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Characters suggestion <3


Level 10


I've been contemplating this for a while now after realizing by a certain issue. While having a single suspended character, I noticed that the role restrictions don't just impact that one character but affect my entire account. I believe there's an opportunity to revamp and separate the school records for each character.

By having distinct school records for each student character a player possesses, regardless of rank, it would enhance roleplay flexibility. For instance, Character A, aiming for a position in college, could coexist with Character B, a member of a gang causing disruptions within the school. With individual records for each character, a player can navigate diverse situations without the actions of one rebellious character tarnishing the record of another non-rebellious one.

I'm not the only player considering this potential change for the server. I've discussed it with several friends who also play with more than 1 or 2 characters and face challenges roleplaying with one due to a bad record caused by the behavior of another.

I'd also like to also put down the thoughts of other players, who will remain anonymous.
- The current rules for character records are unfair because some players want to start a new life with another character. However, if the character encounters trouble, such as with the KPD or school faculty, the search is conducted by the in-game name (IGN) rather than the roleplay name. This means that if you're involved in a gang roleplay (gangrp) on another character, you will consistently have a negative record, increasing the likelihood of arrests and detentions for your new character, even if they haven't done anything wrong.

- I would say that the detention records in school, i.e. /records should be different with each character. It's like how they do descriptions seperate. This way it would be fair to each new character. Right now, all my characters have unique personalities, however all of them are under threat of suspension thanks to the combined detention score.

- it would take more commands, but doesn't it seem unfair that everyone, especially those with higher ranks, have multiple characters, with multiple personalities making it so their records would be wildly different? The current process and rules for records also keeps other characters who aren't problematic ICLY to lose their chance to get into college or any roleplay benefits they might have deserved to receive.

- It affects every character, especially those characters that would never have a detention or suspension from not just their personalities but also them as a whole! Especially with the large range of characters people can have especially with high ranks like Omega+. There are so many types of shy quiet characters, too the gangsters, and jocks. The one set record per player affects each of them no matter who they are and what trouble they cause or not, which we feel can be circumvented.


In conclusion, the players who have left their opinions above and I have come to infer on how this would benefit the server and community as a whole. There are plenty of examples on the server of players that may be struggling from the current system in which the records of characters are handled. It would allow for more flexibility between characters, as the player would not have to stick to one way to roleplaying or restricted personalities for their characters just so they don't have a character that follows rules in trouble. My characters I'll use for an example are Crimson 'Ichor' Mortov and Kira 'kiki' Chromia. Crimson is currently suspended and is heavily involved in criminal activity being present in a gang. Kira is the complete opposite as she's a simple caring individual, but while I'm playing her I cannot enter or leave the school due to Crimson's suspension affecting it, despite Kira having nothing to do with the incident. I'm fairly certain that if one were to ask around the server, many would come to the same conclusion we have.

For a simple example using a friend's school record, the left image would be inserted as Crimson 'Ichor' Mortov's record, with her many detentions and suspension. And the right image inserted as Kira 'kiki' Chromia's record, no detentions and attended classes as a decent student.

Possible Cons to this suggestion:

1- It's plausible that implementing separate records might lead to increased server space usage, although the server appears robust given its heavy reliance on commands.

2- While transitioning to separate character records could be a significant change, the benefits could outweigh the challenges. Providing an option to retain the current record and assign it to a specific character slot might be a viable compromise.

3- Additional considerations may arise over time, and it's possible that more aspects too this idea will surface in the future.

Smaller suggestions in addition:

1- ability to change which is your primary character slot
2- redoing the records to be apart of the character desc?
example- [character name] [age] [description] [Biography] [classes attended] [detentions] [suspensions] [Education credits]

Of course, this may be edited in the future!! I'd love to see other's opinions on this suggestion if you so put it down below <3



Level 35
So... this is mainly just a factor of the separate profiles being a new system and our team being heavily booked with updates, these things will be changed in time, just not a priority if it works.

Player info beyond name and description will never be placed in the right click player interact, as we've got things like computers for certain faculty members to access.


Level 143
The current rules for character records are unfair because some players want to start a new life with another character. However, if the character encounters trouble, such as with the KPD or school faculty, the search is conducted by the in-game name (IGN) rather than the roleplay name. This means that if you're involved in a gang roleplay (gangrp) on another character, you will consistently have a negative record, increasing the likelihood of arrests and detentions for your new character, even if they haven't done anything wrong.
If you don't want those "good" characters to be issued detentions or get arrested, then don't perform the actions that they would lead to those actions on those characters. If you can do that much, then there won't be any threat of you getting in trouble.

Side note, it is very easy for faculty to look up a student's name instead of their IGN while looking at the detention record, and I would assume the SLT already does when considering suspensions.

I would say that the detention records in school, i.e. /records should be different with each character. It's like how they do descriptions seperate. This way it would be fair to each new character. Right now, all my characters have unique personalities, however all of them are under threat of suspension thanks to the combined detention score.
If each character had different records, then players could just swap between their delinquent characters when they are about to be suspended or expelled, allowing them to get into more trouble while their other character's detention count goes down. Of course not everybody would abuse this loophole, but a system that promotes any type of AvoidRP is something I can't really get behind.


Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
-1 I think suspensions / expulsions should be based on IGN


Level 62
- The current rules for character records are unfair because some players want to start a new life with another character. However, if the character encounters trouble, such as with the KPD or school faculty, the search is conducted by the in-game name (IGN) rather than the roleplay name. This means that if you're involved in a gang roleplay (gangrp) on another character, you will consistently have a negative record, increasing the likelihood of arrests and detentions for your new character, even if they haven't done anything wrong.

While the plugin works based off your IGN KPD only counts your new character as having a record if there is a RPname that matches the current one within the records. so if it really is a brand new character you're good to go, your other character's records don't mash together!.

+1 I think it's a good idea, no reason why the school faction couldn't do it the way KPD does it, they would just need a different plugin to do it. I definitely think staff could make a cooler idea out of this suggestion.


Level 10
Thread starter
While the plugin works based off your IGN KPD only counts your new character as having a record if there is a RPname that matches the current one within the records. so if it really is a brand new character you're good to go, your other character's records don't mash together!.

+1 I think it's a good idea, no reason why the school faction couldn't do it the way KPD does it, they would just need a different plugin to do it. I definitely think staff could make a cooler idea out of this suggestion.
I think staff could do alot with this idea, i did my best to get as much info as i could get down!


Level 47
While the plugin works based off your IGN KPD only counts your new character as having a record if there is a RPname that matches the current one within the records. so if it really is a brand new character you're good to go, your other character's records don't mash together!.

+1 I think it's a good idea, no reason why the school faction couldn't do it the way KPD does it, they would just need a different plugin to do it. I definitely think staff could make a cooler idea out of this suggestion.


Level 14

I dont think you're character that din't do nothing wrong and/or isn't related to your other character you're getting trouble with, that the good one should get it on their record. This would:
1. Be kind of failrp; if your character isn't related to the other it should be impossible it ending up on their record
2. Why? The good character did nothing wrong so it would be kind of.. dumb to punish them aswell


Level 174

I have 2 high school character, one is meant to be a snobby stereotypical cheerleader character but the other always behaves themself. I don't want my well behaved character getting expelled or suspended because of my other characters behaviour.

-1 I think suspensions / expulsions should be based on IGN
Detentions are given out based on IC reasons. It should be based by character not IGN.


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- We can see behind the scenes which characters you were suspended on via logs, however we'll look into a way to show the player which characters were suspended as well to make it a little clearer.​

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