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The Winter's End | Alan Jackson


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The Winter's end.
26th of June, 2024

[REDACTED], Fairfax County, Virginia.

'The mob wants Mr. Jackson dead, and so they decided to assassinate him with Leo Volante, with his wife fiance... Sky H. Edgeworth as leverage, turned out easier than they'd expect, on June 27th, 2025 at precisely 10:00 am, His body was found by a couple of government workers making surveys at a Small town just outside of Milwaukee, USA. His body was found leaning against the side of an unmarked gravestone deep in the woods, belonging to an unknown but unrelated individual. It was a clean but long death, He was shot once in his chest and bled out just minutes after.' A sound of exhale as the individual cleared their throat, followed by the recording ending.

Just how long can someone go for after causing too much chaos and bringing down many people in the name of 'achieving freedom'?
How long can one last before his past catch up to him and leave him to die a slow painful dead alone?
Is death really the actual freedom for Criminals and Mob Bosses?

Alan Jackson was not a good person, make no mistake about that, But he was also a kind and nurturing soul, a father to some, a loving husband to one, and an absolute powerhouse of a vengeful individual. He was also a teacher to many.. from Business, to driving, to even crime. But after his stunt that got him killing his way across America to grant himself freedom, was he truly free after that?

A Small town, 15 Miles away from Milwaukee, USA.
05:00 AM.

It was a cold morning at a motel in a small town, just 15 miles away from Milwaukee, Alan Jackson is staying there for the night after Leo Volante called him up and requested to have a chat with him. As Alan opened his motel room's door and stepped outside with a cup of warm coffee, He saw a taxi arriving at the motel.. with Leo exiting the taxi. Alan turned to his right and walked over to the stairs and down the stairs to the parking lot. as he greet Leo.

[A. Jackson]: 'Morning, Leo.' He walked over to Leo, taking a sip of his coffee. 'How's the flight?' He said taking another sip of his coffee, waiting for an answer to Leo as he looks around the empty motel, there's only a few cars and motorcycles, you can pretty much count them up with just a single hand, not to mention the thick morning fog in that winter town.

'Ryan Air, how fuckin' good can it be?' He said grinning afterwards, followed by a chuckle. 'How's the motel room?' Leo asked back, wiping his jacket a bit, waiting for Alan to answer him, scanning the surroundings too as he does that. :[L. Volante]
[A. Jackson]: 'Eh, Bed's alright, chair's fuckin' shit. There's barely any channels to watch to pass time.' Alan replied to Leo, another sip from his coffee he took. 'So... How's you and sky?' He asked.

'Could be better... She's just a bit angry is all.' Leo replied, rubbing the back of his head. 'How about you? How's the family?' :[L. Volante]
[A. Jackson]: 'Ayumi's alright, Daughter's alright too, Ayumi's also possibly expecting, so that's great...' He replied to Leo, before then pointing out his answer to Alan's question by using his index finger on his occupied hand holding the coffee mug to sort of point at him as he asks. 'Relationship problem? That's new, you both are crazy in love with each other.' He said raising an eyebrow and taking another sip of his coffee, almost empty now.

'Well, you know how it is.. Sometime's like that.' Leo said followed by a nervous chuckle. :[L. Volante]
[A. Jackson]: 'Well, tell you what... You need any help with that, I can set you two up for something that can resolve it, alright? You're like my brother after all.' He said giving Leo an assuring smile. 'Come on, Let's go to the cafe, they serve sandwich and coffee right now.' He said turning his body around but still have his head turned towards Leo and gestured him to follow, as he starts walking.

Leo was saddened by what he said, unable to believe that he's minutes away from taking away his own good friend's life, He reached behind him and placed his hand on his gun, before taking it out slowly as he followed Alan, raising it towards the back of his head. :[L. Volante]
[A. Jackson]: 'Oh yeah, why were you asking us to meet aga-' He said as he turned around to face Leo again unexpectedly, before seeing Leo pointing a gun at him and in that split second he immediately blitz out of his aim to the right to avoid Leo's shot.

'BANG!' The gun went off, Leo immediately pressed the trigger as soon as Alan turned around, but due to him having to twitch his aim towards Alan who also blitzed to his right he hit Alan on his chest, piercing his lung. 'Shit..-' :[L. Volante]
[A. Jackson]: He waste no time to run out behind the motel into the woods away from Leo, grunting hard from the shot hitting his chest. But due to adrenaline rush, He hasn't yet to feel it, as He ran through the woods, breathing hard... essentially pumping blood into his lungs, He then finds an abandoned graveyard in the distance, as He arrived and immediately took cover behind one of the gravestone, sitting on the snow with his back against the stone. He hissed at the pain that starts to set in. 'Fuck..-' He said before he cough out blood from his mouth.

Leo trailed Alan's blood trail through the forest and snow, Arriving at the graveyard he was on. 'Alan...? Still breathing?' He said yelling out Alan as he entered the Graveyard, with his gun up and ready, checking ever cover for him, before slowly making his way to one of the gravestone, seeing Alan's hand from behind it, He turned the corner and saw Alan, who's by now already weak. Leo kneel down on one knee next to Alan. 'Look... Alan- I'm so sorry... They put Sky as leverage- I can't do anything except obe-' :[L. Volante]
[A. Jackson]: 'Shut... the fuck..- up...' He said as he gets weaker, coughing out blood more, He leaned back to the gravestone even more. 'I.. kind of.... figured this'll happen...' He said glancing over to Leo slowly. 'Just- whatever you do... Do not... let them win..-' He said to Leo, reaching into his jacket's pocket. Pulling out an envelope and giving it over to Leo. 'You've... Grown... a lot... kid... I'm proud of you... '

'You're... not mad..?' Leo asked, before looking at the envelope Alan gave him. 'What's this...?' He asked to Alan, putting his arm on his shoulder as he asks Alan, his expression is full of sadness and regret. :[L. Volante]
[A. Jackson]: 'A Will... I..' He coughed hard a few times, letting out blood from his mouth. 'Prepared it- In case something like this happens...' He said moving his hand yet again into his jacket, pulling out a photo slowly, as he looks at it. It was a photo of his family.

'I'm... Sorry Alan... I.. Your family will be safe- I promise.' He said tearing up as he realized what he just did to his good friend. 'I-' :[L. Volante]
[A. Jackson]: 'Wipe... those eyes... If anything... I'm glad it was you who killed me...' He said smiling weakly as he looked at the photo again, rubbing it with his bloody fingers. 'At least... They're... safe... now.. The commission... will leave them alone..' He said as tears fell to his photo from himself. 'I just... I just-' He cough out again, weakening even more. 'I wish... I could see my kids grow up... but... It's better than having them gone...'

'I'll keep them safe- I promise... I won't let you down.. B-Brother...' Leo said with pain in his voice. He would take a deep breath slowly. 'W-What do I tell you family about this...?' He asked to him. :[L. Volante]
[A. Jackson]: 'You tell them... that they got me... not you...' He said wiping his mouth. 'I'm... entrusting you with them... and Nirmala... You earned it.. kid..' He said to Leo, smiling to him. 'You... run it well... and protect your girl... as good as you can with my family...'

Leo nodded, before offering Alan one last handshake. 'I won't let you down... Not again.' He said as he awaits for Alan to shake his hand. :[L. Volante]
[A. Jackson]: He shook Leo's hand weakly. 'Now go... they'll... find me here soon...' He said as he slowly slumped down, meaning he's very close to dying.

Leo nodded again before getting up, and running away towards the direction of the Motel, not looking back as he makes his way through the woods. 'I won't let you down, Alan.. Not again.' Leo said under his breath as he ran. :[L. Volante]
Silence ensues over at Alan's dying place, as he awaits his inevitable death, he closed his hand that's holding the picture of his family. Letting out one final whisper under his breath in Italian. 'I'm sorry... my family... Papa will look over you... Always...' He said as he slumped over to his right, as he drew his last breath, marking his death and his true freedom, and achieving his final goal... Keeping his family safe.

As Alan dies, so does the name 'Don Forelli' but with his death, Everyone in his life is safe, an exchange he's willing to do, Leo was traumatized of what happened, swearing that He will not return to the life of crime and get out while he still can. Alan's family lost their loving husband and father, but Alan will always look after them from above, His body was later found and buried the following week, His case was dismissed as Hunting Accident.

'I... still see you sometimes, Rest easy... Brother.' - Leo Volante

This is a Lore Piece that the viewers can choose to find out on what would happen if the duo decides to end another's life.
Nothing is canon, Think of this as inspired by the
Telltale Series of Games.

Theme song for Alan's death: Here (


Level 79
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I'm in spain without the s, Leo's was filled with anger and Alan is just filled with acceptance, please im crying ;-;

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