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Change the way players reply to suggestions.


Level 30
I have no issues with most of the ways players reply to suggestions and give their feedback but I believe that certain players are taking their opinions to heart and dragging it too far. I view a suggestion as an argumentative essay; you should use the opposing side's argument to better your own so it makes sense to make sure that the back and forth isn't redundant, using a sharp knife to get to the point rather than hitting it with a dull knife with more effort; for example:

Player A" I believe that bears should be revoked the permission to major in their cave!"
Player B "-1 This is a horrible suggestion and I don't see how this could improve the server, it's a bears cave."

^^ This right here I've seen (Not to this severity but around it) plenty of times in different forms suggestions and it completely discourages players in the future from creating suggestions in fear of being shot down by another negative comment. Players should be uplifting each other in the community rather than bashing each other down because you disagree. Rather instead of you could give constructive criticism.

Player A" I believe that bears should be revoked the permission to major in their cave!"
Player B "-1 This suggestion could use some improvement but overall I disagree, some ways you can improve it are, making it so bears have to give a warning before acting on permissions, and have a more serious motive other than stepping in "Their" cave. The reason I disapprove of the suggestion is that they shouldn't be nerfed due to players being silly and constantly running into the cave/bugging bears without fearing them."

This right here gives an amazing backbone to support the argument of disagreement. It isn't too passive-aggressive and it isn't so much "This is a bad suggestion" rather it is a bad suggestion with potential and this is what could make it better.

I hope everyone can read this and understand and spread it around. Have a nice year everyone.
I know this isn't going to change how a lot of players review suggestions but regardless it's worth trying rather than sitting around and judging from a far.
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Level 76
Absolutely. Criticism is meant to be constructive in nature, not destructive. If you've nothing valuable to add, why bother commenting?


Level 30
Thread starter
i am not reading allat
As said in the thing you're not reading, try to give more constructive criticism. Sure it was a lot but next time for sure just leave a little reminder as to why you feel the way you do and what would make it better! for example: "You wrote too much for such a small thing, honestly could have made it smaller and that's why you disagree and or agree."


Level 99
Community Team
Lore Team
I agree, but a lot of SRP’s player base will end up ignoring this


Level 328
Unfortunately this is quite hard to monitor (I know this is a general post as a call-out for the community), as most players probably don't have the time to give constructive criticism and decide to instead state +1/-1, or be vague with their responses.

However, rest assured that staff will indeed take into account all the potential benefits/downsides of your suggestion regardless of whether a player has brought them up or not.

Additionally, if a suggestion seems to get "out of control" and resulted in drama-instigating responses, odds are that the suggestion will be locked and said comments will be deleted.


Level 11
I agree, but a lot of SRP’s player base will end up ignoring this
cool but how
Unfortunately this is quite hard to monitor (I know this is a general post as a call-out for the community), as most players probably don't have the time to give constructive criticism and decide to instead state +1/-1, or be vague with their responses.

However, rest assured that staff will indeed take into account all the potential benefits/downsides of your suggestion regardless of whether a player has brought them up or not.

Additionally, if a suggestion seems to get "out of control" and resulted in drama-instigating responses, odds are that the suggestion will be locked and said comments will be deleted.
i believe it is mostly for people who are reading this to think furthermore when replying to a suggestion and put some effort on their awnsers rather than enforcing it, as it cant be done really, unless you change the forums suggestions format to something like:
Your Position:
And making people fill in both if they want to post the suggestion


Level 87
Usually, if I disagree I do -1 then the reasoning

for +1, I highly agree, sometimes explaining how some parts wouldn't be making sense overall

For neutral, I just explain tbh


Level 271
yonio already said all my points sorry my bro
just dont +1 / -1 in suggestions u cant control everyone


Level 66
This way of suggesting, focused on giving explanations, is usually the best. These approaches push the suggester to iterate fixes or think of alternatives, this is usually common in gameplay focused suggestions. However, not always one can have these fleshed out answers. Sometimes those approaches have already been expressed by other players, I wouldn't my suggestion commentsection to be a whole 3 paragraphs of copy-paste feedback, It would be hard to find new points to fix. I would neither want my comment removed because my response lacks of creative criticism, or even criticism at all (which is the case when we talk about commenting (+1 or -1) ).


Level 94
As much as I’d love to see people explain their points, sometimes things are already stated and repeating it would just be …. yeah, no good. Hell, I’m one of those people who just say ‘—1/+1’ but only thanks to the fact that people already said what I wanted to. Plus, can you really control an entire playerbase? Didn’t think so.
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