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[SUGGESTION] OOC Age Gaps in RomanceRP | wesnt

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Level 4
IGN: wesnt
DATE: 12/30/22
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: There should be guidelines in place barring adults from roleplaying romance with those who are minors OOCly. Even if it isn’t a rule listed in the actual forums, there should be something strongly urging for this to be stopped.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: As someone who has been on this server for a while, I’m tired of witnessing adults and minors in this community interact in a romantic sense in character because of the implications it could have out of character.
In no way am I implying that every adult on this server roleplaying romance has ulterior motives, but this is something we have to take in consideration when thinking of the player base as a whole.
It’s not news that the server is intended for and mainly consists of minors and their safety is highly disregarded when it comes to instances of ‘RomanceRP’ leading to grooming out of character.

There are no rules currently in place regarding OOC age gaps and roleplaying romantically, nor are there any rules really alluding to the fact that doing something of that sort is inappropriate.
b. To those who are going to reply under my post regarding age of consent laws in other countries; don’t. If that is your main point, you should not be roleplaying on this server at all with that mindset. It should be common sense that the age of consent online, according to the online health and safety guide, is and always has been 18. Your country’s laws do not overrule the health and safety guide online.
c. Once again, I am NOT asking for minors to reveal their ages to the adults on the server as that could endanger them even further. I am asking for common decency and honor from the adult player base that want to roleplay out romance on their characters.
It is NOT hard to ask a simple question. ‘Hey are you a minor?’ ‘Yes/No’ will always suffice as long as you (the adult) are taking that precaution in the first place.
d. If you are thinking of replying under this post something regarding separating character from roleplayer; don’t. Take into consideration there is a minor behind that character no matter how good they can separate themselves from it. You as an adult should not be typing those things to a minor, and a minor should not be typing those things right back to you.
e. I have seen adults making inappropriate comments out of character towards a minor’s character or characters as a result of romantically roleplaying with that character; another example of things in character bleeding to out of character.
Once again, I would like to reiterate there is a MINOR behind that screen reading those comments, potentially internalizing them.
Adults should not be interacting this way with minors at all, even if it is just about characters.
I’ve seen adults refer to a character as their ‘wife/husband,’ call the character ‘hot/sexy’ or something of those sorts, imply they want to date a character that a minor is in control of.
f. I understand it should be common sense to not groom, but no one is that naive. I would like to kindly direct the staff team to their ban logs and think of all the banned players who started off just romantically roleplaying with minors, bleeding into an inappropriate mess out of character.

I am not asking you to give up RomanceRP or anything like that, I am simply stating that you as an adult should be more considerate of the person behind that character.
This is NOT a hard ask whatsoever.

I understand something like this is hard to moderate considering how large the player base is. I am not asking for 24/7 surveillance on every single person RomanceRPing.
If someone were to report an adult and a minor RomanceRPing in this current state of the server, we all know nothing would come of that report and they would simply tone down their romantic actions or just hide it better. There is absolutely nothing in place that even implies how wrong situations like these can go; there is no precaution, no warning, nothing provided even in the server's own health and safety guidelines that maybe, just maybe the person they're currently roleplaying in a romantic sense with has ill-intentions. It glosses over projecting onto a character, and HEAVILY glosses over grooming.
h. I think I should reiterate that RomanceRPing with minors (ie. typing out detailed actions of intimate scenarios, implying that your character is doing anything remotely sexual [f2bing]) and discussing these acts out of character does in fact qualify as grooming. Not only is it disgusting, but I would like to reiterate it is illegal. Illegal in every sense; you cannot be having these kinds of conversations with someone who is a minor behind their screen. If this is so hard to grasp or implement into your daily roleplaying routine, please stay FAR AWAY from the server. Never interact with a minor again if this is something you need so desperately in your writing.
i. Please stop replying 'common sense' under my post. As someone who was on the server as a minor (now adult) and a victim of grooming both in and out of the server, I can guarantee it is not common sense.
When you are in a situation like this that eventually leads to grooming, you do not realize in the moment that the things happening to you are inappropriate. As a minor with a still-developing brain, you actually internalize the things happening to you may be okay because you were okay with it in the moment. Sometimes the one who put you in that place even convinces you that everything that happened is on you, and that's something you can internalize forever. Most instances of grooming on this server go unreported due to things like this.
The list of banned players that started off RomanceRPing with minors only exists because the victim had to step up and come forward about their situation that only progressed into a punishment because something horrible and preventable happened to them.
It should not have to go as far as grooming and further traumatizing a kid for someone to see there is something wrong with adults typing out intimate scenarios to someone who is a child behind their character.
j. If you read 'RomanceRP' and 'grooming' in the same sentence and immediately get defensive, please reflect on your roleplaying habits and general behavior towards minors because maybe your interactions in-character are not appropriate for those around you.|
k. Realistically, I know a new rule or something of the sort is unlikely. But, something like this should at least be frowned upon within the community.
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Level 34
Big big big fat +1
I remember the previous suggestion for this or something of the sort and I still completely agree with it. I don't think people understand how easily someone can become a victim of grooming without them realizing it at all despite knowing about it and the dangers of the internet etcetc. OOCly adults and minors interacting romantically "ic" is just another way for a grown adult to get closer to a kid with bad intentions. I'm honestly surprised there still isn't a rule against it seeing how many times it happened on SRP already

EDIT: Adding on to what I said, there are some very clear cons to the rule as the others have said below me. Because of that, I'm not 100% sure if it should be implemented as a rule specifically, but the safety of minors on SRP needs to be strictened. It isn't as simple as reporting someone right when you are in the situation because a KID or even an adult rarely understands it while it is all happening. As said, obviously a lot of people know how to keep ICly interactions IC, but especially RomanceRP still might imply something for others. So, to keep it short, I'm not sure if the rule could be added as it is, but seeing as pedophilia and grooming on SRP are really not all that rare, it is obvious SOMETHING needs to be done.
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Level 105
I really don't think this should be implemented as a rule. There's a line of common sense, where if you feel like something's wrong or might go wrong, that you should contact a staff member instead of creating a rule to restrict it completely. For the majority of the relationships in-character that you've described, it doesn't go OOCly.

- Point a.: Personally, I don't find it necessary. You can find out why below!
- Point b.: Yeah, I agree. If anybody uses that as an argument toward your suggestion, they're not in a good mindset
- Point c.: The minor will be revealing their general age to the adult they may roleplay with anyway if they do as you intend (having the adult simply ask). To be honest, they'd be endangering themself further by your terms if they reveal if they are a minor or not
I am NOT asking for minors to reveal their ages to the adults on the server as that could endanger them even further.
It is NOT hard to ask a simple question. ‘Hey are you a minor?’ ‘Yes/No’ will always suffice as long as you (the adult) are taking that precaution in the first place.

- Point d.: While this is somewhat true, there are those who know how to properly roleplay, and genuinely roleplay instead of having ill-intentions as you say, and this would only restrict them. These comments said ICly are usually not meant for the person OOCly, which I shouldn't need to specify. The reason I underline usually is to imply that, yes, there are rare occurrences where these things ICly may be brought OOCly
- Point e.: This is where I agree with you, however, this is common sense. If any comments are made OOCly about a minor's character, it will usually imply ill-intentions toward the other person behind the screen. If any of this is captured, you may simply report it to the staff team so that they may properly investigate what's happening and take proper action
- Point f.: While this may be true, these banned players are a mere fraction of people who engage in the roleplay you've described on the server, and another part of that fraction will most likely be sheer coincidence

(on a separate note i typed this with a new keyboard and i already know it's gonna be hard to get used to)


Level 164
Community Team
Lore Team
You made a similar one before about this same issue, and it can be found here > Previous Suggestion

Information > Health and Safety

But as regards to this suggestion, Ghost said it the most, 'Common Sense'. You do not need to ask someone if they are a minor or an adult, yes some of us are more open about our age than others. But that is our decision to do so, but if you are uncomfortable with a situation or suspect someone breaking rules, PLEASE report it to staff, we have them for a reason and they are a great tool.

If you don't report anything to the staff, they do not know what is going on. Even if you are two adults or two minors and you are uncomfortable at any time, report it. IC and OOC should stay separate, you can still befriend the person oocly who plays the other character but it shouldn't go further than that. This will only restrict roleplay to people in the SRP community.

Once again, I am NOT asking for minors to reveal their ages to the adults on the server as that could endanger them even further. I am asking for common decency and honor from the adult player base that want to roleplay out romance on their characters.
It is NOT hard to ask a simple question. ‘Hey are you a minor?’ ‘Yes/No’ will always suffice as long as you (the adult) are taking that precaution in the first place.
Along with it, These two counteract each other. Minors shouldn't have to say their age unless it is to a member of staff, and even then it would be the parent's decision to share that information. Asking someone their age or asking if they are a minor is asking for their age, Yes saying Yes/No to that question will give the other party an idea of how old they may be. It's best to just avoid this question altogether, If you think someone is being 'sus' with someone else or you think a person is being 'sus' with you, REPORT it to a member of staff.

TLDR; If you or someone else is finding someone being sus, report them to staff.


Level 130
I really don't think this should be implemented as a rule. There's a line of common sense, where if you feel like something's wrong or might go wrong, that you should contact a staff member instead of creating a rule to restrict it completely. For the majority of the relationships in-character that you've described, it doesn't go OOCly.

- Point a.: Personally, I don't find it necessary. You can find out why below!
- Point b.: Yeah, I agree. If anybody uses that as an argument toward your suggestion, they're not in a good mindset
- Point c.: The minor will be revealing their general age to the adult they may roleplay with anyway if they do as you intend (having the adult simply ask). To be honest, they'd be endangering themself further by your terms if they reveal if they are a minor or not

- Point d.: While this is somewhat true, there are those who know how to properly roleplay, and genuinely roleplay instead of having ill-intentions as you say, and this would only restrict them. These comments said ICly are usually not meant for the person OOCly, which I shouldn't need to specify. The reason I underline usually is to imply that, yes, there are rare occurrences where these things ICly may be brought OOCly
- Point e.: This is where I agree with you, however, this is common sense. If any comments are made OOCly about a minor's character, it will usually imply ill-intentions toward the other person behind the screen. If any of this is captured, you may simply report it to the staff team so that they may properly investigate what's happening and take proper action
- Point f.: While this may be true, these banned players are a mere fraction of people who engage in the roleplay you've described on the server, and another part of that fraction will most likely be sheer coincidence

(on a separate note i typed this with a new keyboard and i already know it's gonna be hard to get used to)
This, ghost essentially summed it up perfectly

Not to mention that this has already been suggested before, and led to quite an explosive and completely unnecessary forums argument

If you have any concerns about any adults acting this way towards minors on srp, feel free to report said people to us. We don't take this lightly.


Level 328
This is a rule that looks good on paper, but when put to practice it just does not work.

While yes, we can perfectly forbid people from RomanceRPing with other players who are under the age of 18, there are many questions that can determine whether someone should or shouldn't be punished in your hypothetical scenario. What if the player isn't comfortable with sharing their age? What prevents them from lying about their age for privacy reasons? What determines the boundaries of what's and what's not RomanceRP? Is simple jock flirting considered RomanceRP? It would be near impossible to monitor this

However, we already have steps in place to prevent this. If you are a minor and you feel uncomfortable / sense that an adult in the server has any malicious intents, you are free to report them to Staff. I completely agree that people with a great age gap shouldn't be roleplaying explicit RomanceRP (even if it is not ERP), but we need to acknowledge that this would be practically impossible to monitor due to what I said above.


Level 53

Sure this would make a bit of sense but at the same time it doesn't make any sense, like the others have said it would just make it difficult. Heres the main issue though majority of the server are minors if I am not mistaken and the other half are adults this would make it difficult to even roleplay if this rule was placed, and with what Yonio said the minors could easily lie about their age, If an adult decides to do an act that isn't ok the person could report them for their behavior, so this is not really a good idea, sure the suggestion is to protect said minors but would be much more difficult for everyone.

EDIT: I am not attempting to downgrade anyone, this is my take on it as an adult myself, and not all adults have ill-intentions for this and sometimes they just to roleplay and avoid any type of ERP and such.
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Level 211
Even though you are completely right and I wish this was a thing, unfortunately, it's way too hard to moderate. The only way to make that happen was if SRP was whitelisted and during the application, an ID was required (which I believe it's never going to happen). What I think we should do is add that maybe to the Heath and Safety guidelines and somehow add that to a rule. Even though ICly relationships should remain ICly, we know a lot of minors tend to take things OOCly. I really wish the internet was a safe place but we all know it isn't, so it's always good to remind minors to stay safe and avoid relations like that. And for the adults, we really wished everyone had common sense, but since we know they don't we keep an eye on them and are here for any report needed.


Level 130
IGN: wesnt
DATE: 12/30/22
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: There should be guidelines in place barring adults from roleplaying romance with those who are minors OOCly. Even if it isn’t a rule listed in the actual forums, there should be something strongly urging for this to be stopped.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: As someone who has been on this server for a while, I’m tired of witnessing adults and minors in this community interact in a romantic sense in character because of the implications it could have out of character.
In no way am I implying that every adult on this server roleplaying romance has ulterior motives, but this is something we have to take in consideration when thinking of the player base as a whole.
It’s not news that the server is intended for and mainly consists of minors and their safety is highly disregarded when it comes to instances of ‘RomanceRP’ leading to grooming out of character.

There are no rules currently in place regarding OOC age gaps and roleplaying romantically, nor are there any rules really alluding to the fact that doing something of that sort is inappropriate.
b. To those who are going to reply under my post regarding age of consent laws in other countries; don’t. If that is your main point, you should not be roleplaying on this server at all with that mindset. It should be common sense that the age of consent online, according to the online health and safety guide, is and always has been 18. Your country’s laws do not overrule the health and safety guide online.
c. Once again, I am NOT asking for minors to reveal their ages to the adults on the server as that could endanger them even further. I am asking for common decency and honor from the adult player base that want to roleplay out romance on their characters.
It is NOT hard to ask a simple question. ‘Hey are you a minor?’ ‘Yes/No’ will always suffice as long as you (the adult) are taking that precaution in the first place.
d. If you are thinking of replying under this post something regarding separating character from roleplayer; don’t. Take into consideration there is a minor behind that character no matter how good they can separate themselves from it. You as an adult should not be typing those things to a minor, and a minor should not be typing those things right back to you.
e. I have seen adults making inappropriate comments out of character towards a minor’s character or characters as a result of romantically roleplaying with that character; another example of things in character bleeding to out of character.
Once again, I would like to reiterate there is a MINOR behind that screen reading those comments, potentially internalizing them.
Adults should not be interacting this way with minors at all, even if it is just about characters.
I’ve seen adults refer to a character as their ‘wife/husband,’ call the character ‘hot/sexy’ or something of those sorts, imply they want to date a character that a minor is in control of.
f. I understand it should be common sense to not groom, but no one is that naive. I would like to kindly direct the staff team to their ban logs and think of all the banned players who started off just romantically roleplaying with minors, bleeding into an inappropriate mess out of character.

I am not asking you to give up RomanceRP or anything like that, I am simply stating that you as an adult should be more considerate of the person behind that character.
This is NOT a hard ask whatsoever.

Just because it's "too hard to moderate" does not mean it shouldn't be implemented. The rules being in place stop a lot of these cases, the safety of minors is at stake, and this matter should be taken seriously. This server has a large history of *******s, there are probably hundreds in the ban list... yet almost nothing has been done to stop this besides giving out Minecraft bans.

To those of you who think that disallowing this will "remove the possibility of roleplay", perhaps you should take a long hard glance at your roleplay and realize that it's probably not appropriate in the first place. . . If you want to romancerp, ask a friend YOUR AGE and see if they'd be comfortable playing the character.


Level 130
If an adult decides to do an act that isn't ok the person could report them for their behavior, so this is not really a good idea, sure the suggestion is to protect said minors but would be much more difficult for everyone.
I think you must keep in mind, a lot of people wouldn't recognize this behavior when it's right in front of them. It's easier said than done.


Level 25

As both an adult now but someone who started the server as a minor, minor safety is something that I believe lacks on this server. I've spoken with a few staff members about the subject before and I can understand the moderation piece of it, but at the same time, there are things that myself or other people have reported and nothing happened from it. I also know that everything ends up on the minors shoulders to report, and when in situations where an adult is acting with certain behavior, its difficult for young people to be able to differentiate normal behavior from behavior that could end up malicious.lMaria said it pretty well, bringing up arguments on the other side of moderation and monitoring while also acknowledging the problem at hand. The internet is not a safe place for minors, as much as everyone wishes it could be. I'll speak more about the matter of things that border the boundary line below, but that's also a serious issue. It isn't just all obvious malicious intent, things that border a boundary line between what should and shouldn't be said is also a problem. It leads to confusion of where the line is, what the intent behind certain things may be, blurs friendship and romantic lines, etc. Wether or not its still easy to understand its just a friendship with one person, having those lines blurred at any point will confuse the youth in the long run. Being that I work with (generally younger) youth and study youth work and development, this is something that I've grown extremely concerned about on this server. I could link tons of articles below but I know that generally speaking, no one will actually read them; so I'll sum up most of it.

Some people under this forum keep speaking about "common sense" but the fact of the matter is almost everyone on this server knows at least one person who was banned for grooming or has been *******. Wether that's the server's fault or otherwise isn't what I'm talking about. But minor safety needs to be taken completely seriously. Common sense can be talked about all you want, but there is an issue on this server with adults pushing boundaries with minors. This doesn't just include the obvious behaviors of *******s, but it starts small. Comments such as joke flirting between adults and youth, creating characters soley to romanceRP, and just generally pushing romantic and platonic boundaries between adults and minors are all things that come at the start of these behaviors from adults. While it may not fall under directly malicious behavior, it can end up in conditioning the young person and worse down the line.

However, we already have steps in place to prevent this. If you are a minor and you feel uncomfortable / sense that an adult in the server has any malicious intents, you are free to report them to Staff. I completely agree that people with a great age gap shouldn't be roleplaying explicit RomanceRP (even if it is not ERP), but we need to acknowledge that this would be practically impossible to monitor due to what I said above.
While I understand this, its difficult to place everyone on a minor. In situations where boundaries are blurred, slightly crossed, or fully and obviously crossed, a minor may not actually feel uncomfortable. Recognizing the entirety of a situation that could lead into grooming is not an easy thing while you're in said situation. It generally doesn't become obvious that there was a problem until after the situation itself is over. Just as this suggestion itself is great on paper and maybe not in practice, that goes the same with saying the same thing that most staff who've replied have said. "If you see something, report it to staff." That's great in words and on paper, but in practice puts all of the pressure on the minor and doesn't put any acknowledgement or accountability on the adult until they are punished. And in those cases, generally the adult will not feel remorse for the action itself but because they were caught. Patterns are common and should be kept in mind. Things start out seemingly innocent until boundaries are slightly pushed, then blurred, then don't exist.

This is a long response, but I encourage the full reading of it. This is a very sensitive topic and there are lots of adults (such as myself and wesnt) who see behaviors that could lead to grooming and/or conditioning of a young person but because said young person generally cannot see fully what is going on when in the situation, nothing happens of it. I understand the monitoring piece of it, that is something that I don't exactly know how to overcome, but everything else still stands.


Level 60
While I do understand your points and you are completely right, this is not something like staff have said that can easily be watched on.

- Point a.: Personally, I don't find it necessary. You can find out why below!
- Point b.: Yeah, I agree. If anybody uses that as an argument toward your suggestion, they're not in a good mindset
- Point c.: The minor will be revealing their general age to the adult they may roleplay with anyway if they do as you intend (having the adult simply ask). To be honest, they'd be endangering themself further by your terms if they reveal if they are a minor or not
- Point d.: While this is somewhat true, there are those who know how to properly roleplay, and genuinely roleplay instead of having ill-intentions as you say, and this would only restrict them. These comments said ICly are usually not meant for the person OOCly, which I shouldn't need to specify. The reason I underline usually is to imply that, yes, there are rare occurrences where these things ICly may be brought OOCly
- Point e.: This is where I agree with you, however, this is common sense. If any comments are made OOCly about a minor's character, it will usually imply ill-intentions toward the other person behind the screen. If any of this is captured, you may simply report it to the staff team so that they may properly investigate what's happening and take proper action
- Point f.: While this may be true, these banned players are a mere fraction of people who engage in the roleplay you've described on the server, and another part of that fraction will most likely be sheer coincidence
I wont repeat what ghost has already said but I agree with all of his points.

When letting your child online or you yourself going online, you are accepting these risk of this stuff happening each time you go online for anything. It's the sad truth and I wish it wasn't but that's the internet for you.


Level 6

Sure this would make a bit of sense but at the same time it doesn't make any sense, like the others have said it would just make it difficult. Heres the main issue though majority of the server are minors if I am not mistaken and the other half are adults this would make it difficult to even roleplay if this rule was placed, and with what Yonio said the minors could easily lie about their age, If an adult decides to do an act that isn't ok the person could report them for their behavior, so this is not really a good idea, sure the suggestion is to protect said minors but would be much more difficult for everyone.

EDIT: I am not attempting to downgrade anyone, this is my take on it as an adult myself, and not all adults have ill-intentions for this and sometimes they just to roleplay and avoid any type of ERP and such.
+1 through and through.
While not all adults have ill intentions, that doesn't condone or negate the fact that there are adults who do. It makes sense, despite moderation and the upkeep being a difficult task. I understand there's a struggle, but there should be a guideline. Sure, minors could lie about their age, which should be punishable. If anyone's admitting that sort of personal information, it should not be under false pretenses, that puts them into compromising and potentially dangerous situations. Minors are responsible for protecting themselves, and adults should be held to know and do better. Some minors lack the ability to speak for themselves when it comes to being *******. Lines blur, it's not hard for some people to grow attached or emotionally connected to something they invest their time into. Projection is far too common to ignore. I've heard one too many comments from adults stating a character played by a minor is attractive, sexy, hot, or other inappropriate and objectifying comments. Those are characters a minor plays as, it may be misinterpreted as a compliment to their writing, their art, their skin, whatever it is. It goes from separating a character to taking a personal and genuine interest, where flattery floods a minor's mind and praise is lovely. Only to have a hidden guise and get swept under the rug as a platonic comment.

There should not be so much pressure on a minor in the case of being *******, most often than not, they're lost and confused and suddenly humiliated upon the moment that they feel wrong. That something's amiss. Then, there are cases of responsible adults aiding to report things. Only for an age gap to not be significant enough, not substantial enough evidence. No responsible and level-headed adult wants to see or request evidence of grooming from a minor to report on their behalf. I've witnessed minors reporting situations of grooming, only for them to be so discouraged and helpless to a point that their minds spiral or they're ashamed that it happened in the first place. It's important to recognize that being ******* cannot be a minor's fault. The online age of consent is 18, country lines do not matter to the health & safety guidelines. They cannot consent, which conflicts with an often overbearing sense that they are somehow responsible for being a part of it all.


Level 25
While I do understand your points and you are completely right, this is not something like staff have said that can easily be watched on.

I wont repeat what ghost has already said but I agree with all of his points.

When letting your child online or you yourself going online, you are accepting these risk of this stuff happening each time you go online for anything. It's the sad truth and I wish it wasn't but that's the internet for you.
I disagree with your last point. Minors should not have to accept the fact that they may be *******. Adults should be protecting minors. Especially in a space like this server.


Level 5
if u don't see an issue with adults, who are sitting behind a screen, typing out detailed romantic actions, which they are processing when they write, to a child, knowingly, is an issue, you are the problem :3


Level 105
if u don't see an issue with adults, who are sitting behind a screen, typing out detailed romantic actions, which they are processing when they write, to a child, knowingly, is an issue, you are the problem :3
yes, thing is, these actions are not meant for the child themself (majority of the time, let's say in the 90%-95% range cuz i acknowledge there are those few)


Level 130
yes, thing is, these actions are not meant for the child themself (majority of the time, let's say in the 90%-95% range cuz i acknowledge there are those few)
That does not change the fact that there IS a child on the other end.


Level 105
That does not change the fact that there IS a child on the other end.
yes, but it's spoken as if the adult behind their keyboard, mouse and monitor is implying these things done in-character to the child behind THEIR keyboard, mouse and monitor (which.. it isn't). while it's true there's a child behind that monitor, as long as these things are not brought out of character, i don't find anything wrong with it

think about it this way:
in a lot of replies to this suggestion, it's said that it's wrong for an adult to send romantic actions in-character, towards another minor's character and STRICTLY this character (not the minor i think i made that clear), but it's okay for a minor to send the same action to the same minor? it's the same content, just coming from a different person of a different age; and it's not meant for the minor, but their character.

let's also take these important points into consideration:
While yes, we can perfectly forbid people from RomanceRPing with other players who are under the age of 18, there are many questions that can determine whether someone should or shouldn't be punished in your hypothetical scenario. What if the player isn't comfortable with sharing their age? What prevents them from lying about their age for privacy reasons? What determines the boundaries of what's and what's not RomanceRP? Is simple jock flirting considered RomanceRP? It would be near impossible to monitor this

However, we already have steps in place to prevent this. If you are a minor and you feel uncomfortable / sense that an adult in the server has any malicious intents, you are free to report them to Staff. I completely agree that people with a great age gap shouldn't be roleplaying explicit RomanceRP (even if it is not ERP), but we need to acknowledge that this would be practically impossible to monitor due to what I said above.
Even though you are completely right and I wish this was a thing, unfortunately, it's way too hard to moderate.
If any comments are made OOCly about a minor's character, it will usually imply ill-intentions toward the other person behind the screen. If any of this is captured, you may simply report it to the staff team so that they may properly investigate what's happening and take proper action
But as regards to this suggestion, Ghost said it the most, 'Common Sense'. You do not need to ask someone if they are a minor or an adult, yes some of us are more open about our age than others. But that is our decision to do so, but if you are uncomfortable with a situation or suspect someone breaking rules, PLEASE report it to staff, we have them for a reason and they are a great tool.

If you don't report anything to the staff, they do not know what is going on. Even if you are two adults or two minors and you are uncomfortable at any time, report it. IC and OOC should stay separate, you can still befriend the person oocly who plays the other character but it shouldn't go further than that. This will only restrict roleplay to people in the SRP community.

so.. with all this in mind, let's summarize!
1. it'd be too hard to moderate, even if it WAS added, which has been stated by staff members themselves
2. you can report any ill behavior to the staff team if anything is noticed
3. common sense, and the current rules can already prevent a lot of this from happening
4. if it's kept in character, there should be no issues. (this is why ic should stay ic, gang)
5. what yonio said about what should be punishable or not by wesnt's definitions, as well as the many other things he stated


Level 5
what need does an adult have to be writing out romantic sentences on a roleplay server anyway? no play irl? Seriously, if you are arguing against the fact this is NOT OKAY, you are an issue, and you are part of the problem, kids are impressionable, you, ghostfireswords, should know this.
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