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Ruin06 | EMS Suggestion


Level 112
IGN: Ruin06
DATE: 14.08.2023 4:18 AM
Ability to get an appointment in other ways, this could be done on discord or via something in game, like maybe dropping a book with your phone number in it then the EMS would call you back, just an idea, I'm sure the players can find better ideas by simply being inspired by this post.
It'll make it less frustraiting and easier to get an appointment ICly. Getting an appointment is already frustraiting enough, I myself have been waiting like 2-3 days trying to catch an EMS member but because of timezone issues sometimes I'm just not able to. Instead of ranting however I believe its better to fix the problem instead, hence why I'm writing this suggestion.


Level 28

EMS have access to all 110 call logs, and I'm pretty sure that they can take them ICly. If you want an appointment, then just call 110 and EMS will eventually call you back.
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Level 112
Thread starter

EMS have access to all 110 call logs, and I'm pretty sure that they can take them ICly. If you want an appointment, then just call 110 and EMS will eventually call you back.
I see, I didnt know this however I'm pretty sure I called enough times yet I havent recieved a single call back myself, I dont know if thats the case for other players too however I believe if we can increase the ways to get an appointment, it would be better for those who havent recieved a call yet. I know that EMS is a busy faction and this could make it easier for them to catch up with the players that they might have not seen or missed out on.


Level 142
EMS have access to all 110 call logs, and I'm pretty sure that they can take them ICly. If you want an appointment, then just call 110 and EMS will eventually call you back
Seems like a somewhat convoluted and unclear way to book a hospital appointment, I would assume most people wouldn't know this is a possibility.

I am in favor of introducing something like this, especially since many players want to properly roleplay out their injuries and/or physical/mental disabilities, and I would assume that praying for the correct EMS member to be online is a major turnaway for many players.


Level 16
Seems like a somewhat convoluted and unclear way to book a hospital appointment, I would assume most people wouldn't know this is a possibility.

I am in favor of introducing something like this, especially since many players want to properly roleplay out their injuries and/or physical/mental disabilities, and I would assume that praying for the correct EMS member to be online is a major turnaway for many players.
Thats not what they mean, what they mean is appointments can be settled ICly within the Discord server so that they can be subjected to not needing to see them ICly as some EMS are afk and usually two EMS are online or one. They're usually not at the front desk so... It kind of makes it harder to contact EMS.

So that Appointment can make it faster instead of waiting around ICly to request for an Appointment.


Level 142
Thats not what they mean, what they mean is appointments can be settled ICly within the Discord server so that they can be subjected to not needing to see them ICly as some EMS are afk and usually two EMS are online or one. They're usually not at the front desk so... It kind of makes it harder to contact EMS.

So that Appointment can make it faster instead of waiting around ICly to request for an Appointment.
If that's the case then definitely not, roleplay needs to happen on the server, not off of it.

Thankfully, that isn't what they said. They want to be able to establish that first point of contact so that roleplay can happen, not just skip the roleplay entirely.


Level 95
-1 It's an okay idea but it is roleplay, it's not supposed to be easy to get appointments, realistically you have to do what you have to do to get an appointment, which is book one at the front desk, or call them, I understand your frustration and others, but again, It's roleplay, it's supposed to be frustrating, you're roleplaying something that people struggle with IRL.


Level 142
It's roleplay, it's supposed to be frustrating, you're roleplaying something that people struggle with IRL.
I agree with this, but only to an extent, and definitely not in the context of this suggestion. I do think that frustration is something that can and should be roleplayed out, but only if it's interesting or would contribute to a character in some meaningful way. Waiting for the opportunity to roleplay with someone isn't an IC frustration, but an OOC one, which only serves to make players less interested in roleplaying out certain things, such as their disorders or disabilities.


Level 53
Community Team
Lore Team
Thats not what they mean, what they mean is appointments can be settled ICly within the Discord server so that they can be subjected to not needing to see them ICly as some EMS are afk and usually two EMS are online or one. They're usually not at the front desk so... It kind of makes it harder to contact EMS.

So that Appointment can make it faster instead of waiting around ICly to request for an Appointment.

In response;
There is no way to settle these things over roleplay on Discord. Call logs refer to previous messages sent over the 110 hotline. EMS can't use Discord to respond to these calls, they have to log on and respond to it ICly.


Introduce a ticket system into the discord for EMS appointment tickets, include a seperate tab sheet in the pre-existing EMS info sheet that refers to appointments. If the Crime faction are introducing a ticket system, there's nothing stopping the emergency faction in doing the same thing.


Level 16
There is no way to settle these things over roleplay on Discord. Call logs refer to previous messages sent over the 110 hotline. EMS can't use Discord to respond to these calls, they have to log on and respond to it ICly.


Introduce a ticket system into the discord for EMS appointment tickets, include a seperate tab sheet in the pre-existing EMS info sheet that refers to appointments. If the Crime faction are introducing a ticket system, there's nothing stopping the emergency faction in doing the same thing.

I agree to this !!!


Level 233
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator
Thank you for your suggestion!

- Appointments are used when a member of the available department is unable to log online, and it is not always guaranteed that you will get your appointment either way (whether it be due to timezones, school time, etcetera). Rather than adding a ticket system that will clutter the discord further, you can post a message in #lobby or DM a Hospital Worker to see if they can log on.
- Any other ideas to improve this system can be directed to my DMs (@6pancake)

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