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Yuudai T. Haricho | Biography

meow sir

Level 17
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Basic Information

Biological Name:
Yuudai Haricho Takeshi




165cm (5'5)

147.5lb (66.9 kg)

Yuudai's stomatch would be very flat as his arms would be slightly thick. His thighs would be a average size as the rest of him seems to be slim and slightly curvy

Eye Color:

Dark Golden Brown

Hair Style:
Yuudai's hair was parted on the side in a somewhat messy yet clean style

Hair Color:
Natural ginger

Yuudai's style would always be rather flashy as he seemed to always wear crop tops. With every outfit he'd wear fire sunglasses that rested a little underneath his eyes.

Yuudai would have a birth mark on the right side on his cheek and a small scar on the top left of his head going diagonal

Date of Birth:
September 24th


Sexual Orientation:

Religious Beliefs:


Mental Health +Issues

Yuudai has very bad anger issues which leads him to get into arguments easily when agitated. He almost never gives advice to some of his friend cause he never knows how to help others, which leads to people thinking hes heartless and a horrible friend and end up leaving him.

Yuudai is diagnoised with depression, ED along with insomnia.

Yuudai has a slight problem with smoking.. although he only does smoke after.. certain activities. He sometimes drinks and get drunk at his best friends house

Yuudai likes to make fun of people, and not in a kind of teasing way. He always get very defensive even if someone has only looked at him weird. He can almost never trust someone, even if he knows they have a good record. He can almost never get along with someone he's just met.


General Appearance

Yuudai always has a scale of faces, distake or distrust, happy with a slight smirk, or his normal calm face. His hair would be parted on the side as his hair would naturally be ginger. He'd have eyes that look like they are always about to shut completly like he was always tired. If Yuudai isint wearing make-up then underneath his eyes he would either have very noticleable eye bags or they would be extreamly red, or both at most.

Yuudai is a type of person who is not very likeable at first impressions, hes very mean, judgmental and loud. He will find almost any way to insult someone even if its not true or if it's a deep dark secret someones been hiding. He has a hard time getting along with people, as seen in his relationships not many people are found about him as he is them. Yuudai would almost never care if someone next to him is crying or bleeding, he would simply be either grossed out or ashamed and scoot away. If one of his dear friends was crying or bleeding next to him, he would show some sort of consideration for them, maybe give them a pat on the back.

Character Voice:
Yuudai's voice is slightly high pitched but if hes talking in a more serious manor then there would be a slight deep hum heard in his voice. He also goes more high-pitched if he laughs at someone, in a mocking way.


Fire glasses

Yuudai enjoys making fun of people and while he's not being a douche bag he would often wonder off to the zen garden and sit by a pond. He also enjoys doing peoples make-up and hair! Also designing outfits for others to wear

Yuudai would be skilled at make-up and giving haircuts, along with any fashion advice ready to go for anyone who is in need.


[ Mother ] Dislike - Tsumugi H. Cho [ Alive ]
"It's too late to fix the damage you've caused. I hate you. I do not give you any respect. I'm never giving you any money in the future, forget about me and move on with your sad and lonely pathetic life. "

[ Father ] Enemy - Danuja G. Haku [ Dead ]

"I wish you and mom never met."

[ Sister ] Enemy - Chihiro G. Doi [ Alive ]
"Go fuck yourself, your such a plastic fake average looking hoe that I could probably find around the corner. Instead of making fun of me just because you grew up with dad, how about you go change your wardrobe I swear every time I see your outfits they make me want to cut my eyes out. Your boy hookers that come around need to learn to fucking clean up, you especially you fat fucking pig. Your still a hooker, looking out for men attention when you get none.. your such a attention seeker.. always messing around the men for some cheap cash."

❥▹ Boyfriend - Wendigo Matsuzaki
"I love you.. I love you so much- I dont ever want you to leave. I dont want there to be a day where I dont see you, and where we cant hug.. If anyone says anything bad about you behidn your back- then I'm sorry but they are getting their ass beaten like they have just fallen down a 101 flight of stares down to hell. I hope to never see you cry, or be upseat or be sad. It hurts my heart seeing you like that and I- I'm not the best at helping people but I wan't to help you.. You deserve all the happiness in the world.. "

❥▹ Best friend - Asahi S. Goro [ Alive ]

"Your someone who I can actually tolerate.. Thank you tho for putting up with me and, letting me stay with you on some days.."

❥▹ Best friend - Frog "Tod" [ Alive ]
"Your slimy and weird looking but whenever I come to the pond your always there.. When I sit down you don't hop away, there might be something wrong with you but.. that's okay.. There's stuff wrong with me as well, I guess that makes us kinda similar huh, heh.."

Newtruel - Nevaeh Bonheur [ Alive ]
"Your a okay, at least your taste in outfits wasn't that bad."

Dislike - Tobias O'L Tsu [ Alive ]
"Just because your boyfriend was trying to 'help' me and you couldent hover over us, doesint mean you get to blame me for him thinking you are cheating. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't I don't care. I know you hate me so how about we do eachother a favor and stay away from each other."

Dislike - Yamaro K. Hamilton [ Alive]
"Your weird to hang out with, way to weird to hang around with and be happy about it. I hope we don't meet again."

Dislike - Adrien M. Smickers [ Alive ]
"I mean, I thought I liked you I mean shit. I even let you be the first person I've ever dated before, but then you just couldn't stop thinking about Finn. I say, don't date someone and toy with their feelings until your 100% MOVED ON. Being in that 'relationship' with you and Stig was a nightmare. Your horrible at dating, I wouldn't even wish for my greatest enemys to date you. And I don't want your shit fucking room, so don't try to give it to me. I'm fine with how things are now."

Dislike - Stig Vilklund [ Alive ]
"Your boring and sound like you have a stick up your ass. I'm glad things didn't work out."

Dislike - Sawa Daichi D.M. [ Alive ]
"Your weird, the maid dress looks weird, just you in general are weird. Also stop fucking sitting on me fat ass. "

Enemy - Vegas W. Nishikawa [ Alive ]
"It's hilarious how you always get your boy toy to come and defend you, really shows of how much of a ***** and a scaredy-cat you are. Your taller then me and you still can't even face me, you always got to have someone to come and save your useless self. I say don't wear your boyfriends clothes around like you own them, looking like a hobo who stole someones clothes and runs around town with that stupid fucking voice of yours."

Enemy - Theodore Bird [ Alive ]
"Your so fucking annoying, always following Vegas around like hes some type of royalty. Fucking dog, get some hobbies instead of always being around your 'previous Veggie Weggie', pirate looking ass."


Underconstruction. . .
Last edited:


Level 278
Enemy - Theodore Bird
"Your so fucking annoying, always following Vegas around like hes some type of royalty. Fucking dog, get some hobbies instead of always being around your 'previous Veggie Weggie', pirate looking ass."
Alliances - Tobias O'L Tsu
"Y'know, at first I thought you we're a righteous prick but.. your alright I guess.."


Level 278
yuudai W i love yuudai
tobis type is redheads

his boyfriend is ginger
yuudai is ginger
his favorite nurse is ginger
his favorite maiden is ginger
his favorite psych is like a red/dark ginger
his platonic boyfriend is ginger

he is a ginger lover

meow sir

Level 17
Thread starter
yuudai W i love yuudai

tobis type is redheads

his boyfriend is ginger
yuudai is ginger
his favorite nurse is ginger
his favorite maiden is ginger
his favorite psych is like a red/dark ginger
his platonic boyfriend is ginger

he is a ginger lover
we love gingers :)


Level 17
Enemy - Vegas W. Nishikawa
"It's hilarious how you always get your boy toy to come and defend you, really shows of how much of a ***** and a scaredy-cat you are. Your taller then me and you still can't even face me, you always got to have someone to come and save your useless self. I say don't wear your boyfriends clothes around like you own them, looking like a hobo who stole someones clothes and runs around town with that stupid fucking voice of yours."

but poor veg :(

meow sir

Level 17
Thread starter
added Stig to the relationships
changed Yuudai's thoughts about Tsumugi from Enemy to Dislike
added Yamaro to relationships :D

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