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LORE | 'Discover the Unknown' [W.I.P]


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Discover the Unknown.
A character lore document / biography of Saito Fumiya Yamagashira.

Before we start :
Hey there folks. It's me, your favorite person, the legend the myth simplez. Before you read this massive document I whipped up, it's best that you understand some more things
  1. please under no circumstance take any of what is written ICLY. Thank you
  2. The document is written from an ICLY perspective (I,Myself,Me refereces to Saito)
  3. Saito is still alive, so this document will be updated reguarly after certain events that might play out. (Expect this to be long)
  4. If you all think it's way to long, let me know so I can make a short summary
  5. please excuse my horrible spelling. . .
Right, that is basically everything you need to know before you start reading probably this way to big lore document.
this took me way to long to make.

Word count: ~9000
Chapters: 13

The actual biography part of this all.

Personal Information

INHERITED SURNAME: (Saito Fumiya) Yamagashira
BIRTH NAME: Saito Fumiya

AGE: 25
RACE: Filipino
COUNTRY OF BIRTH: Philippines, Visayan
DATE OF BIRTH: 18/4/1998 - (18th of april, 1998)

LANGUAGES: Visayan* Korean* JSL* & Japanese (*= still have to apply but im lazy)

Less Important, More interesting

ALIASES : ‘OVERSEER’ - ‘Devils Associate’ - ‘The watcher’

STRENGTH ⫷ 6 ⫸ ‘He is not a fighter, never wanted to be. So he never trained it, he can hand out a punch though.’
PERCEPTION ⫷ 8 ⫸ ‘Don’t even try. You’ll regret it.’
ENDURANCE ⫷ 5 ⫸ ‘It’s like basic endurance, he didn’t train on it.
CHARISMA ⫷ 7 ⫸ ‘Generally described as handsome, hot or stuff like that.’
INTELLIGENCE ⫷ 8 ⫸ ‘Quite the smart fellow, he set up some businesses with a reason’
AGILITY ⫷ 6 ⫸ ‘Not super duper speedy, but quick enough with his hands and feet.’
LUCK ⫷ 2 ⫸ ‘He isn’t all too lucky really..’
Ty AtJayy for this format


VISIBLE MARKS / SCARS : Tattoo - Destiny Symbols (L. Hand) Tattoo - Yamagashira Logo(B-L. Shoulder) Scar - (Under L. Eye.) Scar - (R. Arm)

This next part in the document is the actual lore of Saito. It’s written from an ICLY POV.

Story telling: Before my destiny


Right okay, Let’s talk a little bit about myself! But, before I came here to Japan, kind of the reason why I even went here in the first place.

I was born in the Philippines, the Visayan to be exact. It’s a small part of the philippine islands who have their own dialect, which therefore is also my native language. A lot of people do not seem to know this even exists, and I have not run into anyone speaking about it in this town either. Now I have had a fairly decent overall youth. I grew up with an older brother named Saionji and a father named Kyruki my mother, who was named Juzi wasn’t there as she had died shortly after my birth. My dad told me she was anorexic and died in the hospital sadly. As I was fairly young, and only knew my mother for maybe 2 weeks I wasn’t all too affected by my mothers passing, and my dad proposed as a good father figure in my life, whilst things might have been somewhat struggling. My dad worked 2 jobs, his main job was a furniture shop where he would work everyday from 9 - 5 and on the weekends he had an extra job at a small local café on the outskirts of the downtown area. This meant that my father had already taught my, at the time 4 year old brother how to make simple chicken noodles with rice for the weekends. Once my brother was old enough to work a job, he took the same job as my father, so he could quit his job at the café and spend time home with us. My youth never had anything to do with crimes, traumatic experiences or anything remotely close. The worst I can remember happening was my father needing to go to the hospital because he sprained his ankle when he fell off his bicycle. Life started to kind of take a turn when my brother turned 17. Our family had all sc****d some cash together so we could buy him a plane ticket to Japan, Karakura. where he always wanted to move to finish his studies. Or atleast, that is what he told us. Some of our cousins, Masura Yamagashira and some others. Lived there together and also tried to convince us to let my brother move to Karakura, but they were a bit eager for it though. It always seemed a bit suspicious. And he proved us right.

After my brother left, tragedy struck sort of as then the, somehow usual part of a down spiral in people's lives began for me as well. Just a couple months after my brother left in early April, my father got diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, for his age quite rare to be such a heavy disease but it turns out my father had a history of heavy smoking until we were born. He was hospitalized for a week, then released on medication with therapy but shortly after near the end of June he was hospitalized in critical condition. Only a couple days later he sadly passed away. So, then it was just me, with my only parent now gone out of my life, and a brother on the other side of an ocean. I didn’t have a reason to leave the Philippines so I stayed, staying but sadly failing in school as i always ran on minimal sleep and had no time to study, I was working 2 jobs to try and pay for my own food and care whilst paying rent for a, stupidly expensive, small, box liked apartment close to my school in the downtown area. As I had no money for a car, neither did I take driving lessons in the first place. I spent a lot of my time saving up money to try and find a better location for me to live, with an actual good job, cheaper rent & rent. So I could live a bit more stable and less worried. I spent a lot of my time looking for differe-

[!] 5:29am. Saito's phone rang. ‘Masura’ - Was calling.
Masura - “Hey, Saito. I hope I didn’t wake you up”

Saito - “Well you did… ugh.”

Masura - “Right sorry for calling if yo-”
Saito - “Just tell me what you need, cousin”

Masura - “someone has an early morning attitude.”

Saito - “No shit, it’s 5:31 in the morning and you're calling me about… What are you calling me about?”

Masura - “I’m calling about an offer. And about your brother.”

Saito - “Right! Saionji, How is he? Since he moved he barely answers his phone.”

Masura - “There isn’t an easy way to tell you this, so i won’t even try.”

Saito - “what are you talking about?”

Masura - “Your brother is in jail, and my god he did some fucked up shit.”

Saito - “Jail..? Masura what the fuck are you talking about”

[!] on Masura’s side of the call, a shift in some papers can be heard

Masura - “Capital murder, First degree murder, assault with a deadly weapon, breaking and entering, kidnapping, voluntary manslaughter, possession of illegal weaponry, hostage taking and evasion.”

Masura - “Saito, are you still here?”

Masura - “Saito… SAITO”


Masura - “I wish i was lying but I’m not, he was fucking insane okay? I told him he needed to seek help but he didn’t.”

Saito - “you are saying you KNEW about all that stuff when it was HAPPENING? Are you fucking out your god damn mind?!”

Masura - “Yes I knew. Who gives a fuck anyway, he’s in jail, not on fucking death row.”

Saito - “And you are calling me at 5:30 am to tell me this shit?!”

Masura - “No. I’m telling you this because I need someone to fill in his spot, and who better to fill in a spot where you can make a fuck ton of money, than his own economically struggling brother”

And from that moment, my entire life got shaken upside down.

Saito - “What are you talking about…”

Masura - “Listen to me. Saito.”

Masura - “I’ve heard you're struggling, working your ass off for a bit of payment for that shitty apartment of yours. But listen here. Your brother was going to get a very important… ‘job’ in a business project of mine. And now he can’t do it, and I know you need the money. And with this I can give you, no. I PROMISE you, you will get a shit ton of money”

Saito - “How much are we talking… And what do I even do..”

Masura - “If all goes well, I’d say around 1,500,000 yen as a monthly payment.”

Saito - “And, what is the job?”

Masura - “You know about Yakuza’s right?”

Saito - “Of course, but what does that have to do with anything”

Masura - “I own one. And you are going to help me make a casino thats gonna be rigged as fuck, like the americans say ‘the house always wins’ okay?”

Saito - “You want me to fly out to.. “Karakura”? Make an illegal casino with you, for an illegal organization…?”

Masura - “Do you want 1.5 million yen per month?”

Saito - “...When can I start?”

Masura - “I’ll see you in two weeks at the airport.”

Before I knew it, I was working over hours at both of my jobs, saving up enough yen together with my old savings to fly out to Japan, Karakura. And to also have some money left over, so I wouldn’t be dead broke of course. Finally being able to afford a one way plane ticket. I packed my bags and set off for seemingly a new, much more, interesting, and thrilling chapter of my life.

Welcome!: An introduction to this shit show

16/07/22 - The Yamagashira Yakuza was made

When I arrived at the airport, honestly my mind was filled with all kinds of thoughts about my brother, Who seemingly was some psychotic mass murder. The job. I couldn’t believe Masura is able to make me alone for just 1.5 million yen per month, well. That's what he expects if I help him the right way, who knows. It might even be more! I was honestly quite stoked to finally be making a good paycheck, but then again I also was scared out of my mind to be honest.. After all what I was supposed to be doing, and getting myself involved in isn’t exactly… Legal. Once my plane had finally landed, I checked out, got my bags and walked out into the normal area of the airport. I didn’t exactly know who was going to pick me up, I had gotten like.. no details at all. So my first encounter with them was not exactly… Smooth? Yeah In short terms, Masura texted me to go OUTSIDE of the airport, to the parking lot. So logically I did and then I got greeted by two men, who had these black horned hats. They used them to kind of cover their faces as they literally grabbed me by the arms and threw me inside of a dark gray car, while Masura was casually sitting next to me in the back seat. what the fuck.

After a long and painfully silent drive, Masura took me up to a towerfloor that they had bought where apparently everybody was waiting on me. Keep in mind I just got off of a plane here, and now I was supposed to introduce myself to a group of violent criminals in a matter of seconds. And I was not prepared at all, the only thing next to this piece of information and a set of spare keys was a special made suit with a logo on it, which still is one of the best suits I own. Nonetheless I am not too big of a coward, so I winged everything from the start till the end, and I think it worked out. At that time of course people looked a bit confused, and irritated at me. As suddenly the brother of the old guy in charge showed up, I think some thought I nabbed their chance at making millions, which I’d pridefully do every time I’d get the chance. But soon enough they started to get more in the mindset, I was now a higher up, and they are just a member doing work for me. So, they started to actually LISTEN. Since suddenly they all realized I am not as psychotic as the rest of them, not at all basically so for them I was a bit ‘normal’ which should make it easier for them to do as I say. Is what I thought. It actually made them hold somewhat of a grudge against me, also because I am in charge of the businesses, they said I wasn’t ‘worthy’ enough to be affiliated with them, which is some of the most dumbest shit I ever heard coming out a gang affiliates mouth, and I directly told them that as well. They weren’t happy about that

After all though I wasn’t exactly there to make friends, I was here to do actual business. I don’t think a seventeen year old would be quite fitting for the job but Masura said he trusts my ‘potential’ so I just went to work. I spent weeks organizing and thinking of different business ideas together with the rest of the team. Masura already settled down with the idea of a casino for now, and once that is done we’d think of other businesses if needed. So generally I was put in charge of that. Me and Masura managed to obtain a towerfloor in one of the estates which we were planning to transform into the actual casino. Together with an architect, Masura and I planned out what it was supposed to look like, where the doors were, the main halls etc etc. It took a couple of weeks before everything got done, especially since all the materials had to be transported to the top floor, as we had the penthouse to our access, so that was a bit of a slow process. nonetheless, after a couple of weeks it was done and more glorious than ever.

18/08/22: - The Yamagashira Casino interior was finished.

Welcome!: Problem city

Masura and I included an interior designer into the process as well, so we didn’t have to look for one afterwards, everything just got built all together. This allowed me specifically to start working on the machines and how to rig them, which was.. quite a daunting task to be honest, I don’t exactly remember how much time I spent looking into those god damn wires and shit. I remember ordering different motherboards and copying the game code onto a laptop with a USB, connecting it all and trying to edit it. But in the end I just couldn’t get it to work. So I just moved onto the other games next to the slots we’d want to have, roulette. Poker and Blackjack.
These were still kind of a hassle to figure out, but I managed to kind of just use a simple system, which required a lot of trust.. That's where we began running into issues. It was sort of like a pact with the dealers and trustworthy members or friends of ours, I referred to them as ‘Jokers’. Basically the dealers would have a rigged set of cards up their sleeve which they trained to take out easily. They gave these rigged cards to the ‘Jokers’. The Jokers would just sit at random tables and so called play, but each of them keeps getting a rigged hand which they will play casually with, trying to get the betting as high as possible. Of course to lose attraction since, it’s suspicious if someone wins 16 times in a row, the dealer's hand out a series of bad hands too, which it’s up to the ‘Joker’ if they’d like to play along for the fun of it or fold their hand. A seemingly flawless system, payouts would be 25% to the joker & 25% to the dealer of what the table made, and 50% to us. Profitable as shit. But the problems arose when we needed a lot of various, trustworthy people. Of course even mentioning this system to someone and they deny it can be a problem, if for whatever reason they decided they’d want to bring everything down. It was a big risk for us to take and find people, and it really took a long time to get a decent set of ‘Jokers’. Same with the dealers, the dealers got special training by me and were also in on the scam, so they needed to be trusted as well. It was a heck of a process. And then right when I thought the business problems were over

A huge problem arose.

Myself and Masura were, at that day in time, both 18 years of age. Of course like any establishment we also planned to have a bar, inside the Casino.
So, what is the problem you might say? Well Japan has very strict alcohol and gambling laws, both of which you need to be above the age of 20 for.
Now, at first it might not seem as a problem, after all it was already illegal since we were setting up a fully running business form inside a tower floor, owned by a yakuza with notorious criminals and that is heavily rigged. But those were all not easily known to a public level. But our age was literally mine and Masura’s I.D. Card, so at any point in time if the cops rolled up to the tower floor once our business was running and they asked for I.D.’s they could take the entire business down and take us in for illegal alcohol distribution and possession, as well as underage gambling. on TOP of that, everyone who lost money at that time before it got taken down was free of right to file a lawsuit and claim for a 100% refund on the funds that they lost.
And this took a big hit on Masura.

07/09/22: - Alongside the other problems, Yamagashira was threatened to be removed off of the Unverified roster.

[!] - An audio recording would start to play
Saito: “So, what do we do now?”

Masura: “I don't know man…”

Saito: “We can always try?”

Masura: “Let me ask you this, Saito. Would you rather live rich in prison, or be broke for a little bit but a free man”

Saito: “...Fair point.”

Masura: “What do you mean?”

Saito: “Oh, uh. Sorry, I thought you were making a point that it's best to.. not try and open the businesses.”

Masura: “Well.. I was but, right just forget it.”
Saito: “Okay but then.. what do we do now?”

Masura: “Saito I don’t know, everything is going to shit okay?”

Saito: “Can you figure something out? At Least? oh and preferably something.. less gruesome”

Masura: “Oh so now you are going to fucking complain about whatever?”

Saito: “Okay nevermind then! I'll leave so u can figure something out asshole.”

[!] - The recording ended with the sound of a door slamming as it cut off abruptly

09/09/22: - Yamagashira went into pause & was removed off of the Unverified gang roster

And all of a sudden it was gone.

A chapter in between.
[!] - An audio recording would start to play, it sounded like it started to record in the middle of a conversation

Masura: “Does it look like I’m kidding?”

Saito: “this is fucking bullshit!”

Masura: “Calm the fuck down Saito it isn’t this big of a deal!”


Masura: “Shut the fuck up! Stop fucking yelling you idiot!”


Masura: “It’s not working! It’s a fucking flop!”

Saito: “How is it a fucking flop! You sit on your lazy ass all day whilst your psychotic little hencemen go around and ruin peoples lives! In your eyes that shouldn’t be a flop now huh?!”

Masura: “You know what hm? I’ll cut the shit Saito. WE AREN’T GONNA MAKE A SINGLE FUCKING PENNY. IT'S OVER.”

Saito: “Fuck do you mean its over?!”

Masura: “I mean that IT. IS. OVER. I already told you I was done with this shit so cut your whiney little attitude and shut the fuck up!”

Saito: “Okay Okay, I see how it is. So you’re just gonna call this shit quits and expect me to live with that? Do you know how HARD I WORKED FOR THIS SHIT MASURA?”



Masura: “Saito. It just won't work! + You know the fucking laws! they could arrest us in one fell swoop!”

Saito: “Well you’re gonna fucking pay me.”

Masura: “Excuse you?”

Saito: “You heard what I said. Owe up to your promise. cousin.”

Masura: “I didn’t promise you shit, and even if I did i couldn’t give two fucks about it.”

[!] - You could audiobally hear someone walk, as some screaming and interference started, from the mixed screaming you were able to understand Masura was now grabbed by Saito.



[!] - A sound of compliance from Masura, Aka: Silence.

Saito: “You promised me. 1.5 million Yen per month. I’ve worked many months on all of this, joined you on your little bullshit trauma missions. And now, you just wanna quit it all? Before we even get to the big stuff? Fine by me. but you are going to pay me 1.5 million for every single month since I flew out to Karakura, for apparently. FUCKING NOTHING.”

Masura: “Didn’t you have a good time.. spending time with your cousin?”

Saito: “I’d rather join my brother in jail than listen to more of your bullshit, cause my god you are talking fucking horse shit right now.”

Masura: “You know, fuck you Saito.”

Saito: “Go ahead and play the victim, but you're the one who manipulated me with my financial situation to be here. And if you keep playing victim, ill fucking make you an actual victim.”

Masura: “Maybe you aren’t so different from your brother after all, don't you think?”

[!] - A series of punches could be heard, soon a lot of shifting, stuff falling to the ground and a fight clearly had abrupted, something got smacked on the table where the tape recorder was, and after a bit of a struggle from a fight, it sounded like the table got swiped clean with a man. Making the recorder fall onto the ground and abruptly pausing the recorder. It was only until later that the tape got resumed, for the listeners. this would sound like a clean cut, no transition.

Saito: “I better see 1.5 million in an envelope every month.”

Masura, who was groaning a bit. possibly out of pain, or anger. : “How the fuck am I gonna get that money?”

Saito: “Go figure something out. Just like I did.”

[!] - A loud slam of a door was heard, followed by walking through a room as Saito, who grasped the recorder. walked down a set of stairs, entered through more doors. and stepped in an elevator. You could hear Satio his breathing increase, shiftingly walking around and seemingly pounding on the side of the elevator, clearly he was breaking down.

13/09/22: - Yamagashira’s official disbanding as leadership was handed over to Nylu

[!] - The ding of the elevator rang, Saito walked out audibly, still you could hear him silently sob.

Saito: “What the fuck am I doing here… I shouldn’t be here”

[!] - The sobbing would seemingly increase, with more volume as you could barely make out Saito went to sit down on the curb, although. Faintly in the distance you could hear a man approaching, and saying something, which would slowly become clearer

MAN: “Are you alright, yo?”

Saito: “Does it fucking look Like I am?”

MAN: “Ay, calm down man.”

[!] - You could hear the man seemingly sit down next to Saito

MAN: “C’mon, what's wrong.”

Saito: “I.. I shouldn't be here..! My own cousin betrayed me I.. I got manipulated and I.. this.. Dad wouldn’t be proud of me”

MAN: “C’mon man get a grip on yerself, slow down a bit so I can help”

Saito: “Right- Sorry.. sorry…”

MAN: “Start over, slowly this time.”

Saito: “My… My cousin got me to.. move here ‘cause of some stuff.. but.. he uh. he was lying about everything a-and… because I moved here and.. worked with him he.. he like.. got me to see some.. h-horrible stuff.. a-and got me to do stuff.. t-that I don’t wanna do..”

MAN: “Ah yeah that is fucked up m-”

Saito: “I don’t wanna hurt people.. I-I’m a nice guy-! This isn’t what my father would have wanted…”

MAN: “Man as much as I wanna help you here, shut the fuck up and listen. I get pissed off if someone talks over me. So shut up, kay?”

[!] - A moment of compliance A.K.A: Silence

MAN: “Kay, now listen man that sucks to hear of course. Yer shouldn’t have to deal with that shit but I’m sure yer got some good times here now, yeah”

Saito: “I.. I guess so…”

MAN: “Well what ya wanna do now? Get back at yer cousin?”

Saito: “I don’t know… I had a plan but… I might wait with it all..”

MAN: “Well what's the plan?”

Saito: “nothing for right now..”
MAN: “Right. . well here then”

[!] - Someone could be heard digging inside some pockets, taking out what sounded like a piece of paper.

Saito: “What's this..?”

MAN: “Call me when ya feel like talking ‘bout yer plan, I’d be happy to help…”

[!] - A small period of silence, insinuating the man was waiting for Saito answer with his name

Saito: “Saito… Saito Yamagashira..”

MAN: “Sweet. Later, Saito.”

[!] - The man could be hear standing up as well as steps that would slowly fade out

Saito: “...interesting fellow…”

Emotions are causing problems.

13/09/22 - Otake-Tatsu started with Nylu as the lead

Right, everything–including myself–went to absolute shit. I overheard a conversation between one of our rookies named Sefu Takana and Masura. Sefu was a creative fellow, not the one you would expect to be involved in this type of stuff and, maybe he didn’t want to be involved cause, that's what it sounded like. He talked about how some organization or whatever that is international had been blackmailing Sefu with like pictures of his family, some stuff like that and that they’d be hurt if he didn’t follow their orders. In his own words he said he was ordered to set up basically a HQ in Karakura for that organization, and well. Masura was just mentally down the drain so he didn't give a shit. He told Sefu he could do whatever the fuck he desired or needed to do and then said he would basically hand us over like we were pawns into Sefu’s hand. Which some of us didn’t comply with. Everyone knew Sefu maybe had some potential but nobody was really too enthusiastic about it, everyone believed in Masura full heartedly so when his spirit died, so did most of the rest. A lot of them parted ways, saying they were going to leave this life behind, move on to other things and some other bullshit stories. Criminals are criminals, there isn’t an easy way out. So I wouldn’t be surprised if I had to face one of them in a big gang brawl later
I was one of the few that decided to stick with Sefu though. Somewhere deep down his words kind of hit me real hard, he told me he knew my potential, he knew my skills and somewhat had always looked up at me, flattered of course it felt like I got another punch in the heart when he offered me the position of Kyodo, the second in command of Otake-Tatsu. Of course I accepted this amazing offer, and in return I gave Sefu my word, my word that we would achieve something far better together, and this time won't fall down the drain.

I had no idea what I got myself into.

Even though I was now getting myself involved in yet another criminal arc of some sorts, I still had a normal life, or at least that is what I had to portray for the rest of the world to see, I was still 18 so I still went to school 5 days a week, I still had some–but not many–friends who were just, normal citizens, not involved in this hellscape underworld of crime in Karakura which to some extent can somehow be very hard to do. I did meet this girl though, Rin. She is very sweet and all that. A very close friend of mine, she always offered her apartment if I needed to crash somewhere which I often had too. Sleep is a rare thing in my ‘profession’. We grew a really close bond over time and yes, yes, we started to like each other. Due to some financial issues I had to at that moment move out, so I moved in together with Rin, everything seemed to be going fairly well between us. The only real problem was that she wasn’t ready to commit to a relationship fully yet, she just got out of a rough relationship before meeting me, so the idea of getting together with someone wasn’t really something she wanted.
With Sefu, everything seemed to be going alright. We had kind of finished setting everything up, we put an interior into the house Sefu bought, set up the website and spam emails so, everything seemed to be done, we had some members, enough for a start. But really everything was kind of the opposite of Yamagashira, everything was silent, mysterious and hidden. Like quite literally hidden, not even I knew Sefu his exact motivations or reasons of doing this, I only know he got blackmailed into doing it but that is all, and seeing who Sefu is, he’d need to have a reason of his own to make it like this, cause this isn’t how that group wanted it. This is how he wanted it to be.

The never ending feeling of Regret

It’s kind of difficult to talk about this next part. It’s more about me, you know. Cause I can’t lie, I’ve had some regret in my life about this, all of this. evening beginning with moving here. Always this sense of regret chased me around whilst I wandered around in this town, many aspects remind me of home, and what that was like. Especially the Zen Garden, it’s a place I like to visit often, it reminds me of my grandma’s house which was far out in the hills, a small town of just a couple houses and services buildings, connected by 1 road which traveled through the landscaping around. I never really intended to become the criminal that I am today, I never intended to be this, greedy and selfish. But I am a man of morals, and a man of my word.
I can’t stand it if someone lies to me, or doesn’t owe up to their promise. I spent months here now, almost a full year. It hasn’t been too easy really. Having to live a double life, as a normal student and someone portrayed as a vicious criminal, really I’m not even violent. I always think back to what my father would have wanted, and the only answer I can think of is to not hurt people, which is neither what I want. I don’t want to use violence to achieve a seemingly hopeless goal portrayed and idolized by a bunch of criminals who have a favor in the harming of others to achieve what they need. I’m not like that, still I was forced to be.
I can’t say I haven’t had my traumatic experiences working alongside Yamagashira. Truly sometimes it was, something brutal. The stories I would hear would give anyone a thrill on their spine, not even needing to be there to understand how truly harmful and psychotic it was. I always tried to come up with excuses, so I could stay out of it. But in some scenarios you cannot avoid it. I regret things I’ve done, the way I’ve harmed people, all because I needed to prove what I was capable of, needed to show what I can do weidling a sharpened blade. That wasn’t me. That was an image that I needed to portray. I don’t know their names. I don’t know if they even know me, but a wide statement can do the same.

I’m sorry. And I’m mostly sorry to you, father.

Was it worth it? I have no idea.

Otake-Tatsu – Saito preparing.

Still, managing to live on with these experiences, thoughts etc. I have come to the conclusion that there is still no avoidance in the work I need to do. I'm now even more broke than I was when I originally moved here to Karakura. I still need to involve myself to try and find a way out, which I know is not easy. This new thing, Otake-tatsu, It’s even more secretive than Yamagashira. Sefu promised me it wouldn’t be as gruesome and to some extent I believe him, but then again I also don’t. I know it’s about achieving his goals in whichever way possible, and most likely to favor us in the end. I’m seeking alternatives, I have idea’s, I have plans, I have motives. I just don’t have the courage, and man power to do so.
I’ve told my plans to one person, they said it sounded almost like going rouge, working against and with criminals to achieve my goal. But then again that is what everyone wants, everyone has a goal. And the people who support that and give away their lives for it are just the pawns on the chess board. But we are the players, we guide where they go and what they do. But I have my own motives in doing so. I don’t see it as using them as it’s their choice, if they would wish to support me, and they’ll be rewarded. It’s a unique idea, a different thing. Not a psychotic filled organization who wants to rule the world, take over and destroy everyone no. Far from that. But everyone will just have to wait and see.

In the meantime though, Sefu has been working on doing stuff with Otake. I’ve kind of been multitasking managing my ideas but also supporting Sefu and helping. Of course, we haven’t killed anybody surprisingly but we have kidnapped a fair share of people already. Sefu advises us to pick our own targets but, I’m running my own kind of game with that.
He never really tells us why we are doing what we are doing, sometimes it’s quite scary to see how lifeless everybody can be and just follow what He or I says they should do, but then again that’s basically the dream of what everybody would want, just a chessboard full of pawns who won’t even ask about what you are doing, my curiosity is killing me though but I’m managing to keep it for myself. Although I’m starting to realise, what Sefu is doing it’s.. different from what we are all used to but, no one really knows why he does what he does, he always keeps talking about some batman type stuff but, surely that can’t be just it… I told Sefu I had my own way of ‘dealing with people’ and he said he didn’t really care how I delt with them, just as long as I completed what I wanted. So essentially he got me to kind of work out my ideas to begin with..

See it as a radio silence.
Nothing all too different happened.
Just the usual, Otake was thriving.
Something just didn’t sit right with me.

But then I heard Sefu was in jail
Because he stabbed a police officer
No public reason.
No nothing
That’s when I just knew It wasn’t for me

Even though I technically was sort of the co-founder for it. The right hand man of Sefu, the moment when I heard he was in jail I lost a bit of faith, but also some respect and of my morals. I didn’t want violence, but I was in no position to stop him from doing so, I was in no position to stop anyone in Otake-tatsu to stop them from doing so. I thought it would be best to maybe start preparing a bit of my idea, and set things into motion. Because Sefu might get caught sooner than we all expect. I didn’t plan on leaving, just yet. I still wanted to kind of see how things turned out to be. But I knew my time within Otake-Tatsu wasn’t going to be very long.


The everlasting feeling of guilt, only became worse. It was drilled into my mind. The flashbacks. The thoughts. Everytime we did something collectively as a group, Otake-tatsu or when I saw or heard about what the members did individually. I would just be reminded. I can still visualize everything like it’s in front of me. I can still visualize my father. It all is kind of centered around my father. Everything just got so.. crowded? Inside of my head, I slowly started to kind of drift away from reality..
I kept having nightmares, I barely slept. I preferred to stay awake and just sit with my thoughts, listening to them as I stayed awake doing work or trying to think of my own goals but that didn’t help. It kind of made things worse. Sometimes I would hear my father talk to me, I don’t know how but probably because I have his voice printed in my memory. This insomnia started to make me delusional, I couldn’t really function. I saw him.
In the beginning I didn’t know if it was real or not, but I learnt that the hard way, as in smacking into a wall face first.
It was just like these little glitches, small flashbacks or visible hallucinations of him that would just keep flashing in and out sometimes. Or sometimes just a full on delusional episode. I once recorded myself doing work and, after looking back at the footage, I spent 2 and a half hours talking to a wall. And the fucked up part is, I don’t even remember who I saw.

I knew therapy was an option but not for me. Not with this. I didn’t know how to reform the words to make me look like a victim of the horrible crimes I committed instead of saying that I was the one committing them, I didn’t and still do not want to end up in a jail cell. I just tried to live with it the best I could, but. Even Rin saw how bad my condition was getting. Me and her had a big, long talk. I basically threw up with everything I said I’d never share to anyone but, it was necessary. She understood and, somehow, it did not change her opinion and view of me.
It helped clear some weight off of my shoulders, and actually made me able to get in a couple hours of sleep for once in a while again. Not a full night's rest, more like 3 hour naps at a time. I definitely saw the delusional episodes lower but obviously not cure at once, but atleast I knew it wasn’t schizophrenia or something like that.

Maybe I should start over


I had a bit of trouble, a bit of issues amongst myself. I saw all this violence that was commencing in the gang itself, it was portrayed like just useless acts of crime to harm others, maybe they weren’t though. I never asked for the motives behind them as I’m sure the members wouldn’t care to share it, as some things just go unexplained, and some actions go unjustified. The main reason for what Otake-Tatsu did was karma but that is such a loose term.
Did the people we hurt do something against us? do something against Sefu? I have no clue, for me I just did something different. I didn’t just harm them because people harmed me, no no, I had my own reasons. But then again I never set out to harm people physically. I had constructed a plan for myself on how to kind of stay away from violence unless it was absolutely necessary, in a life-threatening situation or if I just needed a drastic measure to use. But I knew I was never going to, nor capable of going so far to take away someone's life.

I was thinking to myself on what to do. I had the idea, I had the reasons, I should just go ahead and do it right? Set my plan into motion. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t fully commit to it even though I already somewhat started, with my ways of doing so in Otake. Something was holding me back, and I knew what. This life. This name. Saito Yamagashira. Masura had gotten arrested a long time ago, they already knew just from the basic patterns from every member killed and arrested that the last name Yamagashira itself meant it was up to no good. But I couldn’t change that. I didn’t want to change that.
I always kept the last name with pride, I was one of the last blood relatives out on free foot. No one else was there to hold the name and make it so prestigious and glorious as we imagined it would be, back when we were running the Yakuza. All of the members who took the last name as the clan Title mostly disappeared, or changed it from their name to hide their history. But I never was going to do so. It might not be my birth name but it is family. It is my father's last name, so I’ll always keep it with pride.
Although, still everybody knew me. Saito Yamagashira. I was a bit known in some parts of the criminal world, mainly for Otake-tatsu of course but then also just for the old members of Yamagashira, which some were still around. Even though I didn’t have a criminal record, it was best if everyone were to suddenly forget my existence, no longer recognize me. That I basically vanish from plain sight.

Luckily, I knew how to achieve this.

The explanation

A little bit about Uradõri,
Uradõri is my great idea, my prized possession.

Uradõri is, or what I want it to be, an organization about more financial and status harm. I don’t want to necessarily murder people, take off and amputate limbs no no. The most we’ll do is kidnapping. But I have a neat plan for everything. I want to be able to make money. To make a profit. And well how do you do that? There’s multiple ways but I know for myself that I have the right skill set for two of them. Blackmail and extortion. I pay attention, I hear things, I see things. If I could just spy, collect evidence and then blackmail not just anybody, no. Criminals. And force them to pay me, or else I’ll go to the Karakura Police department? Oh boy. They’ll have a problem.

I want to speak out the truth regardless.

Good people do bad things. That’s what I tell myself whenever I think of this.
I’m a good person. I’m not a Criminal. After all, I might be doing the government a favor.

I want to speak out the truth, show all of these dumb, idiotic, egoistic, selfish and psychotic murders that they aren’t as slick as they think. That they aren’t well hidden. Like, it’s so pathetic whenever I look at them it’s so idiotic, talking from personal experience here. Everything is wide open, so easy to see if you just look a bit closer. They aren’t hidden. And for everything they're doing I'm going to make them wish they never did it. I know what to do, I know where to look. what to do with my information, what to do with my evidence etc. And they don’t know what to do when they get an envelope on their doorstep with pictures of themselves and an ominous letter. They’ll panic their shits out and try to find out who in god's name sent it to them. But I only have an alias. Cause just starting this, just making this organization and finding members. ‘pawns’ as they say to do even more work for me, so I can make a bigger impact
I won’t lie to you. I’m doing this for the money it can bring me too. That I was making a casino doesn’t mean I can now just use that we’ve gone over the problems, besides that Masura excluded me from the tower after our littler.. ‘argument’. I need a new way to make money, besides a job. Something with actual good income. Because my financial struggles aren't exactly over. It feels like they just started up again, like I’m falling back into my old life, which I’m too far to do now. I want what I was promised all those years ago, I want what I deserve for putting in blood, sweat, tears and what not. But that’s not all. I need another step, a step to make myself invisible.

Think about it.
Being completely hidden away.
A living ghost back to haunt the living,
having a new name, a new face.
A new life.


What am I doing in those 7 years?

No okay I know what it looks like
all this prep, all this talk about criminal stuff, blackmailing, extortion you name it
yet I’m going to study first

I’m studying criminology and journalism. I know there is a news station in karakura. And what better job to get yourself legally involved in other people's business than a reporter? All jokes aside, criminology actually teaches me some stuff too. Mainly more about the reasons why and the impact that criminals have on the world and it’s economy and stuff like that, still a good thing just to have always in the back of your mind.This combination of journalism and criminology should kind of by basics enhance that my business is crime, I know much about it, so why not be nosy as fuck about it too? It should kind of give me a free pass to get myself involved in stuff I really shouldn’t get involved in, but also other people involving me in their business, of what they saw, heard etc.

Then we also have the reason of: what else am I going to do?

My plan is to disappear for a solid time, cause someone won’t just be presumed dead and declared missing in 2 weeks. I mean I don’t think anyone would even bat an eye when it comes to Karakura, but I’m cutting off all contact I have except with 1 person, the same person who knows about everything that I’m going to do. But not even family. I want in the database of Japan that the person named Saito Fumiya Yamagashira is missing, presumed dead. Think of how ideal it would be.
Some people might say ‘oh it won’t change anything, you’re still doing the crime and now just with a fake name and everything’ and I get where you are coming from, but the fake name and everything is what is so important. Supposedly I’ll be just a guy who moved to Karakura cause why the heck not? No one would know me, but I would know everyone. I don’t expect things to change in the time that I’m gone, and even if they do I still have my informant in Karakura, so it wouldn’t even be an issue.
If no one knows me I can go about my normal day whilst just watching over everyone else, cause like no one knows I’m connected to the old and probably long forgotten by that point Yamagashira Yakuza, the last name would just be a ‘coincidence’. No one would know I was a higher up and loyal member in Otake-tatsu. It’s basically concealing all my knowledge and making it so no one can even try and pull the same thing I’m doing on me

It’s just smart.
And it is just the right thing to do.

Sadly, it requires a lot of work though
I’ve had to go through the process of getting a new Japanese passport, next to the normal stuff such as coming up with a name, a story, and of course the visible appearances. I don’t want to change much about my looks so I’m just going to stick with dying my hair black. I also had to figure out what day the Karakura town hall introduced the fingerprint scanners to the normal I.D. cards because I already have one in Karakura. But if I’m lucky I got mine before they introduced fingerprint scanners into the I.D. process then once I return I can just get a new I.D. card and we are all good.
If I got mine and my fingerprint is in the database, I have two options

  1. Burn off my fingerprints
  2. Don’t get an I.D. card
The second option is.. way more doable but nonetheless I’m hoping I got my I.D. before. And I can’t actually check as I’ve given my I.D. card to my friend. So let's hope I don't have to do either of them... We'll see I guess

The friendship that brought this together

Tokujiro & Saito. - A couple weeks after the disbanding of Yamagashira

Saito: “You called me?”

Toku: “No my grandma did.”

Saito: “Very funny.”

Toku: “Then don’t make stupid comments kay?”

Saito: “What do you need again?”

Toku: “Yer not in a good mood I hear.”

Saito: “What. do. you. need.”
Toku: “Right right, listen. Yer told me ‘bout yer plans you had, but I never told yer ‘bout my plans''

Saito: “Where are you going with this. . ?”

Toku: “All I’m sayin’ is, yer a smart fellow Saito, good guy yer know. So what if yer and I started workin’ together”

Saito: “Go on..”

Toku: “I got myself some plans, yer got yerself some plans. Why not mush 'em together and work together! The more people the better it is, right?”

Saito: “You make a point yeah.. but why would you wanna be involved with this stuff”

Toku: “I have my reasons man, yer don’t have to doubt me, together we’ll do some amazing things mans!”

Saito: “I wasn’t doubting you-”

Toku: “Yer was well, yer was questioning but like I have my re-
Saito: “Yes.. yes..I get it.”

Toku: “great! so, what yer wanna do Saito?”

Saito: “Well.. you know the plan so.”

Toku: “Riiight riiight! Forgot ‘bout that for a minute!”

Saito: “Yeah.. is there any chance you’ll tell me your reasons by the way?”

Toku: “Trust me Saito! Yer not making a wrong choice here man!”

Saito: “That’s not what I-”
Toku: “Yer gotta trust me man, it’s part of the process ye? Trust me everythin’ will be okay man!”

Saito: “And.. your rea- you know what nevermind.. I trust you.”

Toku: “Great! So, what do yer wanna do now?”

Saito: “Well, I have my own plans so..”

Toku: “Right right! You do your thing and we’ll just keep in touch! I’ll keep yer informed ‘bout everything and then once you come back, we’ll set it all in motion!”

Saito: “Sounds good to me.”

I don’t know what Tokujiro necessarily ‘sees’ in me, but he’s very eager to work together. A little help I wouldn’t mind of course, and it always gives me someone to lean on or ditch whenever I have too. We still are very good friends although he is a little bit… weird? off? I don’t know the right word to describe what he is like. interesting to say the least.. Violent. but somehow he is ‘nice’ in some sense… He understands me too, he understands me, what I want and all that stuff. He is somewhat related but, by his own story. I don’t know what story as he is generally quiet about his own personal stuff. Not all too sharing. Even though we work together.

Let’s just hope he doesn’t do some dumb shit.


Some troubles with love.



The 7 year log, of him actually moving away.


Nothing has even changed.

The return.




The Dino-hat Chronicles, PT.1

I’m starting to seriously regret some choices that I’ve allowed to let happen.
And the choice I regret most? Letting Tokujiro recruit people. . .
Listen Shinobu, I don’t know if you’ll ever read this but in advance I’d just like to say;

I’m not sorry.
fucking hell.

Now that that is out of the way, let me explain. So Tokujiro has this good friend of his I suppose. His name is Shinobu, lovely dude, nice manners and so on but, he has this…. weird obsession of some sorts with this blue dino hat. No matter where he goes, he has it. 9/10 times he always has it on, even when doing serious stuff. The first time I met Shinobu, Tokujiro brought him over in his apartment and well, the introduction went fairly okay I suppose, besides the fact Tokujiro forgot that we don’t meet our members directly but you know. It’s all good. (I’m still planning on how to beat his ass for it)
Now, we did our introductions and just had a chat and that’s when I first encountered the dino hat. . .
I kept quiet, just observing this.. weird scenario I had found myself in. And for a group of people who literally are about ruining peoples lives, I thought to myself I could’ve better never moved back. So after a couple of minutes of awkward silence, I just told Shinobu to take it off. . Cause you know, serious business to discuss and apparently Tokujiro had somewhat of the same idea as this man full on lunged his arms at the dino hat and yanked it off of Shinobu his head..

only to put it on his own.
And Jesus christ this thing would not come off of his head.

Shinobu was struggling, pulling on the dino hat like his life depended on it–and it probably did–and he just asked for help to pull it off of Tokujiro’s head. That’s when I knew it was my queue to leave only to find out Tokujiro didn’t give me a set of spare keys, and the doors were locked. Now, I tried to communicate with Tokujiro but like the psychopath he is, he was in his own world and just stared at me, not talking whilst Shinobu was practically hanging around his waist pulling full force on the hat. So, like any proper gentleman and smart guy would do
I kicked his doors down.

Luckily that brought them back to reality, both of them. And Tokujiro took off the Dino hat as he proceeded to hand me a set of spare keys as I made my exit. And I hoped, I wished this was the last time I saw Shinobu on some bullshit like that but my god I was wrong.

A few days pass and I see Shinobu together with Mizuki, a member of ours. I kind of try to avoid them as I have stuff to do–A reporter's life is a busy life– but as I get called on my phone, I feel Shinobu, his eyes staring dead at me, as he calls over my name. With probably the deepest sighs and the slowest turn I could ever have I turned to him as he called me in to come closer. Only to just talk normally and ‘Introduce’ me to Mizuki. Also forgetting what Tokujiro forgot (I don’t need to beat his ass, because this dude is dating Mizuki, Tokujiro’s sister. So he’ll die one day.) I just awkwardly cough and stand there, waiting for the moment to leave as Shinobu gets a phone call. It went something like this.

Shinobu: “Who’s this”

Shinobu: “Silas, are you drunk?”

Shinobu: “Silas, I know it is you.”

[!] aggressive screaming coming from the phone

Shinobu: “You stabbed someone?”

Suzo: “Maybe you should be quieter.”

Mizuki: “Yeah- Good point.”

[!] with a whispering volume.

Shinobu: “Oh..right”

Now, I don’t know how stupid Shinobu is, but he’s stupid.

[!] Proceeds to completely forget and talk normally, with panic screaming on the phone

Shinobu: “What, you killed someone?!”

[!] More panic screaming.

Shinobu: “Oh slay.”

And to kind of summarize my thoughts: “I hired a fucking idiot.”
And to summarize Mizuki’s thoughts: “HE'S SO CUTE!!!”

Now an important detail to note is that: He was wearing his Dino hat.

Amazing artwork made by Guttedvalentine.

After that I kind of left because you know.. what the actual fuck. Well, I tried to leave but Shinobu wouldn’t let me until I almost burned his Dino hat, that's apparently where he draws the line. He is obsessed with that thing and I have no clue why, I don’t even want to know to be honest. Now once more I was hoping that this would be the last time I ever would have to deal with that damn dino hat again, because at this point in time I had serious intentions to teach him a lesson about how to do this type of stuff and you know. Be serious. But I decided to hold a grudge for now.

I said I wouldn’t. But here I am again.



Near Death experiences.




Dino-hat Chronicles, PT.2

It was a sunday evening and I saw Shinobu, Mizuki & Tokujiro standing on the sidewalk next to one of the pillars of the front school gate, being the nosy little shit I am, I walked over and watched for a bit. Tokujiro was having this very weird conversation with someone and I didn’t want to fully interrupt to get Toku’s attention to ask him what the fuck is going on so, like any normal person I threw a fish at his head. Kenjiro was behind me and kind of flinched as the fish hit his head which made me turn a bit and notice him. I didn’t even know he was standing behind us the entire time but. Tokujiro didn’t even give a fuck.. he just turned around, stared at me. then turned back to continue talking with that weird guy, to which eventually they drove off on their motorcycles together as Toku gave me a wave goodbye.

That’s the moment Shinobu and I (sadly) were starting to converse again.
Now everything seemed normal right, normal conversation until it somehow twisted into Shinobu dating Mizuki and how Tokujiro would kill him probably for it, and I wouldn’t do anything to stop that really but sometimes you have to play the nice guy. Shinobu kept on rambling about how Toku tortured him, almost killed him and took out his eye. Like any normal public sidewalk discussion. And I’m pretty sure Kenjiro was just shivering to death whilst listening to everything, oh how fun. Mizuki kind of bumped him to, you know, tell him to shut up and so he did, as well as I told him to shut up. Now, his response was so weird that I’ve mentally just blocked it out of my mind, I can’t even clearly remember it. . . but I know he called me ‘father’ or some stupid shit like that.

So I proceeded absolutely slap the man with strength he probably didn’t expect me to have

Kenjiro winced for Shinobu, but Shinobu winced as well. How did he not see that coming is my question, but around that moment. Kenjiro and I departed from the group and went our way. To this day this was the last interaction I had with Shinobu and his Dino hat obsession but I swear if I see this man again with that fucking Dino hat I’ll encourage Tokujiro to murder him.

That is it all for now. I hope you guys enjoy reading this.
Also if you complain that it's TOO long then well. To bad.

If I need to make a short summary ( which will still be long ) I'll do it though.​
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Level 29
i wonder who this mysterious man is :( - (he's totally not played by me guys)


Level 42
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I'M SORRY? WHERE ARE ALL THESE TALENTED WRITERS COMING FROM? This is literally goals amazing job <3


Level 104
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Added Chapter 7: - The explination
Added Chapter 8: - [?]
Teased Chapter 9: - The friendship that brought this together

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