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Competitive Sports suggestion by Drnqk


Level 11



More competitive side of the sports faction. We all know the sports faction is fun and all with the JockRP and roleplay in between teams, but at the same time there is a good amount of people that like the competitive side of the server as well and are on the teams for that, and we only get 1 tournament per year, a thing that is hard to attend, taking into consideration that teams constantly go into rotations of players. A little fact here: There is a single player remaining from the 2022 Football College Males team by October 23rd, that being Atoki, and they have not stayed on the team for a year straight. Now what do I suggest?

Since each football and basketball team has a total of 12 players, on a normal game we only have 5 playing at the same time for each side, in volleyball, a total of 3 players play at the same time on a team of 8, and well, on baseball, I'm unsure of how many play, but it might be something along these lines. I would suggest dividing teams into 2 teams internally, just like for the volleyball tournaments, Team A and B, where each team has 6 players. What for, you may ask? You'll understand throughout the post; don't worry.

Yeah, I mentioned how there is nothing but the tournaments throughout the year, so why don't we do some type of interesting league for it where teams battle each other to compete for an easier bracket in the tournaments? Every team A on one side and every team B on the other side are not facing each other until the final. Now, back to the league or tournament qualifications, teams would schedule a match with an opposing team that they have yet to play. College [M] would have to play one game with College [F], Bobcat [F], and Bobcat [M]. Where 1 point is granted for winning and 0 for losing. This way, teams will actually have to strategize and try to win games for an advantage at the tournaments. Where the 1st and 2nd teams at the end of the qualifications would end up closer to the tournament finals, getting an easier path to reach them. (Examples are attached below.)


I'm not even exaggerating; this gives us a lot of benefits. And I'd like you to list the cons that it may have, as I'm yet to find a real or good reason why something like this can't be done. Now the benefits.

First of all, everyone would get a chance to play for their team, as in the last tournaments there was a bit of confusion and many players from different teams did not get to play a single minute. Dividing teams would also cause these to plan strategies, as you do not know in which bracket you will end and if it is better to make one strong team or two decent ones.

If there are games hosted throughout the year, we will be able to see how teams change; some improve and others get worse, mixing up the spots on the table in a way where you would never actually know who is going to end up first. This way, players who most likely won't be able to be on the team by the tournaments that could be months away will still get a small taste of what the competitive sides of the teams are and what a scrim is—not a random one, but a game where you are competing for something.

At the same time, we would actually have a reason for why we need to practice twice every week and play the plugin. Are all those 90 or so practices we have throughout the year only dedicated to 1 game, 2 at most, of 10 minutes that decide everything? Call me crazy if you want, but to my eyes, that's stupid.

Next, in my opinion, this would also even improve the rivalry side of the teams, as you would be able to actually trash talk teams based on real games that you had with them, bragging a whole win on their face, or acting mad and messing with someone's house (potentially doorms) because you got defeated.

Continuing, the tournaments would feel much more exciting now that you either start first, with a foot already on the final, or last, ready to be the wildest underdog in Karakura Sports History. Imagine losing all 3 or 6 games (depending on whether you want to play 1 or 2 games against each team) in the year, to then come at the 4th seed and reach the final. That's really improving.

There will be more excitement for the tournaments as you will be ready to play the most important games of the year after all of the scrims and goals that you've gotten by being an actual footballer. LIKE we play football, and people need to understand that, it gets to a point where it just feels like a tag or a role on a server, but thanks to the rivalry and team bonding that it is not.

And well, of course! Cheerleaders, games like this, with longer and more frequent tournaments would give them much more opportunities to perform and create routines, as they normally dont have many chances to do so, and it is also a thing they technically practice the whole year for. Wouldn't it be cool for the Basketball College Males to play the Basketball Bobcat Females with each cheer team trash talking each other and cheering for their own team at the side?

There are literally hundreds of positive things I could keep adding to this list, but I need to stop at some point.​


Level 135
I think this would be a great way to add more development to the competitive side of sports. Instead of waiting for a yearly tournament, this would be a great way to stay involved with SportsRP by competing in scrims as you said. This would also encourage more people to tryout for sports not just for the tag and to look cool.


Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
There's typically two tournaments per year, one in the summer and one in the winter, with the addition of the new area that's replaced the old football pitch next to the beach, I've got scrims in the works concerning all teams, college and highschool!!


Level 11
Thread starter
There's typically two tournaments per year, one in the summer and one in the winter, with the addition of the new area that's replaced the old football pitch next to the beach, I've got scrims in the works concerning all teams, college and highschool!!
Well that would be the ideal scenario, but if im not wrong we’ve only had 1 tournament per year, in 2022 we only had one, and this year we are yet to have a 2nd one with 2 months of the year left, thing that I dont think will happen. Either way, this point is not top priority in the suggestion.


Level 142
I'll be honest, I don't think there is much reason to do sports events like this, or to be more specific, I don't think they should be large scale, public things.

I feel like most people are willing to drop by for tournaments because of how rare they are, but if we're getting more sports events where all we do is spectate for a while every few weeks or so, at some point people are just going to care even less than they currently do.

Also, I feel like you could already be doing this unofficially, rather than waiting for the server to organize it for you. You can already play games against other teams, just ask politely to set up a time and badabing badaboom, you've got a match. You can keep score, strategize, and do basically any of the things you listed as a benefit if you did it unofficially, the only difference is the lack of a full server audience.

LIKE we play football, and people need to understand that, it gets to a point where it just feels like a tag or a role on a server,
I hate to break it to you, but that's kind of exactly what it is. The only difference between you guys and anybody else who uses the plugin is the long name tag, and the rivalry / jock roleplay that comes with it, which is just a part of culture that the football guys before you made up and passed down. Anybody could do what you are currently doing, with or without the tag.


Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
sounds like scheduling hell, when there were more events in the past players complained because there were too many, -1 for the majority of this suggestion


Level 11
Thread starter
I feel like most people are willing to drop by for tournaments because of how rare they are, but if we're getting more sports events where all we do is spectate for a while every few weeks or so, at some point people are just going to care even less than they currently do.
I mean, it wouldn't really be an event, as both teams are basically picking a time to play between themselves. Spectators are neither needed nor asked for. If you are interested, you can still watch. Now it would literally be a 10- to 20-minute match every two months. as we are playing 3 games in 6 months. I dont know where you can get bored from that; it is more boring to me how we barely get any official games or compete for anything.

Also, I feel like you could already be doing this unofficially, rather than waiting for the server to organize it for you. You can already play games against other teams, just ask politely to set up a time and badabing badaboom, you've got a match. You can keep score, strategize, and do basically any of the things you listed as a benefit if you did it unofficially, the only difference is the lack of a full server audience.
This is the whole point; the whole pre-tournament run and games would be organized by the own teams, but why would we do this if the tournaments are going to stay the same? Where is the change here? I don't want an audience, I just want the sports faction to be a bit more competitive, as there is one day of the year where you can feel like this. The players act differently when they are competing for something rather than just hosting a game for fun.

I hate to break it to you, but that's kind of exactly what it is. The only difference between you guys and anybody else who uses the plugin is the long name tag, and the rivalry / jock roleplay that comes with it, which is just a part of culture that the football guys before you made up and passed down. Anybody could do what you are currently doing, with or without the tag.
Alright then, why not make things more interesting for people who are on teams? Giving them the benefit of having this kind of situations, if the only difference is just a tag, why don't we improve the teams so they get more interesting? After all, teams are constantly losing players and having to host tryouts without filling up all their spots. I know a bunch of people would start joining teams if it was slightly more focused on the competitive side of it, and the sports faction would remain much more active.


Level 11
Thread starter
sounds like scheduling hell, when there were more events in the past players complained because there were too many, -1 for the majority of this suggestion
The scheduling would go all to the players, they would take care of them, and staff wouldn't even have to worry. Captains or co-captains of teams could keep track of these, it would be just setting up a date for a game, and then you would write down the results with screenshot proof. And for the event part, well, this wouldn't even be an event. It is just a few scrims like any other, where you have to write down results and try hard a bit more, but for the spectators, it would be just like watching a team practice. The only thing that would be longer would be the tournaments. But I mean, last time these lasted such a short period of time, it would literally be like one more hour or so. I don't think it is that big of a deal when the tournaments are planned ahead of time and people get to sort things out to attend them.


Level 142
This is the whole point; the whole pre-tournament run and games would be organized by the own teams, but why would we do this if the tournaments are going to stay the same? Where is the change here? I don't want an audience, I just want the sports faction to be a bit more competitive, as there is one day of the year where you can feel like this. The players act differently when they are competing for something rather than just hosting a game for fun.
The scheduling would go all to the players, they would take care of them, and staff wouldn't even have to worry. Captains or co-captains of teams could keep track of these, it would be just setting up a date for a game, and then you would write down the results with screenshot proof. And for the event part, well, this wouldn't even be an event. It is just a few scrims like any other, where you have to write down results and try hard a bit more, but for the spectators, it would be just like watching a team practice. The only thing that would be longer would be the tournaments. But I mean, last time these lasted such a short period of time, it would literally be like one more hour or so. I don't think it is that big of a deal when the tournaments are planned ahead of time and people get to sort things out to attend them.
If this is the case, just do it- There's no need to make a formal suggestion, you can just start talking with the other teams / captains and try to set it up on your own. If it's controlled by the teams and not the sports faction leads anyway, then there's no reason for the server's administration to get themselves involved. It sounds like you've figured out what you want, I'd recommend getting started with it


Level 11
Thread starter
If this is the case, just do it- There's no need to make a formal suggestion, you can just start talking with the other teams / captains and try to set it up on your own. If it's controlled by the teams and not the sports faction leads anyway, then there's no reason for the server's administration to get themselves involved. It sounds like you've figured out what you want, I'd recommend getting started with it
I'd still need staff's approval to know that the tournaments are going to be hosted that way, otherwise all the effort would be useless.


Level 26



More competitive side of the sports faction. We all know the sports faction is fun and all with the JockRP and roleplay in between teams, but at the same time there is a good amount of people that like the competitive side of the server as well and are on the teams for that, and we only get 1 tournament per year, a thing that is hard to attend, taking into consideration that teams constantly go into rotations of players. A little fact here: There is a single player remaining from the 2022 Football College Males team by October 23rd, that being Atoki, and they have not stayed on the team for a year straight. Now what do I suggest?

Since each football and basketball team has a total of 12 players, on a normal game we only have 5 playing at the same time for each side, in volleyball, a total of 3 players play at the same time on a team of 8, and well, on baseball, I'm unsure of how many play, but it might be something along these lines. I would suggest dividing teams into 2 teams internally, just like for the volleyball tournaments, Team A and B, where each team has 6 players. What for, you may ask? You'll understand throughout the post; don't worry.

Yeah, I mentioned how there is nothing but the tournaments throughout the year, so why don't we do some type of interesting league for it where teams battle each other to compete for an easier bracket in the tournaments? Every team A on one side and every team B on the other side are not facing each other until the final. Now, back to the league or tournament qualifications, teams would schedule a match with an opposing team that they have yet to play. College [M] would have to play one game with College [F], Bobcat [F], and Bobcat [M]. Where 1 point is granted for winning and 0 for losing. This way, teams will actually have to strategize and try to win games for an advantage at the tournaments. Where the 1st and 2nd teams at the end of the qualifications would end up closer to the tournament finals, getting an easier path to reach them. (Examples are attached below.)


I'm not even exaggerating; this gives us a lot of benefits. And I'd like you to list the cons that it may have, as I'm yet to find a real or good reason why something like this can't be done. Now the benefits.

First of all, everyone would get a chance to play for their team, as in the last tournaments there was a bit of confusion and many players from different teams did not get to play a single minute. Dividing teams would also cause these to plan strategies, as you do not know in which bracket you will end and if it is better to make one strong team or two decent ones.

If there are games hosted throughout the year, we will be able to see how teams change; some improve and others get worse, mixing up the spots on the table in a way where you would never actually know who is going to end up first. This way, players who most likely won't be able to be on the team by the tournaments that could be months away will still get a small taste of what the competitive sides of the teams are and what a scrim is—not a random one, but a game where you are competing for something.

At the same time, we would actually have a reason for why we need to practice twice every week and play the plugin. Are all those 90 or so practices we have throughout the year only dedicated to 1 game, 2 at most, of 10 minutes that decide everything? Call me crazy if you want, but to my eyes, that's stupid.

Next, in my opinion, this would also even improve the rivalry side of the teams, as you would be able to actually trash talk teams based on real games that you had with them, bragging a whole win on their face, or acting mad and messing with someone's house (potentially doorms) because you got defeated.

Continuing, the tournaments would feel much more exciting now that you either start first, with a foot already on the final, or last, ready to be the wildest underdog in Karakura Sports History. Imagine losing all 3 or 6 games (depending on whether you want to play 1 or 2 games against each team) in the year, to then come at the 4th seed and reach the final. That's really improving.

There will be more excitement for the tournaments as you will be ready to play the most important games of the year after all of the scrims and goals that you've gotten by being an actual footballer. LIKE we play football, and people need to understand that, it gets to a point where it just feels like a tag or a role on a server, but thanks to the rivalry and team bonding that it is not.

And well, of course! Cheerleaders, games like this, with longer and more frequent tournaments would give them much more opportunities to perform and create routines, as they normally dont have many chances to do so, and it is also a thing they technically practice the whole year for. Wouldn't it be cool for the Basketball College Males to play the Basketball Bobcat Females with each cheer team trash talking each other and cheering for their own team at the side?

There are literally hundreds of positive things I could keep adding to this list, but I need to stop at some point.​
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