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[ART CONTEST] Bobcats & Spartans Fan Poster Contest! WIN A CAR!!


Level 132
1706693510535.pngBobcats and Spartans Fan Poster Contest.png

This is an Art Contest folks! Not Staff Approved! I vouch for this with my reputation and my wallet. The prizes are real! Two Cars (Custom Vehicles with Shop Value of 59.50 USD) will belong to the two players (their respective IGname profiles) who submit the best BOBCATS and SPARTAN fan posters. You may submit your art in this Thread from first day of February to the last day of February. (Earlier or later Submissions will not enter the contest.) The winner will be determined and announced in March (by a Jury that hopefully involves the respective Cheer Teams and maybe some SRP server staff members, if I can convince them to join in.) If chaos ensues, we will improve on the contest format in the next iteration!
Have fun folks!

How to enter the contest:

#1 Steel your heart. Read the rules. Agree with them.
#2 Design your very own team fan poster. (Any process)
#3 Submit the art to this thread before the deadline is over.
#4 Maybe write something nice about the other entries.
#5 Come back once we announced the winner in March! Cheer on!

~ Good Luck to you!


What exactly is the first prize, and how would I receive it?

The first prize will be a typical transfer code (handed over via Discord or private forum message) that entitles you to a custom vehicle purchase that I will pay for under your name (IGname) with my PayPal funds. You can use this transfer code to order a vehicle of your choice from the media team (follow the standard instructions for Custom Orders). Additionally, you will receive in-game Yen (estimated 125,000 yen) to pay your taxes on the purchased car. To receive the yen, you will need an account at the Karakura Bank and must send your banking details to me via Discord or forum DM after you've been chosen as the winner. I cannot control what you use the transfer code for—whether you order a bike instead of a car or spend the yen on something else. Just have fun with it!

Can I reference this art contest in the game (ICly)?
Possibly. I will attempt to get this ad into an actual IC-approved newspaper (like Karakura News or Whizfeed), to be released by the News Faction, but I can't promise it. You can discuss it ICly as soon as the advertisement has been adopted by the news faction and appears in a news article in the Roleplay Document section of the forum. Until then, please treat this contest as an OOC art challenge.

How will participants be notified if they win?
I will contact the winners determined by their respective jury via forum DM or Discord (whichever is provided to me). I will find you...

What happens with my design once the contest is over?
I hope to have them printed/released by Karakura News or Whizfeed. However, if this is not possible, your submissions might feature in an issue of the much smaller and very regional Tsubasa Report.

What are the image specifications for the poster submission? Is there a submission format?
Please upload or link your image, provide your IGname, and add any comments or texts under your submission. Upload it as a PNG, JPEG, or any format that can be displayed in this forum thread without issues. Ensure that your image doesn't vanish suddenly during the contest and that the resolution is high enough. You may update your submission until the last minute. Just don't leave your Work-in-Progress journey or dublicates of your work in this Thread.

Can I use AI-generated art in my poster design?
I encourage players to engage in a creative process, which might involve using AI-generated concepts or ideas. However, the majority of the creative work should be your own. Any submission that relies heavily on AI or circumvents significant artistic effort will be disqualified.

Can I collaborate on my design?
Yes, you may collaborate with others, but only one player (with their profile IGname) should submit the piece. You may later share the car prize, but only one individual will receive the transfer code and ownership for a custom vehicle.

I want to win multiple prizes or submit multiple pieces. Can I do that?
No. You may only submit ONE fan poster design per player. Submissions from multiple accounts belonging to a single player or showcasing more than two designs in one image will be disqualified.

What if I'm not happy with this contest? Can I complain to staff?
Yes, you can complain to staff. They will decide whether to get involved and reach out to me on your behalf. As this is a private art contest, I, ErikFinster, am the sole person responsible. Please do not approach my in-game character "[12-Grade] Erik Finster" about the contest; he is not on the jury and has no influence over the outcome.

Do I have to draw something, or can I create a collage or make a video?
Your entry should be a static, classic poster, resembling an 18 x 24 or 24 x 36 format. It should express your fandom for your favorite Karakuran sports team. You can use in-game screenshots, draw, photoshop/canva, oil/acrylic, make a collage, or use 3D rendering—just avoid anything too gross, violent, or suggestive/NSFW. These won't be disqualified, but are unlikely to impress the jury.

Are there people who are not allowed to participate?
OOC: You need to be a RoleplayHub SRP player with a forum account to participate. IC: You need to be connected to Karakura High School or College in some way. Only students or ex-students are allowed to submit.
Additionally: If you are an active contest jury member, you can’t win any of the mentioned prizes.

Are there more categories and additional smaller prizes?
Yes there are. Second and third place will get you a ringtone, rank upgrades, or an animal whitelist. More prizes might be awarded when the jury finds certain submissions prize-worthy for their own merit or because they stand out. So, if you earn second or third place, or you have been very creative, you won't leave empty-handed.

Will there be any recognition for participants aside from the winners?
Only the interactions and feedback within this thread.

Can international participants enter the contest?
OOCly, absolutely. Anyone with an IGname who plays on the RolePlayHub SRP server is welcome. ICly, your character needs to be currently residing in Karakura and
attend either Karakura High School or Karakura College to participate, or must have attended in the past. There are no age restrictions for this contest.

What happens if the winners cannot accept the prize?
The prize will wait for you. If your account is deleted or you're unable to accept the prize due to real-life issues, I'll hold onto it for you. Please don't return in 2029 mentioning this contest; that would be quite alarming. If you decline the prize, it will be awarded to the runner-up as per the jury's recommendation.

What if there are only a few participants?
If only a small number of people participate, those who do will win by default. They'll be ranked as first, second, and third place in their team category. I don't mind awarding prizes to a small group of artists; it's better to inspire a few than none at all.

Is there a theme or style the poster should follow?
No specific theme or style is required. Your design should simply qualify as a fan poster for either the Bobcats or Spartans.

Can I get feedback on my submission after the contest?
The jury may not provide detailed reasons for their decisions, so official feedback on submissions is not guaranteed. You'll receive community feedback in this thread, but I can't promise individual critiques from the jury or myself.

My question wasn't answered. How can I ask you something?
If your question wasn't covered here, please send me a Direct Message via the forum or Discord (bronicesky), and I'll try to respond. If it's a relevant question, I'll update this FAQ. Thank you for your interest—now go out and create some ART!

What do I have to do to get the 1.000.000 yen secret third place prize?
Participate and just take a shot at it. You might be the lucky one to receive it. The jury members of both teams might suggest a winner for the 1.000.000 yen prize, but the final decision rests with a special council. Good Luck!

sports art contest 1 mio yen.jpg
By participating in the BOBCATS & SPARTANS Sports Fan Poster Art Contest, entrants agree to the following terms: (I) License Waiver: Participants hereby waive any claim to licensing fees for the use of their design by the Mori Fudosan Corp or its affiliates. However, creators retain moral rights to their work and will be credited appropriately.(II) Prize Delivery: The prize, a motor vehicle, will be awarded to each winner of the respective teams. Delivery of the prize will occur within one to two months following the announcement of the contest winners. (III) Submission Period: Submissions will be accepted starting from the first day of February until the end of the last day of February. (IV) Selection Process: One winner for each team (Bobcats and Spartans) will be selected. Selection will be made by an appointed jury and the winners will be announced in March. (V) Prizes: Each winner will receive a car. The monetary value of the prize will be disclosed to the winners upon selection. (VI) Announcement of Winners: Winners will be notified directly and the results will be made public in March. (VII) All entrants acknowledge that Mori Fudosan Corp, as a subsidiary of the Mori International Business Holding, reserves the right to final decision in the selection of the jury that determines the winners and distribution of prizes.(VII)The special third prize will be handed out to a single winner of a third place position. The 1.000.000 yen prize is subject to special scrutiny by a special council, determined by the local karakura business association representative.
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Level 66
By participating in the BOBCATS & SPARTANS Sports Fan Poster Art Contest, entrants agree to the following terms: (I) License Waiver: Participants hereby waive any claim to licensing fees for the use of their design by the Mori Fudosan Corp or its affiliates. However, creators retain moral rights to their work and will be credited appropriately.(II) Prize Delivery: The prize, a motor vehicle, will be awarded to each winner of the respective teams. Delivery of the prize will occur within one to two months following the announcement of the contest winners. (III) Submission Period: Submissions will be accepted starting from the first day of February until the end of the last day of February. (IV) Selection Process: One winner for each team (Bobcats and Spartans) will be selected. Selection will be made by an appointed jury and the winners will be announced in March. (V) Prizes: Each winner will receive a car. The monetary value of the prize will be disclosed to the winners upon selection. (VI) Announcement of Winners: Winners will be notified directly and the results will be made public in March. (VII) All entrants acknowledge that Mori Fudosan Corp, as a subsidiary of the Mori International Business Holding, reserves the right to final decision in the selection of the jury that determines the winners and distribution of prizes.
The hard to read section, but easy to read.

Now erik, this time you are going nuts with this and i am completly all in to see how does this ends! Thank you for doing this for the SRP community!


Level 175
if u think there gonna be an art challenge and im not going to spend day and night on it YOU ARE WRONG


Level 60
if your saying i can win a car out of this, i am getting back into doing art just for this. only way to get me to do art is via bribery..


Level 132
Thread starter
And the addition of a single secret 1.000.000 yen third prize might also boost participation! Have fun everyone!
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