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Level 2
I think bears should be removed from the server. My reason for this is very simple. People don't know how to RP out wild animals, simple as that.

Recently, bears have become the new ‘trend’ on the server. They camp out at the forest entrance and growl at you or whatever. They don’t really bring much to the server, and are kind of annoying to be honest. That’s not the worst part, however! You can sometimes even spot them hanging out with other animals such as dogs or birds. Sure, you can argue that “oh! Maybe these animals have symbiotic relationships!” Cool. Yeah. Let it be the only bears in the world that don’t actually turn dogs into shish kebabs if they get too close.

My problem doesn’t only lie with bears. Birds also have a tendency to be so terribly unrealistic. Tell me, how many wild birds do you see that actually allow you to get within two feet of distance without flipping out and flying away? NONE!! I had a bird in-character give me a piece of paper with a middle finger before flying away. I’ll give you that. It was pretty funny, but I’m hearing about birds LITERALLY ACTIONING “/me expressed that [player] had weapons” and their excuse being “well the bird is owned and trained by cops!”...

Karakura: Jumanji Task Force

Now, I’m not saying remove ALL animals… You know, dogs and cats or whatever. That’s cool, fine. But there’s a strict difference between a domesticated animal and primal fucking predator.


Roleplay will be less unbearable in the forest and less people will RP out being a modern-day Snow White​


Level 8

It's unfortunate because there's nothing wrong with having these roles, however I agree it's gotten ridiculous with these people who have no perception of how wild animals work.


Level 3
Animals aren't fun to roleplay with in my in experience & in general on the server. Wild animals are significantly more aggravating as I've had experiences where small animals such as rabbits, birds, cats. . etc will try making me "gang roleplay" with them. I have had a player playing as a rabbit try and convince me that rabbits are able to successfully kill human beings as though rabbits aren't probably the most vulnerable rodents out there; being that you can quite literally sneeze too loud around a rabbit and said rabbit will get so frightened to where they die of shock. Players who roleplay as animals also have a tendency to metagame for other players. Not fun.


Level 174
Just no isn't really a valid argument
Okay want me to explain. First off, this removes a heavily liked role among players, and would mean many many many situations involving bears would be voided. This also removes heavily developed bear characters which isn't fair on the player. Also it doesn't make sense to just remove bears, that means removing the bear cave aswell, also animals have always been roleplayed badly. We are humans, we can't mimic animals to amazing extents.


Level 174
Animals aren't fun to roleplay with in my in experience & in general on the server. Wild animals are significantly more aggravating as I've had experiences where small animals such as rabbits, birds, cats. . etc will try making me "gang roleplay" with them. I have had a player playing as a rabbit try and convince me that rabbits are able to successfully kill human beings as though rabbits aren't probably the most vulnerable rodents out there; being that you can quite literally sneeze too loud around a rabbit and said rabbit will get so frightened to where they die of shock. Players who roleplay as animals also have a tendency to metagame for other players. Not fun.
If we remove animals all together lots of people would demand money back, as they wasted their money on this now removed role.


Level 8
If we remove animals all together lots of people would demand money back, as they wasted their money on this now removed role.
The suggestion was to remove WILD animals such as bears. Animals such as cats, dogs, rats, ANY animal that's able to be domesticated would remain the same.


Level 2
Thread starter
Okay want me to explain. First off, this removes a heavily liked role among players, and would mean many many many situations involving bears would be voided. This also removes heavily developed bear characters which isn't fair on the player. Also it doesn't make sense to just remove bears, that means removing the bear cave aswell, also animals have always been roleplayed badly. We are humans, we can't mimic animals to amazing extents.
I'm not saying void every interaction with bears... Just remove bears themselves. Also, the cave has existed way before bears were even implemented in the game. Just because people like something doesn't necessarily make it good.

'Heavily developed bear characters' also feels like a stretch to me. From what I've seen, the only thing bears do is camp at the forest entrance and growl at people trying to get across. In reality, bears don't really worry about their 'crush' or what sow-kun is thinking. (a sow is a female bear i googled it haha)
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Level 42
- From a KPD side recently 8/10 of the calls are people provoking the bears or someone getting their limbs ripped off which ultimately gets voided 99% of the time due to the bears ripping limbs off before the individuals are KOed. I get that rule was newly implemented but roaring 3 times does not give major perms the utmost a bear can earn is minor when someone enters the cave. I've also seen many bears hanging around with birds, dogs, foxes & even snails... When really a wild bear would instantly try and maul it the second it lays eyes on it. I also had to shoot and kill two bears which wasn't something nice all because players provoked the bears for them to attack. Ultimately every single bear situation that involves an arm being ripped off or any other limb is voided.

- Same with GangRP players are now hunting bears with katanas and knives thinking that'd one shot a bear when it'd be much harder to stab or even get close to a wild bear in real life without being smacked across the face by its paw I've monitored multiple bear situations the past few weeks and its the same thing players sitting with bears calling them friendly and tamable. Yes bears in real life can be somewhat tamed and kept in habitats but the server does not carry that feature. Animals aren't easy to roleplay as in general for some and there's nothing wrong with that but when players play as bears camp the forest entrance and just roar at you until they think they can rip your arm off is not fun nor allowed due to Permission rules.

- I only think bears should be removed and if they are I'm not sure they can be refunded actual money maybe store currency or a chance to be a different animal IF this were to be accepted.
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Level 6
no why would you do that
i understand its annoying when bears camp the forrest entrance, but thats just because there bored af
they have nothing to do expect stare at some people so they do that
but to just completely REMOVE wild animals is a bit overkill, you could make an agreement with the bears that they dont try to get majors for fun,
or you could make a rule they cant camp the forrest entrance?
but seriously removing them is just crazy, i bet your just pissed becouse a bear ripped your arm off
but there are people who come to the forrest all the times, they love bears OOCLY AND ICLY and now your trying to remove there passion???
i think your just to pissed to think straight wich is why you directly want to remove them, and the REASON bears are so agresive to humans is because of the humans, they get hunted, annoyed, people failrp so much, and about the other wild animals being chill with them
thats not fully the case, other wild animals are not instantly chill with bears, they have to meet, sniff, hang out, before they become friends
its just that you saw a bear and a bird who were ALREADY friends if you take bears away you may make a handful of people happy, but you'l make dozens of people sad, that doesnt seem like a fair trade does it
i say we keep the bears and all the other wild animals, and if you insist.. we'l make stricter rules for them
but removing them is just overkill like i said


Level 10
I don't think they should get removed, people should change how they act in between the situations of the bears, I know they are wild animals but it's called Roleplay. It's a game, people should change how they act to bears and stop bothering them, they are real animals irl, not everyone knows how to roleplay how to be friends with a bear. If you have any concerns please just dm me and don't put arguments on the forums. There is no reason to remove any wild animals. Bears should be loveable, not violent. They can be violent if you go near their cubs or something going inside them like needles. etc. Also, the bears camp out near the entrance, because they are trying to protect their cubs. That doesn't even give a reason to delete the role. Staff have put these animals in srp to make people have more animals to have fun with and get more money whenever people buy them. It does not mean that they should remove the role!


Level 23

I'm a Bear, EMS and KPD. I get all three fronts of the bear rp. I DO NOT think players who have paid £15 should have it taken. Y'all we don't "camp" we don't purposefully major. The players are the issue, not us. Rules should become stricter, and a clearer direction of what we can do should be given. The server won't hand out refunds, if this goes through, and players who have bought the whitelist will be forced into the rest of the animal whitelists which aren't at all appetising. I don't want to rp as a bird or a dog, their futile to me. I want my bear whitelist, and that's that. Sorry gang. I know KPD revives so many call outs and ems is the same with injuries but please note gangs and gangrpers have "BEAR HUNTERS" and purposefully provoke bears to gain perms to land easy 'quotas' and stuff. It's the actual players who interact with bears who are the issues. We are allowed anywhere in the forest and can stroll and lay and sleep wherever we please as we are LOCKED into the forest and there's only so many places we can go. Maybe if you don't provoke bears, and especially a mama bear protecting her cubs, this wouldn't be an issue.


Level 165
Community Team
Lore Team

I don't think Bears(or birds) should be removed from the animal whitelist. If there is a person not fearrping bears, just report it. Same goes for any animal whitelist that aren't following the rules.

As for the bears camping forest entrance, tbh they shouldn't be allowed to do that unless they have a ICLY motive to do so, I'm not saying they have to have a reason EVERYTIME they walk by a entrence(since they are unable to leave) but they shouldn't sit there and when you step in to instantly growl.


Level 23

Recently, bears have become the new ‘trend’ on the server. They camp out at the forest entrance and growl at you or whatever. They don’t really bring much to the server, and are kind of annoying to be honest. That’s not the worst part, however! You can sometimes even spot them hanging out with other animals such as dogs or birds
Well, if the bears are camping at the forest entrance you can...Just report it to staff, don't SOME gang-roleplayer do the same when they are trying to get their quota up? Camping a spot, or trying to bait perms, it's the same thing. And even if they camp it, they don't have perms.
You can sometimes even spot them hanging out with other animals such as dogs or birds
Yeah, you can spot them hanging out with other animals when they are not doing serious RP, this is not an actual problem, this does not affect your roleplay experience, you can ignore it, and isn't it better for them the hangout with other animals instead of them camping at the forest entrance
My problem doesn’t only lie with bears. Birds also have a tendency to be so terribly unrealistic. Tell me, how many wild birds do you see that actually allow you to get within two feet of distance without flipping out and flying away? NONE!! I had a bird in-character give me a piece of paper with a middle finger before flying away. I’ll give you that. It was pretty funny, but I’m hearing about birds LITERALLY ACTIONING “/me expressed that [player] had weapons” and their excuse being “well the bird is owned and trained by cops!”...
Wouldn't that be just meta-game? If the birds are not like parrots and stuff and they write expressed and etc that a specific player had weapons that would be just failrp, it's impossible for a bird to do that, you can report it to staff, there's no need to take away the bird roles if a few fail roleplayers


Level 278
My problem doesn’t only lie with bears. Birds also have a tendency to be so terribly unrealistic. Tell me, how many wild birds do you see that actually allow you to get within two feet of distance without flipping out and flying away? NONE!! I had a bird in-character give me a piece of paper with a middle finger before flying away. I’ll give you that. It was pretty funny, but I’m hearing about birds LITERALLY ACTIONING “/me expressed that [player] had weapons” and their excuse being “well the bird is owned and trained by cops!”
so the bottom thing is failrp

but there are a lot of still wild birds irl that u can approach and stuff, like pigeons, the pigeons at universal studios are NOT afraid of people

some of them may be a bit skittish, but they walk through the crowds with 0 issues, same with disney world

Karakura is a small city and its realistic the birds would get used to the people eventually

and most birds are actually domestic anyways

I gave one bread from my hand and named it deryll
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