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KARAKURA NEWS | Into The Cells


Level 61

Into The Cells: Are KPD Cells Better Than Before?

By: Darius Ikemori

KPD recently got an entire new building after their old building ended up collapsing to the ground for unknown reasons, but that's a story for another day. With the new building coming into play, this means brand new equipment, brand new layout, and of course, brand new KPD cells

With the new KPD cells, it raises the question for citizens and criminals alike, are the new cells better? Or worse compared to the older ones. I decided to find out for myself and go straight to KPD to visit the new cells and ask Officer Micheal Sada, a Corporal for KPD, for his opinion on the new and improved cells
Upon inspection of the cells, some differences were observed. The cells were bigger and wider compared to the older, more cramped cells in the old station. A CCTV camera is attached to the wall inside the cells now, which is something that wasn't there prior. Also, it seemed they removed the hatch which allows officers to cuff citizens and return items

When Officer Sada was asked for his opinion on the new KPD cells, he stated and I quote “I think it gives both inmates and officers a lot more space. With the new setup, we have to move inmates around a lot less which makes it easier for both parties" - Officer Sada

Though the size helps with a lot of factors such as patting down, overall inmate health and comfortability, and more space for when there are a large number of arrests and the cells need to fit two people, KPD did choose to remove the hatch which officers used to handcuff inmates while they were in the cells, pass items back to inmates, and more. I asked Officer Sada regarding this and asked how they handle this new adjustment, he stated and I quote “Pretty much, in a perfect scenario we have two officers present, one goes in to handle the inmate and the other watches the other officers back Due to the size of the cell, it gives officers a lot more room to be able to pat down, cuff, so on inside the cell. But, also often enough, we just ask the innate to approach the door and simply cuff them right there as most inmates tend to be not violent”

Besides the extra space, KPD has also finally added CCTV into the cells. This can better help catch inmates assaulting officers or potential corruption occurring in the cells. Prior, the old KPD cells didn't have any CCTV in them which would make it hard to gather evidence of assault as for officers body cameras are off in KPD. It was also hard to capture potential corruption and bribery that officers would do in the cells back in the day
But now with the addition of CCTV, this will better prevent both of those things and help officers with lawsuits and more

The question remains though overall, are they better? As someone who worked in KPD before the cell change, I would personally say yes they have improved in comfort, safety, and more. However, in the end, it's up to the inmates who have been arrested to decide if they have improved for the better or the worse

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Level 66
I am not against KPD most of the time but the fact that camera is concretly aiming to the wall where the toilet is sounds a bit suspicious for a good Police department.


Level 61
Thread starter
I am not against KPD most of the time but the fact that camera is concretly aiming to the wall where the toilet is sounds a bit suspicious for a good Police department.
Don’t question our toilet cam

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