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Nozomi Sokolova | BIO RE-MAKE AGAIN


Level 88

"What's this?"

All Information will only be allowed to be taken OOCLY, yes, meeting Nozomi ICLY will maybe lead you into knowing all of this about her.


Nozomi is actually a confirmed lesbian, she's been out since she was 16.
Nozomi is Russian-Japanese, she tends to ignore her Japanese side of her blood line, since it had been her mothers.
Nozomi goes by she/her and they/them pronouns but she ignores pronouns half of the time.​


Nozomi Sokolova, A height of 7'5, her hair a decently dark red that had dark strips in the front. Her body type would be very built, she's a very muscular woman.

Whenever a chance is ever there, you can clearly see that Nozomi has a scar over her right shoulder, a scar that she was given by a bear, which was the same thing as the scar on her stomach. The scars are still very large for being 12 years old.
Both of Nozomi's eyes would have scars going down them, but, you can tend to see that her left eye doesn't move, yeah it aint real el oh el.


Due to health issues in the past, Nozomi has gone to get her health checked, mostly she focused on cancer tests, which those had came back as, positive, this meaning that she has been found with cancer. Stage 2 Skin Cancer to be exact!


Clinical depression
Nozomi was diagnosed with clinical depression during her college years since her life went downhill during those years. She is found disappearing for good amounts of time, no one knows why, nor cares to ask why.

Post traumatic stress disorder
Nozomi was diagnosed with PTSD during her younger ages. She went through many losing of people including her father and was going through many bad situations when she got older. Her PTSD will cause her to fall into breakdowns, she tends to try to stay away from things that remind her of her past.


Inessa Agapov

Nozomi's Mother , Disliking towards her

Nozomi never got to be close to her mother, she simply always hated her and didn't understand why her mother left her behind so many times. Nozomi is tired of Inessa and never wants to speak to her again.

“ I don't have much to say to you mother. You hurt me, and I just give up."

Aloyoshenka Sokolova
Nozomi's Father , Disliking towards him.
Nozomi knows she was the reason why her father ended up the way he did but she still believes that he still should of treated her like she was his child.

“ Why'd you have to put me through so much pain? Why didn't you treat me like your little princess. I just wanted to be cared for dad.”

Nozomi's Abuser ; Zhenya’s father , Hate towards him.
Nozomi hates this man and wish that she never met him. He has caused so much problems for Nozomi.

“Please, just leave Zhenya alone. I don’t care of what happens to me just leave my son alone. He didn’t pick his life.”

Ritsua Sokolova
Nozomi'd blood brother , ??? towards him.
Nozomi had met Ritsua later on in her life, she never believed that she had a brother, but she was happy to find him, well for a small amount of time she was happy.

“ I’m sorry for what I have done. I miss you so very much, my brother. You were my favorite."

Misha Gonzalez
Nozomi's Fiancé , Love towards her.
Nozomi finds a lot of trust in Misha and cares about Misha a lot, she would do anything for her. Nozomi still judges Misha for proposing to her while a school day, but Nozomi still loves Misha very much.

“I love her, she might hurt me at some points but she has my trust, and she wouldn’t leave me like everyone else would. Even with my health I want to be her wife, even if I pass. I want to be with her , forever. She’s my weird future wife.”

Nozomi's cat , Much love towards her!
Nozomi would die for her cat, it's the only being that will always be next to her.

“ My dear baby. My little cutie, I love you so much!”

Masako Sokolova
Nozomi's Adoptive Daughter , ??? towards her.
Nozomi has forgotten about her.

Masami Sokolova
Nozomi's Adoptive Daughter
Nozomi loves how Masami is, it reminds her of her younger self. Nozomi wants to make sure that Masami always comes to her when something is wrong or just needs support from someone.

“I love you so so so much. You take very good care of your brother and even me. You’ve always been a good kid and I hope you stay that way. You are my favorite… don’t let your brother know!!

Zhenya Sokolova
Bio Son
Nozomi has such a hard time committing to raising Zhenya. It’s not like she hates him, she hates how he was brought into the world. She feels bad for being the mother that raised him and feel as he deserves a better mother.

“Zya I love you and I’m sorry for how I act. I generally want to be your mother but it’s just so hard. I’ll try more over time but please let me grow onto you.”

Mei Adashi
Adoptive Cousin
Nozomi has always been very close to Mei, cousins? More like sisters. At some points Nozomi hates Mei but she always forgives her at the end of the day.

“ Mei Mei Mei! My favorite gay queen. I bet you're living on top of everyone else right now, I mean why wouldn't you, you're so great. I remember when the family used to be together, we both got along so well. I want to say I'm proud of you, like really proud. You were always like a sister to me.. Well, sweet Mei, just know your tall cousin loves you so very much.”

Freddy Vissarionovich
Adoptive Brother
Nozomi loves Freddy to death, no matter how badly she is treated she will still love him.

“ My big boy. Freds you have grown into such a beautiful man. I never in my life thought I would go to a wedding but I went to your wedding. I'm so proud of you. I remember when we hated each other at some point. I remember our jokes about Suki. I remember everything. I wish that I could have told you how proud I was of you before everything. I wish that I was a better person for you. I will always think of you as my favorite and I hope you do the same. I know life was hard for both of us but I know you will do good. Still be the strong man you are. Still be my sweet brother who made me like life more. You are always right when it comes to my relationships.”

Ina Vissarionovich
Adoptive Sister
Nozomi has a hate/love relationship with Ina, they always joke about Nozomi being pregnant, which ends up in fights sometimes.

“ I love you so much Ina. I want to take care of you all of the time. I know you love Freddy more but please just have some love for me left!!"

Julein ???
Adoptive Brother
Nozomi loves Julein but they haven’t been close at all and it makes her feel bad.

" Ahh, my little man. I can't say you're little anymore I guess. I remember when I was a mother to you pretty much, great times huh? Probably weren't great times to you. I'm sorry that I had destroyed our bond a while ago. Everything was so hard for me. But hey, I bet you hmm millions of yen that you'll get anything you want soon or later. Please remember that your older sister has always loved you even in your ugliest moments. "

Luna M. Vissarionovich
Sister in Law
Nozomi loves to mess with Luna, yeah they might be sisters in law but they’re actually best friends. They never snitch on each other nor do they fight with each other.

“ My Luns, what a great person you were to me. I loved every second we spent together. I really loved the time I kept buying us matching outfits. I'm sorry for giving the jackets to that stupid idiot . I really wish I could take back my jacket.’

Shere Swagolini
Nozomi loves Shere with all of her heart…

“ I love you Shere.”

Suki Takahara
Ex - Fiance
Nozomi dislikes Suki, sometimes she even wishes they had never met, but Nozomi will never forget her.

“ I don’t know where you are, and I really don’t care. “

Delilah Tsukomo
? ? ?
Nozomi has no problems with Delilah and sees her as a child…

Kamodo R-T
Nozomi legit wants to scream at Kamodo, why must you ask? He keeps wanting to be the dad of Nozomi’s child.

“ .. .. ”

Guztavo Deasun
Best Friend
Ever since Guztavo passed, Nozomi hasn’t been herself, it seems as if she lost her other half. Nozomi blames herself even though she knows it isn't her fault.

“No matter what you did to me I still loved you. You hurt me but you saved me.. I love you. "

Jebediah Dinero
Nozomi kind of forgot Jeb, it’s sad cause they were so dearly close. It seems as she didn’t want to forget him but it just happened

“Jeb? I don’t remember that name… who is that?”

{ LORE }
Gonna add more after later on updates.​
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Level 278
" Ahh, my little man. I can't say you're little anymore I guess. I remember when I was a mother to you pretty much, great times huh? Probably weren't great times to you. I'm sorry that I had destroyed our bond a while ago. Everything was so hard for me. But hey, I bet you hmm millions of yen that you'll get anything you want soon or later. Please remember that your older sister has always loved you even in your ugliest moments. "
He's gonna get mad at her for that eventually

thats why he was lowkey bitter abt poor Mishas kidnapped friend


Level 88
Thread starter
updated... a few things, too tired so ill do the rest tomorrow el oh el anywho enjoy!!!!!!

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