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Skylar 'Tachibana' Tsu biography. {WIP}


Basic Information

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

First Name:




Preferred Name:





Female, She/Her.


34 years old.


6’3, 190cm




Extremely well built, muscular woman with rather extravagant curves. Its clear to the untrained eye just how much work Skylar has put into her body. The toning and dimension of her muscles were very defined, possibly due to being malnourished or very low body fat percentage.

Skin Colour:

Ivory, grayish undertones.

Eye Colour:

Cerulean blue.

Hair Style:

Skylar had waist length beach waved curls of thick red hair, often seen messy unless for event purposes such as business meetings.


Hair Colour:

Deep red.


Typically aims for more formal attire, always in the gray area of smart-casual. Skylar's fashion isn't as nonchalant as her personality. Avoids wearing anything provocative, though she doesn't care much about her scars or tattoo's, she'd rather avoid the stares.

Date of Birth:

14th July.

Place of Birth:

Dundalk, county Louth Ireland.


Irish- Japanese.



Sexual Orientation:


Religious Beliefs:

Although Skylar was baptized, She is completely atheist and non believer of religions/supernatural so on so forth.

Political Beliefs:

"Vote for Yui Tsu." - Due to being in the family of the deputy mayor, Skylar is shown publicly showing her support and loyalty. Though her true, deeper opinions on the government are completely anarchically charged. She can't wait to watch it burn down.

Marital Status:

Single, mother of one.


Rotasu music cashier,

Ushi No Koya manager.


B.M.D Associate.

Bounty Hunter.

Tattoo artist.

Since Skylar was 14, Working multiple jobs ontop of education came naturally to the young woman. She was determined to raise enough money to live for herself, always reminding herself that future her would be thankful. She refused to live the life she had for much longer and quickly developed a knack for the business world; No thanks to her father, who forced her to sit in on meetings at just a child.


Korean, Chinese (Mandarin) and Gaelic.

General Appearance

She had a lean and muscular build, stood at 6'3. Her forehead would be covered in a large acidic scar along with 2 deep carvings. One was a noticeable ‘X’ on her left shoulder, and it would seem the familiar Akihito Pin logo would be across her back, carved in poorly and harshly.The rest of her body would be covered in what appeared to be slash- like scars, as well as a small scar running on a slight diagonal on her right cheek. For tattoos, she had a full sleeve of a Irezumi sleeve on her right arm, a full thigh of rose petals connecting one another, a single black band on her bicep and a dagger on her right calf that would be matching with her twin brother, Kei. Her face seemed to rarely move or falter from a blank and unreadable expression, she spoke with a light Irish accent that was rather deep for a woman. It was a soothing voice. She smelled like coconut and Lavender. she would be missing her left pinkie, the scar on the remaining stub looking fully healed and rather old looking.


I have been told I care too much. I would describe myself as a work first person, blunt and. . .well I'm not sure what else."

Skylar is a woman of very many layers. Predominantly to most she is a well rounded, level headed and blunt woman of a serious nature. She often pushes herself off as a stern, cold and overall emotionless.To those who know her more than that, she is extremely hard working, never seeming to catch a break. She has a very strong work attitude and her lack of pop culture knowledge often leads her being the jokester of a group, despite it not being her intention. To close friends and family she is incredibly strong minded and caring, always looking out for anyone and everyone around her no matter what side they are on. She has a big soft spot for animals and young children. Though she very very rarely smiles, she always does her best in repaying those who help her out. Though she does her best to help, Skylar's line of work and inability to not follow orders often gets in the way of her social life, creating a barrier for her mentally that stops the opportunity to get close with people. She despises the wealthy, often hiding her own wealth so to not categorize among-st them.

PTSD, Depressive Mania, Insomnia.


This was the first illness to ever develop at just a very young age. Due to the harsh environments of growing up, Skylar quickly developed a lack of trust and love in other's, any feeling of attachment just simply never being there. Due to the events that took place when she was 9, Skylar developed a twitch in her wrist and cold sweats at the mention of fire or anything that resembles a fire-axe. Even more so, she despises Roses of any kind, not even baring to look at them.

Of course this is just simply the beginning of her trauma, as later down the line much more vivid hallucinations of drowning, the event's of the gang war, along with the death of a close friend constantly playing out through her mind when stressed or in-front of a reflective surface. She has been prescribed medicine [Setraline] And takes them regularly.

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Depressive Mania:

With the consistent battle of coping with all her trauma and wrong doing's, Skylar often finds herself in low moods; Constantly feeling not good enough or a 'failure' is a common emotion which results in aggressive outbursts at random points. Along with this, she has a nasty habit of self-punishment. A habit she developed when she was just a child from her parents. When Ever the young woman would do something out of line, Her parents would punish her by removing meal time privileges or even worse, force her to none stop train with the other members of the mafia in combat until she was nothing but bruises and pulp. Now, as an adult skylar often punishes herself by not eating, or overworking herself to an absurd level.

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A possible side-effect of her PTSD, Skylar very rarely can get to sleep. Even when she does, the constant night terrors often leave her waking up every 30 minutes to an hour, causing extreme frustration. She more time's then not simply refuses to sleep, powering through the nights by upping her work load to keep herself busy. When she does sleep, she takes 5 to 10 minute power naps through out the day, though it barely helps.

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Character Voice:

"A low, soothing Irish accent. Occasionally she would let slip the odd Chinese or Korean accent."
(Voice actor; Moira from Overwatch but more monotone)


A pare of golden aviators sit ontop of her head, showing off the 'TSU' heirloom brightly. In her pockets would be her phone, wallet and medication. Skylar often carried a briefcase of sorts around. In it would be a trusty bottle of liqueur, typically whiskey. A pair of reading glasses and a prescription paper. Also to note, always strapped to skylar's body would be a small strap under her clothing, slotting a knife in it for safe keeping. The strap was simply a Velcro belt that hugged around her waist or thigh, a small pocket clipped on for her knife to sit.






Drawing, spar/ fight training, reading and Tattooing are her main hobbies. Sometimes Skylar will dabble in random hobbies just to say she knows them.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities

Diagnosed: PTSD, Depressive-Mania and Insomnia. Skylar often sees flashbacks of her past mistakes, often hallucinating fire that's not actually there. Of course, with her medication she is okay...

Skylar's biggest issue is her competitiveness. A constant need to one up, or out do another as she was consistently over looked and under-appreciated. Skylar believes in this world if you don't do perfect you are just a runt in the group. And this woman is no runt.



Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Katana wielding
Knife throwing
Bo-staff arts.
Organisational skills
Business and marketing.
Tattoo artist.


A noticeable quirk of Skylar's would be her consistent 'fed up' expression she wears pridefully. Her nervous tick of scrunching her nose, the folding her arms habit and many more is just what makes her unique. Due to a symptom of her trauma, Skylar's right wrist often gets a noticeable twitch it as her mind remembers the feeling of dragging a Fire-axe through her Father's neck. [gruesome ikr]


"Biological ones alive, I only have my twin brother. Kei T. Tachibana. My adoptive parent is Mao Tsu, a former Attending surgeon along side our family members."

Patrick Rose {FATHER} [DEAD]

"It feels like you still control my every step, even from the damn grave. You may taunt me now.. But look who's still walkin' pops."

Aoki Tachibana {MOTHER} [DEAD]

2No matter what you did, You honored your cause and took it till your last breath. I will hold your love closely."

Aoifie Tachibana-Rose {TRIPLET SISTER} [DEAD]

"A simple I miss you does not suffice enough. May your memory live on."

Kei Tachibana-Rose {TRIPLET BROTHER} [ALIVE]

"You maybe a weird one, but you truly are more of a survivor then I give credit for. I am proud of your accomplishments."

Asahi Kosuki:| {EX- HUSBAND} [ALIVE]

"You may live and walk, but to me you died with the rest."

Kamaryn Kosuki-Tsu | {SON} [ALIVE]

"No one gets to touch you. One day you will grow up and realise just how powerful your mother is. Regardless, stop copying my fight style...Its scary."




"I can't thank you enough for taking me in and under your care. I admire your strong willed characteristics and the fact you save lives in such a crime ridden town, is admirable."

Zheng Tsu|

"I would say he is someone I would label ‘friend’ although he is now my cousin. Formally my Lieutenant and soldier group lead, he has helped me a lot. With both laughs, cries and many more moments shared together, he is someone I would be upset to see leave."

Nara Endo Tsu| {DAUGHTER} [ALIVE]

"Life has started out cruelly to you. Desensitized to things no one your age to be. I wish to be the example set for you that I never got, I just need you to let me in. Someone there for you that couldn't be before. You have so much potential in you, and I can't wait to watch it grow."

Niko Graves Tsu| {CHILD} [ALIVE]

"For a young child, you have such an odd sense of wisdom about you. No matter what strange antics you get into that keeps me on my guard, I know I can trust you to stay safe. Please stop fighting with your sister!"


Ena Sang| {FRIEND} [ALIVE]

"Now this is a notable one. As my first soldier group leader and Lieutenant, I often feel like I owe her my life. She is what I hope to become one day. I hope she won’t mind me saying she reminds me a lot of my mother. And for that, I thank her. I miss you Ena. . ."

Ryuu Tashiro| {GOD-FATHER} [ALIVE]

"Thank you for all you taught me, and for all you have made of me today. You were a great mentor, and an incredible friend. I know Kamaryn will be safe in your hands."

Emiko Tokugawa: | {EX-SISTER- IN- LAW} [ALIVE]

"You are an interesting one, But no matter how much you may argue against me when i say this- I owe you so much. One day i will repay you tenfold. I swear to it. A head's up however, maybe get a real ring when you finally decide to propose to someone..."

Zoya ‘Askook’ Lebedev:| {FRIEND} [MIA]

"Never have I come across a more genuine and caring human. If it wasn’t for her, I don’t think for a second I would be as open to people as I have been. She is a great friend. And I am honored to call her such."

Jonathan Tokugawa Kirk | {FRIEND} [MIA]

"Although we fell, you never faltered and for that I admire you. I hope you are keeping safe"

Onyx Ryder | {FRIEND} [DEAD]

"I will never forgive myself for dragging you into this life style. I owe your Mother and family my life and I promise to help raise your child to the best I can in forgiveness. May you rest in peace."

Yuzu A. Kaori | {FRIEND} [DEAD]

"I saw so much of my old self in you that I was blinded. I grew too attached and now with you gone...I will do my best to cherish the memories made."

Micah O'Sullivan | {FRIEND} [ALIVE]

"Such a human of purity in a life fueled with aggression. You were far to kind for the life you tried to live, But you did what I couldn't. Balance. I hope your life lives on well, Pray that our history never repeats."

Judah Theodore-Koharu |

"You certainly bring some entertainment to my life, creating a small amount of chaos to keep my skills in check. I hope one day once all the madness ends, the world gifts you with what you deserve."

Fiber 'Girr' Steward |

"Its always a refreshing moment seeing such a old time friend around during these days. Its rare, but you are such a strong and clever character who I always find myself learning from. Rotasu division for life."

Elias King Kirigaya

"There's something off about myself when I'm near you. Like a constant urge to better myself into a person you can be proud of. You don't know my other life, and I pray to god I keep you safe far away from it."

Kyuma Endo

"Sometime's I can't help but wonder how I got myself wrapped up with you. Not once have you judged my views on life. Nothing. You're word's on that day meant more to me then I'll ever let you know. I look forward to your hard work, Kyuma."

Inari Kyohanashima | {FRIEND} [ALIVE]

"Through gritted teeth I write this message to you. Though you play your tricks day in and day out, I can't help but notice your subtlety of care. You may try and deny this, Or even call me ridiculous. But we are far more alike then we think. I'll look forward to our interactions in the future."



Skylar, as mentioned previously is a woman of many deep layers. So let's take an insight to her habit's she picked up from childhood and such!


Skylar hate's heat.

Though this one may seem rather obvious, Skylar actually never enjoyed the warm seasons before the event's of her mother and sister's death. She has always described anything warm as suffocating and tends to claw at her skin as if it wasn't her own. Maybe this is a side affect of being raised in Ireland, and sleeping in a damp cold basement floor. But either way, both with food, drink and weather; Heat is a no go zone for Skylar.


Odd sleep.

Skylar's sleeping conditions were far from safe. Her father, Patrick Rose would force the younger three into a small locked up closet deep down in the moldy, rat ridden and damp basement. Between the three they had a single ragged blanket, along with two pillows which they had cleverly scrunched up in a manner then allowed them to curl up closer to use at once. Most nights, the three would take turns in sleeping as if they were young soldiers on a battlefield. Though this isn't the case today, skylar still naturally hugs her body tightly as if still freezing cold. How sad.


Eating habit's

A far less morbid habit of Skylar's would be her eating habit, or rather lack of. Skylar has never been a big eater, But when in company of others, Skylar will not touch a single item of food until she is either told to, or they eat first. This of course becomes rather entertaining when with her twin brother, Kei as he is the exact same. Of course, this is just one of the many things the twins were drilled into knowing at a young age.


Skylar Tachibana Rose was born on July 14th, along with her other two siblings. She had a brother, Kei Rose Tachibana and her sister, Aoife Tachibana Rose. They lived in a small county town in Ireland, named Dundalk, In their family's home brewery as it was known to the public. But there were many things that seemed off about the place. Many of the public residences nearby would often claim to hear loud screams, often a trail of red leading to the door that would be gone by the next morning.. She was born to a difficult life, to parents who neglected, and eventually abused the kids. The mother, Aoki Tachibana, was a half-Japanese half-Russian woman, and the father, Patrick Rose, an Irish man. Her father was a leader of an Irish Mafia, known as “The Rose.” The kids would have to stick together and learn from one another. Skylar, being the oldest of the siblings, was forced to learn a lot of the more violent side of the family's true works. From the age of 6, she was fully trained in knife throwing. By the time her brother Kei turned 10, he had passed his home-schooling on business orders. Her sister Aoife . . .she was the most neglected. Her family saw no use for her and it was a rare opportunity that the triplets got to see one another. As they grew older, they would constantly hear deals from her father. Many of these under-the-table deals were heard by Skylar, who then took the knowledge of them and self taught herself the Gaelic language. This all changed when she turned 13. Her father discovered his wife was apart of a Russian mafia, a spy, who was trying to take down “The Rose.'' In his fit of rage, he killed one of the triplets, Skylar’s sister, by decapitating her with the family Fire-Axe.

Skylar and her brother had just come down to the office after hearing screams from her mother just prior. Once they burst through the door, two of her father’s henchmen grabbed them, tying them to chairs, and had the members of his mafia slice their bodies repeatedly with the same Fire- Axe that was used for her sister's neck, just lifelessly lying in front of them. Once the slashing had paused, the same two men brought over metal clamps, placing them on each of the two sibling's eyes. Her mother, Aoki had been pretty badly beaten up and was struggling to stand up on her own. You see, to the people who did know the real truth about the rose’s, all knew who was killed or dealt by them. Their trademark was stamping a hot iron onto the skin of their victims, the shape of a rose. So in good old fashioned Rose style, her father grabbed the gasoline and began to pour it over Aoki, setting her alight. The kids were forced to watch this happen, having their eyes clamped open. The slashings continued. The Fire-Axe never dug into their skin deep enough, just leaving scattered scars across their bodies. Skylar took the opportunity, kicking back with force on her chair, having one of the Fire-Axe cut the rope that bound her. She took the Fire-axe and freed her brother, but at this moment, her father splashed acid at her, scarring her face horribly.

She would run the Fire-axe through him, ending his miserable life, and freeing the family from the abuse. Skylar would flee to Korea, while her brother went to Russia. After moving to Korea, she would get a personal trainer, who taught her how to fight. More specifically, jiu-jitsu and kickboxing. She would also learn how to speak Korean from this man, who she grew close to. It would take her 4 years of constant relearning how to speak, from reading, writing, listening, and learning but eventually she grasped the language, even gaining the odd compliment from the natives. Not a day went by during the time she spent in Korea where she didnt think about her brother. He was the only one she had left. But he was out in Russia, training with the natives there just as she had been doing. Eventually, Skylar left Korea after her trainer passed away of illness, and took herself to the streets of Japan. An old traveler had asked in broken English if she spoke Japanese. She would admit, it was very little, but with it in mind he told her to head to Karakura. A strange cryptic message as she began to walk away. . .

“I hope you do more good than damage.”
{only a small rough version of the original backstory. The og one is over 10k words . . .}

More about her childhood:

Skylar and Kei's bedroom was cruel. Deep under ground in the basement of the brewery/family home was a bricked off section where laid out torn blankets and a pillow propped up by rocks displayed on the damp and rustic floor. The room was completely jet black with blue mold crusted into the corners. Skylar's sister, Aoife was always falling ill due to the living conditions. When Skylar and Kei split ways to different parts of the world, Skylar met a blacksmith up in the mountains, the same man who taught her almost everything she knew from emotional control, her current day fight style and craftsmanship. Skylar grew a strong passion for designing and creating her own weapons, though much preferred fighting by hand. She loved the whole process, from molding, wiring, polishing and much more.

Kei and Skylar's dynamic is rather a strange one. The two have grown so comfortable around one another that its hard to decipher anything with them. They both know of each-others capabilities, downsides, flaws etc. It almost seems like they have a 6th sense when it came to understanding the deeper meaning behind their words or actions.

"To be one's misery is simply just nature. I wasn't born to please."

"You may tear down my world. My home. But after all this, guess who walks out of here alive?"

"Hey Kiddo.."

"Its not that I fear nothing, but rather there is too little time to worry about anything else."

"Hurt a hair on his body and i'll remove your head from your's."

"If my misfortune makes you happy, I suppose I will be misfortunate for you."


Art done by Me :)

also done by me :3

[art by Batchi]


[Art by me!]​
Last edited:


Level 91
[ ' '' ' ]
[character image here]

Basic Information

First Name:
Surname: Tsu.

Preferred Name:
Skylar is just fine. I get Sky sometimes too.

Aliases: Bastet.

Gender: I'm born Female, pronouns I don’t care about.

Age: 20 years.

Height: 6’0

Weight: last I checked im 156lbs.

Build: I'm on the muscular side I suppose.

Skin Colour: white primarily, though I'm a bit tan.

Eye Colour: Cerulean blue. They are my mother's side, so I appreciate if the 'cerulean' is included.

Hair Style: I rarely ever do much with my hair. It’s either a pony tale or down. My hair is wavy.

Hair Colour: deep red.

Fashion: Whatever I find lying around? I’ve been told to have good taste. I like a good suit.

Abnormalities: I’m not sure what this means. I have many abnormalities, if it's referring to scars.

Date of Birth: 14th July, 2002

Place of Birth: Dundalk, county Louth Ireland.

Nationality: Irish

Race: white. Though I have noticed tan lines recently . . .

Sexual Orientation: undisclosed. I don't care as long as you don't try to kill me.

Religious Beliefs: I Have none. Though I was baptized.

Political Beliefs: anarchist. I'm kidding, I have none.

General Appearance

Appearance: She had a lean and muscular build, stood at 6ft tall. Her forehead would be covered in a large acidic scar along with 2 deep carvings. One was a noticeable ‘X’ on her left shoulder, and it would seem the familiar Akihito Pin logo would be across her back, scarred. The rest of her body would be covered in what appeared to be Katana slash scars. For tattoos, she had a full sleeve of a yakuza inspired rose bush, a full thigh of rose petals connecting one another, a single black band on her bicep and a dagger on her right calf that would be matching with her twin brother, Kei. Her face seemed to rarely move or falter from a blank and unreadable expression, she spoke with a light Irish accent that was rather deep for a woman. It was a soothing voice. She smelled like coconut and Lavender. she would be missing her left pinky, the scar on the remaining stub looking fully healed and rather old looking. On her ring finger would be 2 wedding bands, her stomach would have a noticeable bump to it too.

Personality: I have been told I care too much. I would describe myself as a work first person, blunt and. . .well I'm not sure what else.

Diseases/Illness: none that I know of.

Character Voice:
"A low, soothing Irish accent. Occasionally she would let slip the odd Chinese or Korean accent." to quote my idiotic brother. -_-

I never leave the house without my Sunglasses and an empty notebook. I always have binoculars, my prescription, a metal bat and my old prosthetic face mask.

Hobbies: Drawing, spar/ fight training, drums and reading. I like story telling sometimes too I suppose.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities The phrasing of this question is arguable but I suppose I will answer honestly. I have diagnosed PTSD with prescribed medication {sertraline} with a nicotine addiction. I would say I'm a heavy drinker but nothing worthy of alcoholism. Im not idiotic. Flaws…well everyone has those. I have too many to count.

Skills: Fighting I would say is my main one. Kickboxing, Jiu-Jitsu, bo-staff, katana wielding mainly. I’ve been told by the school’s president that I'm a good story teller but the Literature club disbanded so I never joined. I won a few awards for my art.

Quirks: Is this not the same as skills? I don't believe I have 'Quirks' unless this is referring to talents. But my talents are my hobbies so this makes it a pointless thing to ask me.

Family/friends: Biological ones alive, I only have my twin brother. Kei “R” Tsu. My adoptive parent is Mao Tsu, a surgeon and having married two men the in-laws list is rather long.

Zheng Tsu| {COUSIN} [ALIVE]
I would say he is someone I would label ‘friend’ although he is now my cousin. Formally my Lieutenant and soldier group lead, he has helped me a lot. With both laughs, cries and many more moments shared together, he is someone I would be upset to see leave.
Ena Sang| {FRIEND} [ALIVE]
Now this is a notable one. As my first soldier group leader and Lieutenant, I often feel like I owe her my life. She is what I hope to become one day. I hope she won’t mind me saying she reminds me a lot of my mother. And for that, I thank her.
Ryuu Tashiro| {GOD-FATHER} [ALIVE]
Again, this is another one I wouldn't hesitate to call a dear friend. My utmost respect goes towards this man and his daughter. He has helped me learn and better myself into the woman I am today and I am proud to call him my child’s godfather. Lets spar soon sir!

Takida Tokugawa Ryn| {HUSBAND} [ALIVE]
hmm where do I start with this one. For one, I nearly killed you on 2 separate occasions. And yet here you are, alive and the father to my child and my husband. It’s crazy how times have changed so much but that's life I suppose. I'm proud of the man you have become.
Asahi Kosuki:| {HUSBAND} [ALIVE]
I think I owe a lot to you more than I give you credit for. You reminded me that it's ok to laugh and smile, as well as how sturdy the back of my skull is. Next time we spar I will be going all out. But the next time won't be as just another acquaintance, it will be as my husband.
Binky ‘T’ Ukiyo:| {FRIEND} [ALIVE]
Another incredible role model who I'm proud to call a friend. I'm proud of how far she has grown as a woman and that I was there to witness so much of that growth.
Eunha Jun| {FRIEND} [ALIVE]
This is another woman that I aspire to be more like. I have yet to meet another woman who should be respected as much as Eunha. She is fierce, an incredible fighter and more importantly someone who reminded me that no matter how you front yourself to the public, you are still human underneath. And for that I say thank you.
Seiren Higuchi: | {FRIEND} [ALIVE]
I am in no way shape or form an emotional or openly. . .affectionate towards people. But when I say I would give my life in a heart beat for this woman I genuinely mean it. She is caring, approachable, stunning and someone who I hold a lot of value for. She deserves the world and more and I will kill anyone who tries to deny this.
Cyrus Tokugawa Kirk | {FATHER-IN-LAW} [???]
He has helped me a lot. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to label him friend but as my commander and grandfather to my child, I owe him a lot too. He has taught me a new lifestyle as well as what it means to smile again. To quote, I have for the most part been, ‘unyakuzafied.”
Emiko Tokugawa: | {SISTER- IN- LAW} [ALIVE]
In all honesty I haven’t known her long. But already, within the time I have spent with her, she is someone I admire. She has made me feel a lot more comfortable around especially since we come from a similar background and she is a great role model.
I still need to get used to her touchiness but I'm thankful for how much she has brought me out of my shell.
Zoya ‘Askook’ Lebedev:| {FRIEND} [ALIVE]
Never have I come across a more genuine and caring human. If it wasn’t for her, I don’t think for a second I would be as open to people as I have been. She is a great friend. And I am honoured to call her such.
Jonathan Tokugawa Kirk | {FRIEND} [ALIVE]
Though we only met twice, He has been more helpful than most. I hope one day his clan succeeds with bright colours, whether I'm alive to see it or not. Its not hard to see the amount care, effort and thought process put into kaku kai and I want to make it abundantly clear how grateful I am that I was even worthy to join. Thank you Jon
Tobias O'Sullivan Saki | {FRIEND} [ALIVE]
Ah this lil' guy. I think I have made it clear as day by now if you read the others that I wont hesitate to protect the people I believe deserve protecting the most. And he is one of them. Though it's a challenge most days to calm him down, I am honoured that he trusts me enough to help out when I can, and I cant wait to see how he grows.
Yuzu A. Kaori | {FRIEND} [ALIVE]
Hmm, She's an interesting one. I often find myself seeing my old self in her shoes sometimes when I train her so I believe she deserves the honourable mention. I tend to find myself worrying when she gets hurt or getting excited when she nails a new move, Maybe its because im pregnant brained currently. But I do believe she has some great things ahead of her. She's sweet and genuine. There ain't a lot of that around much anymore. Also she keeps calling me milf. . .im yet to discover what this means but my fiancé's say it too, someone help a girl out.​

Backstory: Skylar Tachibana Rose was born on July 14th, 2002, along with her other two siblings. A set of triplets. She had a brother, Kei Rose Tachibana and her sister, Aoife Tachibana Rose. They lived in a small county town in Ireland, named Dundalk, In their family's home brewery as it was known to the public. But there were many things that seemed off about the place. Many of the public residences nearby would often claim to hear loud screams, often a trail of red leading to the door that would be gone by the next morning.. She was born to a difficult life, to parents who neglected, and eventually abused the kids. The mother, Aoki Tachibana, was a half-Japanese half-Russian woman, and the father, Patrick Rose, an Irish man. Her father was a leader of an Irish Mafia, known as “The Rose.” The kids would have to stick together and learn from one another. Skylar, being the oldest of the triplets by only 13 minutes, was forced to learn a lot of the more violent side of the family's true works. From the age of 6, she was fully trained in knife throwing. By the time her brother Kei turned 10, he had passed his home-schooling on business orders. Her sister Aoife . . .she was the most neglected. Her family saw no use for her and it was a rare opportunity that the triplets got to see one another. As they grew older, they would constantly hear deals from her father. Many of these under-the-table deals were heard by Skylar, who then took the knowledge of them and self taught herself the Gaelic language. This all changed when she turned 13. Her father discovered his wife was apart of a Russian mafia, a spy, who was trying to take down “The Rose.'' In his fit of rage, he killed one of the triplets, Skylar’s sister, by decapitating her with the family katana. Skylar and her brother had just come down to the office after hearing screams from her mother just prior. Once they burst through the door, two of her father’s henchmen grabbed them, tying them to chairs, and had the members of his mafia slice their bodies repeatedly with the same katana that was used for her sister's neck, just lifelessly lying in front of them. Once the slashings had paused, the same two men brought over metal clamps, placing them on each of the now twin's eyes. Her mother, Aoki had been pretty badly beaten up and was struggling to stand up on her own. You see, to the people who did know the real truth about the rose’s, all knew who was killed or dealt by them. Their trademark was stamping a hot iron onto the skin of their victims, the shape of a rose. So in good old fashioned Rose style, her father grabbed the gasoline and began to pour it over Aoki, setting her alight. The kids were forced to watch this happen, having their eyes clamped open. The slashings continued. The katana never dug into their skin deep enough, just leaving scattered scars across their bodies. Skylar took the opportunity, kicking back with force on her chair, having one of the katanas cut the rope that bound her. She took the katana and freed her brother, but at this moment, her father splashed acid at her, scarring her face horribly. She would run the katana through him, ending his miserable life, and freeing the family from the abuse. Skylar would flee to Korea, while her brother went to Russia. After moving to Korea, she would get a personal trainer, who taught her how to fight. More specifically, jiu-jitsu and kickboxing. She would also learn how to speak Korean from this man, who she grew close to. It would take her 4 years of constant relearning how to speak, from reading, writing, listening, and learning but eventually she grasped the language, even gaining the odd compliment from the natives. Not a day went by during the time she spent in Korea where she didnt think about her brother. He was the only one she had left. But he was out in Russia, training with the natives there just as she had been doing. Eventually, Skylar left Korea after her trainer passed away of illness, and took herself to the streets of Japan. An old traveller had asked in broken English if she spoke Japanese. She would admit, it was very little, but with it in mind he told her to head to Karakura. A strange cryptic message as she began to walk away. . .
“I hope you do more good than damage.”
{only a small rough version of the original backstory. The og one is over 10k words . . .}

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