they have now.. isn't broken- and as the old saying goes - "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" As good as the FRP language system is, there's already a lot to do on the trello for the developers atm, this'd just be adding another to the pile, sorry but its a -1 from me.


Level 231
Thread starter
It's a cool idea in concept, however the system they have now.. isn't broken- and as the old saying goes - "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" As good as the FRP language system is, there's already a lot to do on the trello for the developers atm, this'd just be adding another to the pile, sorry but its a -1 from me.
Really wouldn't be much to add wheras the trello board are all new and original ideas that they need to build from the ground up. Really not comparable in this scenario


Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
The FRP plugin would have to be adapted in many different ways to account for its placement on SchoolRP, some of which are not a top priority but are indeed interesting.

i agree with a study system


Level 194
What everyone has said above in response to the original post is my opinion, literally. My characters family (Owusu) consists of mainly blood relatives who solely speak the Akan language as its more unique to the server. While yes it has benefits, each individual language has its own meaning and purpose. I mean, the 'message spam' on the forums isn't too hard to read through, if it is... make a team dedicated to it like FRP's Authorization Team. Granted, it's for more than languages but it shouldn't be too hard to scan through a simple language application.


Level 278
-1 not only because- NO??

but my character is russian, he has always been russian, his entire family is russian, he grew up with russian parents and speaking russian at home.. say this is implemented.. WHERE DOES IT GO?? it makes 0 sense for already developed chars to have to suffer becauuse lf this. Chars come from other places but we shouldnt have to pay yen for it to make sense :p


Level 135
Tbh this would bring more realism into the server and get new and old players motivation to do something if they got bored.



Level 231
Thread starter
-1 not only because- NO??

but my character is russian, he has always been russian, his entire family is russian, he grew up with russian parents and speaking russian at home.. say this is implemented.. WHERE DOES IT GO?? it makes 0 sense for already developed chars to have to suffer becauuse lf this. Chars come from other places but we shouldnt have to pay yen for it to make sense :p
Russian is one of the most popular srp languages, it would not be removed. I am talking about the severely underused languages like Xhosa


Level 174
-1 not only because- NO??

but my character is russian, he has always been russian, his entire family is russian, he grew up with russian parents and speaking russian at home.. say this is implemented.. WHERE DOES IT GO?? it makes 0 sense for already developed chars to have to suffer becauuse lf this. Chars come from other places but we shouldnt have to pay yen for it to make sense :p
THANK YOU, exactly this, this, this sums it up beautifully, if you have an uncommon language for a family it'll ruin the roleplay!


Level 231
Thread starter
THANK YOU, exactly this, this, this sums it up beautifully, if you have an uncommon language for a family it'll ruin the roleplay!
russian... is very common and would make the cut. The only languages being cut would be those with either a few or zero users on them

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