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KARAKURA NEWS | Bear Safety 101


Level 61

BEAR SAFETY 101 - How to properly handle and understand the bears of Karakura

By: Darius Ikemori

The bears of Karakura have been the number one cause of animal-related attacks and assaults. These attacks ranged from light scratches to deadly bites and the removal of the citizen's limbs. KPD has even had to step in, and this results in killing or tranquilizing these bears. Though, what people don't realize is the true cause behind these attacks, are the citizens of Karakura
Today, we will be discussing bear safety and how to properly handle a situation regarding any sort of bear

Bacon is one of the many bears that inhabit the Karakura forest, often found in and around the bear cave, he is one of the more friendly bears in Karakura, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't have an aggressive side when aggravated. Today, Bacon will be used to demonstrate the behaviors that bear show when happy, sad, angry, and more.

*The Karakura News Department is NOT responsible for any liability/damage if some dumb kids attempt to recreate these photos*

When it comes to interacting with a bear, before you can even consider getting close you first have to identify the body language of the bear. Below is a list of the steps that one can take to ensure they will be safe

When it comes to noticing a bear in the forest, be sure to keep an eye out for a few factors such as

. If a baby cub is unattended in the forest
. If a baby cub is around a mother or papa bear
. If there are already people by the bear how the bear reacting
. EMS or KPD around the bear
. Pack of bears (more than 1)

Depending on which situation you encounter, there are a few different steps you should follow to ensure you’re safety and the safety of others in the forest

Unattended Baby Bear Interaction/Around Mama and Dada Bear:
Baby bears have been seen to be more playful than adult bears, as well as more harmless when it comes to attacks. Though this doesn't mean you arent at risk of being attacked. An unattended baby bear could mean there is an adult bear around, which if that is the case you could be at greater risk of being attacked. Being around their cub could be seen as a potential threat to their child, which if that's the case the mama or papa bear WILL act aggressively to attempt to get you away from the child. If this occurs, leave the area. Don't try to interact with the baby or mama or papa bear
If the baby bear is still alone, follow the proper steps to ensure that you are ok and safe to approach and interact with it. Those steps will be attached in the next section

Group of People Around the Bears:
Its best to examine the situation from afar before approaching it. The citizens of Karakura are nosey, especially in wildlife or injury-related situations so crowding around a bear could mean a few things. It could mean the bear is friendly and is willing to openly interact with humans, it's aggressive and humans don't want to leave it alone cause its interesting, someone is injured by the bear, and more. Because of this, it's best to stay out of the situation unless you know what the situation is at hand. If it's safe to approach the area, you may do so in a calm manner. If it seems the bear is aggressive and or overwhelmed by a variety of people, try to get some of the people away before leaving the forest. If it seems someone is injured, call 110 and report it to KPD and EMS

KPD or EMS Around the Bear:
If KPD or EMS is observed to be around the bear that could mean a few things. Either the bear is dangerous and aggressive, and KPD is needed to handle the bear for the citizen's safety, the bear or someone else is injured and EMS is required, or sometimes even both. If you do see KPD and or EMS by a bear, let them do their job. Don’t interact unless it will be beneficial for KPD

Pack of Bears:
A pack of bears is often more dangerous than a single bear, it's best to observe their behavior from afar, it's recommended NOT to approach a pack of bears no matter what as you don't know if one bear is ok with contact, while another is not. And if things were to turn for the worst, you could be going up against multiple bears

There are of course other situations you may encounter, though these are the most common ones. To sum this part up, identify where the bear is and the surroundings before the next step

Bears will show certain behaviors based on their moods and comfortability with people overall. While some bears are different, there is an overall main meaning behind some actions

A few signs or behaviors that a bear may present when they are not happy or comfortable with you approaching them are:

. Standing on hindlegs when approaching or getting closer
. Growling or yelling at you or other bears/wildlife
. Worrying expression
. Being protective of their cub by being around their cub and presenting the first two behaviors towards anyone who gets close to the cub
. Seen chasing away citizens
. Fresh blood/body

If you see these signs of behavior, DO NOT INTERACT WITH THE BEAR. These are signs that the bear is not happy nor comfortable with humans being around it as of right now, and being around it and annoying it could result in major injury

However, sometimes bears will show more passive behavior towards humans and wildlife. When these signs are observed, you may approach the bear. BUT UNDERSTAND that if any of the negative signs appear while getting closer, back away. Some of these signs include though
. Slight huffing and ‘rrr’ing. Which is a sound bear often use to simply communicate with one another
. Accepting treats such as apples, fish, oranges, and other meat or fruits

. Allows other humans to approach/has been observed to be around humans
. Slight sniffing of you
. Approaches you
. Friendly/Curious expressions

These signs are the few indications a bear is friendly enough to let you approach it and interact with it. Though remember, this is after all a wild animal and can change its mind in an instant.

After you have confirmed that the bear's behavior seems ok to approach, slowly approach the bear itself. DO NOT rush at it, nor show any signs of aggression towards it. Approach the bear slowly and calmly, making sure to leave your hands open or with items that won't be mistaken as weapons or tools that can be used to harm the bears

Remember, IF THE BEAR SHOWS ANY SIGN IN BEHAVIOR CHANGE, SLOWLY BACK AWAY AND LEAVE THE BEAR ALONE. Most often of the times attacks are caused by kids completely ignoring the bear's signals and emotions or simply still approaching it after it has changed its mind.

Once close enough, allow the bear to sniff you or offer it some sort of treat or snack as a peace offering, If it accepts, you may move to step 4. If it doesn't, stay here on step 3 and interact with the bear from a safe distance

Once you have confirmed the bear is comfortable and ok with you approaching and interacting with it, you can finally hang out around the bear! Do not touch the bears and most certainly do not attempt to ride or get atop the bears as well
You are free to hang next to the bear and around it, feeding it, talking to it, and more. Just make sure to always be wary of the behavior just in case

As stated, bears are the most common culprit behind animal-related attacks, and their attacks are no joke. People have lost their limbs, their life, their family, and friends from bear-related attacks, and 95% percent of the time these attacks are caused by citizens disturbing the bears and not listening to their signals

An interview with Masuyo Hashimoto, who has been a Senior Doctor for EMS for 11+ months. Stated that in the last 6 months, there were an estimated 20-30 cases revolving around bear injuries.
She stated that these injuries can vary, but the most severe ones include when the bears bite down on the citizens. Which can lead to puncture wounds at the VERY least. However, ist normally avulations which are described to be open wounds that expose deeper layers of skin and muscle. This alone can cause bleedout. It has also been stated that bears alone have ripped off and destroyed entire limbs, shattered and crushed bones, and more.
These injuries are all excluding the factor of infections. Bears' mouths are far from clean and can be covered in blood from other citizens, which alone we don't know what that blood could carry. As well as raw meat, bacteria, and more. All of this can lead to amputation of limbs if the infection is capable of reaching deep into the skin and muscle tissues or even the bone.
Masuyo stated and I quote "No matter the injury, anything a bear does will land you in hospital one way or another.. Whether it's a deep slash from their claus that tears through skin tissues.. Or a broken leg from a bear standing or sitting on it.. It has happened. There could even be times where the injuries caused by a bear could be so damaging, that if it were to an arm or leg, it may be beyond saving and need an emergency amputation." - Masyuo Hashimoto

Overall this gives a better idea of how dangerous bear-related injuries are. It’s potentially life threatened just to take a slash or bite from a bear, and along side that many more injuries can still occur even after the attack. An attack with a bear can be life-altering, and most of the time all of these attacks are caused by people not leaving the bears alone when they want to be left alone

What we don't notice is how many bear calls or bear situations do occur. In the last 6 months, KPD got a total of 203 bear-related calls out of a total of 9,463. Though it seems very low in compassion, you have to remember that KPD and EMS get calls about every situation in the city. And the fact that 2% of those 9000+ calls are bear calls, is a lot
To give you a visual, there have been more bear calls than powerplant calls

KPD has reported that they have had to tranq multiple bears on multiple occasions all because citizens choose to ignore the bear's behavior. Below is old footage from my bodycam where a kid kept messing with the bear and the bear ended up grabbing the kid in his mouth. The bear was tranquilized by me and the kid was taken to EMS where he had slight puncture wounds from the attack

Here is some more personal bodycam footage of when a kid chose to not leave a bear alone and give it personal space despite the bear showing clear signs of wanting to be left alone. As a result of the child's ignorance, the bear tackled him. Luckily again, I was able to tranquilize the bear before it could do any damage

But that not the ONLY footage I have, another bodycam footage shows two kids who thought it would be funny to enter the bear cave despite the bear showing aggressive territorial behavior. It should also be mentioned one of these kids ASSAULTED the bear as well and was later arrested. Why did they assault the bear you may ask? Because the bear was simply being aggressive towards their friends

This shows that this innocent bear was attacked and had to be tranquilized all because 3 kids chose to enter the bear cave despite the bear showing clear signs of being territorial and aggressive towards anyone who entered. And when he acted aggressively to protect his home, he was assaulted

This bodycam footage shows how in every situation where an aggressive bear was involved, an ignorant citizen was also directly involved as well. This goes to show how many situations KPD has to deal with regarding these bear attacks that are caused by citizens ignoring the signs of an aggressive bear.
Now it should be mentioned that these tranq darts don't cause the bears too much pain, though they can leave scars behind where the dart punctured their body

It's very easy actually, all citizens have to do is respect and acknowledge the bear's behavior and signs and know when and when not to approach and interact with a bear. Citizens ignoring these signs are the leading cause of these attacks which can be fatal. By ignoring them, you are not just putting yourself in danger, but friends, family, citizens around you, potentially KPD and EMS, and more all because they thought it would be cool to get a selfie with an angry bear

In the end, it's up to you the people to make the change. Making this change will not just lower the number of citizens who end up in the hospital, but it will also lower the number of bears being attacked and tranqed

Do you have something you'd like to report or be reported on? Call the Reporter Hotline at (020) 980-4487, message us on Onrain @KaNews, or contact me personally at 030-957-9652


Level 25
bacon is a model he's awesome guys say he's awesome SAYY ITT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Level 172
News Lead
Government Lead
You could say. Interacting with bears is.



Level 42
Community Team
Lore Team
ANOTHER W DARIUS REPORT. Maybe one-day Karakura will realize that their lives aren't a Disney movie. (I wish I could be a Disney princess :(


Level 68
Shrine Lead
Never been attacked by bears on Koizumi i don’t know why she’s a bear whisperer

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