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★Few suggestions that could improve the SRP!★


Level 18
IGN: FurnaceRP
DATE: 13.02.2023

  1. Character selection in the Lobby
Currently, to change your character, you have to change your rpname, desc, and skin. You can't have a second character, for example, as an Officer or a cat. To work around this, there could be a character selection in the SRP lobby. The selection would automatically give you:
  • a different name and surname
  • a different character description
  • wardrobe slots for skins and a default skin for your character
  • a different role in RP
  • a different bank account (does not apply to the server command /balance!!!),
  • a different phone number (which excludes my second suggestion!!!).
Each account would have three character slots, with two additional slots that could be purchased. You would be able to delete your character and create a new one, for example, after the death of such a character.

How would this work?

When selecting the SRP mode, you are transported to a special lobby with a character selection. Click on the NPC with the right mouse button to join the game as that character. If you want to delete or edit a character, you click shift + right mouse button.
If you apply for a role, such as an Officer or buy a role like cat, bird, it would be assigned to your account. I think that when applying for a role, you would have to provide the character ID (from 1 to 5 or some special identifier, depending on the plugin!).

  1. Multiple phone numbers (the first suggestion excludes this one, as introducing the character selection system would make this system useless ! ! !).
Currently, you have one assigned phone number to your account, which means that if you change your character, for example, due to the death of the previous one, you still have old contacts, and people can still call you thinking they are talking to your previous character, which is strange...

My idea would be that the purchased phone would always be deprived of the ability to call and write. To enable it, you would have to purchase a sim card in the store, which you would register under your data. This would give you the ability to have several phone numbers on one account, for example, you could have a number for crimeRP and one for normal RP. To avoid buying new phone numbers for, for example, stalking others or threatening, there could be a limit of three phone numbers per account, with the option to reset these numbers (by changing the sim card data: name and surname, phone number) The rank could unlock the purchase of two additional sim cards, if necessary.

How would this work?

Holding the phone in your hand, you would enter a command, for example /changephonenumber id1-5 (the id refers to the sim cards, so the game knows which card to insert). Or simply by right-clicking the sim card, it would automatically change the number for you.

What does this give?
  • a clean contact list for separate characters, everyone would know who they were calling and not confuse the characters,
  • the ability to have several phone numbers for separate characters,
  • the option to reset the phone numbers, so you could get rid of unwanted contacts or numbers.

I am aware that implementing this into the game could be difficult. However, if someone could manage to create something like this, it would be great! Writing this, I don't expect someone to actually introduce this into the game, but I started thinking about it with a friend and character selection in the lobby would be the best option! The second suggestion is ONLY optional, if the first one was impossible to perform by the developers.
Thank you for reading my suggestion!♡
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Level 194
Few things, this is cutely formated but make sure to use the format next time to avoid anything with staff (as in breaking it up slightly into different suggestions), MOVING ON

1st suggestion is one of my person favorites that has been suggested before and PLEASE FOF THE LOVE OF GOD I WANT THIS PLEASSEEEEE don't have the 'too similar to frp' excuse anymore. This would be so beneficial to have on the server and it would allow for players to not have to spend another 25 bucks (I think it's now like $32) just to get another Minecraft account for the sole reason of roleplaying on multiple characters with different roles at once.

2nd suggestion, the developers are currently working on creating sims cards for phones!


Level 101
I will say the first thing has been requested SO SO SO many times. The idea of different 'souls' so you don't need ALTs.
Its been denied each time (I don't know why tbh) but it has been so I doubt that would be added anytime soon

Second suggestion I believe is in the works :D


Level 32
first part, 1+ (what rinis said is exactly my thoughts on it)

second part, neutral.. I feel like while yes this could be nice but a littttleee confusing in the end (imo)


Level 1
neutral. more towards -1

I understand the point of wanting more character slots to expand your roleplay verity and this suggestion is basically just making a system for those who kept documents or a text file for the characters they want to play as. It's a good idea but I'd like to point out the few things on why I'm leaning towards negative.

Note that these are just my opinions

- Basically saying what I said above, People who wish to play multiple characters at the same time keeps documents or a text file for the characters they currently have. I'm assuming it gets annoying when you want to play another character. you'll have to set your rpname, desc and bio all over again hence why this is a popular suggestion, but I myself, plays 1 character one at a time probably each day so this doesn't benefit me. If I get bored of said character then I'll play the other. If your just bored of the character in general, I believe you have the ability to just start a new one or in this case, switch it up. You're not going to change your character every time an rp is done right? so taking probably around 5 seconds of your time to just copy paste your character's info shouldn't be too much of a hassle.

- The multiple sim cards as I heard is already in progress and that alone already sounds like it might be confusing. So including everything else you said ( bank accounts, ID, role etc) just sounds like everything a new Minecraft account offers all in one account and it's just way too complex and it's just hard to keep track of. I don't think it's because it's hard to code it, it's more of how difficult it is to keep track of in the long run. It's already good that they've decided to add multiple sim cards so your characters can have their own numbers.

- It's a school roleplay not a mmorpg. Every game we play starts with 1 character. We're just lucky enough that we are able to have multiple characters all in 1 server just by owning another Minecraft account. I get it, others are unable to purchase another account just for the sake of roleplaying since purchasing a copy is now $30 but if your not aiming for a job or purchasing an animal whitelist and just have all grade 12 characters/ college then just switch it up. Even if you do apply for a job as your character, you are bound to get bored of it someday and you can just request to be back to a normal grade 12 student.

- This is just another thought in mind but think of my opinions as a custom item or vehicle. They are set at a high price because they wish to avoid complications and keep things organized. It might not sound similar but owning another Minecraft account for your desired occupation while still be a normal student on the other helps keep players data organized since it's a separate data each time and not multiple info all in one account.

- Keep a document of the characters you have. Taking 5 seconds of your time to copy paste shouldn't be too much of a hassle.
- Multiple sim cards are already being implemented. Having another bank account, ID, role would just make it too difficult to keep tack of for staff members.
- Every game I've known only starts with 1 character. if your not planning to get a job or animal whitelist and just have multiple grade-12/college then I do not see the use of this suggestion. If you do get a job, you'll get bored of it one day and you can request to be a normal student again.
- This is somewhat similar to custom item/vehicle. It's pricey but It helps avoid complications and keeps things organized since each account has different data.
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Level 18
Thread starter
neutral. more towards -1

I understand the point of wanting more character slots to expand your roleplay verity and this suggestion is basically just making a system for those who kept documents or a text file for the characters they want to play as. It's a good idea but I'd like to point out the few things on why I'm leaning towards negative.

Note that these are just my opinions

- Basically saying what I said above, People who wish to play multiple characters at the same time keeps documents or a text file for the characters they currently have. I'm assuming it gets annoying when you want to play another character. you'll have to set your rpname, desc and bio all over again hence why this is a popular suggestion, but I myself, plays 1 character each time so this doesn't benefit me. If I get bored of it, I believe I have the ability to just start a new one or in this case, switch it up. You're not going to change your character every time an rp is done right? so taking probably around 5 seconds of your time to just copy paste your character's info shouldn't be too much of a hassle.

- The multiple sim cards as I heard is already in progress and that alone already sounds like it might be confusing. So including everything else you said ( bank accounts, ID, role etc) just sounds like everything a new Minecraft account offers all in one account and it's just way too complex and it's just hard to keep track of. I don't think it's because it's hard to code it, it's more of how difficult it is to keep track of in the long run. It's already good that they've decided to add multiple sim cards so your characters can have their own numbers.

- It's a school roleplay not a mmorpg. Every game we play starts with 1 character. We're just lucky enough that we are able to have multiple characters all in 1 server just by owning another Minecraft account. I get it, others are unable to purchase another account just for the sake of roleplaying since purchasing a copy is now $30 but if your not aiming for a job or purchasing an animal whitelist and just have all grade 12 characters/ college then just switch it up. Even if you do apply for a job as your character, you are bound to get bored of it someday and you can just request to be back to a normal grade 12 student.

- This is just another thought in mind but think of my opinions as a custom item or vehicle. They are set at a high price because they wish to avoid complications and keep things organized. It might not sound similar but owning another Minecraft account for your desired occupation while still be a normal student on the other helps keep players data organized since it's a separate data each time and not multiple info all in one account.

- Keep a document of the characters you have. Taking 5 seconds of your time to copy paste shouldn't be too much of a hassle.
- Multiple sim cards are already being implemented. Having another bank account, ID, role would just make it too difficult to keep tack of for staff members.
- Every game I've known only starts with 1 character. if your not planning to get a job or animal whitelist and just have multiple grade-12/college then I do not see the use of this suggestion. If you do get a job, you'll get bored of it one day and you can request to be a normal student again.
- This is somewhat similar to custom item/vehicle. It's pricey but It helps avoid complications and keeps things organized since each account has different data.
1. Its not about the pasting a info such as rpname or desc. Its about the roles you want to play with, people are forced to buy new accounts, 30$ is not small amount for all. (Also garderobe is limited, so documents are not that useful, you have limited skins if you want to use few characters on one account.)
2. Nobody wants to buy new minecraft account.
3. SchoolRP when you can play other RP too like a gang, town etc. If you want to be for example Councillor you need to buy new account for gangRP. Alot of people are using few characters, if you dont use thats doesnt mean nobody use...
4. This is for our convenience


Level 1
- You are not being forced to buy new account period. Aside from occupations, the multiple character aspect is still there. just not a feature yet hence why suggested.

- Yes $30 isn't a small amount just to have another character to play as. I'm sure not all of us has that kind of money to just throw around and wardrobe IS limited and you are unable to fit a lot of clothing in case each character does have multiple I can see that. that being said, just because I only use 1 character at a time each day, doesn't mean I don't acknowledge the people that does switch every so often. I understand the issue and I do apologize for anyone I've may have offended. But I'd like to think of both the players and staff's side.

- Yes it is for your inconvenience. IT IS a good idea and it would be nice if it finds it's way into the game without any of the complications I stated. Just wanted to point out what I may find difficult if this does get implemented. There's a limited amount of staff and hundreds of player data. so as of right now (of course this can subject to change since plugins improved overtime) I still find this difficult.

I'm still keeping my rating as neutral/-1. It's a great idea! don't get me wrong, I'm just stating my opinion about the subject.
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The FJ

Level 94

I have actually thought about this before, before seeing any of the suggestions on forums, and was gonna post it, but then I saw like- 16 suggestions that had the same thing
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Level 194
Basically saying what I said above, People who wish to play multiple characters at the same time keeps documents or a text file for the characters they currently have. I'm assuming it gets annoying when you want to play another character. you'll have to set your rpname, desc and bio all over again hence why this is a popular suggestion, but I myself, plays 1 character each time so this doesn't benefit me. If I get bored of it, I believe I have the ability to just start a new one or in this case, switch it up. You're not going to change your character every time an rp is done right? so taking probably around 5 seconds of your time to just copy paste your character's info shouldn't be too much of a hassle
I honestly think you need to try having more than one character before you speak out on something like this. As someone who has had multiple characters one one account and now having characters I have to put 'on hold' because I have a rank is such a pain. It really sucks having to store developed characters. And for changing every time an rp is done, yes, I personally do that and switch accounts back and forth or have both open at the same time.

It's a school roleplay not a mmorpg. Every game we play starts with 1 character. We're just lucky enough that we are able to have multiple characters all in 1 server just by owning another Minecraft account. I get it, others are unable to purchase another account just for the sake of roleplaying since purchasing a copy is now $30 but if your not aiming for a job or purchasing an animal whitelist and just have all grade 12 characters/ college then just switch it up. Even if you do apply for a job as your character, you are bound to get bored of it someday and you can just request to be back to a normal grade 12 student.
Again, I think you should really try roleplaying more than one character at once.

You are not being forced to buy new account period. Aside from occupations, the multiple character aspect is still there. just not a feature yet hence why suggested.
Well yeah, we want to and as you said - why it was suggested.


Level 47
Personally, I support your idea:
35$ (Canada) isn't much (sorry, but, I think), but it's really not necessary to pay this money for an account that you won't play (although I have two accounts).
If your suggestion is implemented, I believe it will benefit many players.
However, this means more data, more plugins, which will undoubtedly further slow down the server and cause more trouble for the staff.
Actually my opinion is similar to that of KrysticMurakami, maybe it’s because I only play one account (college PhD Councillor) often and I don’t want more characters, but anyway, good luck!


Level 112

I had to get rid of my adult rank on my 2nd alt just so I could schoolrp...

Also, dude grinding attributes is a bitch, you guys should keep that in mind
and 30-35 $ is alot of money.


Level 135
Okay! I put a -1 on the first half of that suggestion for the following reason:

Think of it like this. You want to be a KPD. Teacher, student and cat. Let's assume they're all on the same "account". Your first issue is items. KPD carry a variety of items (some illegal, some not) that should NEVER be given to other characters/roles or players. Yes one may say "they'll just put the items away" but let's be completely honest; 9 times out of 10 they won't or they'll forget. So now you run into the issue of being a teacher or cat with a crowbar and taser on you. Factions have specific items that should never be handed out or shared through accounts, which is the first reason why this suggestion should not be implemented.

Secondly; the idea is extremely messy. It'd be very difficult for staff to have to keep up with what roles just ONE account has, and they'll have to manage accounts when a player no longer wishes to have one of their roles. Factions are significantly easier to manage when their members have only ONE role on their account.

Third, different factions have different commands. Like being able to see specific radio channels, sending shop adverts, making BMD restocks, and so much more. Having multiple roles on one account will most likely combine all of those roles into one very very messy account, and make it difficult to manage. (Correct me if I'm wrong devs)

Lastly, all factions have specific rules. You can't be KPD and Governor. You can't be a teacher and engage in Gangrp. Simply cramming all of your roles into one account will make for serious problems in potentially breaking faction rules and causing an absolutely unnecessary amount of stress.

That said, I don't think this will be implemented.


Level 18
Thread starter
Okay! I put a -1 on the first half of that suggestion for the following reason:

Think of it like this. You want to be a KPD. Teacher, student and cat. Let's assume they're all on the same "account". Your first issue is items. KPD carry a variety of items (some illegal, some not) that should NEVER be given to other characters/roles or players. Yes one may say "they'll just put the items away" but let's be completely honest; 9 times out of 10 they won't or they'll forget. So now you run into the issue of being a teacher or cat with a crowbar and taser on you. Factions have specific items that should never be handed out or shared through accounts, which is the first reason why this suggestion should not be implemented.

Secondly; the idea is extremely messy. It'd be very difficult for staff to have to keep up with what roles just ONE account has, and they'll have to manage accounts when a player no longer wishes to have one of their roles. Factions are significantly easier to manage when their members have only ONE role on their account.

Third, different factions have different commands. Like being able to see specific radio channels, sending shop adverts, making BMD restocks, and so much more. Having multiple roles on one account will most likely combine all of those roles into one very very messy account, and make it difficult to manage. (Correct me if I'm wrong devs)

Lastly, all factions have specific rules. You can't be KPD and Governor. You can't be a teacher and engage in Gangrp. Simply cramming all of your roles into one account will make for serious problems in potentially breaking faction rules and causing an absolutely unnecessary amount of stress.

That said, I don't think this will be implemented.
I don't think its a problem, they could do another EQ on each character slot.

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