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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | The Final Blow from an Itsbyoshi


Level 120

Katsuhito Saiky - 20th of June, 2023

Recent events such as the rise of the school jocks, the floods that occurred, and even shifts in SLT have resulted in numerous ill changes in my opinion that should be addressed, coming from the point of view of not only a former cheer captain but also as a senior-journalist and a pseudo-council member. Because, honestly Karakura High, have you seen the amount of troubles that have appeared ever since I fell from a position of power? Too many, too many to count, and too many to address.

Let us divide the problems of the school today into three:

  1. Insufferable Journalists
  2. Irritable Faculty
  3. Loss of Influential Power

Insufferable Journalists

Journalists, they’ve become an irritable bunch since my time writing for the school paper. Speaking of, I see no paper done. Have the days of Kiyoshi, Eichi, Felix, and I moderating the paper disappeared? Where is the school paper?

Oh, apologies, I forgot. You’re too busy creating drama to be an actual journalist. Where are the facts? Where are the references? Citations, I see, are not used. These are our future news reporters, a bunch of beasts that spread rumours with no valuable information. They remind me of Ume Kaede when she slandered my family for being clones. Now? She’s nowhere to be seen. Fools for following such steps.

Dear Students of Karakura High School and Community College, these are the people we will entrust to spread the righteous word of our generation. These are the individuals we shall believe every word of. From slandering my very own family in the student leadership team to blaming the mascot for not being around. Do you believe that you’ll see a future of truth with them being our news reporters? I think not. I think Karakura will fall down even further if, god forbid, these journalists become the next leaders of our glorious society.

The recent school flood foresaw hatred toward Karakura’s SLT. It is an outrageous act for you to blame the SLT over something that wasn’t in their control. If you truly would like to blame someone, go ahead and blame the government. The Karakura Town Hall is a host for many debates, and I believe incidents that occur in the school should be one of those debates. Do not blame the SLT. If you argue that I did it once, go ahead and cry about it, since I did it as I got stabbed on school grounds. That is a different story, from what you are crying about.

Not only are journalists not reporting actual incidents with facts, but all I see today are articles filled with interviews upon interviews upon interviews. Where on god’s earth are your own voices? Has no one been bothered to write a detailed report expressing their opinion, or are you all too lousy and lazy to commit to such an act? He said, she said, they said, but it is never we said. Your voices matter, and if you truly wish for a change, speak for yourself instead of conducting interviews with this and that. Speak for what you believe and do not be the one that merely sends in the news.

Raise your standards, journalists.

Irritable Faculty

Yes, faculty members are most irritable today. God bless the days of Professor Haechi when he traumatised us with his mere presence. Seta Masuo was once a professor, too, and as well as countless others that spooked us back into our seats to not dare speak.

Today, the faculty do not scare me one bit and are most raging, in my opinion, to deal with. There has been a controversy I while back with a member of the faculty insulting the Bobcat cheerleaders by calling them ‘cheer whores’. That isn’t professional in the slightest. Insulting students is an unheard-of act, and I wish that faculty take their time to reassess how to deal with students.

Faculty of Karakura High, know that the future of our island is being educated in your current classroom. Do not send this future into chaos by treating them with disrespect and filling their minds with nonsense. Raise your quality of education and interaction with students, and do not accuse them as if you were students yourselves. These are your pupils, not your colleagues. They learn from you and are there to learn from what you educate them.

When I meant by faculty being irritable, imagine the following scenario: A faculty member is insulted by a passing student for giving them a bad mark. What would the faculty member do? Go report them and act like a baby. That is not what a teacher does. A teacher, instead, would inform the student of what they did wrong and are more than willing to assist the student in raising their grade. That is what a teacher should be. Instead, today’s faculty act like cry babies that I can compare to my own siblings when they were children. Are these the individuals you’re trusting to educate you to become the leaders of tomorrow? What if Karakura’s next mayor sat in a classroom and was disrespected in a space that should be considered safe and respectable? How would such a mayor end up? Oh. I know. They’ll end up like Alex ‘Ironside’ Koji. That is who. Fun fact, Alex Koji was taught at Karakura High.

So, faculty. When are you going to suck it up and educate us instead of reporting us?

Loss of Influential Power

You may still fear me, as many of you do, for my iron fist rules the school with might. But it isn’t like it used to be. Fuck Saeko Koji and her lot for that. My reputation was once impeccable, almighty, and great, yet today my reputation has plummeted and has been buried into god knows where. The age at which the Saikys, the Akihitos, and even the Masuos or Kojis controlled the school is over. Today, the era has faded and instead is replaced by newer, fresher people, ready to take on the next big challenge.

This may be a good thing, with change of power, but I still think that the Itsbyoshi and Ogonshoku that once walked down the halls of the school with might should retain their position and shall not be bullied. I was swirlied recently. Embarrassment is all I could say. Who would’ve thought that I, Katsuhito Saiky, get my own head flushed down a toilet after years of yelling at people to form into line and position?

Know that I have gotten the privilege the post this here whilst many still suffer to enter the journalist club. And with the same privilege, I can turn your life into misery.

This is Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito, former cheer captain, former senior journalist, and a current student in biomedicine, signing out.


Level 91
he basically gave Soi permission to finally write from his heart LMAO and not just gathering data from others


Level 71
Community Team
Media Team
Event Team
give me a frickin minute to do the school paper not my fault y’all abandoned ship eyeroll

长卂丅卂尺卂 尸卄丫㔿

Level 120

Irritable Faculty

Yes, faculty members are most irritable today. God bless the days of Professor Haechi when he traumatised us with his mere presence. Seta Masuo was once a professor, too, and as well as countless others that spooked us back into our seats to not dare speak.

Today, the faculty do not scare me one bit and are most raging, in my opinion, to deal with. There has been a controversy I while back with a member of the faculty insulting the Bobcat cheerleaders by calling them ‘cheer whores’. That isn’t professional in the slightest. Insulting students is an unheard-of act, and I wish that faculty take their time to reassess how to deal with students.

Faculty of Karakura High, know that the future of our island is being educated in your current classroom. Do not send this future into chaos by treating them with disrespect and filling their minds with nonsense. Raise your quality of education and interaction with students, and do not accuse them as if you were students yourselves. These are your pupils, not your colleagues. They learn from you and are there to learn from what you educate them.

When I meant by faculty being irritable, imagine the following scenario: A faculty member is insulted by a passing student for giving them a bad mark. What would the faculty member do? Go report them and act like a baby. That is not what a teacher does. A teacher, instead, would inform the student of what they did wrong and are more than willing to assist the student in raising their grade. That is what a teacher should be. Instead, today’s faculty act like cry babies that I can compare to my own siblings when they were children. Are these the individuals you’re trusting to educate you to become the leaders of tomorrow? What if Karakura’s next mayor sat in a classroom and was disrespected in a space that should be considered safe and respectable? How would such a mayor end up? Oh. I know. They’ll end up like Alex ‘Ironside’ Koji. That is who. Fun fact, Alex Koji was taught at Karakura High.

So, faculty. When are you going to suck it up and educate us instead of reporting us?

Loss of Influential Power

You may still fear me, as many of you do, for my iron fist rules the school with might. But it isn’t like it used to be. Fuck Saeko Koji and her lot for that. My reputation was once impeccable, almighty, and great, yet today my reputation has plummeted and has been buried into god knows where. The age at which the Saikys, the Akihitos, and even the Masuos or Kojis controlled the school is over. Today, the era has faded and instead is replaced by newer, fresher people, ready to take on the next big challenge.

This may be a good thing, with change of power, but I still think that the Itsbyoshi and Ogonshoku that once walked down the halls of the school with might should retain their position and shall not be bullied. I was swirlied recently. Embarrassment is all I could say. Who would’ve thought that I, Katsuhito Saiky, get my own head flushed down a toilet after years of yelling at people to form into line and position?

Know that I have gotten the privilege the post this here whilst many still suffer to enter the journalist club. And with the same privilege, I can turn your life into misery.

This is Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito, former cheer captain, former senior journalist, and a current student in biomedicine, signing out.

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