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KARAKURA NEWS: December Speech


Level 86

Jim Kaede Yasushi - December 4, 2022. - 0.7C | 33.2F
(Now December 7th!)

Thursday at 20:20 or 08:20 PM, Mayor Kiyoko Akai made an appearance with coworkers and KPD alike addressing several matters at hand. First before I go into what's said, I'll let you guys listen to a recording of the event outside the new Town Hall.

[!] - recording starts! -

[Mayor Akai:] “Good evening everyone and thank you for coming out. I’ve brought this meeting here today to touch on two topics, one told by myself and the other by Chief Judge Yui Tsu.”

[Detective Edgeworth:] “Mask off” (Too student)

[Mayor Akai:] “Over the last few days, as you're all aware we’ve had an incident at Karakura’s former Town Hall building.”

[Mayor Akai:] “Its been an extremely pressing time for us as the government, the fire that caused yesterday was not accidental. We have found traces of gasoline, alongside the back door of town hall being left open. The KPD did amazingly in rescuing my fellow government workers and bringing them to safety, and for that we are all eternally grateful.”

[Megaphone?:] “What’s good MAYOR”

[!] . . .

[Mayor Akai:] “As some of you may be aware.. There was a new report published recently that falsey painted out police department in a bad light. Now that will be handled appropriately by us here at the town hall. But I can assure you one thing, Karakura’s police department is here to help. Not to hurt anyone, they’re here to keep everyone safe.”

[Mayor Akai:] “Our EMS workers and KPD officers are frankly amazing individuals. Nothing will change that fact.”

[Mayor Akai:]
“I can assure you that we WILL find out who burned down the town hall. They will be brought to justice.”

[Mayor Akai:] “Now, enough of sad topics, Ill be passing over the speech to our Chief Judge here, Yui Tsu.”

[!] short pause had come as they switched people on the podium

[Judge Tsu:] “Thank you, Mrs Akai. And good evening everyone. I am ere on behalf of the Karakura Government to congratulate the city’s newest Cadets for passing their entry forms.”

[Judge Tsu:] “Monthly the police station brings in new cadets, striving to make the city a safer place with each passing wave. The four cadets standing behind me are Matsunagi Hitoshi, Vincenzo Hwang, Chiheisen Takahashi and Kakashi Fumika.”

[Judge Tsu:] “Though the rest are not present, I can assure you that thanks to these brave individuals the city will become an even better place than it was before..”

[Judge Tsu:] “Now, I am going to hand the remainder of this momentous occasion back to Mrs. Akai. You can expect celebrations like this for every wave of cadets that enter the force. We as the city respect and cherish every one of our officers, as they do nothing but keep the city safe. Thank you all”

[Megaphone?:] “I LOVE YOU MAYOR !!”

[Mayor Akai:] “Its been a fantastic evening, and we’ve even gotten some snow the (to) end off the night. So thank you all for coming to this wonderful speech and we hope you all have a very, Merry christmas”

[!] - Recording ends -

So, what was said? What was covered and what is new? What did we already know or figured?

02:35 AM, Sunday, December 3rd, A fire broke out as the town mock trial was meant to go in motion on Shicho Way, Town Hall. This isn't just a statement of what happened, but also the first words stated in a news article published that day that went through nearly every major detail of the tragic event.
At the start of the speech, Mayor Akai claims the article painted the KPD in a negative light and claimed that her and other members of the town hall would deal with it. However, was this truly what happened?

To paint one black, or to paint one bad in this case usually means to make someone appear evil, malicious, or ill intentioned. Doing such is completely against the morals of Karakura News and as reporters our jobs are to stay unbiased .. but then why did this article get deemed to have this negative intention? People speculate its likely to do with the recording and audios placed in the digital and live report of the event. In these articles, we hear KPD cursing, yelling at students to leave, a taser going off at some point to intimidate students to leave and even when officers decide to leave. Now these along could be taken out of context, and then without context .. yes, it could've been written around that to make KPD look bad. However, that isn't the case. The recording was within complete context due to the amount of detail that explained most details of what down that night in order from start to end that included photos, times, and again, the voice recordings. Everything stated was not edited, and taken into context, and then written about as such. Therefore, all the audios did was show what happened but from a person's perspective at the scene. Instead of sugar coating the events, I showed it. I showed what happened and simply censored curse words. If you don't like what KPD said, such as many students did, then that's an issue you can bring up civilly.
Throughout the report, I mentioned several instances where it was thought KPD did a great job or instances where they were quite heroic, perhaps even inspiring. The main explain being from an officer, Ill quote the other article here:

“...follow up statement heard over the radio by (Officer) Taro was “Money can buy a new building, money cannot pay for lost lives.” which personally to me was a very inspirational quote from the detective and something we can look back on or think about.”
It can be argued, however, if the intention was to paint KPD in such a bad lighting, why would a statement like that be included? Or why would the following quote be at the end of the article?:
“….We wish the victims of the fire the best of luck, and want it to be known that we are all here to support our frontline workers such as EMS and KPD.”
Karakura News supports our city's KPD and EMS workers. However, civilians questioning what was said that night by officers is nothing new. Nor is it the article or anyone else's fault. Consider the situation, one's own liability of words. And if one doesn't like their words being shared, then don't share.

Remember this banner, also from the Fire of December Third news report? Yui Tsu stated in it that, and quote, “However .. While approaching the town hall there was a foul stench of gasoline before everything went up in flames”. Why is this important? Well, Miss Tsu was right. According to Mayor Akai it was confirmed the day of her speech that indeed evidence was found of traces of gasoline, but that isn't all. One of the articles viewpoints for photos through the back door seem to be no coincidence as well .. ac
cording to Mayor Akai that door wasn't meant to be opened, and perhaps was the escape route for the possible arsonist. But that also leads to the question of, how did they get out? No bushes as of now are reported to be disturbed besides possible fire damage. For now, we will have to wait for updates as KPD and government officials continue their investigation …

Speaking of the judge, onto her part of the speech, it was announced that several new cadets are joining KPD this month. The ones who attended are named Matsunagi Hitoshi, Vincenzo Hwang, Chiheisen Takahashi and Kakashi Fumika, however as of now the names of the other cadets who didn't attend the event are still unknown to the public.
It was also promised and officially confirmed that every month a similar speech such as the one that Tsu gave will happen monthly as new recruits join KPD .. hopefully next time not such negative events will be also addressed during the same event.

We had a large plethora of government officials and KPD alike who joined us that day to be there for the speech. Down below Ill place a roster of all the names that I was able to confirm to be there.
Mayor Kiyoko Akai, Detectives Isoroku Edgeworth & Sasha Vasylenko, Officer Daiki Saiky, Chief Judge Yui Tsu, Judges Maremokikusuroyaechiyoko Ito & Kagami Genn Morozova, Governor Eli Zennix, And Lawyers Masaki Sato & Byeoul Yue.

Though most there didn't speak besides Chief Judge Tsu and Mayor Akai, we did get to see some positive interactions between residents and the government officials. As seen by the photo to the side, we see governor Eli Zennix being swarmed by students who seemed to just .. hop on a bandwagon and all decide to join one by one for a selfie and overall group huddle. This took place soon after the speech officially ended and soon after it began to start snowing once again in Karakura.

Lastly, of course the new Town Hall would be mentioned including photos of its new appearance along with some questions being asked about it.

No longer a fully white smaller building facing the same street as the Karakura college students .. now Town hall faces towards the Tower District with a brand-new look. As shown by photos, It has a black exterior with white accent columns along the outside, there's also a grander second floor where we often see Mayor Akai facing out of. Several holiday decorated trees outline the building exterior and overall, most can agree that the new building t
ruly does feel more .. sophisticated, more like a building that does hold government officials and work.

But one question still is being asked by the residents of Karakura .. How did it get built so fast? Going back to the interview that took place with Chief Judge Yui Tsu in a previous news report, she stated that yes Karakura had the funds to make a new building and planning would start within the week, perhaps month. Surely, a whole new building overnight is a bit more than just ‘planning’. A report that takes us citizens through the building and planning process of this quick coming structure is to be expected in the near future.

From the very start at 20:00, til the final government official re-entered town hall at 21:16, many issues, parallels, confirmations and information was told at the December speech held by Mayor Akai the day following the Burning of Karakura’s town hall. Though some questions remain unanswered and a few more questions aroused during the contents following the speech, us citizens have a bit of closure of what's being looked into investigation wise by KPD and the government officials. Hopefully soon we will find out the truth ..
We wish the new KPD cadets and overall all the city officials the best of luck bringing justice to the situation …
This was Jim Yasushi, Signing out.

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