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News || The Police of Karakura, Guilty? Or Innocent.


Level 8
[!] You browse the web in search of something to peak your interest, you then see a link with the title, "The police of Karakura, Guilty? Or Innocent." The idea peaks your interest, as you click the link, it brings you to a report. [!]

The Karakura Citizen

The Police of Karakura, Guilty? Or Innocent.

Karakura, an esteemed town, full of intellectual creation and wonder. A town that’s been standing for years, though full of crime, and quarrel there is protection, residing inside the police! The town has remained this way, though an up-rage has begun, tasings have been frequent due to the crime rate. . but it changes whenever a younger youth gets hit, is KPD truly here to protect us?

Who is the true victim here?

Many would say the victims are the children, in this case children referring to those of 14-15 years of age, who are being tased, whether cross-fire or being in an area, supporting something illegal. Though, the idea of a victim is on both sides, police deal with high-stress situations all of the time, many times they can be left with an ounce of their life. To blame police for every mishap is negating the idea of humanism, mistakes can be made, though after many times over, mistakes need to be corrected. Neutrality is seen between the police and those who have been affected, as both sides are justifiable in their actions, now both sides could’ve done something incorrect as well.

What’s to be done?

There may not be a victim, though a problem is still at hand, to find a resolution would be most admired. After asking multiple sources, the people’s opinion on how to resolve this is financial compensation to undeserving victims of a tasing. Undeserving pertaining to those caught in crossfire. The Karakura Police Department should financially compensate those who were tased, as such happenings can cause bodily trauma, and mental trauma later on in life. The Karakura Police Department stated, after asking an officer, “If the parents or child is upset they may always sue KPD.” Any victim, if completely and utterly innocent, and had been tased, may sue the KPD, if their evidence is correct, and they were completely out of the wrong, then they receive their own financial compensation.

The Information

Now, the word taser has been used throughout this paper, though many could mistake it for anything else. A weapon, A tool, A danger.

Cops are equipped with stun guns, or more commonly known as tasers, a handheld device that's capable of sending 50,000 volts into the subject with just a press of a button. It can be seen as a weapon, or tool. In reality, it’s a tool, meant to stop criminals and dangerous people in one shot. A baton is a more brutal weapon than the taser. Police carry these tools around, just like pepper spray, and their baton, they also carry around tranq guns. The taser is an easily used weapon as when shot, prongs stick into the victim, connected to coords, when the police officer finds the victim to be calmed down, or no longer violent they can turn off the shock, though if the victim becomes violent once more they can turn the shocking back on.

Police are highly trained to use such tools, while placed in the right hands it’s a very useful tool to keep dangers from continuing, but placed into the wrong hands it can very easily lead to serious problems. Tasers are used in situations where a criminal runs, or is fighting and refuses to stop, the taser is usually a second to last line of defense against the criminals, these situations are usually high stress as well, and the officer gives warnings before using said taser. Once an officer fires their taser, it either is into the air, or at the victim, leading to the same outcome, Problem solved.


The police of this town, unless specifically and maliciously they attacked a innocent bystander, or young child with their stun gun are innocent, situations can lead to speedily handled mishaps. Statistics show that 75% of the most recent tasings regarding a younger age group, happened to be in the area or evident close to the events of a crime. This led to their tasing, or crossfire shot. The police are in vow to protect the town, they follow their procedures and rules, the idea of a corrupt cop is always in the picture, though indubitably the cops are here for our protection.

First Interview

[!] A audio file was attached below, as you clicked it, it began to play the interview. [!]

[!] Throughout this interview muffled coughs would be heard, it sounded as one was sickly . . [!]

Mister Lebedev:
Today’s date is 11/13/2023, This interview is being conducted on Friday, at 1:15 A.M. The interviewer today is Mister Lebedev, and my interviewee will be referred to as The Officer.

Mister Lebedev: “Now, Officer, There has been a number of recent tasings lately, have you noticed an increase in such?”

The Officer: “mm it’s hard to notice an increase when our tasers are our main tool in the KPD, so Ill have to say no for that fact.”

[!] A few muffled coughs were heard [!]

Mister Lebedev: “Tasers are your main tools, do you find there is an age cap on who they can be used on?”

The Officer: “Sadly it’s hard to put an age cap on who we use it on when the youth in karakura consists of criminals, while I understand not all of the kids who live here are criminal we can’t risk our lives just to give someone the benefit of the doubt. Officers that have done that have come out with irreversible trauma to their body and mind. To answer your question more properly, it’s impossible to put an age cap on it with how the town is, but KPD does try their best to assess every situation to see if our taser is needed or not.”

Mister Lebedev: “So, you’re stating that age doesn’t exactly matter, but as long as they are committing crimes, and or being dangerous it is allocating them for use of your taser?”

The Officer: “If we’re talking about the majority of youth like . . . 17 through 20s or something in those situations we just gotta take it as it’s handed to us, but of course if we see . . . 14 year olds or elderly people, we want our officers to scare them away and or if it’s really needed, use force.”

Mister Lebedev: “Do you think officers who tase children 14 through 15 years of age should be punished for unnecessary force?”

The Officer: “It all really depends on the situation, while I’m very against tasing kids I can see a high stress situation where a kid around that age decides it would be fun to hang out in and don’t comply with what officers are saying. Like a riot situation for example. Sometimes 14 through 15 year olds get involved in those situations and don’t listen and sometimes, they might get tased for going against the officer’s wishes or even pepper sprayed. I think it would be better if kids that young were better watched by their parents and stayed away from all dangerous/high stress situations.”

Mister Lebedev: “To get closer to the end, If a child of 14 through 15 years of age, would’ve been tased by a misfire, or being caught in crossfire, what would you think the Karakura Police Department should do to pay them back, or compensate them for their troubles?”

The Officer: “For when situations like that happens, when someone is caught in the crossfire OF ANY AGE, we ask officers to take them to the hospital for a check up just to make sure they are ok, and obviously if the parents or the child are upset about being hit they can always sue KPD.”

Mister Lebedev: “Thank you for your time, that's all the questions I have for today.”

[!] The audio came to an abrupt end. [!]

The Second Interview

[!] A audio file was attached below, as you clicked it, it began to play the interview. [!]

[!] Throughout this interview muffled coughs would be heard, it sounded as one was sickly . . [!]

Mister Lebedev: “Starting the recording at 8:58 PM, Friday, 11/13/2023. The interviewer is Mister Lebedev, and the Interviewee will be referred to as The Victim.”

Mister Lebedev: “Now, Victim, Could you please explain what happened? The day you were tased, any details you remember?”

The Victim: “Well . . . My friends had been up to their usual antics and it escalated into a fight. I assume the police were called or were on patrol. They tased my friend, and I got caught in the crossfire.”

Mister Lebedev: “I see, did the police compensate you at all? Like giving you money, or special treatment?”

The Victim: “No, they offered to take me to the hospital, but I refused. One of the onlookers took me to EMS.”

Mister Lebedev: “Do you think the cop was rude, or KPD was wrong for that type of treatment?”

The Victim: “The KPD was wrong, I shouldn’t have been tased at all, as I was away from the main conflict.”

Mister Lebedev: “So are you saying that the cop went away from the conflict to tase you?”

The Victim: “Not saying that explicitly . . .But, they had to have had bad aim or something.”

Mister Lebedev: “Thank you very much this information is very helpful, and the cop who tased you never spoke to you?”

The Victim: “I saw him once at the career fair, but was too terrified to speak to him, nor did he recognize me.”

Mister Lebedev: “Are you now afraid, of the Karakura Police?”

The Victim: “Yes, I can’t stop shaking whenever they get near me.”

Mister Lebedev: “Thank you, that’s all the questions I have for you today.”

[!] The audio came to an abrupt end. [!]

[!] The purpose of these interviews was to show the sides of both. The young girl who was tased, and the officer who had seen these happenings before. This provides proof, and evidence of the information into the report, bringing the conclusion to an upstanding halt. [!]


Level 107
The Victim: “Well . . . My friends had been up to their usual antics and it escalated into a fight. I assume the police were called or were on patrol. They tased my friend, and I got caught in the crossfire.”
we all know this had to be Eva

....tldr what ACTUALLY happened was sven was being TOO silly and on his knees for hae trying to marry her.


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