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SRP Rule Change Suggestion

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Level 15
IGN: SnizzySausager
DATE: 4/3/2023
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: A change to rule 2.11b. The rule in question?
"Staff are not obligated to provide any sort of image or video evidence to a ban, this is for the safety of those involved with a ban. A staff report is to be submitted if you believe the staff members decision was incorrect and a Senior Administrator or Owner will look into your case and re-review any evidence."

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Changing this rule will do far more good than any harm, hear me out before you go on a tangent in the replies about how this is a bad idea for x,y,z. In my personal opinion, along with the opinions of my friends and colleagues, this rule has been abused. As of recent, to put it very straight forward and blank, many good people have been removed and banned from the community for whatever reason while staff sit back and simply send this rule as a response to their behavior, or something along the lines of "You don't get to know." What am I suggesting then? Either remove this rule fully, or make it so that staff members have to at least SAY why the player in question has gotten banned. From a realistic point, you guys expect the player to change their ways, right? That is simply impossible if said player has not even a single clue why they are even banned. While we understand it can get annoying and obnoxious for us to constantly bug you, it is your job as a staff member to see what is best for the community, so please do just that and start listening to our cries without shutting it down instantly because you want to protect your image. This has been brought to light by multiple people who might be afraid to speak up because of further repercussions for speaking their mind, as to why I assume some people might choose to not reply to this message. No matter the outcome, we want staff to know that this should not be an overused excuse just so you can avoid telling the player what they need to know, as you are preventing players from changing their ways (the entire point of a ban appeal). Something else that needs to change is the lack of evidence provided. There are some situations which this is acceptable, such as being in an enclosed 1 on 1 rp, but there are also other things like being open in plaza with around 40 people, so just think of the publicity.

I don't think we are asking too much from you, because we are simply asking for a response to our messages other than a copy and pasted rule. What are some work around and some solutions to not giving away said personal information that you hold so highly (ex. Account names, people, etc.) Well! I have a few for you. 1st, just type out a generalized version of what you actually mean to say! For example, if you had to warn someone for an /it say just that, the player got banned because of the /it. I hope by now you are latching onto my idea, but if you (whether this be Staff, or community) I am willing to reply below this thread whenever I see it. Something, just, something needs to change and be fixed.

To those in the community who have read this and agree with our pleas, please respond to this thread with your honest opinion. If you are afraid of speaking up, please do not reply and just take our words into account. Do not preserve your image by trying to fit in with the rest of the replies that follow, if this is even kept up in the forms.


Level 142
Speaking from my own experience, as long as you respect and try to understand the staff member who issued your ban, they will be more willing to work with you so you can figure it out. That being said, it is the banned player's responsibility to think of what they did and understand on their own what rule's they've been broken based on their ban message and/or other information provided by staff. Anyone can write a ban appeal that says "I'm sorry, I'm was wrong, I'll never do it again," but only the ones who genuinely mean it will be able to consider their actions and understand why they've been banned in the first place.


Level 21
uhh...... -1

try and think about the fact that if someone were banned for something like harassment, exposing the screenshots behind the ban could end up getting the reported player in more danger then they were at the start. that and grooming bans for example


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
The comments above sum this up pretty well, nevertheless I will try to elaborate.
This rule in the moment may seem unfair, but when punishments are player-reported releasing evidence will put the player in quite some danger, especially for specific types of bans. So, I completely disagree with "Changing this rule will do far more good than any harm". Along with this, please try to empathise with the staff member dealing with a situation, it's likely you aren't the first player they've had to deal with that day and giving them grief and being disrespectful simply because you're upset isn't a fair response however understandable it may be. I think the below quote is a perfect example of an experience where regardless of seeing evidence or not you can have a civil, helpful and fair conversation to find out more about your ban without putting someone else in danger (see below quote)
Speaking from my own experience, as long as you respect and try to understand the staff member who issued your ban, they will be more willing to work with you so you can figure it out. That being said, it is the banned player's responsibility to think of what they did and understand on their own what rule's they've been broken based on their ban message and/or other information provided by staff. Anyone can write a ban appeal that says "I'm sorry, I'm was wrong, I'll never do it again," but only the ones who genuinely mean it will be able to consider their actions and understand why they've been banned in the first place.

This rule can't be abused, we have plenty of systems in place for you to not only prove your innocence, but also challenge the evidence the staff has on your situation via a Staff Report which are handled without bias by Senior Administrators or above (you may name a higher up in the report to get a response from said higher up). You cannot expect a staff member to sit and discuss a ban with you when you are being hostile or impatient, at the end of the day every one is human and they're simply doing their job.

In response to "From a realistic point, you guys expect the player to change their ways, right? That is simply impossible if said player has not even a single clue why they are even banned.", we have an Appeal system for a reason where you can get further explanation as well as explain yourself, which is yet another reason why this rule exists. Once again, if you feel like the staff member handling your situation isn't doing their job correctly you're welcome to creating a Staff Report. Staff members at the rank of Admin have quite the experience with dealing with majority of situations that occur and quite often seek opinions from the rest of the administration, meaning the likelihood of your ban being completely on one person isn't very high.

In response to "While we understand it can get annoying and obnoxious for us to constantly bug you, it is your job as a staff member to see what is best for the community, so please do just that and start listening to our cries without shutting it down instantly because you want to protect your image", the staff team are here for the community and to enforce the Roleplay Hub and SchoolRP rules, and at the end of the day are just doing the job they applied to do; it has nothing to do with them personally.
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