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Lower Grade-Up Timer / Server Feedback


Level 37
IGN: StonerGoat




A Limited Age-Up Application Included Within the Role Request a lower Grade-Up Timer AFTER Grade-10



I am going to stop beating around the bush, instead of suggesting that there should be an Age-Up application, the Grade timer should go faster as soon as you stop becoming a green tag.

A big thing is. There is a reason why it takes so long.
When it comes to greenies we have lesser expectations. We are lenient with them as we are aware that they are new and still learning. When a grade 12 breaks the rules we react stricter, but with greenies we just give them a hand and help explaining.

An absolutely fair point is created when mentioning the leniency of Green tags, and giving them the strict but helping in hand as letting them put in the hours to progress to learning the ropes of the server is incredibly important.

Perhaps after waiting those said hours, it'll be a lot more rewarding to the player to grade up faster after becoming a Grade-10 -- I also believe it'd be a metaphorical way to show that time is constantly moving similar to how fast time already moves in RP., similar to the realistic attributes of growing up and graduating, or going up a grade and seeing how fast time really does change everything.

The point stands that I am

making this suggestion because I invited a friend of mine outside of SchoolRP to play on the server in order to play a counter-part to my alternate account's character. Hence why I have lowered my account's grade to sort of 'fit in' with them.


They have displayed plenty of motivation and potential and honestly, it'd just be pretty awkward playing our characters with the green tag if they're supposed to be of a mature age, so not only it'd be rewarding for the newer players who comprehended the rules properly, but rewarding for players who wait long enough for hours even as the plugin would pause the timer here and there.
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Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
It could help others aswell, bold of you to assume they're doing it just for themselves to be honest.
Well the dudes written so much I don’t actually know what he wants aside from “applying for grade 12” which to be fair doesn’t make any sense, it just seems like a stringent excuse to not wait the time everyone has waited.

from what I can read though he either wants that or to lower the amount of time taken to get there which I’m not against


Level 2
Well the dudes written so much I don’t actually know what he wants aside from “applying for grade 12” which to be fair doesn’t make any sense, it just seems like a stringent excuse to not wait the time everyone has waited.

from what I can read though he either wants that or to lower the amount of time taken to get there which I’m not against
I don't think that people want to willingly spend 3 days on SRP just to get Grade-12 and then be able to play how they want, and being able to apply for the grade would be much better than waiting 170 centuries to get Grade-8 just for it to glitch back.


Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
I don't think that people want to willingly spend 3 days on SRP just to get Grade-12 and then be able to play how they want, and being able to apply for the grade would be much better than waiting 170 centuries to get Grade-8 just for it to glitch back.
The glitch back are certain players, a bug us as admins don’t know how to fix, and if your grade it glitched, tell us as we can keep setting you to the next grade until you reach the final grade.

either way, applying for grade 12 will not become a thing but I would agree to lowering the time it takes to get to it, end of conversation.


Level 2
The glitch back are certain players, a bug us as admins don’t know how to fix, and if your grade it glitched, tell us as we can keep setting you to the next grade until you reach the final grade.

either way, applying for grade 12 will not become a thing but I would agree to lowering the time it takes to get to it, end of conversation.
"The glitch back are certain players." More like every player. It happens at least once to everyone.
If the bug is so constant? Have you thought about REMAKING the entire plugin as a whole?


Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
"The glitch back are certain players." More like every player. It happens at least once to everyone.
If the bug is so constant? Have you thought about REMAKING the entire plugin as a whole?
Remake luck perms?
-1, More applications : more stress on staff. I agree with customable on lessening the time maybe, but I've just made a ticket and asked for my alt to be aged up before and it's been given to me. So alts aren't really an issue.

For applications for jobs; as someone who became KPD less than a month after joining, if you have the will to do it, and the time, they'll accept you; produce a good piece of writing in your application and show a genuine interest and you'll be able to get into the faction. That's my experience!

Glitches can be altered, just show a screenshot of your playtime and you'll be aged up; I feel like this will create more hassle than its worth :)


Level 37
Thread starter
So, you just want grade 12 on your alt account?
No. I am trying to get a friend on the server who knows how to roleplay, she is overall pretty literate and well, she is willing to play my character's counterpart, but the fact the account is starting as a greenie

i reversed my alt account's grading from college to a Grade-8 so it wouldn't be weird.

-1, More applications : more stress on staff. I agree with customable on lessening the time maybe, but I've just made a ticket and asked for my alt to be aged up before and it's been given to me. So alts aren't really an issue.

For applications for jobs; as someone who became KPD less than a month after joining, if you have the will to do it, and the time, they'll accept you; produce a good piece of writing in your application and show a genuine interest and you'll be able to get into the faction. That's my experience!

Glitches can be altered, just show a screenshot of your playtime and you'll be aged up; I feel like this will create more hassle than its worth :)
Oh yeah, I most definitely understand the applications, a lesser time would definitely be way more preferable especially considering well, grading up to Grade 8 takes about eight hours -- that's the length of a day on a full-time job :sob:

The glitch back are certain players, a bug us as admins don’t know how to fix, and if your grade it glitched, tell us as we can keep setting you to the next grade until you reach the final grade.

either way, applying for grade 12 will not become a thing but I would agree to lowering the time it takes to get to it, end of conversation.
Like I said at the end of it, lesser times would probably be the best alternative to the whole application process -but thank you for the criticisms on the other hand and the information
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Oh yeah, I most definitely understand the applications, a lesser time would definitely be way more preferable especially considering well, grading up to Grade 8 takes about eight hours -- that's the length of a day on a full-time job :sob:
I get that! But usually it is spread upon multiple days and most people don't usually grind a server all out in one day, You can always just make a ticket and ask, and the time lessening is still valid! I just think applications are a tad too much, as someone who used to go through and review all the KPD apps LOL it takes a butt ton of time


Level 99
Community Team
Lore Team

Have you thought about REMAKING the entire plugin as a whole?

Remaking the plugin as a whole would not be beneficial. Take into count that they are UNAWARE of what causes it. They could remake it then BAM! the same issue is STILL there because they have NO idea what's even causing it.

that's all i have to say other than no, rank up how you're meant to !!


Level 37
Thread starter
"The glitch back are certain players." More like every player. It happens at least once to everyone.
If the bug is so constant? Have you thought about REMAKING the entire plugin as a whole?
There would absolutely be a lot of complications if that plugin was remade entirely - I know Luckperms is incredibly complicated and creating plugins in itself is much easier said than done ;; Yes, it happens to everyone, and im sure the thought passed around that it should be remade, but in doing that would most definitely cause a whole jumble of issues that it's much worth simply tweaking what they have than to remake it completely. There's issues with the plugin, but there'll always be issues to plugins, which is why we should let them take time to fix it, if you look on their Trello, there's already a bunch of things and plugins they are working on aswell, and I believe there's only two developers for the server so I'd cut them a bit of slack.

Remaking the plugin as a whole would not be beneficial. Take into count that they are UNAWARE of what causes it. They could remake it then BAM! the same issue is STILL there because they have NO idea what's even causing it.

that's all i have to say other than no, rank up how you're meant to !!
Absolutely well said, though, still, with how people used to rank up a lot faster back in the day, the argument could be made that it would be unfair for those who are recently joining and would have to in fact, play much longer in contrast to how long the other players would have to play

i just saw the new little thing for the forums that shows when there's new messages .... pretty neat
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There is probably a lot of complications if that plugin was remade entirely - I know Luckperms is incredibly complicated and creating plugins in itself is much easier said than done ;;
as someone that coded for you. . . it's gonna cost a lot, you need to incorporate data banks which connects multiple plugins which needs a host for said data so it can be seamlessly transitioned between plugins... definitely a no!
as someone that coded for you. . . it's gonna cost a lot, you need to incorporate data banks which connects multiple plugins which needs a host for said data so it can be seamlessly transitioned between plugins... definitely a no!
not to mention a data crash could wipe SRP's stored data COMPLETELY, basically ruining any sort of ranking system implemented via luckperms


Level 37
Thread starter
as someone that coded for you. . . it's gonna cost a lot, you need to incorporate data banks which connects multiple plugins which needs a host for said data so it can be seamlessly transitioned between plugins... definitely a no!
that's why i'm saying that it'd be incredibly unwise to completely remake the plugin.
not to mention a data crash could wipe SRP's stored data COMPLETELY, basically ruining any sort of ranking system implemented via luckperms
this, absolutely no bueno.
There would absolutely be a lot of complications if that plugin was remade entirely - I know Luckperms is incredibly complicated and creating plugins in itself is much easier said than done ;; Yes, it happens to everyone, and im sure the thought passed around that it should be remade, but in doing that would most definitely cause a whole jumble of issues that it's much worth simply tweaking what they have than to remake it completely. There's issues with the plugin, but there'll always be issues to plugins, which is why we should let them take time to fix it, if you look on their Trello, there's already a bunch of things and plugins they are working on aswell, and I believe there's only two developers for the server so I'd cut them a bit of slack.
including that i've edited this message a ton more + making it clear that it absolutely should not be remade. Made some edits on other posts.
Well the dudes written so much I don’t actually know what he wants aside from “applying for grade 12” which to be fair doesn’t make any sense, it just seems like a stringent excuse to not wait the time everyone has waited.
Yes, I am typing a lot, but please read through it and hear me out fully instead of making immediate assumptions....
Most honestly, I am making this application because I invited a friend of mine outside of SchoolRP to play on the server, hence why I have lowered my own alternative account's grade to sort of 'fit in' with them, despite it being just a little unnecessary
as I am sure I made it mostly clear in the post aswell that It has nothing to do with me as I am fully able to change my character's age with /setage...
I type so much not because I am trying to make a "stringent excuse" but typing little is what would also make it seem like I do not care either. Others have their criticisms on how exactly the age system works, especially when plenty of suggestions have been made regarding it. Yes. All I am asking is for a way to apply for Grade-12, with reasoning and explanation behind all of it, otherwise, a way for time to be lessened. Hence, why I have


on the title ... And I mean this in the most respectful mannerism.
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Level 172
News Lead
Government Lead
A big thing is. There is a reason why it takes so long.
When it comes to greenies we have lesser expectations. We are lenient with them as we are aware that they are new and still learning. When a grade 12 breaks the rules we react stricter, but with greenies we just give them a hand and help explaining.

Half the community already hates dealing with them, now imagine tons of grade-12s who are still unaware about the rules, players would just lose their patience.


Level 37
Thread starter
A big thing is. There is a reason why it takes so long.
When it comes to greenies we have lesser expectations. We are lenient with them as we are aware that they are new and still learning. When a grade 12 breaks the rules we react stricter, but with greenies we just give them a hand and help explaining.

Half the community already hates dealing with them, now imagine tons of grade-12s who are still unaware about the rules, players would just lose their patience.
This is absolutely the best possible response that I’ve read, and I think you are absolutely correct as I do recall there being plenty of Grade-12’s who do not comprehend the rules enough back in the day during 2021.

Maybe during progressing, time to grade up should be a lot more faster as soon as you hit towards Grade-10? I am unsure if it is already like that, but most definitely a great point to be made that is acknowledged.

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