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Best year of playing schoolrp


Level 10
2020. that year was hard, and i thought hahahahahaha why don't i go back to that funny minecraft roleplay server i messed around on a year ago, ended up making really awesome friends i still hold dear to me until today. roleplays were never too planned out nor were our characters too intricate, we just threw whatever scenario we could come up with at each other and just RANDOM BULLSHIT GO
one moment we were hanging out on the yacht, the next someone was drunk, another crying for no reason and a dead body was on the ground.

looking back at it, oooohhh my god it was horrible. but it was fun. 2020 was fun


Level 105
2021. This year will always hold a place in my heart as the year I made a bunch of good friends on SRP. (I'm still in contact with many of them).


Level 11
Hmmm, 2022 was fun, but it also was stale at some points. However, KPD did make the server 10x more enjoyable for me at that time. What made 2022 enjoyable for you?

what if my alt is a grade 10... Also, a fun fact: I started SRP at the end of 2019! I…. Think? Or it was December of 2020; I remember the old sitting area and the little decorations on the floor by the library. Such good times, in my opinion.

I’m curious, what was schoolrp in 2017 like?
bro i was too busy being banned in 2022


Level 142
Carefree with absolutely no obligations and no worries aside from the fact that you could get banned for jaywalking
Didn't they also make school uniforms mandatory at some point in 2017, or was that a different year? It obviously wasn't a permanent thing, but I remember there being a room you could be teleported to where you'd select a skin from like 12 choices.


Level 45
Thread starter
2020. that year was hard, and i thought hahahahahaha why don't i go back to that funny minecraft roleplay server i messed around on a year ago, ended up making really awesome friends i still hold dear to me until today. roleplays were never too planned out nor were our characters too intricate, we just threw whatever scenario we could come up with at each other and just RANDOM BULLSHIT GO
one moment we were hanging out on the yacht, the next someone was drunk, another crying for no reason and a dead body was on the ground.

looking back at it, oooohhh my god it was horrible. but it was fun. 2020 was fun
2020 best year for srp


Level 105
I never did end up using that jacket.... If I bring Toshiko back, I'll wear it in your honor (and immediately burn it upon interacting with you once because I hate you (OOCly))
the jacket was great. you better bring back toshiko fujimori and wear it (and dont burn it)


Level 123
2021 was probably my favourite, although 2020 is close. Both years were great

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