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One memory from your days on SRP


Level 194
When I joined, the only time I experienced true kindness. I think back to this alot and realize how less welcoming the community is now. When I was a new player I was looking for something to do for THE longest time and someone came up to me and helped me with the basics. I don't remember who, but I appreciate them highly.

As a more-experienced player? Joining event team, best leap I've ever taken on this server ngl - this server has helped me improve in many ways.. despite having some not great people, I've made fantastic friends

Now this is sappy, darn it. Okok, here's a question - do bald people have foreheads?


Level 231
When I joined, the only time I experienced true kindness. I think back to this alot and realize how less welcoming the community is now. When I was a new player I was looking for something to do for THE longest time and someone came up to me and helped me with the basics. I don't remember who, but I appreciate them highly.

As a more-experienced player? Joining event team, best leap I've ever taken on this server ngl - this server has helped me improve in many ways.. despite having some not great people, I've made fantastic friends

Now this is sappy, darn it. Okok, here's a question - do bald people have foreheads?
I'm pretty sure that was me, ahahah. I thought you seemed familiar, I think your username at the time was something like HollyGirlWarrior or something basic like that.


Level 194
I'm pretty sure that was me, ahahah. I thought you seemed familiar, I think your username at the time was something like HollyGirlWarrior or something basic like that.
No way, toto ur awesome. It's hard to find people on SRP who don't criticize the new players now. and yes I regret that ign but it had meaning I appreciate you lots, glad to see ya still around.


Level 271


Level 32
Community Team
when someone gave me 400 yen when I first joined and I thought I was rich because I thought it was in euros. I felt so powerful


Level 8
Beating up kuro for not paying me my money. All jokes aside it was probably one of my favorite Rps this year it isn’t my favorite of all time can’t really dot down what specifically was my favorite memory of srp since I have many but considering this year it was our mess ups where funny or how we struggled to find u after we passed u twice or how when we broke ur legs infront of a cop and where just released lmao.


Level 68
Shrine Lead
AHHH there’s so many beautiful and fun memories I’ve had on SRP but I think my most favourite now was just last night. Last night I sat in call with some amazing people who all were online and we just played Gartic phone and it was so much fun!! I think that’s my favourite moment there because I’ve never laughed so much it was so beautiful to experience and spend time with everyone.

As I said I’ve had so many funny moments some with friends, strangers, people I’ve drifted from or am no longer friends with an I’ll always remember them.

I think every fun moment I’ve ever had has been in my classes, I can’t remember them all but whoever has been I thank you it makes it so much more fun and enjoyable. I think a funny one was my character falling off her stage. It was just a pure moment and I couldn’t help but laugh.

But all these memories I keep in my mind I thank everyone who’s ever had a really fun one with me I love spending time with the SRP community and having the beautiful moments.


Level 62
Thread starter
Beating up kuro for not paying me my money. All jokes aside it was probably one of my favorite Rps this year it isn’t my favorite of all time can’t really dot down what specifically was my favorite memory of srp since I have many but considering this year it was our mess ups where funny or how we struggled to find u after we passed u twice or how when we broke ur legs infront of a cop and where just released lmao.


Level 3
first joining with my friend years ago, we were walking around clueless until we lost all our hunger and had to ask where to get food. someone was so lovely and took us on a very long walk to find a different vending machine since the first one was broken

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