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The Biography of Kai Yokuna


Level 24
'Kai' Yokuna-Sendo
Basic Information

First Name:

Denver Yokuna-Sendo

Preferred Name:




6'4 feet

183 lbs

A strong build, though very slick

Skin Color:
Olive-toned, leaning to a darker shade

Eye Color:
A deep blue

Hair Style:
A shortened wolf cut, his bangs covering his forehead and just above his eyes

Hair Color:
A dark Brunette

Dressed normally in suits with a tie, Kai tends to wear a tight turtle neck underneath. As well as a 'Hello Kitty' jacket he purchased as a joke, that seemed to grow on him.

The nerves in his legs were destroyed when he was 18. Barely able to recover them, he now walks with a permanent limp in both and they're covered in large scars from a katana and spiked back. His arms and chest share the same scars but seemed to recover fully.
His left eye was missing with a large scar surrounding it and going through it. Usually covered with a glass eye.

Date of Birth:
January 15th.

Place of Birth:
JR Tokyo General Hospital. Tokyo, Japan

50% Japanese - 50% Filipino

South Asian

Sexual Orientation:

Religious Beliefs:

Political Beliefs:

General Appearance:


A 6’4 male, with a strong, slick build. Weighing around 183 lbs. He has short brown hair and deep blue eyes. His left eye would be glass with a large scar going down his cheek. His legs would have large bruises and scars, making him walk unbalanced.

Kai is a sweet and formal yet aggressive male. His first impression to people is a formal man who comes off as flirtatious. Seeming to kiss the hand of women and shake the hand of men. Often keeping up a sweet act to everyone. The only time his aggression is shown is when his family or close friends are threatened.

Co-dependence and manic depression.

Character Voice:
Kai has a deep and soft voice.
[CLIP] [

Kai carries around a 'Blursed Cow Plushie' that he got with his ex-girlfriend, Isa Kurosawa. They named it Bert together and it was like their child.

A piece of raw bacon. This was the first thing Kai's son 'Syd' has ever given to him. He holds it dearly.


Kai's hobbies include swimming, exploring the sewers, and hanging out with his boyfriend. He has no life.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Has an addiction to his partners, and he will do anything to keep them.. almost like a Yandere.
Undiagnosed PTSD

Can yell at kids to do laps.

Enjoys treats, any sort of sugary thing he will go crazy for and will sit in a corner to eat it in pieces.

Ku Hasami, the man who murdered his boyfriend and tortured him for months

Denji Yokuna, his father, tortures Kai and his children.

Psychiatrists. Didn't enjoy the first and only experience he had, leaving him scared.


Kinoko Yokuna and Miko Yokuna. Izumi Sendo [BIL], Celeste Sendo [SIL]

A 'Syd' Sotukushu-Yokuna and Asuna Sotukushu-Yokuna. Aika Sendo, his new step-daughter

Shigeru Yokuna-Sendo

Ume C. Andreev - Kai's friend, he considers a sister.. but they aren't as close anymore.
Christian Denvers - Possible friend, Christian believes Kai to be a spirit
Daichi Matsumoto-Solas - Best friend, helped Kai propose to Shigeru
Sora Matsumoto-Solas - Best friend, Kai adores her as a niece
Soda Kanno - Friend, he wanted Shigeru but lost the bet
Izunami Yuto - Friend
Jong Pung - Childhood friend of Kai, often caused mischief.
Hannabelle Sotukushu - Ex-fling, mother of his children. No communication
Amaya Omori - Ex-girlfriend, no communication
Lyn Lycan - First person he met in Karakura [DECEASED]
Zach Hunter - First love, boyfriend. [DECEASED]

On January 15th, Cornelius Yokuna was welcomed into the world by Denji and Ayoki Yokuna. Ayoki was a Filipino woman whilst Denji was Japanese. Cornelius was loved and spoiled by his parents for the first few years of his life. Ayoki had started to call him 'Kai' at the age of 2, feeling that his birth name wasn't fitting enough for him. Seeming to be the happiest child, Ayoki decided she wanted to have more children to let Kai have a close friend. On December 5th, Kinoko and Miko were born, fraternal twins. The youngest of the two, Kinoko, born 3 hours later, was underweight, being sent to NICU. After they were born, Denji became more strict with Kai due to his gender and Denji being a traditional man, saying things like "You'll be the man of the house one day" and "You need to protect your sisters". Bringing him up to be tougher than most boys his age. Once he was 6 years old, he found out his father was a murderer, leaving Kai traumatized as he witnessed one of the murders. From that point on Denji would begin to punish Kai over anything small, using waterboarding and beatings as the form of punishment. This led Kai to struggle with basic emotions as Denji would tell him that he’d need to put on a smile after every beating.
Once he turned 10, he discovered he was bisexual. His mother was very accepting of the fact and so were his sisters who were now 7. On the other hand, his father was very homophobic, he had locked Kai in a burning room for 5 weeks, where he'd have men go in to scare him by beating him or showing him horrific videos. Denji believed he had to 'scare the gay away' until he had to lie about being straight. Kinoko had found out about her father's abuse towards her brother. She had walked into Kai's room one night after having a bad dream, where she was welcomed by a beaten young boy cowering in a corner. On the twins' 9th birthday, the day was fun, there was a large party and lots of presents. After the long day, Kinoko lit a candle in her room, something clicking in her head saying the words 'Kill. Kill. Kill.' Hearing her brother's cries from across the hall, she dropped the lit candle onto the floor. Setting fire to their home, where only the children would make it out alive.
Ayoki Yokuna's body was found charred in her bed. Meanwhile, Denji Yokuna's body was never found. They were both pronounced dead on December 6th with the Police's conclusion that this was an 'accident'. That day Kai and Miko were sent to a nearby orphanage. With the remaining money from their parent's will, Kinoko was sent to a boarding school to receive the close attention she needed.
When Kai was 15, he ran away from the orphanage to South California, living there until the age of 16 when he decided to take a trip to Iceland. When he met a young girl named Hannabelle, they decided to pretend to date for a week. During that time they were 'active' which resulted in her becoming pregnant. Kai would not find this out til he was 34. He traveled a lot until the age of 18 when he decided to move back to Japan to a town called 'Karakura' to hopefully restart his life. Once he had arrived in Karakura, he met a sweet boy who made him forget the long nights and burning tortures, he fell in love. The boy was Zach T, a weird kid who began to wear the stitch onesie Kai had made while in the orphanage. One day while fishing by the beach, a girl came up to Kai and invited him to a game of truth or dare, there he met his new family. The Lycans, created by a sweet girl named Lyn and a funny guy named Alex, were twins. He felt safe with them and was shortly adopted by Lyn. He took the Lycan name as he decided to forget his old life and sisters, who he had lost contact with after he ran away. After a few months, Alex disappeared from their lives and Lyn was murdered. Kai took over the Lycans as Lyn requested in spirit. He made the family grow in size and strength, only inviting people he felt could be shaped into good people. During this time Zach T. joined the Hunter family, after many troubles Kai was told Zach had been murdered. Without a thought to see the body, he left for America as he slowly began to skyrocket into a rageful depression.
During his time in America, he became involved with violent people who taught Kai how to fight for himself. He only returned to Karakura when his long-forgotten sister, Kinoko called him saying she needed to be away from the Lycans after her boyfriend was murdered. He stayed in the sewers away from the rest of his adoptive family but kept a watchful eye as his sister requested. After a while she called him about her new boyfriend who had become violent, Kai met him in a fight and they ended it quickly. The boy's name was Karito Nevio, and it was after Kai had calmed down that he returned Zach Hunter's stitch onesie, telling him that he had been alive and in hiding. With this new information, Kai left Karakura to try to find his lost lover, to either finish him off or to be reunited yet again...
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