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Karakura News | The Government Fiasco


Level 108
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Government Report.jpg─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─

Hello Karakura. Jin Kuroki Here.
Today’s report is about a government worker prank gone terribly wrong.


On December 23rd, following the Winter Wonderland event, all government workers went out for a dinner. After this dinner, there was an afterparty held at a tower. However, this party never came to be.

All the workers were taken to a tower, but when they stepped inside of the elevator, the lights shut off. When they came back, Commissioner Schwarz was nowhere to be seen and the floor beneath them broke. The government workers had to crawl through a tiny hole, which led to a room with three separate rooms within. To escape, the workers had to solve a code to unlock the door.

Behind the door, a masked figure stated that they would not kill the group. However, they had to open another door, which had a bulletproof window splitting it in half. Behind the window, the commissioner was being held with a Katana to his back and the figure told the workers that were trapped to fatally shoot someone in the room. They were threatened with being suffocated by snow if they did not, so an officer took the gun and aimed it all everyone in the room, ordering them to sit.

Mayor Akai offered herself as the sacrifice, and after some back and forth between everyone in the room, she was eventually shot. However, the bullet ended up being rubber, as was the katana. It all ended up being a prank organized by the commissioner and one of the police detective chief inspectors, Detective Vasylenko. However, this prank went much too far, leading to trauma for many of the workers present.


[!] - An audio recording would be attached, along with a transcript at the bottom - [!]

Jin Kuroki | “Good morning! Thank you for taking the time for the interview. Let's start with an icebreaker. What are your name and your position?”

Dimitri Kalogeropoulos | “Good morning! And the pleasure is mine! My name is Dimitri Kalogeropoulos. All I'll be saying is that I work at the hospital... I just prefer staying out of the public eye, I'm sure you get it.”

Kuroki | “I fully understand. And I also should mention that I am thankful for you informing the news station of these events, and summarizing them for us. Since you have already told us the events, may you tell us how it personally affected you and the other workers? “

Kalogeropoulos | “For me, it just terrified me for a few days and I learned to move on from it since I have more important duties. Others like a friend of mine were sobbing and violently shaking, especially Mrs. Akai... I really do feel bad for her, she genuinely was about to risk her life for everybody in that room, she was ready to die for all of us. Even for the officer who was going to shoot, nobody could be upset at them- not me or some others at least, it's understandable in the sense that they were probably also petrified.”

Kuroki | “I’m glad that you have gotten over it enough to get back to work. And I hold a deep respect for our mayor. I would have tried to interview her if I did not know what she had to go through. She truly deserves her position. Let's continue with the interview.. What happened following those events?”

Kalogeropoulos | “Afterward, I witnessed people hiding in corners, some running out, and even some walking out without another word or helping others out of the building. Somebody had to call a psych for Mrs. Akai since she couldn't handle that dumb prank.” There was a clear emphasis on that last word.

Kuroki | “Speaking of psychiatrists following this event, have all of the government workers been given therapy?”

Kalogeropoulos | “Not all have been given therapy, but the psychiatrists are very open to giving us all treatment and offered it to us in the case that any of us needed or wanted it. I'm very glad to say that those are the kinds of people I work with, they're all very kind and generous.”

Kuroki | “It’s great to hear how ready the psychiatrists were to help with this traumatic event. But that leads me to question.. what about the psychiatrists who were involved?”

Kalogeropoulos | “I don't believe any psychiatrists were involved in any of this, but I could be wrong- my memory is pretty bad on the topic of who was there because I've tried to forget it since that event took place.”

Kuroki | “It’s okay.. There were many people there and with those events, I believe everyone would forget who was there trying to make it out themselves. I know I would in that position. Now, do you believe they are still fit to help everyone else involved?”

Kalogeropoulos | “In my opinion, it depends on the person and how they react to certain situations. I saw some of them walk out of there almost unbothered because they always react differently to the situations they've been put into, you know? It just depends on the person.”

Kuroki | “I understand that. People have different coping mechanisms. Do you know what repercussions have been given to the two officers who came up with this prank? “

Kalogeropoulos | “From what I know, no repercussions have been given to the two officers since- one was the commissioner and the other was a detective after all, plus they obviously took the time to plan this all out.”

Kuroki | “Well.. that’s upsetting that they can get away with that mental abuse on that many people. That is not okay, and if anyone else did that, I can almost guarantee that they would have been in a lot of trouble. Especially for what they did to the mayor. Now, this is more of a personal question but still pertains to the question. What do you believe should happen to them?”

Kalogeropoulos | “Personally, I don't know what should happen to them, but I know that they very much owe a HUGE apology to not only Mrs. Akai, but to the people they harmed mentally, not everybody can handle situations like that very well and it could've left a mark on them, not physically, but mentally.”

Kuroki | “That sounds pretty lenient on their behalf, but that is something that should definitely happen. Do you have any final thoughts?”

Kalogeropoulos | “I do hope that Mrs. Akai recovers swiftly and I hope that they'll never pull something like that ever again and they think about their actions.”

[!] - The recording then ended - [!]


Thank you for listening in for this interview. Stay tuned for more news!
Until Next Time
Jin Kuroki


Any topics you would like to see reported? Contact the reporter hotline today!



Level 60
Yeah so uh... fun fact: Kiyoko Akai should be seriously injured or dead. A rubber bullet at that range would still cause serious damage. RIP to the Mayor, hopefully this new clone we have does a good job.
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Level 60
Okay one of the people at the event told me it was in the head... but still at point blank that would penetrate. I hope the clone of Kiyoko serves well as the new mayor.

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