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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | HS Football and Cheer Teams, A Trend of Violence


Level 11

HS Football and Cheer Teams, A Trend of Violence
Kingston D. Karicorn

Liars. Violent. Wicked. All words one could use to describe the ruthless Bobcat football and cheerleader team. They’ve always been known to have a superiority complex, but recently things have become more unhinged. From shoving people into lockers, to even harassing faculty, they have begun a reign of terror over the school with virtually no push back from higher ups.
However, with these acts of brutality they’ve accumulated a long list of victims. Victims who all wish to see justice be brought to these monsters. Below, I have interviewed three people who have been victims of the ruthless bullying from the HS football and cheer team.
Many have described them to have fragile egos, and even have said specific things regarding some of their most prominent members! Lexy Sparks for example, the leader of the cheer team is said to be a brat who likes to show off to other girls! The whole team is said to be giant bullies that will do anything for clout.
Below are two interviews. The first being with two students who have had the great displeasure of having run-ins and experiences with the Bobcat football and cheer teams. Here, they give their accounts of these terrible situations.

KK: “What experiences have you had with the Bobcat cheer and football teams?”

“Last week, a cheerleader shoved her fingers in my broken nose and started making it bleed. And then before that, she was walking me like a dog. She threw a leash over my head and dragged me- by the way, I had my crutch at the time.” :AA

KK: “How inhumane! What about you? (Referring to the other student beside AA.)

“Don’t even get me started. Where do I even start? Let see, well first of all, this b***h Harley? Harley b***c? Bex. What the f**k. Tell me why I’m on my way to class right? He decks me in the face. NO reason, by the way. Talk about anger issues? Another time, Harley literally tried to put laxatives into my drink. I’m not dumb though, I ain’t fall for it.” :DD

“And don’t even get me started on this blonde b***h on the cheer team. Where did she even come from? The same girl that walked AA like a dog? Yeah, she the BIGGEST meat muncher in the land bro. Watch out guys, get tested.” :DD

KK: “How cruel! Truly brutal acts.. So why do you think they act like this? Act in such barbaric ways?”

“Because they’re immature children. They always s**t on us for being Spartans but like.. They’re gonna be Spartans too. Like, they must understand that they’ll eventually graduate, right?” :AA

[. . .]

KK: “So.. The final question I wanna ask is.. Why do you think they have yet to be punished despite having been reported multiple times?”

“S**t staff, I don’t know. It’s not like I go out of my way to care if they get suspended or whatever.” :DD

[The Interview Would Conclude]

This is just one of many examples of the Bobcat football and cheerleader teams unleashing a fierce torment onto people. I know from personal experience that they seem to be incapable of sympathy or empathy, and instead target the ones they view as weak in order to make themselves feel strong.
However, their pathetic displays do not stop at students. They have been on record harassing members of the school faculty themselves as well! Below is an interview with a member of the school staff who has had many run-ins with these hooligans.

KK: “What experiences have you had involving the Bobcat football and cheer team?”

“Well, I’ve had some unpleasant ones. The captains and a few others like to antagonize the faculty, mostly the reception desk. They have also been reported bullying students, like stealing items, name calling, tripping. Basic bully things.” :KY

“Whenever the cheer captain gets called out however, say it be by another student of faculty, she’ll call the vice dean to deal with it. Which gets her out of trouble immediately.” :KY

KK: “Why is that? How is she able to constantly get away with such acts of malice with no consequence?”

“Mr. Takagi’s niece is on the cheer team, and I believe Lexy Sparks, the captain as we know, has relation to him as well.” :KY

KK: “Oh.. So the Vice-Dean makes exceptions for his own family? How odd.. Makes you really question who is running the school eh? But anyways, can you go into detail on one incident with them?”

“A student came to the reception desk, saying Lexy and the others were bullying a student and took his crutch. When I went there they were surrounding him and Lexy was holding a crutch. They said she sprained her ankle but, the boy was missing his crutches.” :KY

KK: “Wow.. What did they do after that?”

“After that, they said that he was just showing the crutch to them and was fine with it, he nodded but looked upset. So after I got it back, they left.” :KY

“He later told the receptionist that they took it from his hand and he fell, and they were making fun of him. He cried and said he was scared.” :KY

KK: “How inhumane! You uh.. Mentioned how they antagonize the faculty. Can you go into detail on a time where they messed with you or a co-worker specifically?”

“They like to insult the receptionists, make fun of them for their looks, personalities, names and more. As well as any faculty they can get alone they just bully. The newest professor has already had some issues with them. Crying that they were making fun of him for his well… Furry side of him, I guess it's called. As well as just anything about him.” :KY

Artistic representation of the bullying given to this member of faculty

KK: “All because the Vice-Dean is too inept to punish them.. Tsk tsk. So.. Why do you think this is all happening? What is prompting them to act out in such ruthless manners?”

“Well, they’re kids yes, but they should know better. I think they’re testing their limits, they get away with everything so why would they behave?” :KY

[The Interview Would Conclude]

As you can see, the Bobcat football and cheerleader teams are indiscriminately attacking people based on who they are. And yet, they are able to continue their brutal acts because of the complete and utter ineptitude of our Vice-Dean. It also makes you wonder if Mr. Takagi is even fit to be in charge if he allows exceptions.
The football and cheer team rule off fear. They run the school with an iron fist because people are too scared to stand up to them and because there is clear bias for them in our higher-ups. It is time something is done! It is time justice is brought to these cruel monsters.



Level 43
amazing report!! tho.. not all hs football are meanies :) (meet my character she wants friends)


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